Frankenstein: the prelude

Story by ClayFace on SoFurry

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My first upload in a while. In attempt to entertain the general audience as best as I can and in as many ways as I know how, I give you, my new Frankenstein series! A story of the introduction of a new species called "anthro's" into the human world.

It can be distasteful to some at times but I'll make up for it in later chapters.

   I was the first of our kind. My first memories are of living in the forest. More like surviving in the forest. All I knew was hunting and sleeping. I don't know how long I was out there but I knew I was alone.

   One winter, I had failed to find a decent shelter. I had gotten too big for most of the caves I had used as a cub and my fur wasn't thick enough to sleep in the open. Survival had meant breaking my rules. I had to search outside my territory. As far back as I could remember, I stayed between the river and the tree that smelled like wolf urine. But if I remained there, the cold would have surely killed me.

   I ran. I knew that if I could keep my blood flowing fast enough, I'd have a better chance of staying warm and alive. I took towards the river, risking the ice and tide over a potential pack of territorial wolves. Once there, I hurdled from the bend to a large boulder in the middle of the river. My claws betrayed me And refused to grip the smooth wet surface. I fell into the rapid body of water and was swept downstream. I finally managed to swim to the other side and pull myself out. The water quickly beaded up and froze to my fur. Despite the numbness growing from my extremities, I took up running again. A while later I had found a break in the trees. Moments away from passing out from exhaustion, I was saved by a woman with long blonde hair.

   She was frightened by me at first. I could smell her fear. I couldn't help but be afraid of her to. I had never seen a human before. Where I had jet black fur all offer my body, she was hairless and pale but protected herself from the cold by wrapping herself in thick clothes. Where my face looked like that of a wolf's, hers was flat and gentle. Where my long majestic tail portruded from below my spine, she had nothing. But she stood upright. Just like me. 

   She took me inside. The warm little suburban home made me feel safe Unlike any whole in the ground ever had. She kept trying to speak to me but I didn't understand. Still exhausted, I found a spot right next to a heating vent on the floor, curled up, and tried to sleep. She sat on a couch adjacent to me and stared at me with a curious smile on her face. I could almost feel her eyes running all over me. Examining me. I returned the favor until my eyes could no longer stay open. 

   When I woke up, I was on the couch. The woman must have picked me up and put me there with a blanket wrapped around me. I was much more comfortable than the floor was. A noise came from the kitchen making my ears perk up and my eye jolt open. I quietly got to my feet and went to investigatewoo peeked around the corner to see the woman standing at the counter preparing something that smelled delicious. She caught a glimps of me from the corner of her eye and smiled. "They're called sandwiches." She explained to me. I didn't understand at the time but I did my best to learn how to commrepeatedly mimicking her. However, I had never used my voice for more than growling at prey or barking at preditors. "Sanwechs." Is all I could get out. She giggled and held a plate out to me with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She was curious if I would eat human food. I didn't know what to do with the plate so I took the sandwich with both hands and sat cross-legged on the floor. I sniffed it, I licked it, I loved it. As small as I was, i was able to greedily scarf down the delicious concoction in three bites. 

   We fell in love with each other. She loved me like a son and I returned the favor and loved her like she was my own mother. Years went by. She taught me English and made me behave like a human, clothes and all.  I taught her what love was. Her name was Mary.  

   But she hid me from the world. I understand now why she did it. But at the time, I resented her for it. I wanted to go outside and play, to ride a bike, to meet people. And by the time was reading at an eith grade level, I was determined to make that happen. I started sneaking out.

   I had only done it four times bedifferent one particular night changed my life and the world forever. I was seen by a man in in a tuxedo. It was meant to be a harmless run through the woods behind our house. But the man had a motive. He tracked me for days. I didn't know what to make of it. Whenever I got near a window or door, I could smell his Cologne but I never saw him until it was too late. 

   One night, a dozen men in black suits stormed the house. They didn't take a chance at letting me run away. They held a gun to Mary's head and told me cooperate. I had no choice. They threw a rope around my neck. It had two long sticks attached to it and at the end for each was a man in a black suit. They pulled me into the back of a van, stuck a needle in my arm, and the next thing I knew I was being dragged through a long hallway. It looked like a prison. Cells lined the walls. Thick glass covered each one, keeping in all sorts of creatures, all of which stood upright like humans but had obvious animalistic traits as well. 

  At the end of the hallway was a giant swinging door. The men dragging me pushed me through it and turned away.  It was dark except for a large spotlight on the ceiling illuminating a table in the middle of the room. Attached to the table were cuffs I assumed were for my arms and legs. I tried to get up and run but was too weak. They obviously had drugged me. 

