Slave Trade - Censured

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Slave Trade Censured copyright 2013 comidacomida

Sidney's emotional stamina had never been incredibly stalwart and, in fact, during his time with

the hyena slavers they had taken to calling him 'Voo Hanicht Orz', which, he was told, was

Diermynian for 'The Fainting Fox'. These thoughts and more ran through his mind the moment his

wits returned to him and he came out of the blackness he had been cast into. It was probably the

most unlikely awakening he had ever thought to experience.

The fox opened one eye first, gazing up at the pure white, lightly textured ceiling above him; it

was not the slave pen he had expected. Opening the other eye, Sidney clenched his right paw,

taking a fistful of fabric he hadn't felt in years, "Silk...?" he murmured to himself, and, only

then, did he realize that he was laying on a bed. He sat up immediately, then paused as his head

started spinning anew.

"Ah... you ARE awake." Lord Hector's voice said from the side, "Good." and Sidney heard the stag

move over to him. His master's firm grip encircled his left forearm and, as Sidney slid over so

he could sit on the bed with his feet on the ground, the stag held him in place so he wouldn't

fall over, "Are you alright, Sidney?"

The question sent a warm thrill up the fox's spine, but only for a split second, as he realized

what his fainting must have meant for his master's reputation, "I'm sorry, Master, I--"

"It can't be helped, Sidney..." Lord Hector noted neutrally, and added, "what's done is done."

the distracted tone with which the stag spoke did not do much to reassure the fox, but he didn't

question his Master. Sidney lowered his head as Lord Hector let go of his arm. The stag walked

away from him toward a broad, finely-crafted desk made of a dark-colored wood. The fox watched

as his master sat down in the matching chair at the desk and began examining himself in a mirror.

It wasn't long before his eyes meandered over to gazing right at Sidney through the mirror, "Can

you stand?"

"Yes, Master." the slave master acknowledged, getting to his feet immediately.

"Good." Lord Hector stated simply, and went back to sifting through a fine jewelery box situated

on the desk, "You are, if you haven't yet realized, in my room." the stag announced.

The fox murmured, "The guards said that gladiators are supposed to--"

Lord Hector's eyes focused on him via the mirror again, "You aren't a Gladiator, Sidney... you

are their Slave Master. Thus, I had the guards bring you here with me to my room so you cold

recover from your faint."

"Of course, Master." Sidney nodded, glancing around the finely appointed chamber, "I just don't

understand why--"

"Because I had to explain to Lord Levid why my gladiators' Slave Master fainted." Lord Hector

closed the jewelery box with an audible 'click', "And that was not easy."

"I'm sorry, Master, I--"

"You already apologized, Sidney." the stag slowly rotated his chair to continue speaking with

him. The seat surprised the fox by swiveling atop a metal stem, allowing his master to turn in

it without the feet moving against the floor. Sidney remembered somewhere hearing about odd

modifications Tenverians added to mundane items, and the fox couldn't help but wonder if the

swiveling seat was such a novelty. "Do you understand?" Lord Hector finished his explanation,

and Sidney winced inwardly, having been focused on the entirely wrong thing.

The fox nodded obediently, "No, Master." he stated honestly.

Lord Hector paused at the two entirely contradicting responses, opened his muzzle to say

something, then reached for one of the bracelets he'd taken from the jewelery box, "Come here,

Sidney." the stag directed and the fox complied without delay, moving to stand next to his

master. Lord Hector took hold of Sidney's forearm and drew him closer still, then clasped the

bracelet closed around the fox's wrist. Sidney's ears went up in surprise, and he examined it


The band appeared to be three distinct lines of gold braided together, each a slightly different

color from the other. White gold, rose gold, and yellow gold formed an intricate pattern as they

looped around one another before attaching to a simple hook-clasp where it closed, creating a

delicate, eye-catching bracelet. Sidney didn't know much about jewelery, but he admired the way

the three soft colors contrasted nicely against the white fur of his underarm yet failed to be

overpowered by the red fur elsewhere.

