Humilated Pleasures-Chapter 8

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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#8 of Chapter Commissions

Alright everyone, I know that this story has been slow in the coming however here is the next chapter. Enjoy!!


When the group final reached the door their nervous feeling was gone, not because of the fact that nothing strange had actually happened in the process in which they had made their way down the corridor coming to a complete stop in front of the plain looking door which looked completely out of place in the home almost. By this time, every one of them were feeling a sense of extreme horny all of their pussies dripping slick with their juices which many of them found weird while others couldn't understand why as none of them hadn't experienced anything erotic in the remote like except for that disgusting act of lesbian, bestiality that any of them could see. Nevertheless the way that some of them felt right now they demanding to have someone's fingers or something driven into their pussies just to relieve some of the stress that they were feeling.

Reaching forward, Elizabeth unlocked the door pulling it open to reveal a darkened room with no way to really illuminate the inside hiding away anything that may lie on the inside. Elizabeth didn't hesitate before stepping into the room hiding away from view leaving the group to wonder what to do next with Ginny, wanting to get her revenge finally shoved her way to the front of the group stepping on through the door-way disappearing from view.

To the girls who were still unsure about if it were safe to go in decided that if Gin thought it was safe enough to step inside into the unknown. Unknown to them as soon as the last of the girls stepped inside that signaled Elizabeth who was standing off to the side of the door slipped out of the room pulling the door shut to seal them inside where the darkness of the unknown surrounded them completely. Those closest to the door jerked around as they tried desperately to get out of the room as an audible click indicating that the door had been locked and unless they could find a different exit/entrance they were trapped in the room.

For those that had found themselves lost in the room half expecting to have Elizabeth turn the lights on yelling out a surprise. However something indeed activate though as the temperature in the room soon began to rise up from an air vent positioned throughout the room began to blow up against the girls legs working the way up their legs teasing and enticing their silk smooth legs before coming up to their crotch finding it already soaking wet with excitement.

When the first licks of the heat started to lick at the crotches causing many of them to shudder in pleasure causing some of their legs to shudder and grow weak. The heat seemed to grow in intensity finally forcing them drop to the ground shuddering in the beginning throes of an orgasm while a few others tried desperately to push away the need for something to get rid of the terrible burning that they were feeling. The answer for everything seemed to come when an audible hiss and clank of a metal door opening allowing a series of pattering feet to skitter around the room before the door shut a minute or so later leaving the room once more like a dark mysterious sauna.

It took another few more minutes with the temperature rising higher up causing an interesting reaction to happen as many of the girls started clawing at their uniforms finding it unbearable now they needed some kind of pleasure or relief within minutes the tattered remains of their uniforms lay scattered throughout the room. Soon the once silent room was soon filled with the desperate cries of need were howling throughout the room with many of the girls rolling on the ground fingering their pussies or pinching the nipples desperately wanting relief.

Unknown to several of the girls, there were a few girls that had been known or unknown bi-sexual when they started getting the idea that they could get to an overheated pussy snatches, started crawling around pushing aside their own need to be pleasured finding a new hunger to suck on something that many of them had been denied so far. Ginny was the first to be found as she had finally succumbed to the terrible ache as her hands started tearing away at her uniform top the cotton material ripping just as easy with the added sweat beading down her flesh soaking the material. In mere seconds she was left in her undergarments finding that it was rather difficult to get them off as her muscles seemed weak trembling desperately wanting to get rid of the remainder of the clothing feeling like she was overheating with no relief in sight.

One the girls a girl about the age of 20 although she looked a lot younger because of her height and smooth young like features of her body in the beginning of a phrase that many would think were the signs of becoming a lesbian, having felt the trembling body near her. The nice and yet sweat smelling aroma in the air caused her mild desires to get some snatch without anyone really knowing about her growing lustfulness toward wanting to explore the strange yet wonderful new experience.

Crawling up on her targets side, not knowing of at that time that it was Ginny, feeling her target trembling with need whose hands was trying desperately to remove the remainder of the clothing finding it strangely arousing . "Here...let me help you out of those..."

To Gin she found it scary and confusing that someone was taking this opportunity to make a move on her however with little strength to protest and stop the girl from continuing in her attempts. Quickly a stray set of hands that were probably the ones that she figured were the girl that had spoken although she still couldn't see her, Gin could only guess where the gal was when the fingers looped themselves into the waist band of her underwear drawing the material finally away from her skin.

