The Greatest Acquisition

Story by Damaratus on SoFurry

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#1 of Contest Writing

I wrote this story for Zsisron's annual hypnosis contest. I'd love to have a better thumbnail and perhaps more images of the characters.

As an additional note, there is a very complex bit of bondage gear that I'd like to further describe, it's only partially in this story and I may end up posting an addendum about it later. Let's just say it's super complex and I'd love to get someone to draw it at some point.

Finally, as I can't use footnotes here: MFSCT stands for Multi-Frequency Sub-Conscious Transponder.

If you would prefer to read this as a pdf you can go here:

Jules Benton - Verreaux's Eagle Samael Naja - Forest Cobra

The Greatest Acquisition

by Damaratus

J ules looked down the bridge of his grey and yellow beak and his vision blurred for a moment. How long had he been working? The eagle rubbed his amber-colored eyes and checked the clock in the bottom right corner of his computer screen: it read 10:42pm. He let out a sigh and rubbed his taloned hands through the black feathers on his scalp. This was already the third week of long evenings that he had been through, but at long last it looked like he was going to complete the big proposal he had been assigned and perhaps even secure a promotion in the process.

When Jules first began working for the Naja corporation it had been quite the upgrade, especially when compared to bussing tables; even if it had required him to move to a new town. As distasteful as moving was to him, the change in salary was more than enough to compensate, and the company had even offered him a fully furnished apartment that he could live in until he found some other place that was more to his liking. In truth, the whole deal had seemed almost too good to be true, but he was told over the phone that he had been "hand-picked by the head of the branch company from among thousands of applicants." The company was willing to nearly bend over backward to make sure they could hire him, and Jules would have to be a fool to not accept the offer. So he made his decision, and within the next week he had packed up his meager belongings and moved to the small town of Dangat.

When he arrived at the town, he was surprised at just how large the Naja Building was in comparison to the rest of Dangat. It looked more like an eyesore the way it towered over everything else. Even at night the highrise threw its lights across every corner of what would otherwise have been a quiet, quaint town. Jules had asked some of the locals what they thought about there being such a gigantic building in the middle of the town, but all of them seemed receptive to it. Most of the responses he got were along the lines of, "it brought new life into a dying town," and "that Mr. Naja has been a real savior."

Mr. Naja, that was a name that seemed to ring all about the town, he was the head of the Dangat Branch of the Naja Corporation, which was a well known entity across the globe. However, the Dangat Branch was much newer than the others, and there actually wasn't much known about the head of the branch, save for that he was supposedly a savvy entrepreneur who had begun to make a real mark for himself. Why he had chosen a little town like Dangat to be the center of his operations was one of many questions that Jules hoped to be able to attain answers for at some point.

Unfortunately, the curious eagle had never really found the time to inquire about them, as just after he had been given a tour of the building where he would be working, he was sgiven a whole company physical, complete with taking body measurements, EKGs and neurological exams. Then finally, he was shown to his cubicle and immediately deluged with paperwork. Some of it was to finalize his hiring, and then the rest was real work, coupled with the expectation that he would simply hit the ground running. As he had been "hand-picked," and had a real desire to prove himself, he dug right into the work with all the fervor of a new hire.

After a few weeks of working, it had become abundantly clear to the Jules that the workload that he was receiving was not lessening. For every one completed write-up there were another three waiting for him. They were always top priority and naturally included a stunted timeline, leaving the beleaguered eagle no real chance to take a breath. For a small while Jules thought that this was something they did to all rookies at the company, to see how well they could handle being inundated with work. Except that when he took a brief look around the rest of the floor, he discovered that almost everyone had the same level of work to do. The only difference was that all the others just continued to work, paying no mind of the load nor how much extra time they had to put in.

He walked past cubicle after cubicle of employees, all of them were working away without even showing an inkling of stress; happy with their lot in life, simply pleased with making sure that Mr. Naja's projects were done on time. Maybe they could be content with such simple things, but Jules had so much more in mind for his life, and he wanted to make sure that he wasn't just going to end up just another done in a cubicle slaving endlessly for a "snake of a boss." He had originally used that term just because of how he had never seen the head of the corporation, but certainly gotten his fair share of work from him. It wasn't long before he found out that there was much more truth to the statement than he would have originally imagined.

The day had started about the same, with more required write-ups and new project updates. As usual Jules had kept his beak buried in his work, and hardly lifted his head up to even see whether there was anything going on. It wasn't until he realized that the rest of the floor had gone eerily quiet that he decided to look away from his computer. He saw that the rest of the workers had ceased what they were doing and all of them were staring at a well-suited, white- and black-scaled snake who had entered the room from one of the elevators. He made no sound as he slithered through the cubicles glancing at the work that people were doing. One thing that Jules did notice was that everyone seemed to be elated at his presence.

"Who the heck is that?" Jules whispered to Ayo, an armadillo, and also the denizen of a neighboring cubicle. "How can you not know!?" Ayo asked critically. "That's Mr. Naja himself. Isn't he just amazing?"

Jules was more amazed at how Ayo and most everyone else in the room fawned over the cobra as he made his rounds from station to station. Everyone seemed eager to please the big boss, he felt like some of them would have even gone prostrate if they had the floor space.

"This is the first I've ever seen him." Jules turned his head toward the the armadillo in reply. "What's so amazing about him?" "You just came at a bad time. Mr. Naja has been out on a trip and only just got back today. He cares a lot about the people here, and makes rounds almost every day to see how we're all doing." "If you say so, I still don't think he's really that..."

Jules would have continued talking but he noticed that Ayo was frozen in place and looking at him, or more appropriately at a point just behind and over his right shoulder.

"You must be Mr. Benton, our new employee."

The eagle turned sharply around and found himself face-to-face with Mr. Naja. This came as somewhat of a shock as he hadn't even sensed the cobra who was now mere inches away from him and had his scaled hand extended. Jules briefly turned an eye toward the outstretched hand taking note of it. While the palm was covered in whitish scales the ones on the back of the cobra's hand were jet black. In stark contrast to those dark scales were silver rings which graced a couple of his fingers. The rings had dark, cabochon, star rubies in them that when they caught the light right produced the most beautiful crimson points.

"Jules. Jules Benton." He put his hand out and shook the cobra's smooth, cold hand while looking him square in his dark eyes which stood pronounced against the dark-lined, white scales of his face. "Jules? That's a very nice name." Mr. Naja complemented.

