Lights Out

Story by WaltoDisney on SoFurry

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#1 of Second Best Series

Just a story with couple of romping wolves. There's a slight semblance of a plot. =P

Lights Out

The rumbling came from low in the earth until it lashed out through the sky, letting loose a combination of bright, sparking lightning and cracking, booming thunder. It raced across the landscape, over fields, forests, and cities, flying out in all directions and winking off lights where it went. Atop a sloping hill, at the end of a long driveway, a quaint townhouse took refuge in a small grove of pines and oaks. Inside the darkened home, through the pictured hallways and plush rooms, a small wolf lay curled on a blanket-stacked futon. He squeaked pitifully and his ears laid flat against his skull as the thunder rattled the windows while the angry wind shook the house. Pulling a red, fluffy blanket closer to himself, all the way to his black nose, he gave a little whine as he wrapped himself up in its secure embrace, shivering to calm his nerves.

Out of all things, why did he have to be afraid of thunder? He knew it was just a noise, that there was no harm in it, but even that didn't console him. It had been like this since his youth, that fear of the bump in the night. And now with the house dark, that fear was there once more. The rain clawed hungrily at the windows as its grimy paws slid down the glass. The wind hissed through the cracks, its cold breath making the wolf's white ears twitch uncomfortably. And then there was that ever-present thunder that shook every little bit of his world each time it growled from the earth and sky. The flashing lightening was his only moment of comfort, because it gave off enough light to let him see for a brief bit.

The black-pelted wolf stretched his arm out from his safe cocoon and groped in the dark for a phone, or flashlight, anything he could find. He growled pathetically, glancing at the coffee table just a few feet from where he was curled.

"You think I would have gotten a lighter or matches for my candles by now." He shook his head, silently tossing his blanket off of his barely clothed body.

Tail tucked between his legs he wandered toward his kitchen that was attached to the living room. He carefully made his way, a paw outstretched to gauge the where the walls began and ended. His steps were slow and even, but even that didn't prevent his foot from slamming into a nearby dining chair. He sucked in a breath and fell to a knee, willing himself not to swear, lest the chair win this battle of wills. He softly nursed his wound for a few more moments, whispering to himself, before continuing his trek to the kitchen. He finally made it to the dull-tiled, confining kitchen and proceeded to rip open every drawer that he could get his paws on. When he was finished checking one side of the kitchen, he was able to turn around, take one step, and be in the other half. He bent down, his tail still stiff between his legs, as he rummaged through the junk draw. At last, in triumph, he pulled out a lighter. Put grabbed it, gingerly putting his fingers to the trigger and tried it, always nervous around the sparks. With a flinch, he lit it, or he tried to, but no flame came. He shook the small cartridge, and to his dismay, he heard only the smallest amount of liquid shake in the container.

"This just isn't my night," he said as dryly as possible. "And I know I'm talking to myself. I just hate thunderstorms... Stupid thunder... And I still am talking, great."

He hated to catch himself talking like this, it made him uncomfortable even though no one was around to hear him. Just when he began to reason that furs did this when they were nervous, another snap of thunder sent his paws to his ears. When at last the thunder died off in the distance, he heard another sobering sound. It was a loud inconsistent banging that echoed through his small home. The wolf, clad in only his boxers, treaded slowly to the dim windows, picking up a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. He put them on as he made his way, mumbling with his lithe tail and how it refused to go through his pants. He frowned visibly when he got to the window and saw the screen-door swinging freely in the rushing wind. If he didn't latch it up, it would surely break the door, and goodness knows he didn't have the money to spend on a replacement.

He rushed through the dark house, doing his best to avoid knocking over his knickknacks. The wolf came to the front door and pushed it the rest of way open before reaching out into the crying wind and grabbing the handle roughly before yanking it closed and latching it tightly. He turned back, closing the front door and shaking himself a little. The front of his hoodie and a patch of his jeans were already quite wet, even from the short time of exposure. He quickly discarded this clothing, shivering at the cool air the caressed his lean torso and unprotected legs. All he wanted now was to curl back up in his blanket. He needed something to keep him warm. Still walking cautiously, steps so small, he made it back the main hallway, and would have continued to the left to the living room, but something caught his eye to the right. It was a faint glimmer, a dull glow coming from a room at the end of the hall, as if there were a candle lit inside it. But that couldn't be, he had nothing to light a candle with. He fumbled with his paws, wringing them quietly as he bit his lip. He looked both ways and sighed as he began to edge himself towards the far room, unsure of what to expect. The air had suddenly become still, and he could hear nothing else but his heartbeat as it thumped louder and louder in his chest on each step. His breathing came quicker. His steps were timid. The glow was brighter. The room was closer. His paws shook. His muscles began to lock. He was right near the doorway. He closed his eyes. He reared back and jumped through the door frame, and with one hesitant move, opened an eyelid.

