A Warm Bed Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 -- Principium

(August 17th)

Scott's paw rested still between the young cat's shoulder blades, as he led him down the alleyway in silence...not having much else to say, and expecting that, if the boy did, he would say it.

"Sir...?" Jeffery spoke up to fill the silence, "What do you do for a living?

"I can't say," the older fox smiled down at him. "Sorry. It's just that it's a...sensitive job...when it comes to my sexuality. And I think most of what happened tonight would be a bit too much for my bosses and, uhm..." he paused, looking for the right terminology, "those affected by my position, to handle. I've gotta' do what I can to keep this side of me separate from my professional life."

"What about your family?"

"I have a brother who lives a few states away...a sister who's still living with our mother and father while she goes to college...and then there's my parents. I don't see any of them too much, though...why?"

"Just making conversation, Sir...sorry..."

"Don't be sorry." Scott scratched the kitten's shoulder, and silence fell back over them, Jeff simply walking with him the rest of the way to his car.

Scott unlocked and opened the passenger door for Jeff, and walked around to his own side, while the cat got in. He hopped into the driver's seat and closed his door, but didn't start the car, "Last chance..."

"It's okay..." the cat looked at his feet in the floorboard, "I'll be okay..."

Scott started the car, "Then let's get you fed. Fast food okay, for tonight? I've already eaten, and it's kind of late."

"I'm not that hungry either," Jeff lied as he buckled himself in. He was very hungry, but his growing nervousness at where his night was headed, had his stomach too tied in knots to even think of eating. "Thank you, though...Sir."

The fox put the car in gear and left, reaching over shortly after they'd gotten underway and scratching the kitten behind one of his ears, "Well we still need to get you cleaned up..."

"Yeah..." Jeff chuckled and found himself leaning toward the paw, oddly comforted by the friendly, almost fatherly, scratching.

Scott made the drive back to his house in relative silence -- only small pleasantries exchanged here and there -- and soon enough, they were in his driveway, his car was off, and he was stepping out and popping his trunk. Before he could go about unloading his bags, though, he decided to see how receptive his pet would be to commands...even those far simpler than would later be expected.

"Could you grab my bags for me, boy? There's not much: just some things I bought today."

"Yes Sir..." The cat did as he was told, sliding out of the car, joining the older by the trunk and lifting out the bags. With all the bags in his arms, he clumsily closed the trunk and quickly followed the fox to the house.

Scott opened the door and let the boy in ahead of him, "Just sit them on the floor. I can put them up tomorrow."

Jeff walked in and placed them on the floor, out of the way, and then turned and stood, staring expectantly toward his new 'master.'

The fox closed the door and turned to look at his pet. A soft chuckle parted his lips, a barely audible sign of approval at the cat's so far willing attitude, "You look like you have something to say. Or...maybe like you're waiting for something...?"

"Well...I was expecting you to tell me where I can get clean." Jeff caught himself and stammered to amend: "Sir."

Scott shook his head through a laugh, "You don't have to add it to EVERY sentence."


"Don't be. I appreciate the fervor." He moved along, to answer the boy, "And, I'm more than a little tempted to clean you up, myself...but I'll let you take some things slow for the first night." The adult pointed to a hall leading off from the living room, "The bathroom is down there. You can't miss it. You're gonna' need to take off your clothes for me before you go, though...that way so I can get them washed and put away..."

The cat gulped. Despite the earlier mentioned rules, he wasn't expecting that, and, even if it wasn't as embarrassing as before, he didn't like it. "R-right here?"

"Either that or I can take them off for you..." Scott sparked a wicked grin, "...again."

"No...erm, no Sir. It's okay. I'll do it..." First Jeff slipped off his shoes, and then took off his shirt, simply dropping it to the floor. After an obviously timid pause he unclasped his pants, sighing deeply before pulling both them and his underwear down at once. Once fully naked, he used paws and tail to hide his young sheath, "Uhm...just leave them here?"

The fox thought for a second of telling the cat to stop hiding himself, but, instead, just nodded and waved the kitten away, as he walked over and picked up the clothes.