As their eyes met Jules could have swore he saw a glisten of red in the depths of the cobra's dark eyes, this was followed by what he could only describe as a pressure in his head, the kind of thing you feel when you have a headache coming on. It was something that he only ever really felt when he was very tired or when the weather was changing drastically, but those usually happened slowly, building up over time; this was nearly immediate.

"I hear you've been doing good work for me Jules." Mr. Naja, pulled out a pair of silver-rimmed reading glasses from the breast pocket of his suit and put them on, then he turned his head and looked at one of the reports at Jules' work station.

Immediately after the cobra broke eye contact Jules felt the pressure go away, and he put his hand up to his head to try and shake off the feeling.

"Yessir, and I hope to be able to do much more." "Oh do you now?" Mr. Naja said as he put the manuscript down and turned back toward Jules.

Once again the cool gaze of the cobra fell upon the eagle and the pressure that he felt was even more intense; however, this time he had prepared himself for it and was able to fight off the feeling with a bit of effort. In some way he almost felt like he was being tested by the head of the company, and with his mental triumph he decided that he'd push back.

"I honestly don't think I'm meant for mere cubicle work."

The impertinent response caused the snake to look mildly taken aback as he pulled off his reading glasses and re-inserted them into his breast pocket.

"No, you are certainly right about that." Mr. Naja put a hand on the eagle's shoulder. "From everything I've heard, you're quite the special addition to the company; and as you desire better things and believe yourself worthy of them, I think I'll give you a chance to prove that worth." "Sir?" Jules wondered what Mr. Naja had meant. "There is a major project that I'm interested in obtaining for the branch company, and I need someone to write up the proposal. It'll mean long nights, and lots of work as it's only a couple of months before it's due. I'm going to give this proposal to you. I expect you won't disappoint me Jules." "Of course not sir!" Jules beamed. "If all goes well, you may just find yourself with a comfy corner office rather than a cubicle." "Thank you sir."

Jules shook Mr. Naja's hand one more time before the suited snake began to make his way through the rest of the office. As he watched the cobra slither away from his cubicle he couldn't help but also notice something glint at the end of his tail, it looked like a conical, silver adornment that fit perfectly over some six inches of the tail. Whatever it was it also had the same star-rubies in a spiral from the base to the tip. Additionally, he could have sworn that the cobra continued to give casual glances toward him the whole time that he was going through the rest of the office, though he eventually brushed that off as his excited (or perhaps paranoid) imagination working overtime. He watched Mr. Naja finish his rounds and finally go back into the elevator which rose up only one floor to what was supposedly his gigantic, penthouse office. The moment the elevator doors closed everyone was back at their cubicles and typing away as if nothing had ever happened.

The following day a rather fat folder marked "confidential" was delivered to him through the internal company mail which gave him the details of what the proposal would involve. It looked like Mr. Naja was going after a small technology company that primarily made high-grade RFID chips. However, he needed to ask the larger branches of the Naja Corporation for additional capital as there were several other interested parties that would have to outbid. A lot of the information contained in the file was nearly over Jules' head. He was familiar with the technology, but the applications were for machines that were had strange names like "authority drive" or "MFSCT" the latter being some kind of acronym, but there was nothing in the file that even clarified what it was. To write a proper proposal for this would take a lot of additional research and he was already short on time.

Over the next couple of weeks he threw himself headlong into the research that was required. He was also provided with higher level access to the company database. This let him get a better idea about the Naja Corporation, especially the Dangat Branch. According to the corporate files, Mr. S. Naja or Samael Naja was the youngest of four brothers (the other three being Zad, Remi and Gabriel), and each of the brothers controlled a different branch of the Naja Corporation. The Dangat Branch had only been started around a year ago and, and it was designed to primarily be responsible for the acquisition of new technology as well as future testing of that technology. That information certainly explained his boss' desire for the new RFID chips. He gleaned what information he could about the current acquisition and testing lines of the company. While the regular write-ups and numbers that everyone knew were easily found in the database, he knew there had to be more, but one evening when he started digging a little deeper he received an email directly from Mr. Naja strongly suggesting that he "refrain from attempting to look any further as such information was not vital to the proposal."

The email was slightly surprising to Jules as he had been working quite late that night, and there were sparse numbers of co-workers around. He certainly didn't expect his boss to still be in at that hour. With the sudden blockade, he decided to forego any further work and drive home instead.

Jules' furnished apartment was on the northern side of the town, some thirty minutes driving, and since there was rarely major traffic to be concerned about, he often found himself looking at his workplace through his rearview mirror. Besides spotlights, the building had various other smaller lights that patterned over it in different colors. He was told by some of the people in the town that during the holidays there were even thematic displays. Just before the top there were also large LCD panels that displayed information, usually the weather and temperature, sometimes other advertisements about events happening in the town; and then finally, crowning the building were several tall towers, one of them actually being a local radio station, another for a local cable station including a weather satellite feed. Jules could only imagine how that kind of "new tech" had probably awed the simple denizens of Dangat when it had first arrived.

As Jules approached one of the many stoplights he had to pass through before getting to his apartment, he instinctively put the visor down just as the it turned red. There were bright strobe lights that accompanied the red lights throughout the town. It was something that the keen-eyed eagle had never gotten used to, and the fulgent, pulsing flashes made it difficult for him to concentrate, even if it was only for the short duration of a red light. After surviving what Jules had now coined the "strobe gauntlet," he finally made it to his apartment. Once there, he found himself to be so exhausted from work that he could barely work up the energy to slide the soft shoes off that covered his taloned feet, strip down to his boxers, and fall into bed.

Even worse, as tired as he was it was still difficult falling asleep as there was a constant low level humming that his ears would often pick up from outside his apartment. It was also something that he would hear at work, so he suspected that it was coming directly from the Haja Corporation. The building itself was in direct view from his apartment windows. He honestly doubted that there was any place in the town that didn't have some kind of view of the monstrous edifice. When he finally did manage to pass out for the night it felt like mere moments before his alarm was going off.

He woke up the next morning to find himself sprawled out on his sheets, hardly even under them, and so physically and mentally fatigued that it was as if he had been running a marathon while taking a college final while he was asleep. He had never experienced such a thing before; on the other hand, he had also never worked on something like the proposal, and he figured he would just have to find a way to adjust to the long hours and high stress levels associated with it.