"Hey there, Hun," a familiar voice cooed to him.

His paws fell to his sides as he stood there slack-jawed. He stammered to try and get words out. "Um-ugh-H-Hey there, Darren. You surprised me!" He smiled despite his nervousness and clapped his paws together as he tried to conceal a blush.

The rust colored wolf named Darren lay in little more than his fur as he smirked up at his black and white-eared companion. "I figured that I did," he grinned, pushing himself up to a sitting position, "I remembered that you hate thunder, and I know you can be clumsy, so I knew that you probably didn't have any light, since the power went out."

The candle on his nightstand flickered playfully, dancing across both their bodies, and he couldn't stop his eyes from wandering from Darren's eyes, down his slightly more built chest and abs. The rusty wolf was no Adonis, but he was definitely nice to look at. He gulped quietly when he dared to glance at the fuzzy sheath between his taut legs. He shook his head quickly and willed himself to look back to his eyes. Darren was licking his lips, which made it quite clear of his intentions. Well, he supposed that the more obvious indicator was the lack of clothes, but that was just a digression.

"Yeah, you know me," he blushed, rubbing the back of his head slowly. "I guess this explains the screen door slamming and the front door not being shut."

"Mhm... But don't worry about that now Jeremy... C'mere, you must be cold," Darren smiled warmly, patting the spot next to him on Jeremy's bed.

Jeremy sighed, finally relaxed at the prospect of company. Even a low rumble of thunder didn't frighten him as he slowly sauntered over to the other wolf. He pulled himself up onto the plush bed, climbing between Darren's spread legs as he leaned up and kissed those light brown lips of his. They lingered there like that for a few minutes, until Jeremy was able to loosen up, the tense feeling leaving from his muscles as he became more engrossed by their kiss. Not as cautious now, their tongues found each other in between their muzzles and began to dance. At last, his tail unfurled itself from his own legs as a pair of firm paws wrapped around him, dragging him in closer as they lay back on the covers, holding their soft kiss.

At once, Jeremy was already feeling warmer as his fur brushed against Darren. His paws began to roam, resting against his firm chest for moments before trailing down, claws just barely touching skin as he felt the gentle indentations in his stomach. He heard the wolf beneath him murr quietly at his gentle touch. He pressed his muzzle against Darren's neck and began to lick slowly and steadily, growling playfully as the other wolf lifted his head a little bit, exposing his neck.

Despite his normal attitude, Jeremy turned into a completely different fur in the bedroom, a fact that had taken the wolf beneath him by surprise. The paws that pressed into his back were a little more insistent now, as was a gentle prodding at his crotch that he was all too familiar with. He let one of his paws slide ever-so-slowly between their stomachs until he felt a slick rod slip between his fingers. Jeremy stopped his assault on Darren's neck lick his rusty muzzle.

"Heh, seems like someone hasn't gotten the attention that they've needed," Jeremy said with a sly smirk.

Darren chuckled and kissed his nose. "Nope. But that's something I was hoping you could take care of."

Jeremy nodded his head, his tail wagging quicker as he nuzzled the slightly larger wolf, kissing down him as the black wolf slid down his body slowly, kissing every inch he deemed necessary, relishing every moment as his tender lips pressed against his tight abs, then down and down until he felt something bumped against his chin. He grinned upward, putting on those innocent eyes as he moved back, spying exactly what had had the taste for.

