Rp with a friend Chapter 1

Story by Taismo on SoFurry

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#1 of RP Logs

This is a rp log with a frend of mine that IM trying to deal with.

Fleia/Nersa part of rp.

From a year this very day, a young pale Neko girl had been emancipated from the torturous journey that was her captivity. From a very young age she was shamelessly sold to an evil old man who would go out of his way to ruin the life she had so shortly lived. She had become a slab of meat that was solely alive from a man's dirty pleasure, not to mention a maid but all thanks to a beautiful Wolfess her slave days were over after being rescued from his disgusting clutches. Her life from that day remained difficult since learning all the 'normal' things a girl like her should have been doing proved a challenge but with the help of her loving savior her life was beginning to heal. She had quickly learned to love Nersa, the wolfess who saved her and they became an inseperable couple, as odd as their pairing of species may be but that hardly bothered them. They were living peacefully in a large house, courtesy of the rich wolfess and lived like a happy normal couple enjoying each and every day they could spend with each other.

Nersa this morning was rubbing along Fleias back watching her sleep. She remembered how horrible of shape Fleia had been in when she was sold in slavery o her. She nearly wanted to kill the original person who was using her as a slave. She had rescued herself, but then got caught y more slavers, so as she kissed Fleias lips softly and lovingly, she whispered, "Fleia my lovely kitten. Please it's time to wake up. Today we were going to go see what dresses you wanted to get what you wanted." She said smiling excitedly; she of course was going to give Fleia time to herself to decide as she slowly got up nestling Fleia against her chest as she rubbed her side, she loved this Neko so much. She couldn't wait to get to see Fleia in any of the dresses she bought either.

Fleia's eyes fluttered tiredly as she was kissed by Nersa. She would groan at Nersa wanting to sleep some more but once Nersa mentioned those dresses her eyes would shoot open. "Morning Nersa..." she'd reply in a tired voice at the same time she was stretching out. Nyaaaa!" she eeped while she did so. Fleia nuzzled her sexy wolfess' chest soon moving to kiss her lips and grin. "Did you sleep okay?" she'd ask sitting up properly now. In her mind she was thinking about trying on all the different dresses, excited to go shopping again even though they went regularly though more often for food. She moved a hand to Nersas belly, rubbing it lovingly just needing a few moments to properly wake up.

Nersa smiled at how cute Fleia looked when she was first waking up. Nersa would murr nuzzling her neck lovingly. She always felt so privileged to wake up with this beautiful Neko. As she enjoyed the nuzzles into her breasts, shed move to kiss Fleia against passionately before nodding, "Of course I did. I have my lover with me every night." She says rubbing Fleias stomach slowly as well caressing one of her ears with her tongue slowly before saying, "Mmmmm, did you think any more on what I asked you about giving you children sometime soon babe?" She asked softly slowly moving to get up and stretching her lithe body out as she murred

Fleia's ears perked while Nersa told her how her sleep was smiling at her reply, "Good." she'd say but once she started talking about having children again she would blush some. "I...have thought about it and...I think we're ready. Let's do it Nersa, tonight." she'd say excitedly, biting her bottom lip at the same time since this was a big decision but she knew she wouldn't regret it. She stared at her lover's sexy body soon following and getting out of bed to change from her pajamas to normal clothes. She would but on a blue and white striped bra and matching panties then some tight blue jeans and a white top with a pink flower on it. "Want breakfast honey?" she'd ask as she'd be happy to cook it for her should she want any. "Or do you want to eat out?" she'd ask politely, brushing her hair down as she waited for her response.

As she smiled watching Fleia as she got dressed. They were ore then just lovers as well. And she smiled as she watched her now get ready to go doing her hair now. And she said, "I say we go out. And I'm taking you out for a romantic dinner tonight too." She says pressing a paw to Fleias cheek before taking her up into her arms and kissing softly again before moving to go toward the door. Her fur was already pretty well done too. And she hummed softly to herself, she was planning on proposing to Fleia tonight too, which is why she brought up the idea of trying for pups now, "I'm happy though you want to try for kids my love. Come on lets go eat." She'd say smiling, "Where would you like to go?" She says wrapping one of her tails around Fleias waist gently to keep her warm. It was winter now after all

Fleia blushed and smiled at her, "Are you sure? You don't have to do that baby." She'd happily kiss her back as they went to the door. She would stay very close to Nersa since it was cold out but she could endure the cold for her. "Me too, I'll gladly have them if you'll let me. Hmm...food.." she'd say softly though truthfully she wasn't that hungry since she was excited about today. "How about..some place with pancakes?" she'd say since she was in the mood for something sweet and soft much like her lover. "The pancake house!" she'd say finally remembering the name of it."