After a very light workout in his apartment with the local radio station playing their "exercise medley." Jules felt that his mind was clear enough to get back to the grind. He arrived at his cubicle and was astonished to find that his computer had been replaced with an entirely new unit. There was a printed email left by the technicians who said that Mr. Haja had requested the new computer for him. Once he had gotten the computer started up and running properly immediately went to his email and found one from his boss waiting in the queue. All it said was:

"This new computer should help your progress on the proposal. -SN"

The sentiment proved to be true as the new rig was far superior to his old one, and he was able to move forward on his work with far greater speed. After nearly five straight hours on his new set-up his eyes had grown tired and his head started to ache. He also realized that he really had to go to the bathroom. It was time for a break. So he stood up, stretched and walked over to the office bathroom. He noticed that it was once again fairly late in the evening, as the rest of the number of other workers there were sparse; not to mention that getting everything properly set up on the new computer had taken more time than he anticipated.

The bathrooms at his workplace were quite modern. Not only were they designed to be eco-friendly, and ergonomic, but according to his co-workers, Mr. Naja also had them specifically designed to be a place where a person could relax and think. As it is often said that some of the best thinking one can do is while they are in the bathroom. All of the urinals and stalls were built for the maximum amount of privacy one could possibly have. There was no way to identify who it was within a stall or urinal. You couldn't peek over or under the dividers as they went all the way to the floor and all the way up to the ceiling. On the inside door of the stalls there were even terminals that a worker could use to display their computer desktop, just in case they needed to type out some new idea or continue with their work unimpeded. Not only that, but soothing music was constantly piped in from speakers in the ceiling. Just as Jules' co-workers had suggested, it was the most relaxing and private office bathrooms that he had ever been in.

Of course, regardless of how nice it was in there, he didn't intend to spend a lot of time simply taking a leak; so he briskly walked to the nearest urinal, unzipped his pants, and carefully used his taloned hand to guide his fleshy pink cock through the hole in his boxers. It wasn't long after that a steady stream of urine was flowing into the urinal. Unfortunately, as much as he wanted things to go quickly, so he could return to his work, he knew this wasn't going to be the case as he had filled up on coffee over the day and not given himself a break until now. So he let his mind wander a while, listening to the music as he relieved himself. He thought about the work he was doing, and also pondered more about Mr. Naja; who was a strange mixture of eccentricity and enigma, though not so bad a guy as he had first thought; in fact, he had been nothing but supportive so far. Maybe that's the real reason that people wanted to do so much work for him, because he truly cared about his employees.

"Who wouldn't want to work for someone like that?" He thought as the soothing music began to permeate his mind. "I would certainly do most anything for such a boss." He started to sway his head ever so slightly to the tones, "anything...anything at all for Mr. Naja..."

Jules had nearly lost himself in his thoughts when his mind caught something "off" in the music, something that didn't sound quite right. This caused him abruptly snap out of the daze that he had fallen into. At first he was baffled by his surroundings, and then remembered where he was and what he was doing. He looked around for a moment trying to figure out how much time had passed. It was clear that he had long since finished urinating, but his cock was still in his hand, and was shockingly hard as a rock, while his pants were now down around his ankles. The eagle gasped loudly as he quickly checked around him just in case there was someone else there who had witnessed his unbecoming situation. Fortunately, it was just him in the bathroom. Him and the music still playing in the background. With embarrassment and relief he quickly pulled up his pants and fastened his belt securely. He followed that up by quickly washing his hands and splashing cold water in his face, the calming music now only serving to irritate him. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed that he was looking petered out.

"Maybe I should just call it a day." He said with a sigh.

While he certainly wanted to do this, he found he was in a bit of a predicament in that his erection had not gone away, and instead was causing a very lewd tent in his pants. Even after waiting for several minutes and trying to think of most anything that wasn't even remotely sexual, nothing had changed. His choice was to stick it out longer, or make a run for it. As there had been so very few people around when he had entered the bathroom, he decided it would be prudent to to get out of the bathroom sooner rather than later, as that's where all of his troubles had started and the longer he stayed the more he risked any of the the scant people left, or worse the cleaning crew, coming in.

He cracked the door open ever so slightly to try and see if there was anyone around, and thankfully saw no one. With that in mind, he took a deep breath, opened the door and began a dash for his cubicle. Only right out of the door he ended up colliding with Mr. Naja. The sudden impact caused the cobra to drop the papers he was reading, and sent Jules sprawling onto his rump.

"Bumbling fool! You will watch where you're-oh, it's you Jules." He looked down at the flustered eagle. "You alright?"

Jules had been taken aback by the sudden jostling, but regained his temperament and then fleetly began to collect his boss' fallen paperwork. "Oh, um, yes, it's fine, sorry about that. I didn't see you there when I was coming out." He collected all the papers and stood up, still looking rather bewildered, while keeping his head down and pushing the papers out in front of him. "Here you go sir. Very sorry again."

"It's quite alright Jules, no harm done."

Jules felt the papers leave his hand, and he lifted his head up slowly and saw that Mr. Naja was still standing in front of him straightening them out. When the cobra was satisfied with their condition, he cleared his throat and said:

"You've been here rather late the past few days, it's probably best if you got a little bit more sleep." "I was just about to do that sir." "Well then get to it. I can't have one of my best workers not being on the ball, right?"

The compliment made him smile, stand up straight and square his shoulders.

"Not at all, thank you Mr. Naja. I hope I can show you just how on the ball I can be." "From what I've seen so far," the cobra's eyes briefly glance downward, "I doubt that you'll disappoint." Mr. Naja smiled and began to silently slither away over the office carpet. "Have a good evening Jules." "Good evening sir. Thank you again."

Jules gave a half-wave and just as he turned to head back to his cubicle, his mind picked up on the momentary glance that his boss had made before departing. He felt a rush of blood flowing to his face as he looked down to see that he still had a rather obvious hard on.

"Oh god."

The eagle covered his beak with one hand while the other went over his crotch despite being fully clothed and there being no one else around now to see him. He then rushed back to his cubicle, and by the time he had shut the computer down and gotten his stuff together, his erection had finally started to wane; however, it still took the entire drive back to his apartment for it to fully go down. He went to bed that night just praying that nothing like that happened again. Or if it did, that it would at least not happen at work.

