The Warrior's Dove Ch:22 Pt1/2

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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#24 of The Warrior's Dove.

Took me a while, still posting some more. I split Chapter 22 into two parts just cuz I wrote so much more than I thought I really did O.o

Chapter 22: Stepping Stones.

Part One:

The animals panting pressed off against his ear, blowing warm air past as the stench filled his nostrils. Hato couldn't move the chains rang against each other as he tried to shake the dog off. It was no use the animal pressed its sheath against him, pressing roughly at first that shocked him with pain until the animal got off him. The fur on his back stood on end for a few moments, soaked by the dog's wet fur before it was pushed down again, forcing his muzzle to press against the cold stone by its paws. Dust kicked up with every breath, a small fluster came to Hato mixed with the sickening feeling of rage the husky's tip pressed up against his rear and a shot of pain rippled through his lower body as its thrust went almost all the way to its knot. A sharp yelp came from Hato and some laughter came from behind him. What is this supposed to accomplish? The large canine drove itself further in, passing through in long full strides; its large paws were on his hips as it forced itself to delve deeper. The pain lingered for a while longer, slowly fading as Hato's light blush grew just a little more. The dog rolled the base of its shaft around, trying to edge the massive ball knot it had behind it. Driving its thick hot shaft in further, Hato could only assume that it was at least a decent seven inches yet that didn't matter much as the dog humped just a little faster. It sex quivered deep within him, whimpers aroused, Hato never had known where they could've come from. Dominant growls hissed in his ears, the panting and warm air brushed past as the husky started thrusting fiercely into him. Hato heard the whining and whimpering grow it must've been from him an instinctive reaction to the large dogs bitter and lust-filled growling. The husky loved to be in control of him, and for whatever reason, Hato loved to be just submissive enough for the dog. The bulbous knot teased at his hole, fitting a quarter ways for him just to tremble from the sheer size of its knot. His face was flustered through, suddenly though sharp pricks bit into the back of his neck, he yelped out violently and with a single heavy thrust, the dog tied in him. He's fucking huge. The knot grew larger its owner driven by its primal need began mating Hato with shorter, quick thrusts until its peak. Streams of heated seed shot into him, turning on like a tap until the dog emptied itself within him. Panting his own rod had unsheathed itself, the tip tremors softly and with a tight tug, the dog tied back coaxing more of its sperm through him before viciously pulling it from his walls. "Like I told you, he's nothing more than a little bitch." "Get the next two in there." Next two!? You're kidding me right? Apparently they weren't, as the gates screeched open a pair of paws tapped in. From there, a tugging came from Hato's wrist. What now? From above him a complex following of gears had the chains linked to them. It looked as if they could rotate and change the position of the prisoners in the castle, but for Hato, it was bad news. The chains at his feet and hands rotated, the dogs, a German shepherd and a thick furred Shikoku were sitting down staring at the movement of the chains that repositioned Hato. His back was on the cold concrete his hands were pinned naturally to the floor, following down to his hips. His legs where bent and his feet were almost flat on the floor. Something cold pressed against his stomach, the curious sniff of the Shikoku had followed to a serious of light-hearted licks at his chest and face. At first fangs were bared at the dogs, a bitter growl rang out at the two of them. The shepherd found his way to Hato's bushy tail pressing its broad wet tongue against his sheathe to start that caused a damned rosy blush across his white-furred cheeks. The tongue pressed lower, delving into his entrance as the shikoku lightly pressed its tongue against his lips and cheeks. "That's different." The shepherd pressed itself up to Hato's chest pulling his rear up to meet the dog's sheath. The shikoku walked around Hato's skull, coming over the top of his head and meeting the shepherd almost muzzle to muzzle, its member showed itself, trying to press into Hato's mouth. His face blazing red, the tip of the shepherd probed at him, a small almost lustful looking smile came to the dogs. "What?" The two shoved their tips in, Hato's eyes went wide as their musk flooded his nose and made him a little light-headed. "He makes me think of a Crescent Mountain Leairian." The Shikoku's member had pressed around his mouth, the Shepherd mated softly, almost making a small purr or whimpering sound, something Hato had never heard before. He blushed harder his member rubbed against the fur of the shepherd the soft touch stiffened his sheath before even Hato realized he willingly started sucking the tip of the other dogs dick, letting its head roll around his muzzle and taste every length of its rod. The scent was overpowering now, fueling him into a sudden sex-driven daze that he knew he'd come to regret after it was finished, yet at that point he didn't care. "That's fable talk! There isn't any way he can change feral, no one can." Change