Life's Pains (Part 9)

Story by Ollie the Otter on SoFurry

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Life's Pains Part 9 Final

Author's note: Alright this is the last part in the Life's Pains series. I know it wasn't great since it's my first series but I hope you guys liked the adventure this story took you on and that some of you learned some valuable life lessons. I know a lot of furs that will be very excited to see this up. My parents are at yoga so if I hurry, I can get this part up before they get home. If not I can store it somewhere they can't find it. Alright I'll shut up and start writing. Enjoy! :)

I woke up in a sort of drowsy haze. I looked around with blurry vision before it cleared and I remembered last nights events. I looked down and realized John was cuddling against my chest with his cock still limp inside me. I guess my movements woke him up and he opened his eyes slowly and yawned in the incredibly cute way that only John can manage. He finally seemed to notice I was there smiling at him. He smiled back and gave me a kiss. "Hi there sexy." I hadn't realized how much I loved hearing his voice. "Hi." I said back. "You wanna see if your knot died down?" I asked with a quiet chuckle. He summoned up the effort to get up on his hands and knees and slowly drew himself out of me. I was almost dissapointed when he was all the way out because it felt like John had become a part of me. He stood up and looked at me expectantly. I gave a groan and sat up with a bit of effort. John smirked at me and said, "Come on. Let's go get something to eat."

John helped me up and we both got dressed with some difficulty since we were still trying to wake up. I realized I couldn't remember where I had left my crutches so I used John for support as we walked out into the hall. Granted it took us a little bit to find the kitchen and when we did, Amy and Xander were sitting at the table eating. Xander noticed us walk in and said, "Come over and sit down!" So John helped me sit down and took his spot next to me at the table. At that moment I realized 2 things. 1, I remembered my crutches were laying next to the bed in the bedroom and 2, I looked down and noticed there were eggs, bacon, and biscuits sitting on the table for me and John.

I looked up with a grateful smile and said, "Thanks Xander. Thanks Amy." they nodded back in turn. "Honestly I had nowhere else to turn and you guys took us in so if you need any favor, just tell us and we'll try to deliver." Xander looked embarrassed like he didn't want to admit that he had helped us but he simply said, "You're welcome Alpha." I looked past him out the window behind him and noticed what a beautiful day it was. Ironically there was a rainbow in the sky which made me smile. Suddenly I began to notice different things I wouldn't normally notice. Like the way the dew drops from last night's storm (Yes there was a storm after me and John fell asleep). Or the birds that would fly by the window singing beautiful songs. I could feel myself starting to really appreciate life and it's up's and down's after the trials I had been through.

I stood up and took John by the paw. "Let's go outside for a little bit." Xander and Amy looked at each other knowingly. "Ok have fun you two!" Amy said in a sing song tone. I looked back at John as we walked towards the front door and smiled wider than I had ever smiled before. He smiled right back and caught up with me as we opened the door and passed through into the world outside.

Me and him sat down on the porch in silence, paw in paw. John looked at me and said, "You think we'll be ok Alpha?" I could practically feel him looking to me for guidance. I took one breath and said, "Yeah. I think everything is going to be ok John." I turned and kissed him with all the love I had for this beautiful fox that I loved so much. I broke the kiss and said, "Everything will be just fine." He gave me a smile that made my heart fill up with so much love I felt it would burst, and kissed me. We slid sideways to the porch floor. Side-by-side we declared right there and then that we would love each other to the end of our days. Through sickness and health. Through good times and especially the bad times.

If you read this and think love is impossible for you, never give up hope. Keep looking and I'll guarantee that you'll find that special someone. I hope you enjoyed the telling of this story and remember, love is never impossible.