New Flowers 2

Story by Daneasaur on SoFurry

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#2 of Land Before Time: New Flowers

Here is chapter 2. Things get heated.

Okay, this is Chapter 2 of the story for Nicobay. Starring characters are Littlefoot, Chomper, and Ruby.

If you're lost in the story... Shame on you. Go back to chapter 1 and start over.

New Flowers Chapter 2

Littlefoot and Chomper made their way back into the valley, Littlefoot carrying as many flowers in his mouth as he could fit, holding them by the stems, while Chomper held a couple of handfuls in his small arms. Both of them intending to show the peculiar things to their friends as well as to play the game they discovered when they sniffed inside the open petals.

They made their way to the small drinking pool that they met at in the morning, but still didn't see any of their friends. Both of them giving a sigh, they dropped the flowers in a neat pile.

"The sun is up pretty high... I wonder where they are?" Littlefoot asked, to which Chomper shrugged in return, though Littlefoot knew Chomper knew just as much as he did on that manner. However, just at that moment, Ruby came strutting over to them.

"Hey you two! We've been looking for you!" she said with a smile and a little out of breath.

"We?" Littlefoot asked.

"Yeah," Ruby replied. "Cera and I went looking for you. Ducky and Petrey have to look after Spike since he isn't feeling very good... I think he ate some rotten berries." she said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Aww... Well, we will show them another time." Chomper said with a smile.

"But where is Cera?" Littlefoot asked, a little disappointed that she wouldn't be here for the 'game'.

"Oh, she'll be here, we agreed to come back here after she checked the other drinking pools for you two." she said with another big smile. "So, while we wait for her... What did you want to show us, Littlefoot?" she asked kindly. Littlefoot smiled and bounded over to the flower pile and picked one up in his teeth, passing it to Ruby, who took hold of it and looked at it with wide eyes. "Oh my... It's so... Pretty..." she said.

"Yeah, they are." Littlefoot replied as both he and Chomper grabbed one apiece and sat a ways away from the pile. Littlefoot set his down while Chomper and Ruby held theirs. "We don't know what they are... But they smell funny... And if you smell the middle part... They make you feel..." Littlefoot strained to describe it, but before he could, Ruby stuck her nose into it and smelled deeply. Chomper mimicked her and Littlefoot leaned down and did the same to his flower before, soon, all three of them sneezed.

There was a moment of silence before all three started laughing, but soon Ruby shivered.

"Oooh... I feel... weird..." she said, rubbing her hands along her body before stopping at her slightly round lower belly. "I feel... Warm... Like... Down here..." she said as she didn't hesitate to reach between her legs and gently dance her fingers along her female parts, which were wasting no time in slicking up.

Littlefoot and Chomper were watching her intensely. Earlier, they only had each other and the smell of males, but now, they had the smell and sight of a female, as well as the rush that the flower gave them, Chomper's smaller errection soon standing out, hard and throbbing while Littlefoot's hung below him, hard and waiting. Ruby finally took the time to look at the two males, seeing their panting, lustful gazes, along with their raging errections. Even though she hadn't done anything like this before, her body knew what it wanted, but unlike Littlefoot and Chomper, who grew lusty and quiet, she had a little more control since she was female.

"Oh... oh my... Look at you two... You... Look so sore..." she said as her vagina was practically pouring arousal juices down her legs as she moved closer to them and soon was on her hands and knees before the two of them, Chomper on her right and Littlefoot on her left. She reached a hand out to each of the offered cocks and took hold of them, grasping Chomper's very easily while Littlefoot's was much thicker, close to her nearly not being able to wrap her fingers all the way around it. "These look sore... Maybe I should... help you feel better..." she said as she began giving small licks along Chomper's cock, performing an act much like tending to a tender wound, though part of Chomper remembered that the mouth could be used for pleasure, especially after what Littlefoot did to him. He shivered in response as her licking grew more intense and powerful. Chomper shivered again in delight and reflexively thrust his hips forward, sticking his cock right into Ruby's mouth, to which Ruby did not miss a beat as she closed her beakish mouth around his shaft and gently licked around the tip. This earned a squeak of approval from Chomper as he began thrusting back and forth into Ruby's face as she reflexively closed her lips around the warm meat moving back and forth in her mouth.

Littlefoot was growing slightly impatient, though the firm grip Ruby had on his cock made him just eager enough to simply wait for his turn, though the soft, gingerlike smell of her female juices spurred on his arousal and curiosity. He craned his neck around behind her and looked under her tail, seeing the familiar tail hole, but also another hole, so reddened and swollen that it looked like it hurt, yet from here was where a near constant flow of arousal fluid came. After taking a deep smell of her scent, he smiled and stuck out his fat tongue, beginning to lick and lap at her sex, tasting her intriguing juices and massaging her inflamed sex. Ruby's eyes went as wide as sauropod eggs before she stopped her sucking and let out a shrill squeak before looking between her legs to see the lower jaw and tongue of Littlefoot caressing her most sensitive area.