As Nersa smiled and murred softly watching ash se stayed close. She was glad that Fleia wasn't as timid as she used to be around her. And as she kissed Fleias head softly, she whispered softly, "I'm more than happy to give you children babe. That's why I brought it up to you a few weeks back." She whispered as she nodded then, "That sounds fine to me. I know you love that place and the pizza parlor." She'd say smiling remember when she first gave her pizza. And has they would leave to go to the pancake house. They'd be unaware of the glaring eyes that followed them or the intent they had to do to Fleia and anyone that got in the creatures way as it stalked them slowly in the forest

After having eaten five whole pancakes that had been drowned in maple syrup they would slowly walk out and Nersa would hear several complaints from her little Neko. "Nyaaaa..Nersa I ate too much.." she'd groan holding her stomach regretting eating that many but she couldn't stop herself as it was so sweet. They would slowly walk into town now. "Are we going shopping now?" she'd ask in a more bright tone, trying to take her mind off her stomach which seemed to work as she thought about her new dresses, getting paranoid that she wouldn't fit inside them after eating all that. She would follow Nersa's steps as they walked knowing the shop they were going to since they were pretty close.

Nersa had been a bit surprised that Fleia would be able to eat as many as she did and laughed softly as she said rubbing the stomach slowly, "Well sweety I told you , you shouldn't have. But did you listen?" She playfully said smacking Fleias ass playfully. And as she brought them to the dress shop, they'd see Emily the elderly vixen who ran the shop and who was among the more favorite people Nersa knew in the town as she says, "Hello Emily. Were here to finally get Fleia some dresses. But could we have them delivered to our place?" She'd say. Emily smiled, she was a lesbian in younger years as well. But her lover had passed on about 5 years ago. And she ran the business that was left to her as she came to hug Fleia smiling, "It's good to see you both. How is it going on the family front?" She asked knowing that they had been talking about this.

Fleia groaned at her, "But. But.." she'd say having no excuse for eating so much. She'd squeak at the playful smack on her ass. Fleia stood politely inside the shop, happily hugging Emily back. "Good, we're going to try tonight." she'd say happily as she glanced around at all the beautiful dresses that were in the shop. She liked casual yet beautiful dresses, ones that she could wear out but not that would be so elegant that it would only work for special occasions. She started to pick out ones that went down to about her knees, looking for light coloured ones that had a bouncy vibe, soon wondering if a cream coloured armless dress with a black frill at the bottom with soft light shaded polka dots would suit for something as she'd just seen one and held it out. "What about this one?"

Emily smiled as she heard about this. She knew that Nersa and Fleia wanted children sometime and knew how big of a step for the two young girls this was. But as she watched Fleia as well looking at her putting them up against her. Nersa says looking at it and smiles, "I think it looks good babe. But I unfortunately need to run to Town Hall. It's something I need to do about the house. I do a yearly payment thing at time for it. And I have to fill out some other paperwork there. I'm sorry." She says softly kissing her. She knew Fleia had one of her cards to buy stuff, so she didnt need to stay around, "Just come to town hall when you're done. I might be done by then." she says softly and moving toward the door, "I love you Fleia." She called back as she ran out fast, wanting to get this done and over with so that in case something happened. Fleia would be alright.

Fleia pouted at her, "But. Oh never mind, you go honey I'll meet you there later." she'd say happily, still holding the same dress. She would watch as she left then carefully scanned the racks of pretty dresses. She'd hold up each one to her body comparing with another. "This?. Maybe this.." she'd say to herself softly at different ones. Another one she chose was a long one, a similar color but lighter, almost white but not quite. It had a thick black strip across the middle and exposed quite a lot of her cleavage but she liked it and without Nersa there to stop her, would happily get it. For her final dress she chose a more special one, maybe one for tonight. It was an electric blue satin dress that was sleek and ended in large frills at the bottom, it had thin straps and was a tight fit but she chose it without even looking at the price as Nersa had told her before. "Um just these three please." she'd say to Emily, leaving her they money plus a little extra then left quickly to find Nersa about 25 minutes later. Once she left she was hit by a strong cold gust but headed to the town hall to meet her lover, excited to wear her blue dress tonight.

