New Recruits

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#5 of Seeds of Change

It seems like something is happening to Leon and Kale. Also, the two men admit their feelings towards each other. Meanwhile something ancient has awoken...

...New Recruits...

How long had it been since Cane and Stag had started their transformation? Neither male could remember, but for the last week they had been slowly teaching Leon and Kale how to grow plants and care for the growing grass and water-trees. At first the two humans had been reluctant to listen to Stag as he guided them through learning how to listen to the growing plants.

Stag, it seemed, seemed to grow more like his pine-wolf children every day. By the end of the week he had grown a long vine-tail covered in thick needle-fur. Stag also walked around on all fours more often than on two legs. Cane was slightly different from his mate. His feet seemed to shift into soft cloven hooves instead of paws. He also sprouted a moss-furred tail that looked a lot like the tails of the goats.

Kale was the first to start referring to Stag as a satyr and Cane as a faun. Leon hadn't approved of the names, but they had stuck regardless. After only a week the bright green grass covered most of the ranch. Groves of water trees created shallow pools of water that the four residents of the ranch used for bathing and playing in.

When the water trader returned a few days later he was chased off by the plant beasts, but oddly enough nobody really minded. Kale and Leon were busy helping spread grass and trees, but they also tended to their own trees. Kale's tree, it turned out, was a beautiful willow tree, and Leon's was an elm. It seemed odd to the two men that they had planted apple seeds, but were growing different trees altogether. Stag explained that the trees were unique because Kale and Leon were helping them grow. It wasn't the best explanation, but it almost made sense... almost.

It was on the morning of the second week of their stay on the ranch that Leon and Kale approached Stag and Cane who had been sleeping in the grassy fields. "Master Stag," Leon said seriously as he paused a few feet away from the slumbering best and his smaller mate. Cane woke first and emerged from his mate's shaggy chest-fur. As Cane stepped onto the grass flowers sprouted at his feet. His beautiful emerald green hair and fur was quite a welcome sight for the two humans. They had come to care for Cane as if he was their brother.

"What's wrong Leon, Kale?" Cane said as he walked towards the two humans. He could sense that something was troubling them.

Leon looked at Kale nervously and then removed his shirt. Cane quickly recognized the familiar sparse scattering of green hairs growing on Leon's chest. Kale followed his companion's example and showed Cane his own bare chest. Kale was sprouting slightly thicker wooden hairs that looked more like the hair Cane had on his head. Kale also had some long wooden strands in his head hair. These wooden hairs looked suspiciously like willow branches to Cane. The strands even had small leaves growing on them now. "What the hell is happening to us Cane?" Leon asked angrily.

Cane was about to speak, but Stag rumbled a reply first. "You are starting to embrace your place in nature." Stag rumbled as he stood up to look at the two humans. Even on all fours Stag towered over the humans and his mate. His canine-shaped wolf head was topped by two branches that looked like antlers. Currently the antlers were filled with oak leaves and acorns, but the antlers didn't always grow oak leaves. "This is because, inside your hearts, you have chosen to stay here and learn from us."

"H... how did you know we decided to stay?" Kale asked and looked from Leon to Stag in shock.

Cane chuckled at the question. "You both have strong young trees now, but you never once asked us if you could leave. The wolves no longer guard you, so you could have left at any time."

Stag nodded as he reached up with one of his paws and plucked an acorn from his antlers. "I believe it's time you two showed us everything you've learned." Stag handed the acorn to Leon who looked at it in confusion.

Kale pointed at the grassy ground beneath their feet and Leon shrugged as he stooped and pushed the seed into the moist earth. Leon put his hands over the seed and concentrated. He had his eyes closed until Kale put his hands over Leon's. "Kale..." Leon said and blushed.

Cane laughed as he too stooped and put his mossy green hand over Kale's. Finally Stag placed one huge paw over all of their hands. "Concentrate brothers," Stag rumbled as he closed his eyes and focused his strange plant energy down through the three males and into the earth. It took the combined energy of all four males, but eventually the seed sprang to life. They all stepped away and watched as the sprout shot into the air and began to stretch towards the sun. In a few minutes the tree was a healthy young oak, and then it grew larger, thicker, stronger. Each minute was like a year to the growing plant. Before a half hour had passed the huge oak was sheltering the four creatures below its branches.