Jeff quickly scurried away to the hallway bathroom, still embarrassed about being naked. Once there, he pushed the door closed but didn't lock it, worried that if he did, it might upset Scott. So far, the adult fox had seemed nice enough, but Jeff wanted to keep it that way...and he was still a little scared of him after the display in the alleyway. Happy to actually have the opportunity to be clean again, though, he let himself forget about Scott and where he was, for the moment, and wasted no time in turning on the water and stepping into his first hot shower in months...

Elsewhere, Scott put the cat's clothes away, and stripped out of most of his own -- down to only his slacks -- before heading to the living room to sit and wait for the teenager to finish his shower.

Over half an hour passed before Jeff stepped out of the shower. Only one towel was left on the rack, and he reached for it instinctively. But the feeling of its slight dampness on his paw pads gave him reason to pause. He wasn't sure what he thought of sharing a towel with Scott, of knowing that he was drying himself with something that had so recently dried the fox. But, then again...that was nothing compared to what would be expected of him soon...

Giving in, he dried himself off with the damp towel, and ventured back out, down the hallway and to the living room, "Sir...?" He looked around cautiously.

"Yes?" From the couch, Scott turned to look toward the hallway.

"Oh! There you are!" Jeff stopped in the entry to the living room, from the hall, "What...what time is it?"

"Bit after 12...why?"

"I was wondering...I wanted to ask if I could go to bed. It's been a long night..."

"I'm curious," the fox smirked, ignoring the request for the moment. "Where do you think you're sleeping?"

"I...I don't know," Jeff's gaze dropped...

...and Scott's smile widened, "Don't you?"

The cat took a breath and looked up again with nervous forced grin, trying but failing to look like he was okay with it, "With you, Sir?"

Scott nodded, "And that means you can go to bed when I do. Until then, you can join me on the couch."

Jeff huffed a defeated breath, "Okay..." He walked over timidly and sat next to Scott, still only wearing the towel, and feeling very nervous that Scott had gotten shirtless in his absence.

The fox, though, didn't let him sit long, "Stand up..."

"Uhm..." Jeff stood, "A-alright..."

Scott reached over quickly and removed Jeffery's towel, leaving the damp cat naked before him, ass in perfect view, but the rest of his pride facing away.

The cat immediately covered himself up with his tail, tucking it between his legs.

"I said no clothes...and this counts," Scott tossed the towel aside. "Now you can sit back down, if you want." He smiled and patted his lap, to make it clear WHERE the boy could sit.

Very quietly, Jeff responded, "Okay..." before sitting down carefully on Scott's lap, to the side like a child would do with Santa Clause.

"Try to relax..." The fox slipped an arm around the kid's waist, his paw landing softly, low on his stomach. "This is your first night. I'm not looking to traumatize you by just suddenly fucking you or anything. Even if it is..." he tightened his grip, pulling the cat closer to his body, the fur of the kitten's back and the fur of the fox's chest meeting, "...tempting."

In an attempt to relax himself, Jeff spoke up in a half-joking tone, "If I had that cigarette I was asking for, I wouldn't be so nervous..." He gave out a forced chuckle and blushed when it was apparent how fake it sounded.

Scott's paw encircled the boy's tail, slowly lifting it away from his genitals and pushing it aside, "Now, now. You had the chance to leave...both in the alleyway when I sent you after my wallet, and then again in the car before we left. But you didn't..."

"I know..." the cat sighed. "I'm just nervous, ya' know?"

"I know." Scott laid his paw on the kitten's thigh, his fingers very lightly trailing its inner side, closer and closer to the boy's nuts, and his eyes glued on them and the small feline sheath above, "But I think you'll get used to it eventually."

Jeff gulped hard, also watching his new master's fingers, and tuning out the rest of the world. The fox let just one finger slowly run across the cat's balls, enjoying the feel of their soft recently-cleaned fur, and of them tightening ever so slightly under his touch.

Jeff gasped at being touched, this time consciously enjoying it, "I..."

Scott lingered the tip of his finger before letting it find the kitten's sheath, "You...?"

The cat gulped hard again, and looked at the older fur, obviously very nervous, "I...I'm not gay..."

Scott gently slid his fingers, now two, along his new pet's sheath, "I know." A third finger, forth, and a thumb joined the exploration of the tight gray package, "What's your point, boy?"

Jeff fought back the urge to purr while feeling Scott tease his sheath, "I just wanted you to know." His sheath began to swell slightly, his master's unexpectedly gentle fingers managing to turn him on.