Nersa was just finishing up the paperwork as she sighed. She was putting a good deal of money toward the house right now. She had a bad feeling the last few days something was going to happen. And she was leaving everything she owned to Fleia. She felt some tears in her eyes as she thought about this, not because of leaving Fleia everything. No for she was afraid. Whenever she got a feeling like this, she was never wrong. The wolf-demi that had been following them though. Watched Fleia now coming out of the dress shop looking very happy. He didnt see the dresses though because they were going to be delivered as he slowly made sure no one was around before grabbing Fleia from behind and pushing a paw against her mouth to keep her quiet, "you little bitch..how dare you run away from your master! I am going to definitely make you pay for what you did." He'd say growling and sounding very pissed as he was slowly dragging her off out of town now. Unaware that a young fox that knew Fleia fairly well had seen this and ran off to go get Nersa now! Nersa though was kind of confused why Fleia wasn't there at the town hall as the wolf dragged Fleia into an abandoned home near the edge of the town. Where had growl, "Your mine little girl. You shouldn't have left me." He'd snarl

Fleia gasped and shook her head, trying to shout over his paw but it wasn't working. She tried to pry his hands away, kicking violently to try and escape, not letting it sink in yet that this was the man that destroyed her spirit before, the spirit she had only just been able to regain with Nersa. "Let me go!" she mumbled in a scared voice. Once he had gotten her inside the home she managed to just move his hand from her mouth. "Let me go! I'm not yours anymore you freak!" she shouted back. Something she'd never have done before but being Nersa gave her confidence, a little at least. "She'll find you! You won't get away with this you disgusting perv!" she'd shout hoping to be heard from anyone at all.

The wolf smirked as he heard her yelling at him. And he grabbed her by her hair now and started moving her toward the bedroom nearby. He had been here for a few days hoping he'd find Fleia and he managed to on the way into town as he smirked, "No I will not. You're my slave and it's time to reacquaint you with my cock." He'd growl pushing her down upon a large soft bed as he bared his teeth, "And maybe I'll eat you too since this own is safe with those." He'd smirk, starting to pull her clothes off, removing them fast and none too gently as he grabbed her breasts squeezing on them as he did so. The young fox who found Nersa was whimpering softly as he hoped Fleia would be okay, he really liked the two and they were so kind to anyone. Nersa though began to slowly sniff the air trying to find Fleias scent. Fleia though would see his large cock coming out as he then moved to push his cock against her lips forcing it inside, "Mmmmm, good little girl you belong to me now." He'd say, he'd though for some reason have his pants on still, her not knowing that he was carrying..'insurance' to kill anyone who tried to stop him

Being thrown onto the bed brought back memories of what he used to do. She could do nothing as he took off her clothes to get to her breasts. "Ow!!" she winced as he grabbed her developing breasts. "Stop you're hurting me!" she'd cry out but realized that was stupid of her to bother saying. "Fuck you! I belong to Nersa!" she'd shout out as she say his big cock moving close. She tried to seal her lips shut but he managed to force it past her weak barrier into her warm wet mouth. She immediately tried to move her head away so it would slide out, hating the similar taste and feel it had in her mouth and was even tempted to bite it right now so he couldn't use it on anyone ever again, namely her. 'Nersa, help me.." she whined in her head praying to god she'd come soon.

He'd laugh happily as he started humping her mouth fast and hard, "Your so fucking weak. I guess the little bitch hasn't taught you anything about it. Mmmmm, I can't wait to bend her ass over and fuck her too." He'd smirk before grabbing a knife now too, "You see this. If she tries to take me on. I'll kill her with this." He'd smirk grinning as his heavy sack was also grinding and humping into her, "This thing is coated with a poison that doesn't have any cure." he'd growl pushing her face into his crotch more and more as he feels his climax building as feel his lust building. Nersa would whimper as she slowly got round to finding her scent, and was having trouble following it as a bunch of other scents were intermixed with it and she growled anxiously about this quite sad and worrisome as the description of who took Fleia matched Fleias description of her ld. slave, "I'm coming Fleia just old on!" Shed growl continuing to move being near the house actually but not picking up any scents just yet

Fleia was having a hard time dealing with his cock humping her mouth quickly. It had been a year since she'd felt this and she wasn't used to it anymore so felt like she was going to throw up as his cock was long enough to go into her throat easily. Once she saw the knife that he said he'd kill Nersa with her eyes widened. She'd shake her head and refuse to accept it, biting down on his cock as he pushed her face into his crotch quickly. She bit quite hard, not enough to draw blood, hoping it was enough to stop him for a bit. She managed to pull away from him now just to say. "Please, please don't hurt her! I'll do anything! I-I. I'll come back with you. As long as you don't touch her.." she'd say as she'd be giving up her life here but to her, Nersa's was worth more as she gave her so much and had saved even her life so would throw hers away if it meant Nersa kept hers.