It took the girl less than a minute or two to draw the soaked and ruined underwear down completely off Gin's legs allowing the sweet and sweat laden pussy to draw in fresh air while releasing its terrible aroma from its fleshy folds. Again although she knew that it was probably one of the girls that did the task, Gin had to let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god, relief!" she cried out feeling better already and was about to say something else until the sudden intrusion of soft yet delicate finger started to probe around Gin's muscular thighs their movements becoming desperate and hungry in their touches started to scare her further as the fingers continued to move their way up to the V shape wedge between Gin's legs. "No...don't-" she tried desperately to stop the probing fingers from continuing slamming her thighs shut closing off in hope the fingers wouldn't get to their intended target. The fingers seemed to stop as they reached the wedge that closed off a direct access to Gin's pussy as the tips finally pulled away from the flesh of her thighs after trying to push their way in to their target allowing her to let out a sigh of relief.

That was until a cool yet warm breath followed by a moist open closing in on one of her nipples, which had become erect as soon as cool air had complete access to the sensitive areas. Gasping as a low yet forced groan pushed its way up through her lips as her legs finally fell apart allowing the invading hand to return finding its way clear and it didn't wait for the girl to try to close her legs once more. Quickly the fingers jerked upward quickly reaching Gin's puffy pussy lips which continued to release a heavy musky aroma into the air as Gin herself whimpered in a desperate sign for need for release and the fingers didn't hesitate to attack the needy snatch. The fingers weren't kind or did they hesitate on shoving themselves deep into the opening pushing past the lips forcing Gin to scream out in pain and pleasure as she felt the burning sensation finally being taken care. Although she wasn't a virgin having lost her virginity to her old boyfriend back in high school, Gin hadn't had something enter her pussy other than her own fingers to give herself some relief but now there was something even more enticing entering.

As pleasurable this seemed to be for her, Gin once again found that with the knowledge that whoever was administering the relief was a female and with fear of word spreading out across the school that she was a lesbian caused her to fight back wanting nothing of. However with little strength to try and fight back, she was forced to protest finding her voice just as weak as her limbs.

"Stop...please...I don't-oh god!" she tried desperately as she raised her hands up to her breast where the head of her unknown assailant continued to assault the nipples. Whoever it was seemed to realize the attempt to stop it did she leave the nipple so when the hands dropped down to force the head away, the hands hit her breasts striking the erect nipples causing Gin to gasp in pain from the sudden and unseen strike. Immediately with her strength gone, she found that her hands refused once more to leave the nipples, like they were glued to the nipples they started to pull and squeeze them sending even more shudders of pleasure screeching throughout her body. If this was an evil plan of causing the entire cheerleading squad to be blackmailed for her own crazy deeds, she started to expect the lights to come on any second with several cameras and students from the college watching on from a hidden room taking pictures of everything that was happening. Nevertheless when the lights never came up, she relaxed for once although that didn't last when the next event happened.

Meanwhile the girl that had been sucking on the nipples had moved downward toward the sweet and alluring aroma drawing in deep breaths as she neared the pussy. Again, the girl couldn't see where the puffy lips were at having to guess at it as she dropped her head back down finding her nose and mouth buried into Gin's bush located above the girls intended target.

Realizing her mistake, the girl readjusted her aim sliding downward before finding herself right on target soon she had her mouth locked on to the snatch and her tongue deeply embedded into Gin's pussy lips lapping happily away at the sweet juice that continued to slip out of the cervix every second. This was causing Gin to spasm desperately shoving her hips up against the tongue finally giving up on caring on who saw it as the burning desire that continued to plague her had driven her to the threshold of no return and she desperately wanted release at that very moment in time.

Nevertheless, at that very second those that had come into the room unseen and hidden in the darkness as in various parts of the room the other girls were in the throes of exploring each other's bodies, when the next set of events happened. Still unknown about what was happening to each other, the girl that had been sucking away at Gin's pussy had ended up with her ass up in the air, her hips humping away in the air as if getting fucked by something that is unseen to herself and others that may notice the strange actions. Something that stood nearby enjoying the action almost jumping into the action that it and its other companions that had come in with it, however they were well trained to avoid from doing so until the right 'scenario' as the mistress would say, would come up for them to act.

In an instant when it noticed that the girls going at it with each other, or at least one of them was at hungrily sucking a pussy leaving her own self wide open and clearly allowing her own aroma to jump up into the air gaining the attention of more than one of the unknowns. It took a bit more than a few minutes of the heavy scent of sex growing within the air did the first of the unknowns begin its move not really caring about getting the word or not on when to strike.

Having a harsh choice to begin with, it targeted the female that was attacking the others dripping opening while thrusting her hips like a bucking whore a sign in which it took as a desperate need to be fucked two ways to Tuesday. With a swift silent approach, it maneuvered in behind the girl that was desperately needing some pleasure its own nose although not stuck in a pussy though it wouldn't be long at that rate, could definitely smell the wondrous prize that it aimed for in the dark.