"That was amazing! I've never seen this kind of tree before!" Kale said in shock.

"This is an oak tree," Stag rumbled as he led the three males away from the towering wooden tree. It wasn't until the four males were a ways from the tree that Stag continued speaking. "Over the last week I have been meditating on the state of the world. I believe that, in the years before our own time, mankind created something that was responsible for the complete destruction of nature and the environment. Now something ancient and primal has awoken inside us four. It's time for us to look to the future and cultivate a new age for this planet."

"But... aren't there other forests and grassy plains beyond the wastes?" Kale asked nervously.

Stag shook his head and looked down at the grass at their feet. "No... calamity and human greed has destroyed all but the most remote forests and jungles." Stag said sadly. "I've been searching for other plants beyond our own tiny haven, but I can barely sense any other plant life in the world."

"But why would plants grow here, and why are we changing into... plants?" Leon sounded angry as he asked that question.

"It's the seeds." Stag rumbled. "When Cane fed me the seeds they woke something up inside my body. From then on out I have been a source of nurturing and strength for plants. I am the embodiment of the connection between nature and the earth. Cane's smaller body represents the connection between plants and water. I believe the water-trees are his creation, while the pine-wolves are my own."

"What will we create?" Kale asked.

Stag smiled and looked up at the two males. "Perhaps it's time you two embraced your attraction and mated? When Cane and I mated we created new and unique organisms that have helped us spread the plants and water around the ranch."

"Could you... give us a moment?" Leon asked nervously.

Stag led Cane away from the two humans and back towards the distant oak tree. Once the humans were alone Leon looked at Kale and sighed. "Why are you so serious Leon?" Kale asked and looked away from his companion. They had spent the whole week together, but even before that Kale had always liked Leon. The two men looked at each other for quite a while before Leon reached out to run his hands through Kale's hair.

"These feelings... they seem so conflicted." Leon said nervously. "How can I like you now when I know a week ago I wouldn't have."

Kale just shrugged as he put his hand on Leon's hair-studded muscular chest. "Why question everything Leon? We're here right? We're alive? Maybe people will come looking for us, but what if this place is where we were meant to be?"

"That's impossible Kale... we're not like seeds or whatever. We weren't fated to end up here with these two crazy plant people!"

"But we are here, and Stag is so wise and strong... Cane is gentle and kind. Why can't we stay like we decided last night?"

"I... I won't make you leave." Leon sighed as he said those words. "And I won't leave without you!"

"Than stay here with me." Kale said and smiled as he ran his hands down the hills of Leon's muscled chest. "I... I want to be with you Leon. I always thought you were handsome... sexy even."

Leon blushed as he watched Kale pull his pants down and then stand naked in the grass. Before he knew what he was doing Leon was pulling his own clothes off and tossing them aside. His blonde pube-studded cock was hard and bobbing before he was even naked. Kale laid down on the grass with his brown bubble butt poking up seductively out of the grass. "Come and get it big guy," Kale taunted as he flexed his hard ass muscles for Leon.

The blonde-haired merc didn't need much encouragement. He hadn't been able to get his rocks off lately, and his balls were swollen with seed, thick rich nutty seed. Naturally Leon didn't notice that his balls were starting to sprout thick mossy strands of hair either. They even felt a little hard to the touch.

As the randy merc mounted his companion his cock began to ooze a sweet smelling sap that aided his efforts to push into Kale's ass. Kale, on the other hand, was so warm and stretchy inside that the intrusion barely hurt at all. His fibrous ass muscles began to actually pull and milk Leon's cock. As they laid together Leon felt his member push deeper into Kale. As impossible as it seemed, he was certain his cock was getting both longer and thicker! He couldn't see it, but while they fucked Leon was growing a mighty vine-cock.

Leon pulled Kale into his arms as they changed positions. Kale's thick fat brown cock began to ooze bright green pre as it was exposed to the sun. Then, as Leon continued to pump nectar pre into Kale, the production of green milky pre sped up. In moments Kale was grunting and shouting out in passion as his cock creaked and stretched. Then, much to Leon's surprise, something thick and quite solid exploded from Kale's cock followed by a spray of green cum.

