NSFW example

Story by Pondurr on SoFurry

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I take commissions, something like this for 5 dollars (soon to be ten, come get them while the deal is still going on!)

Three years had passed since Evander had met Versai, and he was finally old enough to really show how he felt about the older Tibumeru. Versai had always refused intimacy because the younger male was underage, no matter how much Evander gave her that cutesy look of his, he had never managed to allow it to happen; he had just now turned eighteen, and that meant it was time to pounce, but Versai was already way of him, as he would soon find out.

He though that he was the one laying the trap, sneaking into Versai's cave late in the night, hoping to get the proverbial jump on her, but he forgot that Tibumeru don't sleep enough for such things as being sneaked up on. Versai pounced on him when he wasn't even all the way inside. A loud squeal made it out from between his teeth as he looked up at Versai, wondering why she had done such a 'cruel' thing. That was, he did until he saw the almost predator-like smile on her face, and he found himself trembling, wondering what exactly she had planned. "Uh. Versai, you wanna, get off of me?" he asked delicately, choosing his words carefully.

"Mmmm. Those words are involved, not in that order. Shut up, it's time for a game," Versai replied, pulling her younger lover up without any sort of warning, dragging him into the inner confines of the cave, and throwing him back onto the floor, no ceremony of loving behavior spared for him, before wandering over to to pick up some 'treasure' in the form of a nice gag and some ropes, and a very pretty dress. So, okay, only one of those could really be considered a treasure, but the other two were for her greatest treasure, so it didn't really matter. She saw a puzzled look on her lover's face, mixed with a pleading 'no' face. "Oh don't give me that look, you'll love it," she scoffed.

She slid the gag over Evander's mouth first before unceremoniously yanking the little amount of clothing covering his chest off, before shoving the dress onto him, not bothering with the pants at this point in time, preoccupied with getting the dress on. At another whimper from Evander, Versai rolled her eyes. "Would you stop that-- oh, you like it then huh?" she said, noticing a very, faint blush on his face, and the lust in his eyes. "You know I'm only putting this stuff on you so I can take it off later, right, don't you get too excited yet," Versai said, adding in her head that she didn't want anything premature happening.

Once the dress, a tight fitting, thin lacy thing that really could hardly be called a dress, was on, Versai's attention shifted to yanking off Evander's pants, holding up a pair of panties that had a heart on the front. "I saw these and thought of you," she said, swishing her tail back and forth, before reaching underneath his dress once again to give the boy's boxers a tug before he was stopped by a noise and a pleading 'please no' look, again, from Evander. "I see I'm going to have to tie you up too then," was her only response, which got another head shake from the male. Also ignored. Versai tightly bound the male's wrists, not telling him that he could just as easily break the bonds as keep them on.

Now she could continue with her mission. She pulled his normal boxers off, and replaced them with the also barely-concealing underwear. "Now what do I with my little tied up princess?" she asked. "How about a little strip tease?" she added, pulling her shirt off, her breasts falling free, as she didn't wear a bra with such a tight outfit on, and the skirt went with it, as she sat back on the floor next to her little lover. Evander was even smaller than that short asshole Ray, but it looked cute on Evander, while it just made Ray even more annoying somehow. She placed a kiss onto Evander's neck before letting her fingers trail down to the ribbons that covered the front of the dress and kept it held to together. Ironically this dress was meant for sex, it was called 'lingerie' by the humans, and she had bought this for only that silly little shiny red thing the man had called a 'ruby' whatever that meant. To her, it was a good deal, since she had so many shiny rocks already.

Evander gave his lover an exasperated look as she seemed to get distracted by his clothing, and he desperately wanted to break the rules and touch her. So he did. He pulled at the arm bonds as hard as he could until the broke and slid the gag off of his lips before grabbing Versai's shoulders and slamming her down onto the bed, before kissing her hard on the lips. If he had learned anything in the past three years, it was to take what he wanted when he wanted it, and what he wanted right now was to get Versai back for all that she had done to him that night, even if he had never done anything at all like this before. He snapped both sides of the elastic holding her panties up, before lowering himself to bite on her neck with harsh nips. One hand traveled back up her body to play with her nipples, the other nearing the point of no return.

Suddenly Versai grabbed him and stopped him from continuing to give him one last bit of motherly advice. "You know once we do this there's no going back, right? We will be mated for life," she said looking at him with a very serious look in her eyes.

"Yes I'm aware, I'm in a fucking dress, there was no going back THEN," he replied before shoving a finger inside of her to emphasis his words, assuming Versai was arching out of pleasure after that since they couldn't feel pain after all. He worked slowly, not even sure what he was doing as he explored her body, consistently playing with the areas that seemed to give her the most pleasure, a small nub, and a strange, spongy thing that he could feel inside her. She seemed to be patiently waiting for him to get adjusted, rather than the other way around, but finally she seemed to have enough of the waiting, and shoved her hips up onto the finger, impaling herself further.

"I'm not glass, you're not going to break me. More. Harder. FASTER," she snarled in his ear fin, biting it almost too roughly, causing him to jump before quickening the pace of his fingers inside the now very wet place between her legs, and moving from biting her neck to lightly licking at her right nipple, an action that he really didn't know why he was preforming, since she wasn't his mother or anything, but it seemed to please her as she shot up again with a rather loud moan. "God why are you so fucking slow, get the fuck up here," she snapped again, before the dark haired boy complied.

"What, didn't you like what I was doing?" Evander asked, sulking ever so slightly as he pulled his fingers away from that warm area, that he had begun to call her core in his head, as it felt like it was the warmest part of her, the heat inside being something that he wasn't used to, and he wondered why the feeling didn't bother him, as heat normally sent Tibumeru running for the hills.