feral? For a moment his consciousness came back to him. What do they mean by that? The shepherd began faster thrusts, driving its full length. Hato could hear the Shikoku's panting and feel the wind from its tail wagging briskly left and right, his tongue rolled around the shaft of the feral dog, his blush fueled red when suddenly a louder bang came from down the hallway, he didn't take much notice and in a fraction of a second, the two went to investigate leaving Hato alone in his daze of heat. He was whimpering, begging and accepting himself the submissive; the shepherd drove its knot in, thrusting short and fast as the Shikoku shot a stream of heated seed through Hato's throat. Swallowing greedily he lapped up whatever he could, feeling the dogs pulsating rod deep within his muzzle, the shepherd finishing up inside him too. His eyes felt dazed over, never had he felt so animal-like, driven on a primal need. In hardly a few seconds, his emotions and instinct took over and something felt all too familiar as the chains suddenly slipped off him. "What the hell?" Someone called out from nearby. did that Shikoku talk!? Hato pondered the thought before looking towards the dog it stood just above him, which was odd because he swore that the dog was smaller before. Hato tried to stand yet he realized that didn't work out too well for him. "Where did you come from!?" With wide eyes, Hato stared at the shepherd. In hardly a fraction of a second, he started to panic, yelping at first, whimpering after. His fluffy tail was curled between his legs and his ears were flat against his face as the now monstrous sized dog came up to him and sniffed. "It's the same person?" The dog exclaimed, jumping back himself with a yelp before bitterly growling. "How did you do that!?" I wish I knew! Hato thought in remark before regaining his courage and approaching the two. How am I going to start this? "Hi." Hato sounded so young to himself, of course being only eighteen as being normal, Hato assumed he should've been about one, maybe one and a half years like this. "Hi there." The Shikoku replied, passing a small smile before willing approaching him. The Shikoku showed no fear with it, yet of course he would after Hato willing sucked him off. "Aren't you supposed to be like master?" It was a thoroughly foolish sounding question, yet it fit the description between people and their pets. "I should be." Hato passed a nervous smile. The two made their way to the prison gate. "Say, it seems like you never got much out of all this." Hato watched the other dogs face it looked like he was flustered. I didn't think a feral could do that. "It's usually like that, well more like always like that." Hato thought to himself for a second, then thought of an idea, not much of one, but still and idea none-the-less. "If you can help get me out of here and maybe even find someone else they brought in..." Hato paused for a moment the Shikoku looked at him with curious eyes. He thought it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. "I wouldn't mind if you..." Hato paused, and he knew he was already feeling dirty and a little sick from thinking of the idea. Trading his body for a way out, it seemed fair to him. "I..." The Shikoku stopped for a moment and looked at the large shepherd. "This is very odd, maybe we can use him to get ourselves out of here." The shepherd gave a small chuckle. "I'd say it's about time we got our freedom." "That's great!" Hato replied with a small forced smile. "First off, do you know if there is anyone else in here with me?" The two thought for a moment. "Yes, there is one other person, a girl I think. We aren't allowed to spoil the girls, they do that." "Can we get out of here now? She's kind of a friend of mine." Hato gave another small, awkward smile. Just don't piss them off the Shikoku is bigger than I am for god's sake. I'll be killed if they attack me. "Yeah, there are some loose stones that are big enough for dogs like us to fit through, not big enough for those people though. Follow me!" The darker corner of the cell was void of sunlight or any light at all for that matter. There were some stones, almost boulder-like to Hato's perspective, but the Shepherd pushed them aside easily. Along the walk through the dark crevice between the castle walls, the shepherd was ahead of him, and the Shikoku behind. A few times when they stopped Hato felt the dogs paw on his rear, just above his tail. I guess he still wants that side of the deal. The dog was anxious and nudged at his tail a few times, pinned Hato down once before but the shepherd told him to stop. It was damp, cold, and dark and it made Hato shiver from more than just the frigid air, soon the tight crevice turned into a huge pitch dark hall, much like a corridor with old torches aligning the walls in perfect symmetry. There were no lights, yet the Shikoku still pushed at his rear. "I just can't wait till we get out of here!" He said in a sing-song voice, nudging his nose at the base of Hato's tail. He passed a small involuntary blush and shook it away before the dog noticed. Suddenly voices rose from further in the darkness, Hato deduced that the wall they were in, the old corridor was a solid though hollow wall between the cells of the dungeon. The voices sounded like yelling, or more like one voice barking out at another soft-toned one. "Get the hell off me!" It was Kieai, she was the yelling voice. Hato ran as fast as he could, the Shikoku and the shepherd behind him. His