"YES! PLEASE! MORE!" she cried before she lustily turned back to Chomper's cock and began fully sucking on it with much vigor, bobbing her head furiously as she felt pangs and sparks of pleasure shoot all through her lower body. Chomper made no complaints about the increased speed or improved technique that Ruby was performing, rather, his cock showed his approval by spurting a thick burst of prefluid into her mouth, fluid which made her pause for only a moment, tasting it, before she swallowed and continued her sucking and bobbing, not just to appease her own delight from her nether region, but also to obtain more of that fluid that she had tasted.

Littlefoot soon had his lips pressed her vulva, licking hungrily, rolling his tongue around through her wet insides as he lapped up her tangy juices, making Ruby in turn writhe and work Chomper's cock harder and faster

Chomper placed his little hands on Ruby's head, giving a deep growl as he could feel his pleasure beginning to spike as his stomach tightened and his cock flexed and he shivered, letting out a loud and pleased squeal as he felt his climax wash over him as Ruby continued to service his cock.

Ruby only missed a small beat as she felt the cock in her mouth swell a little before pulsing, each pulse lacing her mouth with hot ribbons of his sticky seed. She didn't expect it and the first blast escaped out of her mouth, spilling around her lips, though she soon hungrily sucked down the rest, swallowing repeatedly on Chomper's cock, a sensation that drove him wild and made his orgasm feel so much more intense. Soon enough, though, the pulsing slowed to a stop and his cock grew semi flaccid as he pulled it from her mouth to escape the over sensitivity.

Ruby had only a moment to issue a small whimper of complaint before she felt Littlefoot's tongue press and rub against her engorged clit, making her body lock up and she shrieked in pleasure, her climax almost coming as a complete surprise. She froze, her mouth agape in a silent scream as her body shivered and her insides tightened as a fire burned in her belly, pleasure racing up her spine as her pussy gushed out a healthy serving of her fluid right into Littlefoot's waiting mouth, who continued to work her for a while before she grunted softly as the sensitivity of the moment was a bit much to handle.

"P-please stop... Littlefoot..." she said, breathily and, surprisingly enough, he did, pulling away with a dripping chin as he licked his lips.

Ruby remained on all fours for a few seconds, catching her breath before she felt the burning in her gut, the longing for attention, return. She looked to her left and saw the throbbing cock of Littlefoot.

"Oh... Littlefoot... I'm so sorry..." she said as she crawled under his front legs and looked directly at his wonderfully large cock head on. "I've been such a bad friend... This must ache so much..." she said as she kissed the flat tip of the shaft before she opened her mouth and did her best to get as much as she could into her mouth.

A few years ago, this wouldn't have been too much of an issue, but now... Littlefoot had grown a fair amount and his phallus had done the same with him. She strained to get just the first three inches into her mouth, the girth enough to make her mouth hurt, but she enjoyed it, it felt... oddly pleasant to feel this monster in her mouth. She did her best to wrap her lips around the tip, but there was a lot not quite covered and with so little room to move, and Ruby reluctant to pull it out, she was relegated to simply lick across the head of his shaft, feeling his texture and how it was so different in shape from Chomper's. Littlefoot was pleased and gave soft grunts at the wealth of sensations focused just on the head.

Chomper's head cleared a little after his climax, but when he opened his eyes, he was witness to Ruby on all fours underneath Littlefoot, sucking on the cock he had in his mouth not one hour ago, while her tail was high in the air and her sex was coated in a new layer of arousal juices.

The sight alone was enough to give him another stone hard errection and he felt compelled to do the same thing to that beautiful pink hole that he did to Littlefoot's tail hole.

Ruby was busy lapping at the cock head in her mouth and didn't think much of the small hands touching her rump, but the feeling of the hot cock touching her lips made her eyes go wide as her whole body basically screamed 'YES! THIS is what I've wanted!'.

She pulled off Littlefoot's cock long enough to look under her belly, seeing Chomper's legs and the underside of his hard shaft beginning to press against her sex, the sight thrilling her just as much as the sensation. Chomper made sure he was in the right spot before he shifted his hips and Ruby watched and felt the head of his shaft pass her lips and start diving into her tight muff. She looked back up at Littlefoot's cock, moaning out a low moan as she felt her insides being gently filled and rubbed in a much needed way. Chomper was highly intrigued as this hole was wet and slick unlike Littlefoot's, which felt rather dry ish in comparison.