The following day Jules awoke to his alarm going off, and as normal he woke up super groggy. As he yawned and stretched the antics of the previous evening rushed through his head again. It was then that he became acutely aware that while he was in his bed, he was entirely, and unexpectedly naked. This wouldn't have been so troubling if he had remembered going to sleep that way, but he was having trouble even recalling what he did after he got back to his apartment. Had he been so tired that he would just strip down nude and go to bed? That hardly made sense to him, as that would have been even more work than just ending up in his boxers. Yet here he was, twisted among his sheets without a single layer on him, and naturally a very hearty morning wood to only further remind him of what had happened the night before. He wanted to mull over the issue more, but he had to get going if he was going to make it to work on time. After his run in with Mr. Naja, he didn't want to appear to have been affected by his new, heavier workload. So he simply jumped in the shower and got dressed, taking only a moment to make himself a bit of coffee. On his way out the door he grabbed his ZunapodTM music player so that he had some way to no longer have to listen to the music in the bathrooms as he wasn't interested in a repeat "performance" the next time he had to go in there.

When he got in to work he was surprised to see a small box sitting on his desk. In it, there was one of those neon "stress balls" that are usually just complimentary items, or sold on the cheap at New Age stores. The ball was emblazoned with the Naja Company logo, and there was a small note in it that said:

_Just in case things get stressful. -Ayo. _

There was an irony to the gift when he thought about what Mr. Naja had said to him the previous night. For a brief moment he even considered that maybe his co-worker had somehow heard the exchange, but he dismissed that notion as he knew that Ayo had long since left before that had happened. The gift was still an unexpected, but nice gesture. He looked over the top of his cubicle and saw the armadillo typing away just as he normally did.

"Hey, thanks for the gift." Jules said, smiling at his co-worker while he held up the stress ball. "Yeah, sure." Ayo said without ever looking away from his screen.

The answer seemed strangely curt especially since the Ayo was the gift-giver, but Jules figured that he was probably under quite a lot of stress as well. He squeezed the ball a few times in his fist and noticed that this one also came with a floral perfume which puffed out whenever the ball was compressed.

"Well that's new."

But it was an extra that wasn't all that unappreciated. The office tended to have a sterile, smell to it. Even if he never saw the cleaning crews, he could only imagine what they had to do to get the place smelling as "neutralized" as it did. Especially with the sheer number of varying species who worked on his floor alone. He honestly hoped he would never have to stay late enough to see the crew come through.

Jules knew his work for the day was going to be comprised of almost entirely writing. He had collected all the data he needed (or at least was allowed to collect) and now he just needed to put it all together properly. While it sounded simple, the task was quite a big one, as he knew there would inevitably be more information to try and collect as the whole of the proposal came together. He had been working for several hours when he sat back and stretched in his chair while giving the stress ball a few more squeezes, as it had quickly become a pleasant diversion that didn't really slow his progress down. He caught the fact that Mr. Naja was making his daily "walk" around the office. Jules was often so busy that he didn't even realize that the cobra had slithered through. He suspected that there was nothing wrong with this, as his boss seemed to enjoy going about unnoticed, rather than having the whole floor stop working when he came around.

Jules found his mind straying again as he thought about Mr. Naja. He truly appreciated that Mr. Naja wasn't some tyrannical dictator of a boss. He was very good at making sure his workers were well cared for. He had never felt quite so comfortable around a someone like that before, and in turn felt a great desire to make sure that his performance at the company was top-notch. As he watched the cobra continue to make his way around the cubicles he began to think how there may be others that were also getting just as much encouragement and support as he was, and it made him concerned. He wanted to be the one, the only one, to get the praise and garner the attention of Mr. Naja. If his boss' attention was elsewhere, then it must mean that he wasn't doing as good of a job. He had to make sure that he got his work done for his boss, it had to be perfect, because he longed for that approval; for that regard, and he would do anything for it, he would bare his body and soul to Mr. Naja if it meant-

Jules sniffed the air and found it had become rancid with a cloying smell that could only have been a massive amount of the perfume that was being released from the stress ball. When he looked at his hand he found that the ball had been ripped to shreds by his talons. He had mangled it from the amount of continuous squeezing during the time he had been watching his boss walk around the office. Oddly, he also felt a fleeting sense of arousal, but the fact that there were little pieces of stress ball all over his desk and a nasty cloud of perfume still in the air caused him to clean things up quickly and then make a hasty retreat from his cubicle and take a break.

When Jules returned to his cubicle he found that the horrible smell had gone, but he also discovered an urgent email from Mr. Naja which said that the timeline for the proposal had been changed, and that it would need to be finished up by the end of the week. This cut nearly three weeks off of the original timeline, and Jules understood that the only way he could possibly meet the deadline now was to spend nearly all his waking, and perhaps some of his non-waking hours working on the proposal. As abhorrent as this concept was to him, he really saw no other choice. Finishing things properly was the one way he'd be able to solidify his position in the corporation and also move beyond the world of long hours in a cubicle.

The following day, Jules put all his other concerns and plans aside and did nothing but continue to work on the proposal. Mr. Naja made routine visits around his cubicle and kept checking to make sure that things were alright, continuously asking if there was anything else he needed, while also providing valuable feedback on some of the already completed sections of the proposal. The one additional useful thing that he was provided, was a personal coffee machine at his desk, complete with single serve pods. According to Ayo, it was yet another item that Mr. Naja provided to his workers who were suddenly put in critical work situations. As Jules had already been drinking a good amount of coffee each day, the device was greatly appreciated.

This day was the longest he had ever forced himself to work, the sun had already set and he had found that his constant staring at the computer screen had started to give him a headache. He considered this a good indicator that it was time momentary break from the computer. Just enough for him to brew another cup of coffee so he could push even longer. As more hours passed continued drinking cup-full after cup-full just to keep himself awake. It was soon past midnight and his vision started to blur, the drive for sleep was hitting him so hard that he began nodding off, only to snap back awake to find that he had typed "all for Mr. Naja, everything for Mr. Naja" several times. This was enough to make him finally consent to leaving work and heading back to his apartment. At least he knew that with one more day of pushing he could have the proposal finished, and it would be just enough time for final adjustments and preparation for the presentation.

The next morning he once again woke up as groggy and disheveled as the past weeks, but at least this time there was nothing else unexpected. Maybe it was because he knew that soon, he'd be able to finally relax, as he had just put the finishing touches on the proposal. He drove to work with extra energy, knowing that it was just a matter of time before he would have things completed.

