Love at Christmas (Random Reindeer Porn)

Story by DeadlyBubble on SoFurry

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I continue my habit of horrible, unoriginal, and uninspired titles with this random reindeer story. It started out as a joke about Rudolph using his antlers to fuck Clarice, but ended up a relatively serious erotic story. The antler-fucking, sadly, did not fit the tone of the story and had to be removed. Instead you just have Rudolph and Clarice "making the beast with two backs." As always, please tell me what you liked (or didn't like) down in the comments section. Even negative feedback is appreciated.

(Disclaimer: This story contains sex between two anthro reindeer. If you are under the age of 18 or simply do not like this kind of story, do not read it.)

Rudolph, Comet, and Clarice are (c) to whoever the hell owns their IP.

As always, to skip to the fucking, press Control+F and search for "folds".

And merry Christmas everyone! Or if you don't celebrate Christmas, happy holidays!

Love at Christmas

It had been another successful Christmas Eve for Santa's team, not that it had been without problems: They'd very nearly crashed at one point due to a slip-up by Vixen. But they didn't hold it against her, Rudolph least of all, and as the reindeer stood in what they jokingly referred to as the "Stable," and removed their gear and harnesses, he gave her an assuring look. She looked away. Rudolph shrugged, sighed, and went back to taking the harness off his aching body.

The Stable had exactly 12 red-painted pens filled with hay, a remnant of times long past. Every one of Santa's team had an anthro form these days, acquired in a process none but the Big Jolly Man understood. They had one for a variety of reasons, too many to list, and one of them was to same man, or rather elf, power. They were all in their anthro forms as they removed their gear, obviously, and Rudolph was one of the first finished.

Comet, who seemed the least tired (which wasn't saying much), trotted over and put his hand on Rudolph's shoulder. "Excellent work tonight, as always, Rudolph."

Rudolph's nose seemed to get a little redder and he turned to Comet. "I wouldn't be so sure about that..."

"Take a compliment for once in your life, Red-Nose," Comet teased. Before Rudolph could reply, the buck leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Go enjoy a steamy night with Clarice, Rudolph, you've earned it."

His nose glowed in embarrassment and Comet chuckled softly and winked as he walked away. Left alone again, Rudolph quickly finished removing his gear, not wanting to keep the doe he loved waiting.

He left the Stable a short time later. The sky was clear, the night unsurprisingly chilled, and the crowd that had welcomed them back had dispersed, though there were still a few elf children and fawns lingering around, almost all of them with one or two of their parents. Most of the fawns were focused on Rudolph, the indisputable most well-known member of the team. He'd expected to be approached by a few when he went through the stable doors, but the fawns seemed put-off by his anthro form and didn't approach him. He, however, was more interested in a tan doe watching him from a ways away, eyes comfortably taking in the form she had seen intimately many times before.

Rudolph hurried over to Clarice, and the two greeted each other warmly. They exchanged few words; there was no need to do otherwise. Of all the reindeer, Clarice was the only one Rudolph felt completely comfortable around. He didn't feel the need to make small talk, or to agree with her on every little thing, he just felt a quiet heat in his chest. But even her presence couldn't distract him from his belligerent limbs, who were screaming at his brain to lay down and sleep for days.

"Do you want my company tonight, Rudolph?" asked Clarice after they spoke for a few minutes.

Rudolph thought carefully. She asked that question every Christmas Eve, and it was never easy to answer. The first time she had, he had foolishly said yes and then proceeded to fall asleep on her under a minute after they'd entered his lodgings. Every Christmas Eve after that she'd asked, and understood when he said no so he wouldn't repeat the mistake. Ever since the first one he'd declined every time, but she always asked anyways. Usually Christmas night would be the wild one, as the two made up for the lack of each other's company the night before.

This time, however, he felt less exhausted than after any other flight. He might have just enough energy to treat her right. "Yes, love," said Rudolph. "No promises I won't fall asleep on you again, though."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that; I'll keep you awake," said Clarice softly with a giggle.

Rudolph eagerly, or rather as eagerly as a reindeer that had just finished hours of flight could, led his mate to the team's lodgings. The building looked something like an overly large and elongated cottage, but inside it was as homey as, well, a home.