"Now," Lord Hector brought Sidney's attention back to him, "When we're at dinner, you will stand

behind me and to my left." he went back to gazing at Sidney via the mirror once again, having

swiveled his seat to face the desk. "Have you ever been in attendance at a banquet before?" the

stag picked up a fine, black-bristled fur brush and began smoothing out the short, silvery fur

between his antlers.

"Yes, Master." the fox acknowledged.

"Good." Lord Hector's approval was quick, but distinct, "That will make this a lot easier." He

checked himself in the mirror once more, then turned toward Sidney and stood. "Sit." he directed

of the fox, and pressed the brush into the Slave Master's paw then directed him into the chair,

"Make yourself presentable." and, with that, Lord Hector retreated to the other side of the room

where a cloth divider separated the corner from view. A candle beyond it provided light for the

corner, and created an almost eerie flicker against the cloth.

Sidney looked around on the desk, gingerly setting the fur brush back to where Lord Hector had

obtained it. The fox looked at his reflection, startled by the clarity of the silvered mirror.

Although it was nothing abnormal for Sidney to see his reflection in water, in glass, or

occasionally in a glint of metal, seeing himself in a mirror was not a normal thing, and he gazed

in rapt attention... but only until he saw Lord Hector's shadow cast against the divider as the

stag began undressing.

The Slave Master spread his legs slightly, shifting the way in which he sat in the chair as the

tightness around his crotch became instantly noticeable. Staring into the mirror so he could

look over his shoulder without turning around, a dirty little thrill shivered through Sidney, his

mind filling in the details that lacked in his master's silhouette. Letting out a breath he'd

been holding, the fox's shaking paw fumbled, knocking the fur brush off the stand where he'd

meant to return it.

"Be careful, Sidney." Lord Hector noted, pausing in his undressing for a moment, "You've used a

fur brush before, yes?" and the stag began to redress.

"No, Master." the fox admitted.

"Well, I would like you to use that one." the stag announced.

Sidney was dumbfounded, "You want me to use your brush, Master?"

Lord Hector chuckled with just a faint hint of apathy in it, "No, Sidney... that's one of Lord

Levid's brushes... almost everything in this room is his."

"Will he be happy with a slave using one of his brushes, Master?" the fox didn't have the

slightest idea why he was so willing to speak so plainly with Lord Hector, but he assumed it had

something to do with the casual tone with which his master addressed him. In any other situation

he never would have even considered asking questions.

"I'm certain he won't, Sidney." the stag continued chuckling, "In fact, I'm fairly sure he'll

have them burned."

"...oh." the fox acknowledged, and slowly set the brush back down on its stand.

Lord Hector's head peered around the divider, "Which is why I want you to use it."

Sidney paused at that, "You want me to make Lord Levid angry, Master?"

"No, Sidney..." the stag noted, emerging from behind the screen, buttoning up the last two

fasteners on a courtly-looking tunic complete with frills on the cuffs and around the collar,

"...I want to have to apologize to Lord Levid for not understanding that it wasn't a slave's fur


"This is a very nice fur brush, Master." Sidney acknowledged, holding it with the very tips of

his fingers, "Would Lord Levid really have something so nice for a slave?"

Lord Hector smiled, "No, Sidney... he wouldn't." and the stag finished securing his tunic, and

then picked a dinner vest from where it hung on a wall hook, "The ways of court are not always

direct. By saying I thought it was meant to be used by a slave, I am implying that he has poor

taste and is otherwise cheap when it comes to entertaining guests."

The fox blinked, and set the brush back down, "You want to make Lord Levid angry, Master?"

Lord Hector reached out and patted Sidney on the shoulder, "No, Sidney... It is considered bad

form to lose one's temper at a banquet... I want him to be forced to bury his anger and swallow

his pride because he's expected to be in good form."

Sidney slowly took up the brush and, as if checking to see if it was dangerous, gave a tentative

swipe of it against his fur, almost as if he expected it to bite him; it didn't. "You said he

was your Master like you are mine?" he stated it, but he hoped it was readily obvious that it was

just as much a question.