The fox felt his pet's sheath swell and looked back down at it, as he slowly wrapped his paw around, still putting as little pressure on it as he could.

And Jeff just leaned his head back, moaning as softly as he could. No previous sexual experience -- or what could pass as one -- had ever been this intimate, and it was more than a little overwhelming being with another male.

Scott leaned his muzzle by the boy's ear as he continued to tease the young, swelling sheath. "I'm growing a bit...uncomfortable, boy. I want you to unzip my pants for me, unbutton them and my boxers, and take a good look..." he paused for emphasis, "...at your master's cock."

The cat clenched his eyes hard. He didn't really want to, but he'd agreed to the costs of his new life. He couldn't start fighting them already, "Yes Sir." He reached down, and unzipped his master's pants slowly, allowing the fox's scent to rise up into the air and causing the teenager to gulp again. Closely following the unbuttoning of his master's pants, the fox's cock immediately stood tall and proud, though still hidden by the older fur's boxers, "Oh God..." Jeff tremored, a shaking paw unbuttoned his new master boxers and freeing the vulpine dick within. He glanced at it only briefly, though, before looking away.

"Relax. Focus on this..." Scott stroked Jeff's sheath a bit more firmly, "You were enjoying it a moment ago. You didn't even seem embarrassed when you swelled."

Jeff purred quietly, and did as he was told, focusing on Scott's touch and hoping it would all somehow end soon, and he could go to bed.

"You're going to have to look again. You'll be seeing it far more close and personal very," the fox chuckled, "and I mean VERY soon."

Jeff held his breath, shamefully loving what was being done to him but hating what his master apparently wanted him to do back. He looked down, though, and hesitantly reached a shaky paw over to wrapped it around Scott's sticky shaft...not jacking it off or squeezing...just holding it.

"Good boy..." It twitched in the new pet's grasp, more than once, as the fox's pre flowed down its length and onto Jeff's paw.

The cat simply held it, in complete disbelief that it was actually happening. It was hotter than he believed -- hotter, it seemed, than his own -- and his master's pre-cum was soaking into the fur on his paw. Only adding to his disbelief, though...was the fact that it was actually a pleasant feeling...not entirely welcome, but admittedly pleasant.

"What say find somewhere more...comfortable?" Scott let go of his pet and put the paw that had been on the cat's sheath, on his ass and gently pushed, "The bedroom is just past the bathroom."

Pushed to his feet, Jeff stood in front of his new master, still dazed about the situation, and still not speaking.

Finally, the fox snapped his fingers, "Boy!"

Jeff jumped slightly, because of any anger in his master's voice, but just from the volume. "Sorry..."

Scott simply pointed toward the hall.

The cat immediately headed in the direction of the bathroom and beyond, walking briskly out of fear of upsetting his new master. Scott stood and followed, holding his pants with a paw, but turned into a different door than the bedroom, pointing at the bedroom so Jeff would know to continue on and not follow him.

Jeff nodded and obeyed, entering and sitting on Scott's -- or now his own -- new bed. It was softer than he remembered a bed being. Was it because his new master's bed was particularly plush, or because he'd been sleeping so long on far harder surfaces? He did his best to ignore the thoughts, though. When Scott came back, certain unpleasantness would be sure to continue, and as he waited, his paw found and stroked his sheath. Despite himself, the young cat was aroused, and he wanted to stay that way. If this was going to happen, he felt he should make the best of it and find whatever enjoyment he could.

Scott walked into the room a few moments later with two straps of woven nylon in his paw, and his pants re-buttoned to keep them up. He sat a long length of the cloth down on his dresser, and his pet saw the a metal clasp at its end...it was a leash.

"Lift your chin..." the fox walked closer to the kitten, with the other strap still in his paw.

Jeff was scared of any fur with leashes big enough to fit him, but listened anyway, feeling even more afraid of what he might do would do if not obeyed.

Scott leaned forward, gently slipping the other length, a collar, around Jeff's neck, "It's official. Now you're here for good..." He clasped it with the sharp sound of snapping plastic.

The cat flinched at the sound, more for what it meant than any discomfort at it being too loud. "For good...?" he spoke quietly to himself before looking up at the fox...his master.