As he growled out and furiously slapped her for biting him. He'd say to her snarling, "Well you better hope she doesn't find us. If she does I'm going to kill her now for you biting me." He'd snap and the would push his cock back into her mouth furiously humping her mouth. The shaft swelling quite largely as with a really loud growl of pleasure. He'd begin to release deep into her. The salty seed of his balls tasting disgusting and old as he'd snarl, "If gagging you too as soon as M a done here. I don't want you warning her in case she shows up." He'd say moving to stat tieing her hands together now tightly. And now as she pulled his cock away from her small mouth. He'd start to slowly tape her mouth shut too saying, "Now be a good girl and enjoy the fucking I am going to give you." He'd smirk now pushing her onto her hands and knees and aligning his thick shaft with her pussy now, "After all. If you're coming home with me. You'll need to get used to servicing me with your holes again." He'd growl before with an insistent thrust, he'd push himself deep within her.

She shook her head violently, "No! NO!" she cried once he pushed it back in, hoping she hadn't sealed Nersa's fate with that. She was very close to throwing up because of how fast he was humping her small mouth, her throat not used to it anymore but once he finally stopped to release, that similar horrible taste filled her mouth, a drink she got each and every day before. She had no strength left to fight after he tied her arms up, only letting her head drop once he pulled his cock out. With her mouth taped she was helpless as he pushed her onto her hands and knees, slamming himself into her just like he used to. She grunted, her left arm caving immediately leaving herself struggling to hold herself up with her right. The pain flowed through her once more actually wanting Nersa to stay away from her now since she could die.

HIs growls picked up in volume. His paws grabbing at her breasts squeezing them more as he pants and moans. His mouth wrapping around her neck now and grabbing it with his jaws so he began to mate her hard and heavy. His heavy sack thrusting with such force against her that it helped drive his cock not her. Nersa though had heard some of the screams nearby and recognized it as Fleias. Shed rush off toward the abandoned house now too, she though didnt have any way to get in, so she began ramming the door screaming to Fleia she'll get in soon. Thrusting her shoulder into it again and again as she did so.

HIs growls picked up in volume. His paws grabbing at her breasts squeezing them more as he pants and moans. His mouth wrapping around her neck now and grabbing it with his jaws so he began to mate her hard and heavy. His heavy sack thrusting with such force against her that it helped drive his cock not her. Nersa though had heard some of the screams nearby and recognized it as Fleias. Shed rush off toward the abandoned house now too, she though didnt have any way to get in, so she began ramming the door screaming to Fleia she'll get in soon. Thrusting her shoulder into it again and again as she did so.

Fleia shuddered a little at his assertive growls, only just able to hold herself up right now as he mercilessly squeezed her poor breasts and clamped onto her neck, not to mention pumping his thick hard cock deep into her pink tunnel. She couldn't be loud anymore thanks to having her mouth taped over but once she heard Nersa at the door, trying to break it down she'd shake her head and try her hardest to scream at her to make her go away. "Don't! Go away!" she attempted to scream but no words would be understood from her muffled screeches. She looked back to him and shook her head in a groveling sort of way, trying to beg him to leave her alone.

The wolf demi definitely was enjoying himself inside of Fleia, he saw the pleading eyes she was giving him but he smirked and held onto her small body tighter. His thickening shaft swelling even more to show he was about to cum in her. His sack slapping into her rear over and over again as he growls, "Yesss! Yesss takkkeee it!" He'd snarl and start to release deep within her. His seed overflowing out of her as spurt after spurt of seed. Nersa though finally broke the door down as she now looked around frantically, shouting for Fleia as she ran up the stairs now, desperation evident in her voice

Fleia should have known that even bothering asking him for something was a stupid idea but she had to try for Nersa's sake. She could feel each and every swell and pulse of his cock inside of her. She could hear the lewd disgusting sounds of his cock thrusting into her and the light stinging of his heavy balls smacking into her ass. She groaned in utter disgust as he started to cum inside her, almost instantly feeling her womb filling up. 'H-he came inside again.." she'd think to herself as a tear dripped down her cheek but once she heard Nersa clearly she'd look to the door and shake her head. "Nersa! Run!" she'd cry out but again made no sense. She turned to him and tried kicking him as she knew what he was going to do to her lover.