"Not that stupid, you're wearing too much clothing, I want you to fuck me, and you can't do that in a dress," she said back as she pulled on more of the ribbons, freeing him quickly from the dress so that now he was only sitting in panties across from her. "Those, however can stay, they're hot," she said, pulling his hand away before Evander could pull off the underwear. He just frowned at her before surrendering his hold on the panties. She just smiled back.

Versai pulled down the underwear that held his erection in just enough to let it spring free from its confines. "Wow these things look even weirder in person," she admitted, pulling her hand over it, causing Evander to jump. He was average sized, maybe even slightly big for being a very short guy, but it was far from unmanageable. Versai only pulled on it a few times before laying back and looking at Evander with an inviting look. "Come on, I know you're not really shy, now stick it in," she said, before getting impatient once again and pulling him over so that he was crouched over her.

Evander had never felt so many things at once as he pulled Versai closer so that the were chest to chest, and face to face, her hips circling his own, knees bent. It only took him a moment to figure out how the best way to go about this was, and that was to slowly guide himself in. For something that had started very kinky, the, actual sex seemed to be less so, well, minus the girly panties anyway. Evander was brought back to his senses by a sharp intake of breath from Versai. "OH! Did I hurt you?" he asked.

"No. Don't stop either, it feels goooooood," Versai moaned as her lover continued to push his way through to a position that felt more natural. Once he was all the way in, he realized how much this actually meant for both of them. Sex was like the Tibumeru version of a wedding, it was binding, and as of now they were officially bound for life.

"I love you," he cooed to her, only to feel a scratch at his back, trying to force him in deeper, that or get him to move, but either way, Versai got her wish as Evander jumped and somehow managed to impale himself deeper within her, and at the same time began to actually move. At first it was a lot more awkward than it was sexually exciting as they tried to find a rhythm that would work for them. Even though they were both virgins, Evander tended to follow Versai's lead a little bit, moving depending on the sounds that she made, but that didn't last forever.

For a change of pace, Evander changed the angle, and as he slid in, Versai let out a very loud moan that 'disturbed the force' and caused Evander to pause again, but not for long, especially when he figured out the change of angle was what elicited the noise. Once he figured out why she made the noise, he did it again, another moan. And so began the very slow teasing of that spot. What Evander didn't expect was when Versai's entire body went rigid, and she tightened up over him, before relaxing, trembling all over, the muscles inside quaking in quivering in an almost completely different rhythm from the rest of her body.

As she relaxed after coming down from the surge of that wonderful feeling Versai reached up to pull Evander down and kiss him. Because both of them were panting, the kiss was rather sloppy, and was broken entirely as Evander sat up below his love, pulling her legs up onto his shoulders so that it would feel less awkward. With the change in position, there was a lot of change in the surge of emotions between the two of them. Everything felt more frantic than it had been moments before, as a pressure in Evander began to build higher and higher, and he wondered f this was the feeling that Versai had displayed earlier.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to do this much longer," he said as he looked down at Versai, who nodded up at him, as if understanding exactly what he was talking about. And that led to another change in position, as Evander allowed Versai's legs to fall from his shoulders as he pulled her up to kiss him again. "You look so beautiful right now," he said quietly, before he kissed her again, touching her face tenderly, the kiss much softer than all of the ones that had come before it.

"Stop... being so mushy," Versai said, slamming down to meet Evander on the next thrust, even though that wasn't really how she felt. All of the emotions that surged into her from his side did seem to be very mushy, but secretly she liked it, being able to be the one who controlled the whole relationship between the two of them. At one point Evander paused again, wanting to say something, but Versai cut him off. "Save it until after" she said, feeling that tightness that had come before she had spazzed before, and she could feel Evander faltering in his movements, and somehow knew it was because of the same reason.

The pace Evander gave out was a lot more quick now, the pace becoming more erratic with each pass. He knew was close to some sort of 'release', and the way that Versai was digging into his back with her nails told him that she was feeling it too, and then he lost control entirely. The pace was brutal now as Evander inched ever closer to the end of his rope. He soon found out what exactly the end of his rope was like as his entire body went rigid, before all of his muscles began to spasm at once, and a warm feeling he'd been having in his gut spread out, and to his very great surprise, he felt something warm coming from him and spreading inside Versai as he slowed.

As he calmed down, he could feel the muscles from inside her body clenching again, and he hoped it was from the same thing that had happened earlier. "Ah... are you okay?" he asked again, as he slowly removed himself from her body, wondering if he had hurt her as he laid down next to her to cuddle against her. Sure he had been looking for this to happen since he had turned eighteen, but he could still worry about whether or not she was hurt. He ran a hand over her before circling his arms around her waist, not realizing he was still wearing those panties until he brushed up against her. It didn't take him long to get those off.

Versai cuddled against her mate, spooning him rather than him spooning her. "I'm fine, perfectly fine," she said, rubbing her cheek into his. Sex was something that she had wanted from Evander since they had been together, but due to him having only been sixteen when they had met, it had been far too inappropriate, and now she was actually glad that she had waited, otherwise it wouldn't have been as special, and she wouldn't have felt as special as she did now, and she knew that he felt the same way about it, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"You know... now I see why we choose to mate for life," Evander mumbled, curling back into Versai. "That really wares you out, all I want to do now is sleep it off," he said as he laid his head on the floor. They hadn't even bothered going any deeper into the cave than the mouth of it, and it was a wonder nobody came swimming past.

"Mmm... maybe, go to sleep you, I'm tired of listening to you chatter," she said as as she used her lover's back as a pillow. She snuggled gently into him as his breath began to even out. "Silly little fish boy," she muttered, pushing the hair out of his eyes as he fell asleep. Her own eyes closed, and soon she was quite asleep and off to mystic dreamland.