Inside, they stood in a red-carpeted hall with a series of doors on either side, having not entered through the front way. The hall was empty, all of the other reindeer were probably in their rooms by now. Rudolph looked away as Clarice took the opportunity to shift into her own anthro form, like any creature inside Santa's buildings could (he didn't want to make them to feel excluded, after all!)

Rudolph had been something of a runt when he'd joined the team, but had grown to be the median of the team when it came to size these days. His anthro form reflected this. Clarice hadn't grown much, however, and as an anthro stood several inches shorter than him. Her tan-furred and cream-bellied form was thin and a bit of a contrast to the tight musculature Rudolph had developed. She had pert breasts and fur that almost shined in the hall's lamp-light. Her hind legs had remained mostly the same in shape, but her forelegs had shifted to become arms, and her forehooves had become furred hands with hoof-like fingertips. The red-nosed reindeer's eyes automatically avoided certain...areas. In feral forms, you didn't see those parts of a reindeer unless you were looking for them, but anthro forms were kind of...lewd. Nonetheless, he smiled softly and nodded in approval after nearly spacing out from how tired he was.

Rudolph put Clarice's hand in his and took her to his quarters, opening the door and entering without turning on the lights. The room was barely visible. The only light besides what was coming from the hallway was moonlight flitting in from a window and the glow of Rudolph's own nose.

The reindeer did not sleep on beds. Rudolph had tried it once and it was so strange to be feet off the ground, on something unnaturally soft, that he couldn't sleep that night until he took the blanket and slept on the floor. Instead, his 'bed' was a large pile of fluffy pillows and smooth, soft blankets that he could curl up in the middle of like a dog. On Christmas Eve after the flight, however, he usually just shambled over, fell into it, closed his eyes, and that was that. He nearly did that now. In his enervated stupor, he even fell into the 'bed' before he realized what he was doing.

Rudolph rolled over onto his back, looking over at Clarice in what was almost fear, but she wasn't offended. The doe just giggled again and shut the door, putting nearly the entire room in darkness. In fact, the only part that could still be seen was Rudolph's 'bed.' Clarice crept over to him, her hoofsteps nearly silent in the soundless air of the night. The other reindeer, equally as tired as Rudolph, were likely all already asleep. Rudolph and Clarice were essentially alone in the lodgings.

She slipped down onto the 'bed' and cuddled up to Rudolph, electricity running through him at the feeling of her fur against his. They both knew where this night was going, but weren't in much of a hurry to get there. Rudolph thought about turning towards her but was almost too tired to do even that, and he'd be needing what energy he had later on. Clarice, for her part, noticed this quickly and moved her upper body over him. Immediately, half her face was cast in moonlight, as a warm smile was on her muzzle and in her eyes.

He reached a hand up and caressed the sweet doe's chin. She enjoyed his touch and leaned down, licking the side of his muzzle. He put his other hand around her and tried to pull her down but was much too weak to actually manage it. She obliged him anyways and pressed herself down against the buck. He felt her nipples against his chest but ignored them, there'd be plenty of time for things like that later. Rudolph began rubbing her back gently since he was too exhausted to do it faster. Clarice let out an approving sound and shifted the rest of her body on top of him and her slit was rubbing against his sheath. He started to moan, but was cut off when she pressed her lips against him and her tongue poked at his mouth. He parted his jaws and let her in. There was a swelling in his crotch that he ignored to focus on Clarice, watching her loving expression in the soft red glow of his nose. Their tongues battled in their mouths, fighting to conquer each other's maw. As they did, one of Clarice's hands supported her at Rudolph's side while the other drifted down and grasped at the tip of his emerging member, running circles around the tip as she ground her lips against his sheath and balls.

Rudolph's shaft was long with a tapered tip, colored a bright cherry red, and decently-sized if he said so himself. But that wasn't the most noticeable part. The room had a new glow. Rudolph, a virgin through and through, had had no idea his nose wasn't the only part of him bright as a light bulb until he had first mated with Clarice. He'd been so ashamed after she laughed when she first saw it, and it'd taken her a fourth of an hour to convince him she found it funny because it was cute. He was comfortable with it now, and felt only love and pleasure as she stroked and ground his shaft to full mast, the glow on their bellies kindling as they continued to twirl tongues.