This wolf would pull out of Fleia and dropped her now as he did so. And smirked, "Mmmmm, I'm going to enjoy killing your lover. And you'll know it was all your fault." He'd say grabbing Fleias ass. Het though would move behind the door just out of range of the door hitting him. And smirked, he was glad to have turned Fleia around so she would see Nersa be killed in front of her. Nersa though smelled the smell of sex coming out of the room then as she slammed the door open, the force would knock it off its hinges though and the demi would get hit by the door groaning inwardly. Nersa though only had eyes for Fleia, the love and worry in them making her forget about the demi for now. Nersa would move quickly to Fleia and carefully pulled the tape off and slowly unbound her hands. Unknowing though that the wolf was moving now, the dagger in his hand glistening in the daylight now.

Fleia started to cry heavily now, helpless to the fact that he was going to try and kill Nersa now. "NERSA RUN!" she tried shouting but still had no luck. Once the door was slammed open she'd shake her head. As soon as Nersa took the tape from her mouth she'd shout to her, "Nersa he's got a knife! Look out!" she cried, finally moving her hands to her front to push herself off the ground having been harshly dropped but she had no strength left and just fell back down after her first attempt. "Don't let him touch you with it or you'll die!" she'd warn just praying she'd be okay since she was in no state to do anything right now.

Nersa felt the vibrations on the floor as soon as he started moving. And as she turned around. She managed to knock him hard in the stomach. He clutched it groaning as he snarled and managed to keep moving as she dodged back, she heard about the knife being able to kill her, and she looked at Fleia and whispered, "If your safe. I don't care." She says and with a strong lunge at the demi, shed knock him hard to the ground then and punched him, but as she did this, Fleia would heard a disturbing noise as the knife plunged into Nersas stomach. And a agonized scream as Nersa fell back the knife still in her as she cried, "Fleia. Run." She say slowly trying to get up, whimpering softly from the overwhelming pain

Fleia didn't want to watch, she just stared at the ground while she tried to get up, "Nersa you can't di-.." she was cut off but the horrific sound of the poison tipped blade plunging deep into her lover's belly. Her ears instantly dropped and her eyes widened, just able to catch Nersa as she fell back, staring at the blade stuck in her stomach. She was speechless, words wouldn't even come out of her mouth no matter how much she tried. "N-Ne-Nersa..." she'd wince quietly, tears overflowing onto Nersa's chest now. "Why. Why did this have to happen.." she'd mutter to herself. She'd turn to the demi-wolf that had stabbed Nersa and glared at him, tears still dripping. "I-it's all your fault.." she'd say starting to feel an uncontrollable anger well up within her as she took the handle of the knife, trying to take it out of Nersa slowly, at the same time trying to cover the wound and keep the blood in so she wouldn't die.

Nersa was still alive though it was obvious, and as the knife slowly came out of her. Shed give a exhaled gasp of pain, and looked tiredly at Fleia, "FL..Fleia what are you doing?" She asked lifting a paw weakly as she feels the tears hitting her chest, "Run. He won't attack if you have that." She whimpered. But the demi just smirked at her slowly coming toward them both, "Well what do you know the little bitch has some backbone. Okay. If you can really do this. Come on and stab me! Your too much of a coward to attack me." he'd smirk opening his arms quite confident that she wouldn't be able to do it, even so his size might seem to get bigger because of fear if she had any left for him. Fleia wouldn't reply to Nersa right now as she clutched the knife hard, still kneeling down with Nersa right now. Her ears were flat as he taunted her but he was right. He terrified her, the memories from before haunted her daily she just decided not to show it. Her hand was shaking as she held the blade. In the years she was held captive by him, not once did she physically react to his relentless violence, she was scared to even talk back to him but now things were different and in this situation he had vastly underestimated Fleia's love for the girl he'd just stabbed. She'd anxiously wait for him to step just a little closer before springing up using all the strength she had left to jump towards him, thrusting the dagger hard in his direction, aiming for his chest and was unable to control herself from violently attacking the man that had ruined her life twice now.