In the end, it actually took him the better part of the day to complete the written pieces, and make all the editing changes that his boss sent back to him. By the time that he had completed the document, the entire day had slipped by him and he was once again at the office late at night. How many hours had he actually been at his computer that day? He wondered as he looked to his left and saw enough empty coffee cups to know he had gone through nearly all his single-serve pods. He knew he had put in a lot of work that day, but it hadn't felt like he had gone that long. Fortunately, all he had left to do now was drop off the manuscript one floor below to be copied and bound, and then go home. He rubbed his temples briefly to try and stave off yet another growing headache, shut down his computer, grabbed the thumb drive with the manuscript and his sport coat, and headed out of the office.

It hadn't taken long to make sure that he'd have all the copies of the proposal he'd need the next day on his desk in the morning, and once he was sure he'd have everything he needed, he was in his car and trying desperately to get home for what he hoped would be the best rest he had gotten since he started work on the proposal. His head was throbbing from his headache as he drove the familiar route home. At this time of night the rest of the town was probably already asleep, he doubted that he'd even see anyone else on the road. As he approached a stop light, he slowed down as the indicator changed from yellow to red, only this time Jules forgot to put his visor down and was caught off guard by the strobe.

"Augh," he put a hand up to try and divert some of the flashing which only intensified his mental aching as he swiftly pulled his visor down.

Knowing that there were only more lights beyond this one, he felt compelled to try a different route home. One that would avoid as many stoplights as possible. He didn't need anything making his headache even worse. He also turned on the radio in hopes of listening to something that might help his mind relax a little, only when the music started to play he found that even that was not helping; in fact, if anything it was only adding to his current suffering, so he simply turned it off and just opened one of his windows.

His new course took him through a residential area of the town. One that had more stop signs than lights. While it was not entirely familiar, he had been in the town long enough to know his general location. Unfortunately, when he finally made the turn that should have connected to his own street, he came to the realization that he had somehow managed to end up somewhere entirely different.

"Oh where's your head Jules?" He asked rhetorically.

The street names were entirely unfamiliar and his head was still massively throbbing. He decided it was best for him to stop and ask for directions, but he wasn't even sure who would be up at this time of night. As he drove along the street he noticed that he had ended up in an affluent section of the town, the houses were big and probably quite expensive though all of them so far were dark. He was just about to give up on the area, as he rounded yet another residential street corner, when as luck would have it, he found one place with its lights still on in the windows. If there was any place to ask someone for directions, that it would be it.

He pulled up into the driveway and got out of his car. After making his way along a small stone path to the front door, he straightened out his suit (so as not to look like he was crazy or some kind of drunkard) and rang the doorbell. As the tones of the bell rang out Jules closed his eyes and put a hand to his head as he felt it ache again. Soon after, he also heard the door open up, so he began to talk so as not to just stand there silently with his eyes closed.

"I'm sorry to bother you this evening, but might you be able to help-" "Why Jules, what a surprise. What brings you around here at this late hour?"

Jules opened his eyes in shock and found himself face-to-face with Mr. Naja, who was wearing what looked like a fine silk robe that was tied at the "waist."

"M-Mr. Naja, I didn't know this was your house, I had gotten lost on my way back to my apartment." "Well I guess serendipity brought you to my door." The cobra looked the eagle over quickly. "You don't look so well Jules, why don't you come inside." "Thank you sir." "Please, please, this is my home, call me Samael," Mr. Naja said as he ushered the eagle inside and closed the door behind him. "While you're at it Jules, do make yourself at home." "Thank you Samael," Jules said as he took off his sport coat while slipping off the soft shoes that covered his taloned feet, "I'm glad there was someone around who could help me, I don't even know how I ended up-"

Jules looked down and realized that he had completely undone his tie and had been unbuttoning his dress shirt as well; he was only a couple buttons away from having it completely opened in the front, and had already revealed much of his dark, feathered torso.

"What?" He said out loud as he put his hand to his head once again feeling out of sorts. "Please don't stop on my account Jules."

Jules watched Samael slither forward until he was very close, his tongue flicked once gently touching the grey part of the eagle's beak. The reeling eagle felt that same pressure he had felt the first time he had met Samael only this time he was having trouble managing it.

"W-what's going on?" Jules asked as he had the strange sensation as if his mind was being bent while his hands resumed the process of unbuttoning the last of the buttons on the front of his shirt, and when finished started to unbuckle his belt. He tried desperately to regain his motor control.

"I must say you were difficult to figure out Jules," the Samael said as he kept his dark eyes locked on the eagle's amber ones.

Jules severely wanted turn away, but found he couldn't even move his body as the long cobra had coiled around his legs and all the way up to his waist. He then brought his head down close to the eagle's ear. The momentary break in visual contact allowed Jules to move his arms instinctively up in a feeble attempt to push the snake away.

"I'll let you in on a secret Jules."

Samael's deft hands reached around Jules' neck and unfastened the last button on his shirt that kept it fastened around his wings, and then gently slipped the shirt down off of his shoulders before resuming eye contact.

"I actually knew you'd be coming around tonight, and while it's taken a little more than a month to make things happen, I'm pleased with the results so far." Samael's hands then reached down and and worked at unclasping Jules' pants. "You see, I was always the weakest of my siblings in terms of hypnotic sight. Perhaps on account of requiring glasses for some things, or maybe just unfortunate genetic variation. However, rather than lament my weakness, I found a way to make it a strength," he smiled as he popped his hood open and then continued his monologue still never breaking eye contact with the eagle.

As Jules' eyes were drawn ever deeper into the cobra's stare, he swore he could see points of red as if the snake's eyes were just like the star rubies that adorned his rings and tail cover. The red light began to envelop his vision and as much as he wanted to blink he found he couldn't.

"Instead, I discovered technology, something my brothers are still really not up to par with in comparison to me. I realized that I could use it to my advantage, to make any mind mine, and do it without even needing to use my own sight."

Samael could feel the eagle's heart rate increase matching his own excitement in his explanation.

"I picked Dangat as the perfect place to experiment, it was small, and had simple minds. At first, I controlled just the people working in my building, and then I added some of the leaders of the town. Eventually, I found a way to extend my grasp even further."

"S-stoplights" Jules somehow managed to utter a word, his mind still trying to hold on to what was fast becoming a losing battle.

"And so much more than stoplights Jules, so much more. The whole Dangat Branch building is designed to send out both auditory and visual stimuli that has effectively and efficiently enthralled the entire town," Samael smiled. "Everyone in this town was bent to my will."

He paused for a moment and watched as the struggling eagle's arms had dropped to his sides letting his already loosened dress shirt to fall off of his body and onto the floor.