Finally, she pulled her muzzle away from him and sat perpendicular to Rudolph, pulling her hand away from his cock and leaving him panting from the length of their kiss. She didn't stop grinding against him, however, and shifted so her cunt was rubbing along his shaft. She brought the hand that had been stroking him up to her mouth and licked Rudolph's musky fluids from it while looking at him the entire time, making the red-nosed buck's heart flutter.

Then she moved it back down, rubbing Rudolph's chest as she whispered, "I've loved you for so long, Rudolph, ever since the day I met you. Even at that time, I always knew you were something else. And now I get to be the lucky mate of a reindeer that brings joy to millions of children worldwide..."

"Not to sound cliché or boring," said Rudolph, feeling the need to preface what he was about to say, "but I'm the lucky one. Without you...I'm sure I never would have gotten on Santa's team in the first place."

Clarice smiled and moved her paw back down to grasp his shaft again. "Let's just-" she positioned his tip at her folds, "-agree to disagree on that." She pressed herself down onto him, the tapered tip slowly spreading her as she did. Rudolph didn't watch. His eyes were locked on his mate, watching her mouth fall open ever so slightly, and her eyes open and close slowly as she basked in that familiar pleasure of mating. He loved that look on her... On nights when he was less tired, he would take the pleasure of pleasuring her, ravaging her insides with his tongue and enjoying making her cum all over his face. Sadly, he was too tired for the now and Clarice was doing all the work by impaling herself, inch by inch, on his long, glowing length.

She paused when she'd pushed about half of it in, panting and breathing heavily. As she did, Rudolph noticed his arms were at his sides. He hadn't meant to stop rubbing her back, but his hands had anyways; yet another sign of how tired he was. He placed them on her hips instead, stroking her sides encouragingly. Clarice started again, pushing a couple more inches in before she lifted herself until just the tip remained inside.

"I feel like I should make a candy cane joke here," said Clarice, "but I just want all of you inside me."

A good choice. Delirious as he was, Rudolph probably would have thought she actually wanted him to shove a candy cane up her snatch. Clarice shoved herself back down and they moaned as she forced all the way down, pushing more and more of the red reindeer cock inside of her until their crotches were grinding together. Her insides were silky, hot, wet. They gripped his long length and massaged it as thoroughly as any hands or mouth could. She held him like that for a time, adjusting to his full size and using her muscles to ensure he still had constant stimulation.

With the glowing cock entirely inside her, a dim glow could be seen coming from her lower stomach (something Clarice found endlessly amusing). The doe lifted herself back up, exposing the majority of the shaft to the cool air. In the light of his nose and cock, Rudolph could see dribbles of pre coming from her cunt, along with streams of the doe's own wetness. He looked back up at her. She smiled. Their expressions of love and passion were the only communication the mates needed now, and Clarice forced herself back down in response to Rudolph's unspoken request. And then she repeated the motion and they both shivered.

They, or rather Clarice, got into a steady pace, using Rudolph's length almost like it was a dildo. The room was soon filled with their grunts and moans. Rudolph was focusing on Clarice's emissions, taking joy in every pleasured sound that came from her muzzle. Her moans and various other cute sounds had always been his favorite part of sex. Hearing her enjoying it so much just made him feel proud and warm inside... He found his hips giving little thrusts up with energy he didn't know he had: Even in anthro form, some instincts were still powerful. He tried to keep his hands going, stroking and squeezing and groping her bouncing hips. One of them went back and played with her fluffy tail, stroking a hoof-like fingertip around the base of her tail. She squeaked and rewarded him with a particularly strong thrust down, chuckling when Rudolph involuntarily thrust too and moaned loudly.

It was good that the other reindeer were asleep, otherwise Rudolph would have been hearing all about how loud they'd been tomorrow, and that was not something he wanted to experience again. But even an air horn couldn't wake all of the other reindeer now, and the lovers took advantage of that to be as loud as they wanted. Both panted, tongues peeking from their maws and eyes locked in a warm gaze between them while they mated. When they fucked, it wasn't out of desire or instinct, but out of passion. For them, it was about making their mate moan and have to muffle a scream when they came, rather than worrying about their own pleasure. And so Rudolph was sad that he didn't have the energy to do more than stroke her sensitive tailbase and give quick but weak thrusts every time she went down on him.