"Yes, Sidney... it is an oversimplification, but that IS the easiest way to explain it." the stag


The fox began brushing his own fur in earnest, doing as his master bade, "You would not make a

very good slave, Master Hector."

The stag laughed in response, "We are both in agreement on that, Sidney... and, by the time

tonight's over, I have a strange feeling that Lord Levid will probably be thinking the exact same


* * * * *

Sidney followed Lord Hector silently into the dining hall. The fox, per his master's

instructions, wore a simple green vest. Sidney was unaccustomed to wearing any clothing on his

chest or shoulders but he found it to be almost comfortable. The vest clung to him as if it had

been custom tailored, fitting his shoulders perfectly and, though it hung open enough to show the

white fur of the fox's chest and abdomen, it was kept from opening any wider by a bluish-metal

chain that spanned the distance across his body just above his belly button.

Around his waist, Sidney wore a black leather belt, which held up his ankle-length waist-wrap.

The material, like the vest, was green and airy. It split into two separate lengths at one side,

allowing him fold the cloth along his groin and secure it in place with the belt around at hips,

yet still keeping his tail free of restraint. it was far finer than the simple loin cloth he was

used to but, as Lord Hector had said, Sidney needed to look good.

The fox was taken aback when he saw a dining table with easily twice the square footage of the

stable Sidney managed... and almost every chair was filled. Due to the sheer size of the room it

was impossible to identify every last Lord or Lady present, but the fox did not miss the very

obvious, boisterous, portly pair of hippos that took up three settings between them. He

instinctively shied away from Lord and Lady Bulhue, moving around to the other side of his

master, thankful that it was the correct side anyway.

"Lord Hector Desanti." announced a young ermine standing off to the side of the entryway. Though

Sidney wasn't familiar with heraldry he had seen the symbol of the curved line between leaves on

a purple field all over the manor-- he realized it was Lord Levid's.

The bracelet on Sidney's wrist glimmered in the light of a hundred candles placed about the

massive hall, as did the simple silver clip that Lord Hector had attached to the slave master's

septum; it reminded Sidney strongly of the one Tharis wore, though the fox's was just a clip-on.

His master had explained to him that Lord Levid knew Sidney came from a 'Personal Slave'

background, but the fact that Sidney was now a Slave Master meant that certain appearances needed

to be reinforced, and the fake nose ring was for just that purpose.

"Ah... Hector... so good of you to join us." Lord Levid's unmistakable call immediately silenced

the rest of the room, "And I see your Slave Master has made a full recovery." the king's comment

brought forth a series of polite chuckles from the assembly; Sidney couldn't help but feel that

they sounded more-than-a-little condescending. He was not insulted, of course, but he was

immediately embarrassed for Lord Hector.

"Of course, your Highness," the stag responded in as affable a tone as Sidney had ever heard from

him, "and presented... per your request."

"I wouldn't dream of denying you your personal slave at tonight's banquet, Hector." Lord Levid's

voice, Sidney discovered, came from the far end of the table where a light weight purple cloth

had been draped and spread out across a rigid frame, creating a tent of sorts over the chair

there. Though the fabric looked like it could have been see-through, the candle light of the

dining room provided enough shadow that nothing but an outline of the king was visible. As

Sidney watched, that figure leaned forward slightly, "Incredibly frugal of you, I might add...

combining a personal slave and a slave master into one."

"Thank you, your majesty." Lord Hector noted simply, accepting a seat near the middle of the

table once it was presented by an attendant. Sidney glanced quickly at the black panther woman,

noticing that she did not wear a collar; he realized that she was a servant, and not a slave.

She glanced in his direction, but he quickly broke eye-contact and moved obediently to his

master's left side, thanking his luck again that it kept him just a little farther from Lord and

Lady Bulhue.

Although a wave of servants emerged from all sides of the room with silver pitchers, Lord Levid

continued his conversation as if they didn't exist, "Hector... I've been told that you aren't

your Slave Master's first owner."