Scott stood up again, "Take my pants off for me, boy. Boxers too."

Slowly, the reality of the situation sinking in, Jeff hooked his paws into the waist of his master's pants and boxers and tugged them down his legs, letting them fall past the fox's knees into a heap on the floor.

"You get a gift tonight." The fox moved closer, as he stepped out of his pants and boxers, close enough that his cock, with his pet sitting, was inches from his face, the scent probably smothering, "Since this is your first night, and all."

Jeff gulped hard, staring at his master's twitching tip, and then back up at him, "I don't think I can..."

Scott shook his head, "That's not what I meant. I meant an ACTUAL gift. It's something you should appreciate. I can't say that you will...but you should."

"What is it, then?" The cat caught the smallest hint in the fox's eyes that perhaps he was being too casual, and quickly amended himself before it was a problem, "Sir."

"You get to choose how this happens. So what scares you more? Having me put this," Scott ran a paw across his cock, "in here," and placed that slightly damp paw on his pet's muzzle, "or having me put it inside you somewhere else?"

"Having it somewhere else," Jeff answered without hesitation. "That terrifies me."

"Well then...I guess that means you've got a very new taste to get used to...very quickly..." Scott rubbed his pet's muzzle.

Jeff closed his eyes and sighed heavily, afraid of doing it wrong, but knowing it was going to get done one way or another. Before anything else happened, though the fox lifted his kitten's chin, and leaned down while the boy's eyes were closed to plant an unexpected kiss on his lips.

Jeff opened his eyes and flinched away, "What was that for?"

Scott licked his lips, "Because I could."

The cat responded quietly, "Oh..."

"Why?" Scott moved closer, crawling onto the bed, and forcing his pet to have to lean father back, until he was surrounded by his master.

"Uhm..." Jeff felt nervous about being enwombed like that, but tried to stay calm, "I don't know. I thought maybe you had a reason, like because I was cute or because you wanted to..." he stalled, "But, 'because I could' is a good reason too...I guess..."

"Well...you ARE cute." The fox kissed the boy again and placed a paw firmly on his chest.

Jeff blushed. Kissing a guy was oddly exhilarating, but that feeling was soon overshadowed by nervousness at his master's unexpectedly strong touched. Scott paid the nervousness little mind, though, tilting his head and slipping his tongue into his pet's muzzle. His fingers scratching the boy's chest, he used his paw to push him down, forcing him to lie on his back and following him with his kiss. The cat just laid back and let himself be kissed, not feeling entirely uncomfortable with kissing back, but still not doing it...

Scott slowly pulled back from the kiss and moved off of his pet slowly, his paw still holding him to the bed, "Are you ready to show me what a good pet you can be?"

Jeff gulped, sorry now that he didn't actually kiss back; that probably would have made it last much longer, "Y-yeah..."

The fox removed his paw from his kitten's chest, and repositioned himself until he was leaning against the headboard of his bed, his legs extended fully, and held his cock in one paw while calling his pet over with the other.

Jeff complied, turning over and crawling on all fours until he was directly above his master's cock.

Scott leaned forward and grabbed his pet's tail, tugging it a bit roughly to the side, to get his kitten to turn his body so he was lying across the bed. The cat's eyes widened as he looked up at his master, scared of the sudden roughness, until again, those gentle fingers caressed his package.

Scott smiled, "I might want something to play with. Needed to be in reach."

Jeff just sighed, "Okay..." He looked at his master's cock standing silent and ominous, "So, do I just start?"

The fox laid his paw on his pet's ass, again enjoying the soft, newly cleaned fur, "Go for it..."

Jeff hesitated slightly, trying, in a few brief seconds, to remember everything he'd seen females in porn do when giving head, but nothing in particular came to mind. Instead, he just dived downward, took his master's cock into his muzzle and started sucking, doing a very good impression of an infant attached to its mother's nipple as opposed to what was expected of him.

Scott grunted and twitched at the warmth and suction, but smirked and gripped his pet's ass, hard, "Never gotten head before, kitty-cat?"

The cat listened to his master, realizing what he really meant was 'FUCKING DO SOMETHING!', and started to bob up and down slowly, clumsily raking his teeth against the fox's cock as he went.