amber and gold eyes caught the sight of Kieai's ripe body, entirely bare and forced on the stone wall. It looked like a fox, orange blaze with a white-tipped tail "Calm down kitten. Get the rope, just tie her hands behind her back and holster her legs together with another length. She will want this, one way or another it is happening." Hato tried pawing at the stones yet they wouldn't move, it only caused a rustle and scratching sound on the stone. To his fortune, Kieai noticed him, looking with a stunned face. Suddenly her arms were bound by a large figure, a bull, biceps rippled out and his bare back was strong. A thick rope was tight tightly around her arms and it made her fringe with pain, then she was put on her knees, another length of rope tied just enough to put her knees shoulder-width apart. The lips of her sex were tight between her legs as she hissed violently as the fox rubbed his paw against her well shown abs. "You'll enjoy this just as much as I will." His paws pressed against her, rubbing tenderly as his fingers tried to probe into Kieai. She simply hissed at him some more. His face looked at hers, she caught a decent spit in. "I'll fucking kill you, you perverted son-of-a-bitch." The fox pulled his paws away, licking tenderly at the juices still on and in-between his finger. "A girl who can deal threats hardly dressed. Stunning, most usually are more flustered that everything is out there, making it so tempting and inviting ... I like you." With her hands and feet tied together, she tried everything she could think of to stop his muzzle from pressing against her folds, yet that didn't stop the fox from drilling his tongue into her. Kieai's fangs showed, sharp and gleaming yet her face was slowly turning red from despair and anger. The strangers tongue pressed in so tenderly, that Hato could see with his own fluster before shaking away the sickening thought. He tried something. Pressing back away from the wall, he went to the other side and full range bolted for the stuck, though somewhat loose stone. Throwing his body-weight into it, he felt a sharp pain drive through his torso and chest and in a few seconds, the stones collapsed with a loud crash that echoed through the stone walls. "What the hell!?" Forcing his way up Hato charged fang and claw for the fox, and dove with a sharp blur across him. A second passed and in success a shard of blood gushed out from him all across the knocked over stone. Kieai stared in bewilderment, staring at the small young pup that had just saved her from the fox. "Hato?" No time to explain Hato knew he'd say something like that as he shredded and chewed through her rope bonds. In hardly a second her scents came to Hato and he flustered through. Kieai grabbed the keys from her rapist, spitting in his face before opening the door to the cage. The shepherd and the Shikoku followed shortly after with them. Bolting down the corridor they reached a wooden door and Hato heard Kieai say that their supplies were in there. She kicked the door open, brought him and the other two dogs into the candlelit room and closed it shut. Voices from others rose as footsteps ran past the door, suddenly it went silent and they all were alone. "Hato." She whispered in his ear, crouched with her slender tail down. "How are you ... When could you?" "she's so pretty!" It was the black-furred Shikoku that stood behind Hato, in the next few seconds Kieai sharply stopped speaking. The Shikoku had gone up behind her. "No. Don't even think about it." Hato told him and he hesitantly walked away apologizing with flattened ears and a curled tail. She stared at both of them and was bewildered once more. "You can talk to other dogs?" She quietly exclaimed. "That's amazing!" The gleam of a metallic reflection touched their eyes, Kieai's clothes weren't in the room, but all of Hato's supplies were still present. She eyed Hato for a moment and stood, dressing and arming herself. The Shikoku whined because of it, Hato figured he was still excited about the idea of leaving and probably Hato's offering for his side of the bargain. "Lucky you, having such old and rare things no one would throw that away or simply sell them." Kieai said more to herself than to Hato. "Now come on, all of you we need to leave now." Kieai opened the door Hato's clothes just fit her. Am I honestly that short and weak? Hato scolded himself for it, being so light-weight probably made him more of an easy target in fights. Kieai armed Hato's bow and loaded an arrow. The small group walked along, hiding in the shadows whenever a patrol went by. At Hato's height he could clearly see underneath the tunic Kieai was wearing, he was still flustered by everything he had witnessed. Her scent was rubbed all over him, and that really didn't help the Shikoku at all either. "You are keeping your promise right?" It was almost the worst time to ask for Hato. "In due time." Hato replied quietly watching another patrol turn in their favor. Behind the group was their ticket out of the sub-floor, a staircase that led to the main floor and the lot made haste to find their way through the central foyer of the castle. Two large doors were shut in front of them, Kieai pulled with everything she had. It was of no use, the doors were too heavy for one person to open. Breathing came from behind the four and with wide eyes they turned to meet one really pissed off bull. The male was huge, standing at least seven feet and beyond strong. Held in his single hand was a huge