"That is correct, your Majesty." the stag nodded, paying more attention to his empty plate than

the figure behind the purple cloth.

"Strange, that." Lord Levid mused. "It must be awkward at times."

"Yes, your highness." Lord Hector acknowledged, "There were certain aspects of his training that

were required to be relearned when he became responsible for my gladiators."

"I mean using another Lord's cast-off, Hector..." Lord Levid's voice was full of condescending

mirth, but quickly spoke before anyone else could, "Though, I suppose I could also see the issue

of having to teach a pleasure slave how to deal with Gladiators."

"Indeed." the stag acknowledged, and Sidney admired his master for how efficiently he controlled

his displeasure, "As I said, there were certain aspects of his training that were required to be

relearned when he became responsible for my gladiators."

"I'm surprised such a little spit of a fox could expect to command the obedience of a stable of

gladiators." noted one of the ladies seated at the table almost directly across from Lord Hector.

The ferret woman placed her elbows on the table and rested her muzzle on her laced-together

fingers, "Either he's more than he seems, or else he puts his training as a pleasure slave to

good use to EARN their cooperation." her needly teeth created a very unpleasant smile and her

comment was accompanied by a riotous round of laughter by those in attendance.

"Indeed, Hector!" Lord Levid spoke between laughs of his own, "Come come... now, be honest...

does your Slave Master 'play favorites' among his slaves?"

Lord Hector flicked an ear, "I am afraid I do not know your meaning, your highness."

Still laughing, Lord Levid extended a white-furred hand out of his cloth tent, holding a chalice

off to the side where a white-furred young lioness stood. She refilled it for him, and the

king's hand disappeared back behind the fabric, "Does your Slave Master 'earn' the loyalty of his


The stag fought back a scowl, "You will have to forgive me, your highness, but I still do not--"

"Does he fuck his slaves into obedience?" the vulgarity of the comment caused a wave of silence

to sweep through the room, and all eyes migrated to where Lord Bulhue sat one chubby fist

clutching a mug of drink and the other engulfing most of a half-eaten quail, "Well?" the hippo

asked, not in the least cowed by the attention, "That's what everyone wants to know!"

"I think, your Lordship," Lady Bulhue noted, her tiny ears bright red from embarrassment at her

husband's social gaffe, "Everyone is wondering where you got your squab when nobody has yet been

served." Her quickly inserted verbal jab at her husband's expense gained a laugh from everyone,

and quickly diffused the tenseness, but Sidney didn't miss the glare he gave her for it. The fox

recognized that glare, and he pitied whatever unfortunate slave was the hippo's new plaything...

Lord Bulhue tended to take out his frustrations on his sex slaves.

"I would think that YOU would like to discuss the story of how we met, my sweet." he frowned,

downing the contents of his mug in one go, "Her father practically threw her at me." The comment

made the female hippo's ears even redder. Sidney immediately further pitied Lord Bulhue's sex

slave-- when Lady Bulhue was angry she'd often watch her husband with his 'toy', and that meant

Lord Bulhue was even less gentle.

"Wonderful." Lord Levid stated flatly, and the one word immediately silenced the two hippos.

Only then did the king continue, "Please, Hector... enlighten us with the details of just how

your Slave Master maintains order... does he bribe his slaves with bodily favors?"

"In a manner of speaking." the stag held to a surreal calm. The room exploded with comments.

"In a manner of speaking?" Lord Levid questioned, his voice holding an air of impatience to it.

Sidney had no doubt that the majority of the purpose behind the banquet was to embarrass his

master, and the fox was being eaten up inside realizing that it was his own fault that his master

was being treated so poorly. "Surely, my dear Hector, you'll have to explain... for our


The stag sat up a little straighter and adjusted the ruffle at the end of one sleeve, "I've had

Sidney trained in the ways of the Sardassi." The room hushed immediately and several lords and

ladies looked to one another. Lord Hector continued, "I had a particularly unruly slave that

needed some corrective action, and Sidney saw to it that he was..." Lord Hector set both of his

hands palm down on the table, "...well handled."