"At least until you came here. You proved to be my greatest test so far. As my brothers thought me daft to attempt to catch an eagle, one of a cobra's greatest enemies, in my mental clutches. I do admit that you were a challenge, your mind was able to best almost everything I threw at it, whether it be visual like the monitor of your computer, auditory like the music I play in the bathrooms, even the perfume and coffee had only middling effects on their own." Samael sighed. "It took me some time to realize why some things occasionally worked, maybe once, but then never again. That mind of yours picks up on all the traditional hypnotic cues, and can then block most of them out. It's why those eagle brains are so hard to crack." Samael tapped the eagles head with a finger. "So why did I sometimes have a small amount of success?" The cobra chuckled as he drew a finger underneath the eagle's beak to keep his head from dipping down as he pushed his mind farther in.

"I had pondered this particular question for a while, and then I had an epiphany. While your brain is quite good at managing most hypnotic attacks, it was less familiar when being assaulted on several levels at the same time. The monitor followed by the music, or perfume, or coffee. The combination of an additional hypnotic element added a new layer, and in effect created a new method of hypnosis!" Samael was just as excited about his discovery as he was about having Jules on the brink of control.

"Of course your adaptive mind could still normally get past that, which is why the end effects were short-lived. The last part of the puzzle was when you had those mental lapses. Even your mind got tired after a while, keeping up its defenses is a very difficult thing when it's constantly being assaulted; in fact, I bet you never had a good night of sleep since coming to Dangat." Samael felt some justification when caught what had to be shock from the struggling eagle's mind. "This evening was the culmination of a month of research. Your computer work station, the traffic lights, the radio, even the doorbell, everything was adjusted; designed to catch your mind, and your mind alone. You are going to be my greatest achievement to date." Samael mused at the eagle who had nearly given up, even though he could still feel a small amount of basal resistance.

"Of course I wouldn't be a true Naja if I didn't take full advantage of this successful venture. While my sight may be weaker than my brothers, it still works wonderfully with subjects in your particular state, and I still do enjoy using it when I can." Samael's gaze intensified as he worked his past Jules' crumbling mental defenses and deep into his subconscious.

Jules body shook as the cobra finally got a hold of the eagle's mind. When he felt the avian body respond to his mental instructions he started to uncoil himself, his scaled lengths dragging the dark-feathered eagle's dress pants with him as he tightening his muscles just enough in the process to pull down the blue, pin-striped boxers as well, its elastic band on one side clinging desperately to his hip before falling off. As the boxers were pulled away the eagle's half hard cock bounced upward gently as his downy balls swayed briefly in their new found freedom.

"Very nice."

Samael slid his tail underneath the eagle's hardening cock and watched it pulse, as he did this he heard Jules' give a small moan while his breathing became audible. He could see that the entranced eagle's eyes no longer had a look of fear, but instead a look of longing.

"Let's take this somewhere a little more intimate shall we?" Samael said as he untied his robe and let it fall open revealing his own hardening, pink cock poking out of his slit. "Come along Jules."

The cobra kept just the tip of his silver-capped tail touching the eagle's member as the bird willingly followed him through the corridors of his house.

"I bet you didn't guess that even my jewelry is more than just for show." Samael said as he continued to navigate his hallways. "Every piece I own has a transponder in it, and the silver makes an excellent conductor for its signal." He turned around and looked at the aroused, enthralled eagle for a moment, "though the rubies are just something I have a thing for," he said with a smile as he turned back around and threw open double doors to his master bedroom.

The room was large, burgundy walls and a white, round, satin-sheeted bed in the middle that had a pile of pillows in the center, and despite the shape, also had four posts on the periphery. Samael shrugged the robe off of his shoulders and let it slide down his back before flicking it off of his tail. He slithered onto his bed and leaned back on the huge pile of pillows in an invitation to the eagle.

As Jules began to approach him with all eagerness he stopped the eagle.

"Wait, wait, before we get to that Jules, I want you to show off your body to me, let me see everything."

The eagle stopped in his tracks and stood upright, then put his arms out and spread his wings, fanning them out, revealing that his primary feathers were striped in whites and dark browns that otherwise would have been unseen. Samael eyes trailed from Jules' head downward taking in all the curves and musculature until he reached the eagle's vulnerable, pink, hardening cock, and black, downy feathers that speckled the base and covered his balls.

"Even prettier when showing off I see," Samael caught some flashes of white on the eagle's back which was reflected in a full length mirror that the cobra kept near his bed, "now turn around, I want to see the rest of you."

Jules willingly, slowly turned around with his wings still spread and then fanned his tail as he turned completely away. Samael was right to want to look, at the base of his back were white feathers that were in a design he could only define as angelic. Of course, the cobra was interested in more than just feather patterns as he slid his scaly tail underneath the eagle's fanned tail feathers and lifted them upward to get a good view of his rear. Jules gave another quiet moan and leaned a little forward making it clear what he was hoping for.

"Not yet my dear Jules, not yet, first things first."

The cobra leaned back on the bed again and watched the eagle turn back around, his cock in its erect state beginning to drip a little precum. The eagle's amber eyes looked down at Samael's cock and a small bit of drool dripped out of the grey curve of his beak.

"I know you want this," Samael touched a finger to the tip of his penis, "so come on, I'll let you have a taste."

Samael watched as Jules went down to his hands and knees and crawled forward sliding up along the cobra's length until he was at beaks-level with the fleshy serpentine cock. The eagle greedily took the cock into his mouth, letting his curved tongue taste the cobra's moist member. As he engulfed the cock he then let it slide gently along the curvature of his beak, the snake's member proved strangely rigid and pliant at the same time as it contoured perfectly but stayed warm and pulsing in resistance to the bending. As such, the tip of his beak creased the skin along the top of the cock but it was such a gentle thing that it could never have caused pain. The sensation was new and unexpected for Samael who sucked in his breath as it happened.

"Oh, how did you get such a talented mouth Jules? I didn't think you'd know how to put it to such good use."

The eagle brought his beak down over the cock again which started to leak out a salty precum making it easier for the eagle to slide it back up along the length, which he did, but this time tilted his head to the side while keeping his tongue along the underside, causing the skin to ripple as he drew it upward. Samael's striped body began to squirm in pleasure.

"Oh yes." He ended with a hiss and tilted his head back while arching his body.

Jules began to switch between the two techniques while bringing one yellow-taloned hand up to the shiney white band of scales that went across Samael's chest, pushing him back down onto the soft bed and causing him to wince at the pressure of the sharp talons on his chest.