axe, something that a giant would probably wield, yet the bull wasn't far off from being considered one. In a single second we all would be killed, Hato was sure of it, beyond sure. Yet like a saving grace, as that axe slammed down at them, a small peculiar falcon named Leicilia dove in and threw the giant slightly off balance. "Alywin now!" It was Jivera's voice from above them, and out of nowhere the sight of another Fisher tackled the off balance bull careening it through the castles front doors, and cracking them entirely. It swung out and called in the cavalry Serviath noticed Hato and was in complete surprise. More guards came from the basement and upstairs. The fight came, an honest one though; Hato was on all fours. The other two dogs took cover in another room in the castle, hiding. As swords drove for Hato, he sharply stepped right and dug in for the kill. Only tearing the arm of a bandit, a large figured shoved him over and Hato caught the sight of the Husky from before. Exchanging vicious stares, Hato stood ground to the huge dog, fangs bared and claws exposed, the both locked head to head, muzzle to muzzle as they both dug for the others eyes and face. The husky was extremely fast and strong, for the slightest moment it reminded Hato of the desert from his vision. Timing it just right Hato avoided the dogs lunge and for a moment of widened eyes, he noticed a bare, furless brand mark of the Hovishiran Kingdom. A serpent and dagger curled around a bed of skulls with a term around it stating, "Serve thy lord and kingdom." Hato shot a lunge in, yet the other dog whipped its paw around, nailing Hato right on the side of the muzzle hard enough to send him back a foot. Back on all fours -Hato knew how annoying the whole animal thing was becoming- He went head to head, charging for the husky through a sudden hail of arrows that shot towards them. To his surprise almost all of them darted off from what seemed to be a bubble of glossy water, and the rest were incinerated by the sight of a ball of fire. "Excellent Karisif." Livrythi was speaking in his ear. "Keep your emotions in check." The husky shot its claws, just paring Hato's snout a voice called to him and he darted a quick eye back to a shadow. Kiyoko was there, and Hato's heart sunk. Was she looking for me? Did she come here to find me? Hato soon realized that looking at her was a vital mistake in this fight the dog took note quickly as a bandit went to grapple her, she whipped her dagger out and the male just dodged her wild attack. "So she's your master?" His growling was low and dark. "Nowhere close." Hato growled back to the large wolf-like dog. Kiyoko was open, and that's when the husky bolted after slamming Hato aside, slamming her to the floor her dagger had just recovered itself, separating her from the husky's razors. In a sudden rage that boiled his blood, Hato felt something overtake him it didn't feel right as if he was being consumed all over again and as he stared at his paws, a small shadowy flame overtook them, creating a void of light as the darkness tried to swallow him. What!? No! Hato thought in a wild panic that suddenly he couldn't control. No! I can't fall victim to this bullshit again! Hato had no clue of what he was talking about; a set of words quickly came to him, in a split second Livrythi, his simple advice Keep your emotions in check. He simply couldn't want to kill, no one did, and it came to his thoughts.

I want to save them both. Ironically he knew it was somewhat true. For a sudden moment the world paused and his paws were no longer engulfed by flame and in awe he watched as fragments of that symbol -Relinian's symbol - was shattered upon his fur, pulsing a light blue as Hato's fur changed to an indefinite white and light gold, so bright it radiated light. Hato's smaller pup-like size changed into a huge wolf's form, larger than any dog or human for that matter and as the Husky ripped away Kiyoko's grip on her dagger and aimed next for her throat, the Hato bolted, his paw simply swatted the dog away without strain. The fighting seemed to stop, Kiyoko's eyes were wide with fear, yet that fear faded slowly as she stared in the now solid amber-eyes that gently looked back at her with a small and sudden loving care. Her eyes were teary, and without warning, Hato felt Kiyoko hug him with a gentle caress that let him lie down where she was. Everywhere around them people only ended up staring, not a single blade struck against each other, nor any more blood was shed for that day. Hato stared out to them, the people who only were frightened and on edge from the inhuman creature in front of them now. It was unexpected what had happened next, the bandits dropped or holstered their blades and some even shook hands with their opponents, not many were killed that day, the husky remained fine with the exception of a few sprains. They wondered who Hato's group are and once they explained themselves, they had an entire change of heart. "I hadn't realized you were all Tishkian." Some said. Others stated they believed the group was Hovishirian when they attacked them at the gate. After a decent few minutes, Hato slowly changed back into the collie from before, still stunned and feeling suddenly at peace as Kiyoko held him in her arms. He had fallen asleep there, yet the last thing he remembered was her nuzzling at his chest. "Thank you." She said to him, and from there Hato drifted off into a short peaceful sleep. "I knew you were never the demon I saw."