"Slight improvement noted..." Scott loosened his grip on his pet's ass. "But you can still do better than that. You have a tongue just like a girl does." He trailed a finger to his pet's tail base, "And you'd better start using it quick or I may have to take back my gift and make use of another orifice that you'll need less," he poked at his pet's tail hole with the finger to accentuate his next word, "SKILL to please me with."

Jeff clenched his eyes tight, now very consciously trying to do better. He pulled up off slowly, licking along the under side of his master's cock, and then dived back down. Doing his best to ignore the reality of what he was doing, he took as much of the shaft in as he could, repeating the process a few times: suckling hard when pulling off and then effortlessly sliding back down.

"Oah...good boy...good boy. I knew you could do it." The fox kept a finger at his pet's hole pressing as if threatening to push it in, as his other hand found the back of the boy's head, not forcing his head into any particular motion, just lightly laying it there in appreciation of his pet's improved efforts, "So how does it feel having something like this in your muzzle for the first time?"

Jeff kept his eyes closed and didn't bother to respond, still trying very hard to concentrate on doing it right, as his master's finger reminded him of the consequences of doing it wrong. After a going down a few times, he brought his paw up to lightly wrap it around his master's knot, giving it a light, hesitant squeeze, only knowing it's supposed to feel good, but not how much pressure to use.

"Oh!" Scott smiled and finally moved his threatening finger. "Someone's getting a little more into this than before, aren't they?" He ran his paw under his pet and lightly wrapped his fingers around the boy's tight little package again, "Go ahead and squeeze."

Relieved to finally know his tailhole was safe, the cat purred both in appreciation and in the involuntary but admittedly welcomed arousal from the fox's touch. With his paw still on his master's knot, he squeezed harder, since there wasn't any negative response from doing it before.

"I can't help but wonder," Scott moaned a bit and rolled his hips, once, in-time with his pet's bobbing head, "how a straight boy without a knot, has any idea how to play with one." He chuckled a little and started applying pressure to his pet's head in-time with his bobbing, to make him go down even farther on his length. He wrapped his fingers around the boy's sheath, openly jacking it off for the first time in the night, as he tried to see just how into this a straight boy could be.

Jeff purred deeper and moaned around his master's cock when he felt him starting to jack him off, even after the earlier foreplay. He resisted against the paw on his head, though, not wanting to deep throat it, out of fear of choking.

"Don't fight..." the fox growled and pressed harder on his pet's head, not planning to choke him or ram it all the way in, but tempted to thanks to being somewhat annoyed that his kitten was fighting at all. "I've already warned you I can put it somewhere else," he squeezed the boy's sheath and jacked him off harder and faster, feeling the cat's tip poking out and hoping to soon have his pet's whole dick out and in his paw.

Jeff whimpered. Feeling his master push harder and hearing the fox threaten him again, he gave in and stopped resisting, only hoping Scott wouldn't force it too far. He kept purring, though, both wishing for and dreading his own impending release. It had come before, in his own paw, but never in someone else's. That was a fact he was excited to see change...but not when that other paw belonged to an older male.

Scott smiled at the obedient little whimper and lessened the pressure, wanting badly to force it into his pet's throat, but being careful not to. "Good boy..." he moaned a bit more loudly, thrusting very lightly into the boy's muzzle, in time, "you'll be a pro in no time." He pushed back his pet's sheath, forcing the feline's cock farther out and into his dampening paw, chuckled as the slick flesh slid across his pads, "You certainly don't look so straight, right now."

The cat tried to ignore what his master was saying, but it did stick in his mind. It was probably best to keep Scott from talking. He pulled off his master's cock, until just the tip was in his mouth, and sucked hard on it while snaking his tongue down the length. With his paw still on his master's knot, he pulled his fingers away slightly, until only the fur on his fingers was brushing over it, and then gave it a sudden, hard squeeze.

"Mmph!" Scott stifled a yelp -- albeit a happy one -- as jerked at the feeling and thrust against his pet's muzzle, squeezing the cat's own cock in the process.

Jeff choked slightly when his master thrust up, but he quickly recovered to whimper with the need to be finished off. Scott's torturous teasing was becoming too much for the much younger and more sensitive cock...his constant river of pre serving as a reminder of the fact.