Rudolph was panting heavily, his body hot from the mating. Feral reindeer couldn't sweat, but anthro ones could. Rudolph and Clarice's glossy coats glistened in the moonlight, and the red-nosed reindeer thought she looked even more beautiful this way: Eyes aglow with love, body trembling from pleasure, and her fur shining as a sign of the furor of their coupling. Just looking at her when she was like this, shuddering in ecstasy, doubled Rudolph's pleasure and almost put him over the edge much too soon. But he barely held his climax off, letting the knot in his loins continue to tighten and tighten as time went on. His nose was glowing much brighter now, brighter than the moonlight. Rudolph only cared because it made it easier to see Clarice's face contort in pleasure.

He moved his hands away from her backside. She whined at the removal of his touch but cut off when he grasped her again, this time placing his hands on her breasts. One in each hand, he groped and kneaded them, rubbing his palms against her nipples. She let out something that sounded like a mixture of a moan and the red-nosed reindeer's name. Rudolph chuckled. She was always so adorable when she was like this...

Her pace became rapid as he kept stimulating her breasts. The pleasure of her insides on him was dizzying. He had to fight to keep focus on making her enjoy it as much as possible. Then she surprised him by shifting positions, pressing her chest and stomach against his own and nearly trapping his hands in the process. He moved them just in time, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her even closer to him and making her nipples rub against his chest with every thrust.

She didn't slow down at all, and Rudolph was surprised when she even increased her pace. Her body moved feverishly, hips rolling as she pulled only a quarter of his length out before shoving it right back in again. His cock was letting out pre at an almost constant rate now, and Rudolph was still trying to hold off his climax, cock throbbing needfully, the knot in his loins so tight it almost hurt, and his peak was inexorably approaching. Release would be sweet and powerful. But he had to hold it off so he could cum with his mate. He had never left her unsatisfied before and he didn't intent to start now.

Rudolph could tell Clarice was close herself. Her snatch was dripping all over his crotch, and more than a little of their combined fluids had fallen to stain the pillows and blankets beneath them. Her body shook almost constantly above him. Her mouth was letting out what sounded like gibberish but was really an assortment of moaned swear words and Rudolph's name about every other thrust. Her eyes had closed to help her work, her hips keeping up the sexy rolling motion that brought them both so much joy.

"Clarice... I'm... You're going to make me..." Rudolph attempted to warn her and did admirably, given his current state.

"Come on, Rudolph," said Clarice, her voice nearly breaking as she kept forcing his shaft in and out of her, "give it to me. You have one last present to deliver tonight..."

They continued for a few seconds, their hips meeting on every downward motion, before the doe slammed herself down and clamped her lips around the very base of his shaft as tight as a seal. His nose's light grew and grew until it was bright enough that they both had to shut their eyes. Clarice forced him into a passionate kiss and he eagerly complied, her tongue invading his muzzle while he was unprepared. They moaned into each other's mouths as Rudolph's cock twitched and warmth erupted from his tip. His seed came out in powerful spurts, spreading heat around inside of Clarice and combining with her own juices as the doe came as well. It was a wonderful release. His balls clenched powerfully with each strong shot of reindeer cum inside her. Yet even in orgasm he kept listening to her, hearing her let out moan after moan, one for every spurt of his creamy sperm. Her body shuddered like she was freezing. Her snatch kept clamping down on him as if afraid he would pull out, and she made sure to milk him for every drop she could, letting all of the white fluid pool inside her.

And then it was over. Clarice pulled her tongue from Rudolph's muzzle and collapsed on top of him, his shaft still leaking cum slowly as he watched her wallow in the afterglow. She had a content look on her face, her eyes staring off into space as she had a weak smile on her muzzle. She seemed almost as tired as Rudolph now, and let out occasional sounds of satisfaction as they lay there. They cuddled like that and before they both knew it, they were asleep, thoroughly enervated of energy by their last act of the day.

And in the adjacent room, Comet chuckled and grinned. He wondered if tomorrow he should tell Rudolph that he had heard everything... Nah, he'd just tell all of the other reindeer about it and watch how things turned out. The poor red-nosed buck would be hearing about it for months!