Darren's wolfhood was mostly all the way out of his plump sheath without any help. The deep-redish, almost purple shaft throbbed in need as the tapered head dripped a thin line of pre. Jeremy licked his lips, his paws running through Darren's inner thigh fur as he gave a slow lick up the length, grinning inwardly as he felt the rust wolf's muscles tighten. He closed his eyes as he continued to drag his tongue up his member, murring himself to help edge the wolf on. Jeremy's paws massaged his thighs slowly as he kept up the slow tonguebath, even now wrapping his tongue around the shaft. He felt a firm paw on his head, slowly rubbing behind his ears, telling him he was doing alright. So in return for the gentle head massage, when he made one last drag up his twitching, pre-ing member, he wrapped his smooth black lips around the head of his cock, moaning quietly at the salty taste of pre as it coated the inside of his muzzle. Even those his ears were tilted back, he could hear the other wolf moaning louder as he pushed more inside his tight muzzle, sucking a little harder on each inch. His paws had shifted now to the base of Darren's cock, gripping tightly with one as the second massaged his very slowly growing knot.

"Mmm, I love when you do this," the moaning wolf growled happily, "don't even have to ask."

This encouraged Jeremy on further as he lapped at his cockhead, pushing more of the throbbing maleness into his inviting muzzle. He swirled his tongue around each inch that he could reach. When he had bottomed out at his 5 inch limit, he pulled back and started to bob his head slowly, sucking harder on the delicious length now between his lips. He realized with dim awareness that his own cock was flagged and staining his boxers with pre, but he could take care of that shortly. Until then, he had the strong, earthy musk of the wolf beneath him flowing through his nose and intoxicating him. Darren began to thrust slowly into Jeremy's bobbing, wishing that the black wolf could take all 7 inches into his muzzle instead of just 5. But he wasn't complaining, having a cute wolf like him get him off whenever was good enough. Darren let go of Jeremy's head and gripped the sheets as the other wolf hit a sweet spot, making him moan louder.

At once, Jeremy pulled off, smiling deviously at the larger wolf, a thin line of drool connecting muzzle to shaft. A bit of lightning flashed in his eyes as the patter of rain hit the window above the bed. The smaller wolf leaned down and licked underneath the wolf's sheath, glancing back up and grinning.

"Would you mind?" he asked playfully.

Darren paused for a moment, gauging his look, "Have you ever topped before?"

"No," he chuckled regardless, "but I have to learn sometime."

There was a brief silence until the larger wolf let out a sigh. "Hmm... Alright. Only because it's you. I've taken before, so I can give you pointers for the future, okay?"

Jeremy nodded enthusiastically and rushed to his nightstand, pulling out a bottle and then hurrying back behind Darren. He slowly slipped down his boxers and squirted a little bit of lube onto his own red cock. As he squirted more into his paw, he leaned down, pushing up one of Darren's legs and pressed his muzzle against the rusty wolf's pink pucker, he gave a slow lick and felt a shudder. He giggled and licked more, feeling the tension melt slowly. When he felt that the other wolf was ready, he smeared some of the clear lube around his entrance, and then stood up. He wrapped his arms under Darren's legs lifting them and brining him closer. A shiver of anticipation shot up his spine as his aching cock pressed close.

"Alright, just remember to let me adjust, and if I say 'too much' to back off a little, okay?"

Jeremy could tell that he was nervous. He was too, to be honest. He was just glad to have the chance to finally lose that last pesky V-card. He nodded his head quickly in agreement, just wanting to finally know what the fuss was all about. He pressed his hips forward slowly, letting out a low moan as his cock was enveloped in a warmness and tightness he had never felt before. The combination of natural and processed lube let his throbbing member bury deeper into the wriggling wolf beneath him. Jeremy saw Darren biting his lip, eyes closed, and he stopped where he was, about 3 inches in. He leaned down and, as best as he could, kissed his nose, licking at his muzzle until at last he opened his eyes up again, trying to smile.

"Phew, haven't taken in awhile. You're thicker than I expected."

Jeremy blushed and grinned as he slowly started to roll his hips against the wolf below him. "Well, I'm about halfway in, so you're almost there."

He stayed there, slowly opening up the tight tailhole that squeezed so wonderfully on his drooling cock. His pre poured out and lubed up his passage, letting him slide further and further in without realizing. Out of nowhere, Darren suddenly gasped and grabbed Jeremy's back, digging his claws in lightly as he moaned, his cock shooting a tiny stream of pre. He took this as a good sign and pulled out near to the tip and thrust back into Darren. The both let out a moan, both shivering in delight. The black wolf began what he thought was a good pace, taking him evenly, still going slow enough to allow him any last adjustments. He marveled at how Darren's ears now laid flat against his skull, his eyes closed in a sense of satisfaction, his mouth hung open just slightly along with his tongue. He gripped the blankets beside him, digging his claws in deep as he was speared over and over by the smaller wolf. He couldn't believe that this less experienced wolf had found the right angle already.