The seed landed a few feet from the two entangled men and began to grow immediately. As the seed grew into a brand new plant Leon felt his own loins begin to clench and deposit his load into Kale. Once again Kale cried out as the pressure in his cock grew. This time, as the seeds pushed out of his balls, his cock stretched out into a proper filament covered vine-cock. Instead of just one seed Kale shot four thick round bullets straight up into the air. The seeds landed a ways away from the two men who collapsed from the efforts of their first union.

The first seed, which had already grown quite large, was beginning to resemble a small willow tree. Only something about the tree was off. As it stretched taller and taller the tree developed manly branching fern-like fronds. The fronds stretched out wider and wider until the tree was catching quite a bit of the noon breeze. A pleasant clean smell began to waft from the fronds above the tree, and the clean sand-free air quickly filtered down to the two males resting below the tree. "It smells so clean..." Kale whispered as he rested in Leon's arms and lap.

Not far from the newly grown filter-tree four unique creatures were growing from the seeds Kale had made from Leon's rich nutty cum. Unlike the pine-wolves these creatures had a distinctly feline shape. Around their green furry necks were manes of beautiful elm leaves that rapidly filled out with new growth. Before long the new plant-beasts were the size of large leafy lions. As they grew bushy ear-leaves the lions heard the clean wind blowing through their manes. Then, as they opened their eyes, the four elm-lions roared their birth roars. The new beasts made their way towards the two males laying together a ways away from where the lions had grown.

Leon knew right away that these beasts were linked to him on a deep primal level. It was just like Stag and his wolf children. "I guess I'm going to become a handsome elm-lion one day." Leon said softly as he hugged Kale.

"Mmmm," Kale moaned as his ass was fed thick sweet sap and nutty cum. "I hope you get as big as Stag..."

"Maybe I'll be even bigger?" Leon growled in a low possessive voice. "Maybe I will..."


Later that day Leon, Stag, Kale, and Cane all sat in the shade of the huge oak tree. Stag and Leon held their respective mates close as the lions and wolves played around them. It was a pleasant afternoon, and the usual hot evening wind was oddly cool and refreshing for once. "Stag?" Leon asked and looked at the hulking beast leaning against the oak tree. "Did you always know we were meant to be here?"

"No," Stag said as he nuzzled his mate, "but I knew you weren't bad people. I could sense it inside you, and I still can."

A warm happy silence fell over the group of plant-creatures as they rested together in the evening warmth. For once in long history of the planet if felt like something good was starting to happen. The refreshing breeze carried a promise of restoration and transformation on the wind. In the lands around the ranch the hellish heat seemed to dull, and even the dust devils seemed to lose some of their wicked twisting wrath.

The once-tame beasts of the ranch roamed across the grassy lands freely and with a new found freedom. In a few generations the sheep, goats, and cows would return to feral creatures. Even buddy was wild and free to run around the grassy lands growing inside the ranch. One day the grass would move beyond the ranch, and perhaps even the towering petrified trees from the past could be renewed and restored. At that moment anything seemed possible for the four plant-creatures.


Beyond the green grass and growing bounty of the tiny ranch, far to the west, a great towering city stood empty and deserted. Deserted that was, with the exception of one being who still slumbered inside the old cityscape. A cool moist breeze rattled the dust and sand covered floor of the old abandoned factory the being sat in. A tiny wisp of green grass and soft blue petals puffed into the ancient factory.

As the moist air touched the metallic monstrosity it stirred something inside the old machine. A single blue petal touched the black metal on the machine-creature's hand causing the ancient being to rouse from his many century long slumber. The ancient metal hand reached out to touch the petal and then lift it to the beings face.

Two burning red eyes, empty of human emotion and soul, opened and looked straight at the petal. "Flower petal," A low angry voice rumbled. "Plant matter... pollen... fresh air..."

A great moment passed as heat and anger boiled up inside the old machine. It had been an age since something fresh and green had dared to grow on the earth, and now... now someone or something was growing plants again!

"Destroy!" The being roared as the factory around him roared to life. His smoldering red eyes focused on the petal and then crushed the tiny delicate blue fleck of nature. "Destroy all plants!"

  • The end. (For now)