Noise levels within the room peaked further after his comment, many Lords and Ladies nodding as

they talked amongst themselves. Sidney did not miss the way that his master quickly changed the

direction of the topic, successfully evading having to tell the truth about the fox's 'indecent

proposal' with Choel and, at the same time, making Sidney come across as a much more successful

Slave Master than he actually felt himself to be. A faint pang of pain struck him as he thought

of Uraou, who lost his life due to Sidney's incompetence.

"I trust that answers your question, your Highness?" Lord Hector answered with a genuine smile;

there was no doubt that the stag was pleased with the results of his explanation.

"You... slave--" Sidney froze when the king addressed him directly, "Sidney, was it?"

"Yes, Lord Levid." the fox somehow managed to squeak. In front of him, Lord Hector tensed in his


"Have you truly never used your talents on another Slave?" Lord Levid demanded.

"No." Sidney responded. A faint twitch of Lord Hector's ear was the only give-away that the

fox's master realized what he did; there was more than one way to perceive the one word response.

"You see?" the stag noted, "He may not be a traditional choice for a Slave Master for a gladiator

stable, but I am pleased with his service. Between his astute awareness, clear understanding of

my orders, and the use of the Sardassi, Sidney is--"

"Yes..." Lord Levid cut him off, "and apparently he does such a fine job with teaching your

gladiators to fight that his hand-picked bear couldn't even last two minutes against Baron." the

king's white furred hand emerged from the cloth, offering his empty glass once again to the white

furred lioness holding a pitcher. She refilled it and the goblet once more disappeared, "How did

you come by the name 'Sidney', Hector? It IS an odd name to give a slave."

"It was a prior name he'd had before I owned him." the stag answered simply.

"Huh?" Lord Bulhue glanced over at Lord Hector, "No... I named him 'Buddy'."

"Before Lord Bulhue." Sidney's master amended.

"Before I bought him the slavers called him something in Diermynian I couldn't understand..." the

hippo finished off his quail in one bite, then proceeded to talk with his mouth full, "but on the

trading block he went as 'Lot 17'." Eyes went back to Lord Hector.

"Before the trading block." the stag noted patiently.

"You mean before he was a slave?" the ferret woman across the table from Lord Hector assessed.

"Hmm..." Lord Hector paused as if in thought, "I suppose that would be it. Yes, Lady Fody,

before he was a slave." and he smiled in a genteel manner at her.

"So you are using his GIVEN name?" Lord Levid inquired in a cool, neutral tone.

"They are ALL 'given names', your Highness." the stag nodded his head toward the purple tent, "I

just went with his first one."

"Hm." the king responded without commitment. "Tell me something, Hector..." the tone in Lord

Levid's voice had changed, and not in a way Sidney liked, "... have YOU made use of this fox's

pleasure slave training?" Sidney lamented the fact that his Master's previously unfazed demeanor

suddenly cracked, and the king continued without awaiting a response, "It DOES seem odd to

purchase another Lord's cast-off... but even stranger to purchase a pleasure slave to act as a

Slave Master."

Lord Hector did not respond at first, but Sidney was able to identify the exact moment his Master

came up with a response, "Ah, Lord Levid... but you yourself have said on many occasions that I

AM an odd man." he smiled, and even laughed as if it were a joke. Several other lords and ladies

picked up the laugh... but not even a chuckle came from the tent.

Lord Levid's voice cut through the laughter, and there was immediate silence, "You attest that

this fox of yours is a Slave Master to your gladiators, Hector?"

"Yes, your Highness." the stag confirmed without reluctance.

"And that he is trained as an official pleasure slave?" Lord Levid continued the interrogation.

"Yes, your Highness." Lord Hector acknowledged without a second's thought.

"Good." the king's voice changed immediately, "Captain."

"Sir?" questioned a guard stationed by one of the doors to the room.

Lord Levid's words emerged from behind the cloth with a foreboding sweetness to them, "If Lord

Hector is willing to consent, I would like his personal slave taken down to the West Wing... his

'skills' will be put to good use there."