"Remember who the boss is Jules." Samael commanded as he brought the silver-covered tip of his tail up under Jules' tail feathers and probed around until he found his entrance. As he pressed the tip in he felt little resistance, and the avian reacted to the new sensation by lifting his head and letting out a screech of pleasure before putting his beak back over the cobra's hard cock. Samael could feel his domain over the eagle grow more as the piece of silverwork continue to broadcast its own hypnotic signal.

As cone was pressed even further in, the cobra twisted it, letting the spiraled rubies work their magic on the sensitive inner walls of the eagle's hole, stretching it out in the process. Once again Jules' body reacted, his cock bobbing and straining as precum dripped out of his tip flowing down his throbbing length and on to both his soft, feathery balls as well as Samael's dark scales giving both a similar sheen. The eagle began to drool even more, licking around the base of the cobra's penis and then giving the tip more attention as he lapped up the beading precum as quickly as he could.

Meanwhile Samael continued to twist the silver tip deeper into the eagle until he had gone nearly past half way. He whispered softly to the compliant bird who paid little attention to the words as he continued to pleasure the cobra's member.

"I think you're ready for the real thing. Come now, stop using your mouth and get that fine-feathered ass of yours on your master's cock."

Jules pulled his beak away from Samael's cock as a strings of precum still connected to the two like spider webs broke away. He began to drag his feathered body forward off of the silver tail cover, and up along the cobra's scaly figure. First his plumed chest and stomach, tickled along the surface of the sensitive, saliva-slicked, serpentine cock, which left a shiny trail of precum down the middle of his dark feathers; then came the eagle's own warm, and pulsing member, the two cocks slid across each other in a dance of arousal as they made contact with each other; finally the avian's dark, downy balls teased over the surface of the snake's member causing him to squirm even more in the throes of anticipation and ecstasy. Samael squirmed even more as the tip of the his cock skimmed the eagle's taint and came to rest at the warm pucker, while the avian's tail feathers hovered over the rest of the length.

"Give yourself to me Jules." Samael said as he stared into the yearning eyes of his enthralled employee.

He needed to say no more as the eagle momentarily pushed his upper torso up with one of his hands and with drool still dripping from the hook of his beak, started to ease downward onto the cobra's waiting member, his pucker giving way way to the serpent's dripping cock head with no resistance, but as the eagle eased his way down the length he began to struggle. His body shook, and his stomach expanded and contracted with deep labored breaths as the cobra's cock plunged even further into him spreading his hole wide with its girth. Jules threw his head back and let out a cry that was a mix of exertion and frustration as it was evident that this had become a difficult task to accomplish for his master.

"You're so tight Jules. I bet you've never had to take something so deep into that wonderful body of yours." Samael said as he reached his hands up and rubbed them along the eagle's dark, feathery chest settling him down, "I know it isn't easy, but you're my best worker; my hardest worker, and I know you can do this."

The encouragement from Samael caused the eagle to redouble his efforts and inch-by-inch he continued to slide down the cobra's cock. It was an arduous, yet incredibly pleasurable, slow descent for the already strained avian, but he would no longer be deterred, this was for Samael, this was for his boss; his master; he had to succeed.

"Yes," Samael said through a hiss of enjoyment, "that's it Jules, take everything in, take it all."

Through grunts and moans he forced himself through the task, his cock excessively leaking precum with every new amount of the serpent's rigid member that he took into him. With a final grunt he urged his body once more and slammed down at the base of the cobra's length, his soft rear and balls finally making contact with the snake's scaled body.

For a moment neither Jules nor Samael moved. The cobra could feel the eagle's body and mind moving with his, rising and falling breaths in sync with each other. He had total control now, the kind where verbal commands might not even be necessary to get his feathered thrall to do what he wanted. But Samael still loved to hear himself, and commanding Jules had quickly become a true pleasure in comparison to anything else he had ever dominated. The eagle's body was pure and soft against his scales, and the sensations he got from that were unlike any he had ever had before.

"My brothers have no clue what they've been missing," he said to himself as he ran his hands over the eagle again, ruffling his feathers. "Now Jules, my wonderful pet, give me real pleasure."

The eagle placed his taloned hand back down on the cobra's chest as he slowly rose off of the cock that he had put such great effort into mounting. Though this time wasn't a labored and difficult action, it was intentional, meant to allow his master to have a better experience. As he ascended he squeezed his butt tight around the cobra's cock.

Samael's tail writhed about as he gasped at the sensation which, despite having taken many a creature sexually over the years, was new and invigorating. It was made even stronger as he felt the eagle's tail feathers drag along his dark-scaled body while the avian was in the process sliding back up his erect member. When the eagle reached the very top of his cock again he hovered there for a moment letting just the tip penetrate, teasing him in order to induce even more of a reaction.

"More, give me more, do not stop until I am satisfied!" Samael said loudly in a mix of pent up sexual arousal and frustration at being teased by his thrall.

Jules acknowledged the command and began to descend, having taken everything once he was looser now and could manage the cobra more easily. The trip down was still slow, but certainly less difficult than the first, and after that, each time was easier. Soon the eagle got into a rhythm, his his balls gently bouncing off of the cobra's body every time that he reached the base of the cock. Samael placed his hands on the eagle's hips helping driving the bird down on his cock with every thrust. He could feel the avian's body and mind react each time that his cock plunged in and back out again.

With each and every trip along the snake's slick length, the bird's cock pulsed and leaked, the urge for release rising as the serpentine cock hit against the most sensitive regions inside of him. But release would not be happening for the eagle, there was one unspoken rule, one that was given at the start. There would be no release; not for him, not unless his master bade it so. Even in this situation, regardless of his aching cock, his master would always come first. Samael only made things more difficult on the eagle when he grabbed the bird's swollen, erect member and began pumping it his hand, stroking and coaxing it, in the same rhythm as the rest of their movements. Jules screeched in pleasure and bore down more on the cobra's cock which shook the bed throwing pillows in all directions. This was also enough to finally send the cobra over the edge.

"Now accept your master's seed pet."

Samael hissed loudly and thrust in deep as he started to shoot his load; the first, strong shot causing the eagle to moan, but not stop his movements. Every time Jules bounced off of the cobra's base and back up again he was infused with even more of the serpent's seed. It filled up his insides, and then began flowing out along the edges of his hole and down the cobra's cock. All the while his own cock was still being teased and stroked by the dark snake's scaly hand. Even after that, the eagle still wouldn't stop, not until he knew his master was satisfied, so he kept on pounding down on the now softening cock, trying to squeeze every last drop from it.