The fox just moaned and kept right on thrusting against his pet's muzzle, too overtaken at the moment to think about avoiding shoving it too far in, let alone to keep talking to his kitten. He managed only the shortest of comments, "Squeeze my knot boy...squeeze it..." He kept jacking off his pet's leaking shaft, and looked down at it, watching it cover his paw in pre...and then suddenly let it go.

Jeff whimpered again, feeling his master let him go, but listened like a good boy, anyway, this time, squeezing his master's knot simply in the hope that it was what he needed to do to get him to jack him off again.

Scott, though, had moved his paw for a decidedly different reason.

Though muffled from behind his paw, Scott moaned as he licked off a large amount of the cat's pre. His breathing grew heavier and heavier as he humped in a rhythm against Jeff's rising and falling muzzle, and suddenly, his arms were around his kitten's waist. All at once, he turned the boy even farther toward him, and the warmth of his muzzle completely engulfed his pet's dripping cock.

The sudden feel of his master's mouth around his aching cock was enough for the cat to immediately blow his load into the fox's throat. He stopped sucking the elder fur's cock to mewl loudly around it with his first blast of his seed...but after that, while he squirted out the rest of his first assisted orgasm, he purred deeply around the larger cock, and got right back to work squeezing and toying with his master's knot, hoping to reward him with an equally well-deserved orgasm.

Scott had only been aiming to get a better taste of his pet's pre, but was just as happy to receive the immediate reward of his kitten's full load. He sucked it all down, playing with the teenager's spent cock with his tongue. A more sexually dominant fur or not, Scott still loved the taste and the feel of it in his mouth, and used that to spur him along as he humped harder and faster against his pet's muzzle, against or into his poor pet's throat with almost every thrust.

Jeff sucked hard while pulling back, and wound his tongue around his master's cock when going down, even as the fox plunged it into his throat again and again. He squeezed his master's knot every time he fully sheathed the vulpine in his muzzle and, with his other free hand, he began playing with the older fur's sack, hoping that would be enough for him to finish.

The fox let the cat's cock fall out of his mouth to growl, and, though every instinct told him to thrust in, he pulled out instead until only a bit more than his tip was still inside his pet's muzzle. Hoping to give Jeff his first real taste of another male, he growled, gripped his kitten's body and unloaded himself in thick streams inside the boy's still suckling muzzle.

Once his master's first jet landed, Jeff immediately stopped sucking, glad his master got off, but not terribly comfortable about actually swallowing the fox's seed. He kept on, though, playing with the older fur's sack and massaging his knot. He was thankful now that it was over; his jaw was beginning to hurt.

Scott breathed heavily on his pet, and kept his legs around the boy's head, trying to keep him from moving too far once he noticed Jeff had decided to avoid swallowing. The last of his cum dribbled out and into Jeff's muzzle and Scott laid still, half basking in the afterglow, and half waiting for his kitten to either give in and swallow or have some reaction to the taste. The cat, though, simply let it dribble out, soaking into his chin and throat fur, and dripping down onto the fox below him, not wanting to swallow it or actually taste another male.

Scott looked down at his pet, watching it dribble out before moving his legs and pulling away, "You've been such a good boy. Don't you start upsetting master now. I want to see you taste it..." He leaned down, wiped off a bit that had come out, and stuck it to Jeff's lips.

Jeff laid his ears back and stopped purring from the release, somehow having expected his master to have not noticed him avoiding to swallow, "But...I..."

"You what?"

"I DID taste it."

"You know what I mean."

"I just want to go to sleep, master. Please...I don't want to..."

"I told you that you were mine before we did this. And, to be fair...you're lucky I'm not punishing you for trying to not taste me. Or for any of the other bits of...uhm...defiance you've shown." The fox returned the finger to the cat's lips; his eyes and smile were soft, but his words were stern, "You've got a lot to learn about being a good, obedient pet, and I've been very lenient tonight...so don't make me regret it."

Jeff responded very quietly, completely defeated, "Yes sir..." He reached out and held Scott's wrist with a paw, then looked at him in the eyes as he took his master's finger into his mouth, licking and suckling the cum out of the fur.

Scott smiled and sat up, using his other fingers to wipe up what he could of the cum not yet soaked into his pet's fur around his muzzle, then slowly drew the first finger out and held the others up for the boy as well, "Believe me when I say I'm not just doing this to be mean. It's a taste you'll have to be used to soon enough, unless you want me to take care of my needs...another way...every time."