"Your Majesty," Lord Hector spoke, "I brought Sidney here so I--"

"I have enough servants that you will not have to worry about any lack of comfort, Hector." the

king spoke over him, "And I'm certain you wouldn't refuse me... your friend... your host... your

KING, a simple request of this sort?"


"Especially, by your own admission, you do not even USE the talents he obtained from his prior

training..." the king pressed.

Lord Hector lowered his head, and Sidney knew that things were going poorly... but he didn't

quite realize HOW poorly until he was being led off down a hallway by an armored wolf. The last

snipped of conversation he heard was Lord Levid casually promising that Sidney would be returned

to the gladiator pits by morning.

The wolf didn't provide any information to him as he was ushered down the hall. Every time

Sidney tried to glance down a side passage the guard would give him a bump from the behind,

accompanied by "Keep moving." or "Stop going so slow." and, once, "You can gawk later." followed

by a chuckle. The fox didn't particularly like that last comment.

He was herded by the guard down two sets of steps and past numerous turns, changing directions so

many times that he was thoroughly lost by they time the wolf opened a large, iron door, and

ushered Sidney into a long hallway with doors all along the walls similar to the one they had

just passed through. The fox saw that each of the portals had a plate with writing attached to

them, but, since he didn't read, they provided no clues as to where he was being brought. The

guard finally stopped at the end of the hall and motioned to the door on the right, "Here."

Sidney wanted as the guard opened the door, and then motioned for the fox to enter. Sidney had

just started to take a step forward when the wolf decreed, "Move it." and pushed him in. The

door closed behind him and Sidney heard it lock. The wolf spoke through the small, barred window

in the door, "Good job... Lord Levid was pleased today... you have one hour." The fox was

confused by the statement, right up until the sound of a massive form shifting behind him

provided far too much clarification, and Sidney slowly about-faced.

A mountain of a bison shadowed in darkness rose from where he had sat on a stone bench, his eyes

glinting once, then twice in the half-light of the poorly lit room. A deep voice, full of

disdain and accusation noted simply, "You were in the Lord's Rise."

"The what?" Sidney asked, taking an involuntary step back.

"The Lord's Rise..." Baron stated, his eyes squinting slightly. A single, high-placed, small

window provided enough moonlight into the chamber for Sidney to see that the bison was

scowling... deeply, "You sat with the Master and his guest in the arena."

"Yes." Sidney answered, pressing himself back against the door behind him.

"The Master taunts me then?" the bison snorted, "Did I not do as he asked?" the question was

accentuated by the sound of a fist large enough to palm Sidney's head striking the wall next to


"He... I...." Sidney's knees felt weak as Baron loomed over him.

The bison's eyes went to the barred window in the door, then back to Sidney, "No..." the champion

turned around and went back to his bench, "YOU are the one being punished then..." and Baron let

out a reverbrating sound from deep in his chest, so low in tone that it took the fox a moment to

realize what it was: laughter. "How is it that a Slave Master is reduced to this?" his tone was

full of scorn as he began to unbuckle his loin cloth.

"I...." Sidney tried again, but failed.

"Talk." Baron demanded, "I would beat the words out of you, but you are a scrawny thing... you

would die if I touched you."

"I was a pleasure slave a long time ago." the words flowed out in one very, quick sentence.

The gladiator snorted, "Huh..." and threw his loincloth into a corner, "I would rather have a


"Your Master ordered me to..." the fox spoke past the tightness in his throat, "see to your


"Then do what he orders." the bison growled, seated on the stone bench with his legs spread.

Sidney approached slowly, taking one step at a time, trying to keep his fear from making him

shake. "Oh... kay." The gladiator remained where he was, moving only to lean his back against

the stone wall. Even though he was seated, Baron towered over Sidney and the bench was suitably

sized for him. As the fox moved into the valley created by the champion's spread legs, he

realized that Baron's groin was practically at sternum height for him; if he wasn't already

intimidated it would have been quite imposing.