Using its nose to follow the sweet scent that only it could pick up, the cock that it widely possessed throbbing and demanding something to occupy inching closer with each step until it found its nose soon touching the outer edges of the girls own dripping pussy. A single drip of sweet juice from the opening dropping down on to the tip of its nose caused the male to jerk its head up and begin lapping away with a rough yet eager tongue driving the large meaty organ straight into the soggy open.

The girl jerked her head up in surprise a long thick sounding mixture of a groan and moan between escaped her lips as she felt her own pussy which had been calling out desperately for some relief causing her to nearly leave her target's snatch to call out for someone to relieve her of the building stress. However the meaty tongue that had started darting into her opening or at least dragging its way across the sensitive lips that she offered the mystery guest, would do just fine.

By natural instinct the pussy walls clamped down trying desperately trying to catch the tongue as it darted in and out on occasion the muscles were able to catch it once or twice before the tongue was able to get released once more. The girl wanting more than just a lapping, having not been allowed the joy of being fucked having come from a strict family with a belief that all women needed to save themselves for their marriage, was starting to desperately need something driven into her at that point causing her to shove her ass back into the mouth attacking her snatch.

Whoever was attacking her snatch seemed to get the idea of what wanted to be done as it drew itself back away from the thrusting hips almost demanding its attention. The girl was about to protest until she felt something massive in its form which to her had more hair on his body than a normal until she felt two stringy arms slipped around her midriff just below her breasts did she feel five sharp nails scrape across her skin did she start to think. "Man, why didn't you clip your nails?! What are you wearing a fur coat?!" she croaked as she raised her head up once more leaving Gin to get some strength to try and scoot away from the hidden attacker until a new set of legs were placed around her head and shoulders stopping her from continuing any further.

"What the fuck is this?!" she tried crying out trying to sit up in the process however she found a heavy body slowly lowering down on to her pushing her back to the floor. Gin would begin to start to protest however whoever was laying down on top of her had aligned itself perfectly as it shoved its cock deep within Gin's wide open mouth in a protest forcing her to choke back the words. The rest of the body came to settle down on top of her pinning her in place making sure that there was no possible way for her to escape before starting to hammer away at her mouth.

To Gin, she couldn't believe how disgusting all of this was considering she couldn't see or hear who was thumping his cock into her mouth. Even though it had a taste of salt and precum something enticing to her, something didn't seem right about it as the portions and texture of it. Nevertheless before she could respond, the girl that had been snacking on her pussy returned to it slurping away causing Gin to find herself trapped once more and indeed there wasn't any way to get away from this until the sick people that were going at her openings had their fill.

Resigning herself to her fate asking that no one get to see what she was doing, Gin was like the rest of the other girls were in for the surprise of their lives. The girl that was snacking on her snatch sudden felt the intrusion of a massive organ about the same size of the other males that she had slept with, into her withering body forcing the walls of her pussy wide open a lot wider than her normal use. She screamed as she tried to push herself away from the cock however she found that two things worked against her, that she ran head first into something furry and she found herself locked up against the throbbing cock as the warm body continued to thrust the cock deeper into her opening.

Both Gin and the girl continued to receive the fucking of their lives after a few minutes of it, both noticed something about the size of a golf ball pressing against both of their openings. Although they considered it to be the balls of their lovers allowing them some hope that the wild fuck session was about to end that was until each gave a sharp and final thrust pushing the massive ball into their opening causing each to scream out once more.

The pain was unbelievable as both nearly lost conscious although it seemed like that as a dizzy feeling fell upon them and with a quick second before the lights came on blinding them. Gin went about blinking trying to clear her version although when it did she wished she hadn't. All around the room were girls from the squad were scattered buck naked going at it with each other or pleasuring themselves a clear indication that they were being affected by something.

What was worse even for her was the fact that many of the girl were being hammered by a male dog of some sort of breed either in the mouth, pussy or ass much to the surprise of everyone here in the room. However what seemed more troublesome was that there were several camcorders setup throughout the room catching every angle and shot of what was going on and Gin had guessed was that the cameras had the ability to capture everything through night vision which she would be proven right in the future.

Stepping through the door that was the only one present probably the same that they came through was Elizabeth dressed in a stylish dominatrix clothing dragging a buck naked girl that looked like the age of 21 and looking ashamed for something, by a leash into the room. "Ah, I see everyone are enjoying themselves although I doubt many of you think that this is something that any of you were considering the situation. As you can see, as of right now unless you do what I say, I will release these video tapes to the entire campus and none of you will be able to show your faces on campus ever again."

From that moment on for those girls in that squad, nothing would ever be the same again...