The cat closed his eyes tight, trying to somehow get his master to stop talking, while taking in the rest of his fingers and licking off the slightly cooling semen.

"Was that so horrible?" Scott laid his wet paw on the side of his pet's neck gently, his thumb playing with the cat's new collar.

Jeff opened his eyes again and looked at his master while swirling his master's load around in his mouth. It was gooey and salty, obviously not the most appetizing or pleasant of things to have in one's mouth, but he remained obedient. He swallowed it after a few moments of taste, to finally get rid of it and hopefully end this, "Can I go to sleep now, Sir?"

"Master asked you a question, kitten." the fox reminded softly, as he gently rubbed Jeff's neck with his fingers, and shared a soft, warm smile with his pet.

Now afraid of 'being punished' for defiance, Jeff couldn't bring himself to answer honestly, "That wasn't horrible at all..."

Scott tilted his head a little, not sure if his pet was being truthful, "You don't have to be afraid to be honest, if it was."

"No, no, it was okay..." the cat nodded quickly.

Scott smiled more and pulled his pet closer by his neck until the cat's head was by his, and then kissed him on the forehead, "Ready to sleep now, boy?"

Jeff was silently relieved, "Yes, master..."

The fox shuffled a bit as he pulled back the covers and slipped himself under, and, without another word to Jeff, pulled the cat down with him, holding him close and obviously planning to have the cat fall asleep against him. He pulled the covers tight around them both and cuddled close to his kitten, pulling the boy's head against his chest, "Warm?"

"Yes. Thank you...master..." Jeff gulped slightly while closing his eyes, just hoping to be asleep fast and not wanting to think about tonight or what tomorrow would be like.

"I have a question for you, before you go to sleep," Scott began unaware of his pet's hope for silence. "And I want you to try and relax. Actually think about this, and answer it honestly." He touched his muzzle to the top of his pet's head, "Please, don't be afraid to be honest, boy. I will never ever be mad at you for something you say." He paused, giving Jeff a chance to hear and believe that before he continued, "I know...that what just happened wasn't something you really enjoyed or wanted. But all things considered -- the shower, the warm bed, and the fact that you'll wake up tomorrow to your first real breakfast in months -- do you regret not taking your chance to get out of my car and leave?"

The cat thought and breathed heavily, trying to fight away the tears and the urge to say 'yes,' still held back by the fear of what the fox who had a very tight grip on him, might do. He was still grateful for what was promised in the deal: the food, the shelter, the protection, and all those things, which, only a few hours ago, were mere fantasies. There were still many questions, which had yet to be answered and would contribute to the answer of such a question. With a gulp, he fought his fear, and told the truth, his eyes clenching as he feared some form of reprisal, "I...I'm not sure yet..."

"Thank you for being honest. And I hope, soon, that your answer will just be no." Scott loosened his grip on his pet near completely, leaving his arm to only rest on the boy, "I'd like you to stay right where you are, but if you don't want to, you don't have to sleep this close to me...not tonight." Scott closed his eyes without waiting to see what the cat would do, "You just make yourself comfortable. You deserve it."

Jeff, though, simply blinked and slowly closed his eyes...but it was warm there, and he didn't move an inch.


There we go! A Warm Bed continues!

* Starring: Frost Rime Borealis as Scott Phil Anthro Pist as Jeffery Anderson *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at http://phil-anthro-pist.sofurry.com/

And hmmm...

Jeffery didn't move. What did that mean? Is he becoming more comfortable with the situation? Did he perhaps like the feeling of sleeping that close to someone, even if it was a male, and even if it was the male who he's just realizing he's completely given himself over to? And if so, was it just an issue of physical comfort? Or emotional too? Or, then again, maybe he's just scared...too scared of his new master to move or do anything to upset him?

And what of Scott? He seems to be trying to make the cat comfortable...even while using him as his new sex toy. But what, exactly, is he trying to do? Does he care about making the kid comfortable with this? Does he care about giving him a home, and is just too weak to fight his libido? Or are his motives here, in the end, just sex?

Hopefully we'll find out, soon enough...

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]gmail.com

See you for the next 13 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...for all 15 chapters of The Masters! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!