Ruby let out one more squeak as she felt the cock fully hilt into her, Chomper's hips pressing against hers. She took a deep breath before uttering a low moan, a moan she muffled by shoving Littlefoot's cock head into her mouth again as she licked feverishly along the tip, even pressing her tongue against his urethra.

Littlefoot was rather impatient when she had let go, but the show of Chomper filling her vagina made him distracted long enough that he didn't get upset, though he stomped the ground with a foreleg in approval to the feeling of her mouth on his shaft again.

Ruby felt wonderfully pinned between the two males, her face being filled with the largest phallus she had seen while her burning insides were being massaged by a cock that seemed to fit her perfectly. She didn't care if she was being pressed on by a surge of hormones or rampant instinct. All she knew, was that she wanted cock... In her mouth, in her body, anywhere she could get them, and she was getting two that seemed to quell her very nicely.

Chomper enjoyed the sensation of being completely swallowed up by her hot, twitching insides. Soon, the need came where he desired more and he began pumping his hips back and forth, drawing half of his shaft out of her body before slipping back in, then repeating it again and again as he settled into a smooth rhythm that her body hungrily accepted.

Ruby groaned around the cock head she was being so attentive to and due to the wonderful stimulation she was feeling, just wanted to feel more. She grasped Littlefoot's cock around the middle with one hand and gently began stroking it, feeling the vein filled tool, the hardness, the small bumps and creases of his sensitive skin, all of which drove her wild and earned several pleased groans and grunts from Littlefoot. In fact, she earned more then that as she almost gagged on a small flood as his shaft swelled for a moment and spilled a generous gush of pre fluid into her mouth. She gave a half cough before she grabbed his tool harder and stroked with more authority, moaning around it as she sucked in the pleasure and rocked her hips against Chomper's treatment.

Chomper gave a shiver as he felt Ruby get even more into it and begin rocking back into him, a feeling he dearly enjoyed. However, despite his recent climax, this situation and sensation mix was just far too good as he could feel his climax coming yet again. He growled, trying to hold it off, but his growling sent shivers through Ruby's body, making her insides quiver slightly and gently stroke his cock even more. Chomper let out a small shout as his second climax hit and he hilted as deep as he could into her, his cock firing off warm seedy fluid deep inside her body with every throb.

Ruby's eyes widened again as she squealed in pleasure from the deep warming feeling inside of her belly. A squeal that gave Littlefoot the push he needed as her mouth vibrated his cock. he let out a loud grunt and Ruby quickly held onto his cock with both hands, knowing it would certainly be more powerful then the pre shot.

She was not mistaken.

Littlefoot's cock throbbed once and fired a strong blast of fluid into the back of her mouth, the force of it catching her off guard before she braced for more as she tried desperately to swallow more of it, but it just kept coming, drooling out of her mouth and onto the grass below them as he throbbed and throbbed, shot after shot, before it was too much and she pulled it out of her mouth, only to get another hot blast right onto her face, followed by two more hot jets of sticky fluid before he finally stopped.

Ruby stay there for a moment as she swallowed what hot fluid she had in her mouth, still grasping the cock in her hands that had just cum in her mouth and along her face and her insides still warm and full of little rex cum.

The sheer aspect of what she was doing washed over her and she was locked up, not sure what to do next.

Then Chomper pulled his softening cock out of her pussy and she lost it.

Her body locked up harder then before and she shivered harshly, screaming in low growls of ecstasy as she reveled in being cum filled and cum coated, her insides tensing and squeezing before squirting more fluid out of her, nearly enough to wash all of Chomper's seed right back out of her, before she collapsed face first on the ground.

Littlefoot and Chomper's heads cleared and they stepped away from Ruby, but looked down to see her eyes open and her not moving for a bit. They got severely scared before Littlefoot nudged her sticky face and she blinked a few times before speaking.

"Oh... Oh my... That... felt so GOOD!' she said, much to the relief of the two males. "Can we do it again?!" she asked excitedly. The two males smiled wide and nodded, the two of them growing rock hard soon again. "Okay... This time... I want to suck on Chomper while you put that big thing in me." she said as she turned her back to Littlefoot and faced Chomper. She had just lay her hand on Chomper's cock before all three heard a rather familiar battle shriek and looked in the direction it came from.

There, standing no less then ten feet away from them was Cera. All three of the others swallowed hard as she seemed severely pissed off, but also strange.

She was her normal orangish color, though her age had made her frill and horns a little more pronounced, as well as increased her bulk... but her frill was now brightly colored, she was drooling from her mouth, she was snorting hard, her tail was held up in the air behind her, and she was leaking so much liquid from her sex, she seemed to be peeing.

The three then noticed something at her feet, bits and pieces of plants.

She had eaten three of the flowers.

To be Continued...