However, before Samael was completely finished he once again looked deep into Jules' longing amber eyes and then held him in place at the very base of his cock. Then he gave a command, no words spoken, all within his mind now.

"You may have your release my pet."

Jules gave a shrill cry as cum fountained from his cock, splashing upward and striking his hooked beak before the next shots fired out and on to the cobra's chest. Samael continued to milk the eagle, keeping him firmly affixed on his still engorged cock. After there was all but a small dribble coming out of the avian's tip he let go.

"Now clean up your mess, and then we will rest."

Jules dipped his head down until the bottom of his beak rested against the cobra's stomach, and then he slid forward and stuck out his tongue, lapping away at the very cum that he had just shot. As he did this the snake's softening member slowly slipped out of his stretched hole, and was followed by the cobra's cum which dribbled out along his thigh. It wasn't until the cobra's scales were glistening and clean that he was halted.

"Good, good, my pet, now we shall rest, and tomorrow I shall give you a very special gift for completing your tasks so very well."

Samael wrapped his body around the naked, exhausted eagle and the two fell into a slumber on the satin-sheeted bed.

Jules awoke the next morning and once he shook off the sleepiness in his head he became extremely confused. The room he was in was foreign, and so was the bed he was on. He could hear the sound of a shower running, and saw that a door near the bed was open and steam was flowing out of it freely. He quickly slid off the bed and immediately caught his reflection in the full-length mirror that was affixed to the wall near the bed. As he approached the mirror, he saw his nude form staring back, his feathers looking ruffled in some places and matted down in others. As he tried to smooth out his feathers, he realized that his hands felt heavier, and when he looked at them he saw that something was on them.

It wasn't quite a glove, but rather every one of his talons had silver caps on them, and those caps each had silver chains that ran from them to a second ring that was farther down on his fingers; then finally to a cuff that was locked around his wrists. Each silver cap and the locked cuff also had star rubies embedded in them, which glinted back at him in the white light of the room. While his hands still had nearly unrestricted movement, he could not remove the caps, nor the rest of the devices that were on his hands. Though this was disconcerting, in some ways he also thought they looked kind of pretty. Before he could try anything else behind felt a pair of scaled hands on his shoulders and saw a reflection of Samael in the mirror. A white terry cloth towel was draped over his shoulders and water still was dripping off of his body causing little glints of refracted light.

"I didn't think you would be awake yet, but I see you've already found my presents. There is far more where those came from, but it will take time for the rather talented jewelers in Dangat to finish the pieces, not to mention get the transponders calibrated correctly, but once I turn the ones on in what you're currently wearing you won't have to concern yourself with them." He pulled his head back for a moment and looked the eagle up and down. "Don't you still look just as divine as when I first saw you last night?" Samael ran one of hands down the eagle's back.

A small part of Jules's mind was urging him to run, to try and leave, but then he caught the reflection of the cobra's stare in the mirror.

"Your mind might have been strong, but no more my dear pet, you are now my crowning achievement. Dare I say the most beautiful jewel I have ever collected." Within moments, the eagle was once again fully under control as his cock immediately went erect. "I see no reason not to take advantage of this situation though," Samael leaned the enthralled eagle forward pressing the side of his face up against the mirror, and lifted his up his tail feathers while he positioned his own erect cock at the bird's pucker. "I guess last night just wasn't enough. Perhaps a quick bit of fun before work," he mused. "I wouldn't want to make you late for your big presentation afterall."

With that the cobra thrusted forward into the eagle once more.

Jules gasped and woke up at his work desk. He saw Ayo was next to him and had been shaking him gently.

"Did you sleep here all night?"

Jules looked around in confusion, trying to figure out what was going on. His mind trailed back to the proposal that he had been working on, and he saw the stacks of completed and bound manuscripts set next to him just as he had instructed.

"I guess I was just so tired after finishing the proposal that I fell asleep before I could leave work." He said with embarrassment as he stood up, straightened his sport coat, and then took one of the bound write-ups and paged through it. "Well as long as you got the job done for Mr. Naja." "Certainly, I'm sure Sama-er Mr. Naja will be pleased." "Good thing, because I think he'll be arriving soon." Ayo said as he went to his cubicle and began to type up his own work.

As Jules paged through more of the proposal he couldn't help but feel that his hands felt a little strange. He looked at them carefully and didn't see anything wrong, and as he perused them he caught the shadow of a figure approaching from behind.

"Hello Jules, what do you have there?"

The eagle turned around and saw Mr. Naja standing behind him, well-dressed, perhaps even better than normal.

"It's the final print up of the proposal. I was just taking a look at it, checking it for any print issues." "Oh? Let me see it."

Jules handed a copy over and sat down again as the cobra slowly leafed through it, nodding every once in awhile. "I think my brothers will find this proposal to be quite acceptable," he closed the manuscript. "We should discuss this in my office, so come with me and prepare yourself."

"Of course...Samael."

Jules slipped his soft shoes off and stood up. With silver tipped talons he unbuttoned his sport coat and tossed it on his chair. As Samael began to slither away, he immediately began to follow several paces behind, his talons now working at pulling away his tie and unbuttoning his shirt while he passed by cubicle after cubicle of other workers, all typing away without even noticing what was happening. Before he made it to the elevator he had gotten the last button unfastened and shrugged off his shirt, which fell in a crumpled pile on the office floor. The cobra slithered inside the open doors and Jules followed, as the doors were closing he was already unbuckling his belt.

The doors opened to Samael's large, penthouse office, and the cobra moved smoothly to his desk, Jules followed soon after, now stripped down to naked, the rest of his clothing sitting in a heap inside the elevator. The entranced eagle took his place just behind the cobra's chair. Then, Samael pressed a button on his desk and a large monitor turned on. Three of the monitor's quadrants came to life each one having a different cobra's face on it.

"Hello my brothers, I would like to start our meeting today by presenting a proposal to you that I think you'll appreciate. This proposal which I have sent to you digitally, and will also be sent in hard copy, was written up by my newest employee and also my greatest acquisition: Jules. Please present yourself to my brothers pet, I believe they will be interested in getting a good look at you."

Jules walked forward slowly until he was in front of monitors, threw open his wings and exposed his body to the rest of Naja brothers.