  Two men in white coats came out of the darkness and grabbed me. Pulling me to my feet, they took scizors from their pockets and began cutting my clothes off. Once finished, they dragged my naked body to the table and lifted me on to It. They followed up by placing my hands and legs into the cuffs and fastening them so tight, I quickly began to loose feeling in my fingers and toes. A strange buzzing sound suddenly violated my ears. I looked to my left arm as one of the doctors started shaving a small patch of fur off of my forearm. He then put the razor away and inserted an I.V. into an exposed vein in the shaved patch. I winced in pain. Both of the men took a step away from me as a woman entered the room. She, too, had a white coat on and a face mask and surgeon cap as well. The men greeted her, "evening doctor."

   "Where did you find this one?" She asked, probing my shackled, exposed body with her eyes.

   "Living with a woman at the edge of the redwood forest." One of the men replied.

   "Living 'with', you said?... Fascinating. Bring the woman in for questioning." She responded while putting on latex gloves. "Let's get started." She said motioning to one of the men to start a video camera aimed at me.

   "January eith, two-thousand seven. Male, seems to be in early to mid teens. Possibly in relevance to a common grey wolf, but with dark black fur." She stopped speaking and started examining my feet And legs. "Paws for feet as suspected in the shape of a grey wolf. Healthy claws and pads. Unusual leg structure like most other canine-like anthros with a bend in the calf but standard human structure from the knee to the waist." the woman slid her hands up each of my thighs, feeling my muscle structure.  She then took my tail in both hands and started speaking again. "The tail is completely canine in structure, one and a half, maybe two feet long. Standard for his size." It was disturbing how she used the word 'standard' like she knew what she was talking about when as far as I knew I was the first of my kind.

   She continued the examination. Her gloved hands moved slowly over my hips. Digging her fingers into my flesh, feeling for organ placement. She did the same over my stomach and under my rib cage. "Internals seem to be entirely human wi the exception of the bottom three rib bones found in human anatomy. Evolutionary purposes most likely include extra flexibility." Her hands continued probing me. "Arms are relevant to humans. Hands as well with exception of long claws. Neck, relevant to humans, skull and ears relevant to canine. Tongue, throat, eyes, and lips seem to be a strange mix between animal and human just like the others. Allows for speech, enhanced vision and facial expressions."

   After the initial poking and prodding, the exam took a turn for the worse. "As with the other subjects, the purpose of our research is to find a genetic link between human and sub-human." She said to the camera."Also to discover if the breed of the anthro matters in the breeding process as much as a turtle not being able to successfully procreate with a rhinoceros." Feint sounds of laughter echoed through the room as though a group of people were watching from an adjoining room. "That said, I will be extracting a blood, saliva, and semen sample.

   The drugs still kept me semi-sedated even though I wanted to rip through the restraints and run away. My desire to escape, however, did not concern the woman. She pressed on with the exam. First, she stuck a needle in my right arm and extracted three vials of blood. Then, she stuck a cotton swab in my mouth, chapped it, and put it on a tray with the blood samples.

   I was nervous about the next part. Her still gloved hand proceeded to grasp my testicles, rubbing each one. "Testis seem human in structure but canine in scrotum." Her narrations made me blush. No one ever touched me there before. " penis is canine in structure..." She stroked my sheath , making my tender red flesh protrude, "commensing extraction." With that, she applied a slippery substance to my erection and began stroking it. I had never felt such a thing. My muscles flexed as much as they could under the drugs influence. She took a small plastic jar from her tray and put it on my stomach under the tip of my dark red organ. After a few minutes, a rush of pleasure coursed through my body and I exploded into cup. The woman stopped and gently scraped my tip against the rim of the cup to get every last drop she could. "This concludes initial testing of subject 109." 

   one of the men stopped the camera and approached me once again. He took a needle from his pocked and injected its contents into the I.V. My vision when blurry as the men opened the restraints and pulled me off the table. I blacked out.


Silver (MS Word Attempt 2 + teaser)*

Dean's head collided with the firm silky pillow on his bed after having just shed his clothes. He let out a deep sigh as only a stallion like himself could and turned to lie on his back. The breeze from the ceiling fan above his bed felt amazing on...

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Who here can't stand long clothed plotlines written by people who don't know how to Spell? I'm raising my hand as far as it'll go! Anyway, I love smut and this is my first piece for so take it easy on me in the comment section. One...

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