"The guard said one hour..." Baron reiterated, "I don't fuck males, so you'd better get started,

'Slave Master'." he spoke the title with obvious contempt.

Were Sidney in any other situation, staring at the enormous gladiator seated in front of him he

would have been mind-blown. Baron had one hoof resting atop an overturned metal pail... and it

was readily obvious that the metal was barely holding up the weight of his leg. The bison's

other hoof was firmly on the ground, wedged against one of the stone blocks of the floor. The

positioning left the fox an eyeful of Baron's endowments and that didn't help Sidney's confidence


As the fox reached out tentatively, his paws slid up through the bison's shaggy groin fur; Baron

didn't so much as twitch at the touch. Sidney began to gently massage the tips of his fingers

across the gladiator's groin, working ever-closer to his genitals, but still failed to get a

response-- the lack of reaction was disheartening all at once... but it meant relief for Sidney;

Baron certainly didn't seem to be very into it-- if he was lucky, the gladiator wouldn't break

him with lust.

It took several minutes and more than a few of Sidney's tricks to coax the bison's member into a

response. A rumbling chuckle from Baron made the fox jump in surprise, and yet the gladiator

still didn't move so much as an inch. Instead, he said simply, almost scornfully, "But can you

do anything with it, little fox?"

Sidney managed to swallow the combination of fear and hate he felt for the bison; Baron had

killed Uraou and the fox realized that the bison knew exactly who he was, which meant that they

both knew what that meant between the two of them. Shoving the emotions out of his mind, Sidney

focused on his duty, and drew his tongue from the base of the bison's shaft up to its head.

Baron had a pungent musk, overpowered only by his obviously male taste.

The gladiator's member was greater than a foot in length but, to Sidney's great relief, was

barely as thick as Lord Bulhue. The fox curved his neck, lowered his muzzle, and with only a

little strain, began to guide the mostly-rigid flesh past his lips. Baron shifted ever-so-

slightly and snorted, "If I feel a tooth, I'll knock them all out of your muzzle."

One of the first things Sidney had learned was how to please someone orally, male or female,

without the slightest discomfort-- and that meant, quite obviously, leaving teeth out of it. He

continued to lower his muzzle further and further down, eyes tearing as he felt the tip of the

bison's flesh poke at the back of his throat. Pulling back, Sidney drew off of the champion

barely two inches before sliding back down and, in that way, began to work Baron's flesh as well

as he could.

The fox lost track of time, measuring it instead by the tenseness in his half-bent legs and the

strain of his arms, paws pressed against the bison's abdomen as he continued his ministrations.

Sidney changed things up every minute or two, alternating between cupping the gladiator's

testicles to massaging his thighs. Sidney's only reward was several rivulets of precum from

Baron's flesh and he was convinced that the bison's breathing wasn't even increasing in speed.

Slowly reevaluating his plan, Sidney drew his muzzle off of the gladiator's shaft.

Baron snorted, "Unless you grow some tits and a cut, you're just not gonna cut it." but he still

didn't bother moving, "But that doesn't mean you can stop." Sidney closed his eyes, fingers

going to the clasp on his leather belt. With a quick flick and a short yank, the belt loosened,

and the fox stepped out of his waist wrap. The bison, who hadn't been looking at him, glanced

his direction at the sound of the belt hitting the floor.

"Hmmh..." Baron almost laughed, "You're REALLY gonna try and--" but he fell silent as Sidney

climbed up into his lap. Feeling the fury rise within him at the smug expression the bison wore,

the fox turned around so his back was to the gladiator's chest.

"You told me to do what I was going to do." Sidney responded, using as much disdain as he could

push past the fear in his voice, "So that's what I'm doing." and, with that, he took hold of the

saliva-slickened member, pushed a foot against either of the bison's knees, and slid the tip of

Baron's shaft up beneath his tail. Silencing the hiss that wanted to escape through his teeth,

Sidney fought past the initial pain as Baron's member entered him.

