What dreams consist of

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Inspired by a dream I had. Warning: Features cub, castration, and violence

Bogdan, a husky cub with all black fur excluding his torso, abdomen, the tips of his ears and tail which were white, had big green eyes and dressed in loose-fitting, large sweatpants, heart-decorated boxers, and a soft-as-silk Rise Against extra-large T-shirt. The plump little boy hated going to the Burlaughly Academy, a school for kids who wanted to do the same jobs as their parents. His reason for being at the Academy was that he wanted to be a teacher like his parents.

He sat at a table in the cafeteria, a book in one hand and a peanut-butter-banana sandwich in the other. Bogdan loved to read and stopped by the school's library every few days, normally getting three books at a time. The male was just finishing his sandwich when his name was called to go to Room 481. His first thoughts were on why the veterinary class would need him but he decided he'd find out soon enough.

Seeing as the cafeteria was on the same floor as the room, it only took him a couple minutes to get there. When he entered, he found that Mr. Barligson, the only human teacher in the school, was teaching his students what neutering was. Mr. Barligson turned to see the male come in and smirked.

"Hello Bogdan. Strip to your underwear and lay on the table please."

"Why exactly?"

"Just do it! I'm the teacher, you're the student, and you do what I say!"

Bogdan sighed softly and stripped down to his loose boxers and got on the table. He laid back, blushing at the feel of the cold metal against his back. "S-So why am I here?"

"Easy, you're my test subject."

"Test subject?! I don't want to be a test subject!"

"Quiet," said Mr. Barligson as he strapped the boy's wrists and ankles to the table.

The little male squirmed and thrashed to no avail. He cried and screamed, "Help! Rape," when the teacher pulled down his boxers exposing his small sheath and sack. Barligson smiled and picked up a scalpel. He placed it between the plump boy's waistline and sheath and made a careful horizontal incision through the muscle there. Bogdan screamed in pain and twitched slightly. He bled from the fresh wound. The blood ran over his legs and down into buckets. Barligson stuck his paw in the incision which made Bogdan scream loud as tears rolled down his cheeks. The 'surgeon' grabbed his vas deferens and cut through them. The jolt of the nerves being cut made Bogdan reach soprano. His eyes rolled back as he fell unconscious.

He was woken when paramedics moved him onto a stretcher. He couldn't help but groan. His body ached and he was noticeably weaker.

"Shh, you'll be at the hospital soon bud. Whoever did this to you wasn't around when we got here. But that teacher that found you did his best to keep that cut from getting infected. He did a damn good job of stitching you up. He said he was Mr. Barligson."

Bogdan's eyes widened at the male's name and looked down to see that he was still naked. "M...My...clothes...where are...they," he asked with labored breathing.

"We have them in a bag. You'll get them when we're done making sure there's no infection and giving you some more blood." The medic, a red fox with narrow sky blue eyes, stuck a needle into Bogdan's arm and injected anesthetic into the male's bloodstream.

When he woke, Bogdan was in a hospital room by himself with a dull ache in his groin. The nurse, a female orange tabby with small yellow eyes, sitting in the chair next to his bed rubbed his head. "Hey little guy, glad to see you're okay." Bogdan tried to speak up but his voice came out in a hoarse whisper. The nurse leaned in to hear him repeat himself and got up to get the doctor, a German and Australian Sheppard mix with a graying muzzle. The little male cried as the pain medication wore off. The doctor came in and crouched next to the boy. "Hey little guy, I'm Doctor Murphy. I have some bad news. You're baby making parts, the parts in that little thing under your, er, area have been cut and we can't reattach them so you're going to not be able to have children. Anyway, can you tell us who did that to you or who your parents are?"

Bogdan just cried and looked for something to comfort him. He found a teddy bear that he had in his back pack in case he needed it. It had been with him since he was a baby. The doctor sighed. "Well, I'll come back when you're ready to talk." He left. The day seemed to take forever to get over with ending with Bogdan finally talking to the nurse. However, his parents never came to see him and he was back at school the next day.

He made it to lunch when a few bullies came along. They had heard how he was neutered. "So, you're a girl now are you? That means you can be our bitch," one of the three said and shoved him. He tripped and his food went flying. He felt another bully tug his pants down and take ahold of his underwear. That's when he lost it.

The little male grabbed his pants and rolled over. He kicked two of the bullies in the knees and took a fork and knife from one of the trays and shoved the fork into the bully on the left's right hand and the knife into the bully on the right's left hand. He laughed as they screamed. He turned to the one that had shoved him and growled. That one ran off screaming without putting up a fight.

Bogdan was teased all day, causing him to cry every now and then. The kids were relentless and it was exhausting. He was walking home when Mr. Barligson pulled up and started to laugh at him. Barligson always had a scalpel with him so when Bogdan grabbed the man and pulled him out through the window, it was no surprise that the man would use that as a weapon. Barligson slashed Bogdan's cheek, which only made him pissed off even more. The small male pulled down Barligson's pants and underwear, took the scalpel forcefully and laughed as he castrated the teacher. He shoved the sack into Barligson's screaming mouth and smirked when he saw a steam roller. He got in it and used it to crush the man's legs. Barligson screamed louder, soon choking on his own sack. Bogdan was caught by a policeman who ended up knocked out by his own pistol. The child fired two shots into the Barligson's groin and walked off, finally content.