Nersa could only watch in shock. She doubted that Fleia could do this and just laid her head on the floor not being able to watch this. And as the wolf smirked moving closer to her now, he'd snarl, "Now give me the dagger and I'll kill the wolf and then we can leave." He'd say, but now as he watched her suddenly lunge at him he tried to put his hand up to grab her and top her. But he couldn't, she was fast now because of being nearly an adult, and being a feline too. He thought she was aiming for his neck anyway. And his guard was too high as he shouted out with pain as the dagger entered his chest, crying out as the poison immediately entered his bloodstream. Groaning as he started to collapse, "You...bitch..why did you do this to me.." He'd growl, honestly looked confused too, to him he did nothing wrong to her. And he just stared at her with anger and confusion

Fleia panted in disbelief that she'd just stabbed someone but was also glad she did plus with the anger welling inside her she wanted to repeatedly stab him but at the last second managed to stop herself. She couldn't believe he was asking that having destroyed her life from a young age and now stabbed her lover but only ignored the beast as she tended to Nersa. "L-let's get you to a hospital. They'll fix you, I'm sure they will!" she'd say in desperateness, praying to god to keep her alive. "Just hold the wound." she'd say wanting to keep the blood in. She took her torn clothes and covered the wound while putting Nersa's arm around her shoulder trying to walk out with her but was struggling as she was extremely weak right now.

Nersa just watched as the beast now fell back dying slowly. He would die much faster than Nersa though. Nersa knew though if this was the poison that she thought it was...there was no cure for it. But she had some hope that maybe. Maybe there was a cure as this was one of the rarest poisons in the world, so as she walked, and they came out of the house slowly, Fleia would see many others there coming now the young fox that had told Nersa was there too as well as a stretcher to carry Nersa on, "I knew. It. I told you are an important person in this town Fleia." she says kissing Fleia gently as she slowly lowered on the stretcher, everyone was surprised it would be Nersa needing help as many others go to help Fleia as well, Emily being one of them as she says, "Let's get you checked out hon. Nersa will be alright." She says, though she didn't know for sure now. Not if that wound was as serious as it looked. She and the others ran off with Fleia and Nersa getting her to the hospital though fast, Nersa though was having complications already due to the poison in her system as she was wheeled into the ICU.

With each painful step she took, the Demi's seed would be dripping out of her pussy, her womb still full of it right now. Once she made it out the front she panted heavily, glad to see that help had arrived. Fleia watched carefully as they lowered Nersa onto the stretcher, smiling lightly to the young fox. Fleia held her belly where her womb was, holding his seed in as she didn't want to let it out in front of these people. As they reached the hospital Fleia watched Nersa get carted off to the ICU, just sitting, naked and battered after such a terrifying ordeal, beginning to cry again in worry for Nersa now. "Thank you Emily." she'd say softly as she wouldn't have gotten far had she not come to the rescue with others.

Emily was moving with her too to the art of the hospital to help her with this as she says, "Its fine dear, why don't you hot in the bathtub in this room and just let all that seed out. Your clenched too tightly." She'd say softly rubbing Fleias belly slowly, the nurses and doctors were busy, but she knew a thing or two about this as well. A lot of the females in this town had at least some knowledge in medical stuff as she hugged her, "Nersa will be fine. But how did she get that wound if I might ask? We were expecting if anything you to be hurt. What of that wolf too that was seen taking you away by my grandson?" She asked, obviously the young fox being her grandson.

Fleia looked into the room, not really wanting to encase something happened with Nersa but she had to since she would be forced by her own body to expel this seed if she kept it much longer. She nodded to her but would answer these questions first. "T-that wolf stabbed her.." she'd say, and after hearing the expectations of her being hurt she only wished she could swap places with her. "The wolf?.." she'd say looking down softly. "I-I killed him." she'd say shamefully, hoping she wouldn't get in trouble for it.

Emily nodded sadly as she looks down. She had caught the scent of a strong poison she couldn't recognize, she was a very old vixen, much older then she looked. Her twin tails behind her were natural instead of birth defects like many were so she was a kitsune who tended to live for a long time as she says, "I smelled some kind of poison coming from the wound. I didnt recognize it and I've smelled just about any kind of poison there is." She says softly and eyed Fleia wide eyed, not in fear but surprise as she says, "You're not going to be in trouble for that. With what little you've ever told about him to people. He would have been executed anyway, probably served up as a family's dinner." She'd say nonchalantly, after all people eating others in this town was a regular occurrence, she also knew Nersa did that to Fleia sometimes just for fun

She kicked her feet about in the air softly as she spoke with Emily, "He said there was a poison. He said there wasn't a cure for it." she'd say in a dull sad tone. Her head rose to look at her in response, "A-are you sure?" she'd ask since she was effectively a murderer now which also got a death sentence. "Psh he tastes bad. Trust me." she'd say after having tasted his cock for years and finally was reminded of it today. She'd move into the room and started to run a hot bath, wanting to get all of this seed out before she would be forced to.