Stopping for a moment, Sidney readjusted his position, pulling his feet in closer and onto the

gladiator's thighs, allowing him to squat on the bison, letting gravity and his own weight do his

work for him. He clamped his muzzle down, using all of his willpower to keep going as his

insides were practically rearranged by Baron's shaft. Tears welled up in his eyes and his entire

body shook by the time he was fully kneeling, unable to avoid the comparison in his mind of a

baby seated in an adult's lap.

"heh heh..." Baron chuckled, "I can smell your blood."

Sidney didn't respond to the chiding comment; he was able to smell it too. Slowly adjsting

himself in the bison's lap again, the fox slowly began to straighten his legs, unimpaling himself

as he rose up. On the next trip down, Sidney uncurled his legs, placing them on the stone of the

bench against the insides of Baron's thighs. Each trip up-then-down started coming easier, not

just because he had been stretched out, but because the bison's member was that much slicker...

and it wasn't all blood.

Baron's breathing was coming faster, and, every few moments, Sidney felt a faint twitch from the

massive member inside him as it released more and more of the bison's precum. "Rngh..." the

gladiator noted, "You might not have a cunt, but you're still a better vixen than you are a Slave

Master." and he chuckled again. Sidney's teeth clenched tighter, and it wasn't all from pain.

He let out a breath of his own, the fur all over his body sticky and slick from his exertion, and

yet he didn't know how much longer he'd be forced to service the gladiator that murdered Uraou

only hours before.

Suddenly, as if the powers that be suddenly decided that his torture were at an end, Sidney felt

the already-firm flesh inside him grow even harder, and Baron's next breath came out with a

distinct ragged edge. "THERE we go." the bison acknowledged, and the gladiator's hoof on the

pail ground it into scrap metal. Sidney straightened his legs, pulling up slightly as he

continued his steady rhythm, but a large fist clamped down on his shoulder and Baron grunted,

pulling him back down hard against his hips.

Sidney yelped and the bison's flesh slid deeper into him than it had at any time before. The

fox's feet slipped off the bench, forcing all of his weight down into Baron's lap. The member

inside him convulsed, and Sidney's body followed suit as his already over-full insides barely

succeeded in accommodating a suddenly huge volume of bison semen as the gladiator ejaculated into

him. True to his word, Baron didn't thrust, but gravity did enough for him. The bison grunted,

"Ungh... at least... I... don't... have to... use... my... hand... tonight." each word coming out

in a tighter and tighter tone.

Sidney gurgled, squirming against Baron's grasp, but he had no more success in his struggle than

if he were trying to move a wagon off of him. Behind him, the bison roared out with the same

feral ferocity that he had in the arena, and, only then did Sidney realize that the champion's

first spray of cum was hardly an indicator of what he was capable. Sidney whined, reaching up to

grip one huge finger in each of his paws as he squirmed, blast after powerful blast of semen

spraying into his insides, filling him up so completely that the pressure actually forced some of

the sticky fluid to escape, thin spurts of of it dribbling down onto the ground at the foot of

the bench.

"Hngn..." Baron finally noted, adjusting his grip on Sidney so he could pull the fox vertically

off his shaft, leaving him dangling in the air. A stream of fluid cascaded out of Sidney as the

bison lowered him back to the fluid-soaked ground, "Enjoyed that, did you?" the bison leaned

back, crossing his arms over his chest as his rapidly-softening member continued leaking fluid,

dribbling faintly.

Sidney winched, hating that combination of being so overloaded and the powerful pulsing of fluid

within him had forced his own body to give up its seed. The sensation of the bison's flesh up

beneath his tail had been so intense that he had hardly registered is own ejaculation, but what

he hated more was that Baron seemed to enjoy his discomfort at the fact. "I'm done then?" the

fox questioned flatly.

Sidney didn't know if it were possible to despise the bison any more than he already did, and

then Baron's grin widened, "I'm not clean yet... Slave Master." Hiding a grimace, the fox

sighed, realizing that he had only begun to get his paws dirty. In actuality, he found out that

the bison planned on Sidney using something else to clean him; by the time he was done, the fox's

tongue had never been so sore.