"Ngh... Harder!" he moaned out right when the black wolf had hit that spot again.

"Mmm, say no more..." Jeremy cooed smoothly as he began to ride his lover.

He felt his passage close down on him each time he pushed all the way in, making him shudder and moan in complete pleasure. The wolf below him was now writhing in his bed as he took him harder and faster, moaning his name over and over. The temperature rose so much between them that they found themselves panting. Their combined musk made Jeremy drunk with ecstasy as his wolf's toes curled and his tongue lolled out. He had never felt so alive!

Darren's tail twitched between the black wolf's legs. "Ah!... Fuck you're good!"

There was no reply. Jeremy was too focused on his backside to notice. He had now slowed his thrusts again, making a slow, deep angle and giving a last punch to each thrust, pushing his wolf's pleasure as far as he could. When he came back to reality for a moment, he looked down and noticed that there were already cum stains on the rusty wolf's chest, stomach and chin.

Heh, guess he couldn't last from earlier, he thought to himself quietly.

He leaned down and kissed the wolf hard, passionately, tasting the wolf's cum on his lips and growling in satisfaction as he rode the wolf fast again, taking him harder. Darren's legs were now wrapped around his, letting his paws freely pin down the others as they lay close together, yipping, howling, and moaning in lust. He lapped at the submissive wolf's neck greedily as he pounded him hard, his thick, hard shaft filling that slick, tight tailhole on each upstroke, hammering his prostate. He wanted him so badly. Their kiss was electric as they bred on and on, rivaling the storm outside with their vicious snarls of bliss.

There was once again a familiar throbbing against his stomach and he let out a feral growl, prideful in having brought his wolf to full staff twice in one coupling. Every sense of his was on fire. His knot swelled as warmth built up inside him, drawing him closer and closer to that inevitable end. The sound of balls against tailcheeks resonated around the room along with their shuddering moans. There was a ripping sound, and Jeremy realized that Darren had torn his blankets in a fit of pleasure. But he didn't care. All that mattered now was the beautiful male underneath him, whose warm body and smooth voice fueled him on and on, making him want to feel every bit of joy that he felt. His knot was now dangerously close to Darren's tailring, and Darren knew it.

"Mmm, I know I shouldn't. Oh! Ngh! But, take me! Make me yours!"

That was all he needed to hear. He pulled back and with a mighty snarl and a howl he shoved his entire, throbbing cock into his wolf, knot and all, tying them together. He moaned loudly as his cock shot streams of cum into his tailhole, painting his passage white as Darren leaned up, biting Jeremy's shoulder as his own cum spurted all over the black wolf's stomach, dripping back onto, and adding more to the puddle on his own stomach. Jeremy winced in slight pain, but was able to block it out with the overwhelming sense of euphoria shooting through his body. The continued to hump each other shallowly as they rode out their orgasms until at last they collapsed into a panting, sweaty, cummy mass of fur. Jeremy smiled happily at Darren, licking his cheek and gazing into his black eyes.

"I love you," whispered Jeremy.

Darren looked back into the black wolf's blue eyes, and said nothing. The sound of the storm was slowly coming back into focus, with its hollow wind and short-lived light.

Before they fell into an exhausted sleep in each other's arms, Jeremy smiled with satisfaction at a bedside clock, seeing that it was now two hours later from when he had first gotten into the room. About a half hour later, Darren's cell phone went off. He groggily reached down to the side of the bed, picked it up. Jeremy woke up slowly and tilted his head.

"It's my boyfriend," Darren whispered.

The rain pelted the window hard as a crack of thunder split the air in two.

Alright, so, yeah... I actually wrote this whole thing out of frustration in a couple of hours, and the original idea was much more.. romantic than this was, but I guess that's what happens. I ended up just going over the length that I wanted it, unfortunately, oh well. =P

This is the first story with yiff I've actually written, so please bear with me. Someone once told me I should try it out, so now I can say that I have. =P And I haven't gone through and reviewed/edited it, because I know I'd lose the nerve to submit this then. xD

Anyways, hope that it was at least halfway enjoyable. =)