She would laugh at what she said and said to her, "Well there are wild animals out there that'd probably eat him. The ferals don't tend to care what their prey taste like as long as their bellies are filled." She'd say smirking, "Just too bad he's already dead. Loved to tie him up and throw him outside the wolfs den just outside town. That family just had a litter of.." She couldn't finish that sentence. She didnt know if Nersa would be alright and that it might be a little sensitive right now about children. SO as she watched Fleia start to run a hot bath. Shed smile, "I'll have the doctors move Nersa to this room as well when their done. That way you can be with her right now." She was trying to ignore the fact that there might not be a cure for the poison though and was trying to act cheery as though the guy was lying. But there were many poisons out there that couldn't be treated. And if Nersas was one. She whimpered softly as she waited in the room now as the doctors cleaned the wound and tried to get the poison out of Nersas system. But it wasn't working. Nersa was dying in front of them. She would have only a few more hours left in her at this rate.

She smiled as brightly as she could in this situation to Emily for being such a big help to her. Once the hot water had run she stepped carefully inside the tub, sitting herself down lightly before a powerful blast of the thick salty seed gushed out of her pussy, relieving her stretched womb from the pressure it put inside her. Fleia would think to Nersa now, hoping for the best but was confident they could heal her. "They're skilled here..They'll fix her, i know it." she'd say to herself in a shaky tone since she wasn't sure but that's what she wanted to hear right now, completely unaware that they were failing to make any progress with her lover.

As the time went by and they kept trying to heal her though, after nearly 2 hours they had to finally stop though. And the nurse who had been head nurse in there was helping now to make Nersa comfortable. She only had hours left i her now as they started wheeling her into the room that Fleia was in. Emily looked extremely worried. Nersa was conscious, she had refused any major painkillers so she could be coherent enough. She looked around for Fleia though as she was wheeled in, calling weakly out to her as she did so. It was obvious by Nersas voice that things weren't good. And the look in the nurse's eyes, the same nurse who had made sure that Fleia was okay after incident after she moved in with Nersa, that nothing could be done for her.

Fleia had finished her bath by then and had dried. She was given a set of spare clothes from a doctor since hers were all ripped. Her ears perked a little at the sound of a bed moving hoping it was Nersas and to her delight it was. "I'm here!" she'd say kissing her happily. Before she noticed the tone of Nersa's voice she'd hug her gently. "So are you all fixed now?" she'd say happily, hoping for the best right now. She looked to Nersa's face and remembered the tone of that voice she just used. "H-hey..stop being so sad. You're going to get all better!" she'd say trying to stay cheery but was starting to realize now. She took a final glance up at the nurse who instantly gave it away. Tears flowed from her eyes as she knew now what was going to happen but she refused to accept it. "I'll be here when you wake up then we can go home. And when you're feeling better we can try for our babies like you said.." she'd say as she started shaking now. "I guess we'll call off that dinner tonight. We'll go when you're feeling better okay? I won't eat so much this time. Promise." she'd say just refusing to accept her lovers sealed fate.

Nersa was weak though and it was obvious. Though as she saw Fleia come over to her. She kissed her back softly, though as she kept rambling on about how she'll be better, Nersa shook her head slowly, "You know. As well. As I do. That I'm dying Fleia. There wasn't going to be a way to stop that bastard without one of s dying." She whimpered, and slowly with some effort raised herself up on the pillows, and kissed her slowly again, "Please don't be mad at me though. I'd do this all again just to ensure your safe. But Fleia there are things you should. Know." She whimpered softly staring ahead as she did so, "I. Left you everything i own in my will. The money, the house everything belongs to you now. And officially you are free from ever being a slave again." She whispered, though as she took something from one of her tails, Fleia would see it as a small box, and when opened it was a ring, "This belonged to my mother Fleia. I want you to have it. It was my mother's engagement ring." She whispered softly slowly handing the box to her, "If I could Fleia. I'd give you those babies right now. But I no longer have the energy needed for it." She said taking Fleias paw to her chest.

"A-a-as soon as you come home..i-i'll make you breakfast in bed, every day to build up your energy..a-and..a-and...." she'd say finally breaking down now and crying into Nersa's pillow. "You should have let me! he didn't want you!" she cried as she felt she could have saved all of this if she just agreed to go back with him straight away. "I don't want all that stuff! I want you! Y-you can't die. I-if you leave me then..I-i.." she'd stop, unable to imagine her life without Nersa. She took the box reluctantly and opening it. She'd start squealing and weeping loudly into the pillow, almost soaking it already. "Don't do this to me..please!" she begged, the idea of killing herself to be with her forever even popping into her shaken mind.

Nersa saw that Fleia was finally taking the truth and Nersa said sadly, "I couldn't have lived with myself knowing you were back in the arms of that monster. I would have spent my whole life hunting him down until I had you back in my arms." She whispered watching as Fleia soaked the pillow and stroked her face, "You're a much stronger women now then you were when you first came to me. Fleia remember, back then you wouldn't have been able to express yourself like you are now." She whispered nuzzling Fleia now before saying, "Please promise me something. Promise you will try to live on with your life. Promise you will try to find someone to love you again like I do." She whispered pulling Fleia to rest up against her breasts. Nersa could feel her life was starting to leave her too from all this and her tears were flowing down her face as she was afraid. But happy that Fleia was safe now.

Fleia was mad at her for this but wouldn't show it to Nersa as she didn't have long left. When Nersa reminded her of when she was rescued a year ago she remembered she was a timid closed girl who didn't like to talk much but Nersa fixed that pretty quickly. At the promise part she was very hesitant to reply, she could never promise to love someone as much as they loved each other and so wouldn't give a response to her as she'd just rest her head on her large soft breasts. "N-Nersa if. If you leave me...I'll never forgive you!" she'd say taking her left forearm and squeezing it tight, wishing this was all a nightmare and she'd go through all of what she had done before she met Nersa if she didn't die but it looked like neither of them had much of a choice but to accept it.

Nersa smiled As Nersa smiled sadly as she watched Fleia doing this. Shed pull Fleia to her lips once more before saying softly to her, "I'm. Seeing Zerrick. And my parents Fleia." She whimpered softly. Zerrick had taken Nersa in when she was just a pup and her family had been killed in front of her, "Please don't be mad. You no longer need me. You are going to be com a beautiful woman. If what you are like now is any clue." Shed whisper hugging Fleia, her body was slowly shutting down then as she says, "I'll always be with you though Fleia. I promise. Just look for me in your dreams." Shaw whispered as her heart started beating a bit frantically showing it was almost time

Fleia's tears dripped onto Nersa while she stared deeply into her lover's dying eyes. "I-I'll die too! t-then we can be together. Always.." she'd say wishing she'd kept that dagger now but wasn't thinking straight anymore. She felt her heart beat pick up, she could feel it strain to pump blood around her failing body. "Please...I'm begging you...Don't go.." she'd whine lightly. Her body was shaking heavily and she could feel a sharp pain in chest right now that wouldn't go away. Her hand drifted down to Nersa's paw, holding it in her last moments while her forehead touched Nersa's for the last time.

Nersa shook her head then too saying, "Fleia Id kick your ass back down here and you know it if you killed yourself. Please. Promise you'll remain strong. There are lots of people you have done so much for here. They will be here to help you. And just remember." She whispered starting to close her eyes now as it was becoming too hard to keep them open, "I...love...you...al..ways." She whispered as her hand in Fleias went limp as the heart monitor flat lined now, Fleia might hear a sob coming from Emily in the corner as she watched the two lovers now be separated by death. She slowly came forward to hug Fleia and watch the closest thing she's had to a daughter in a long time pass away

Fleia knew Nersa wasn't kidding about that, she was serious about that sort of thing when it came to it. She'd only nod in response to the promise but once the time came. "I-I love you too.." she'd whimper back as she buried her head into Nersa's chest while she listened to the disgusting monotone of the flat line. Tears were rushing out of her eyes uncontrollably while she was leaning over her dead lover. "I'm sorry Nersa..." she'd whisper as she could only help but feel this was all her fault now.

As Emily felt the crying Neko in her arms shuddering and sobbing into Nersas chest, she'd say, "Fleia. I'm so so sorry for this. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now in losing her." She whispered and hugged her tightly, "She is right though. You have lots of people in this town who love you. They'll be here for you and most of all so will I and Nara." She'd say referring to her grandson, she though wouldn't move for now just letting Fleia cry and let out the pain she was feeling. She stared at Nersas body and said a quick prayer, "Please whatever being deals with souls passing on, be kind to Nersa. She died defending the woman she loves."

Fleia didn't reply to Emily right now, she was too upset to even bother as she just cried her everlasting sorrows into the body of the one she loved. She was on the verge of collapse right now, her heart under a lot of strain right now too. She had a hard time breathing but refused to move from the bed, staying for hours, even though the doctors said she couldn't. And from this point on she entered a major depressive state in which she socially withdrew, had a lack of energy, loss of appetite, was always feeling sad and upset, had negative self-concepts, became an insomniac and had recurring thoughts of suicide. Help from Emily and Nara proved only a little effective but she was feeling like nothing could cull this pain.