Rocky Mountain Way: Part 2 Rockin' me baby

Story by ANO on SoFurry

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#2 of Rocky Mountain Way

Chapter 1: Good Morning

The smell of the vegetables entered Sam's dreams. A fresh carrot, shaved and with perfect smooth ridges. Her stomach growled and somehow she was excited again. Her stomach cramped and her neither region became slightly moist. The image of the carrot sliding inside her box and the ridges tenderly swirling inside flashed in her mind. Beneath the covers her scent spread and as she rose to find the veggie plate prepared by her host she threw her scent across the room with a wave of the blanket.

Her tender breast jiggled as she crawled across the bed and picked up the plate. She couldn't decide for a moment weather to use the carrot or to eat it but hunger dominated her urges and she devoured it in three bites; followed quickly by four large leaves of lettuce and an inspiringly large cucumber, all of which filled her stomach. The food was fresh and cold. It was covered with a light sprinkling of water and Shawna, the well put-together Rottweiler, had done well.

She sat up on the bed stretching her arms towards the morning sun. It bathed her body in a golden light. The warmth on her chest and sensitivity of her breast filled her. Thoughts filled her mind.

How strange it was that she was a she. How strange to think that she was a boy. She did like the more masculine aspects of life: large trucks, snowboarding, basketball, football, video games. She enjoyed working out and ogling all the people around and shameless flirting and mind blowing sex. Her thoughts drifted away from her likes and focused on Rodney. How he pleased her body in so many ways.

She got up from the bed and went to the door on her left. Her intuition was correct and it revealed a beautiful bathroom. The décor was baby blue and sunflower yellow. The smell of flowers coated the air and there was a light steam evaporating from the room. Towels were set on the sink's counter and shampoo and combs were set out. There was another smell in the air but she couldn't place her finger on it. It smelled of body, thick, sweaty body, being used or put to work. It must have been Shawna. She was such a nice host, breakfast and a hot shower; she was well prepared for guest for someone who lived so far out. Sam turned on the shower let the steam fill her lungs and ears.

She stepped gingerly into the shower and spent the better part of 10 minutes massaging the fragrant shampoo into her fur. While she let the water run its course, she listened to the water. A feeling of draining came over her, like she herself was the water going down the drain. She felt confusion over Rodney and Shawna and her attraction to them both. She felt her skin crawl and suddenly became hyper aware of being in her own skin. She remembered being bi-sexual but she did not remember the overpowering sadness that came with it; lust for her lupine lover and attraction to her rescuer. Inside she felt broken and unwanted. Rejected by herself for her own inadequacies; her family didn't help. They threw her out that night, cold, alone, and hurt. She never healed.

There was a mixture of joy at being alive. She slumped back against the wall and slide own into the bath tub, allowing the tears to finally overtake her. She sat and cried for a few minutes. She had to let the pain out. It was stored up like dynamite and she needed to blow. She wondered how things with her family turned out.

The past was the past and now was now. The snow would pass in a few days and she would be back amongst her friends. She may even leave with a new friend, considering the favor of saving her life. She turned the shower off and dunked herself into the water, shaking herself under the water and rippling out the shampoo. She opened the drain and reran the shower to make sure all the shampoo was out.

Chapter 2: "Samantha meets Herself and Her Host"

With light footsteps Sam walked into the room; the towel covering her body, leaving her sexy curves to the imagination. She looked at her old clothes on the bed and decided that there had to be better clothes in the closet. She opened the double door closet, and saw mostly jeans she could not fit and shirts that were still too large for her petite size. She picked a pair of red sweats from the bottom of the closet and a white t-shirt, tied to a knot at the side, to complement her fur.

She sat and ate the remainder of the veggie plate. Wondering about her friends and what was going on. She cursed Rodney for not riding with her but going a day ahead to, "Make sure everything's fine." He was an ass, but still she loved him. He was so good to her sometimes. Buying her anything she wanted, but it was the shameless cheating and drinking that was bad. It was obvious even to her that he went ahead to pick up snow "bunnies". Sam was sure that he had already scoped some hot slut out and was by now banging her in their cabin room, considering she had not shown up yet. "Lye with the dogs, catch fleas." She mumbled to herself. She was done crying and done hurting herself.

Her depression waned and she found that grateful to be alive feeling again. She could not shake it and was happy to feel the opposite of her norm. She was better than Rodney, deserved better than him or what he could provide. She didn't care about cloths and jewelry or showing off for others it was love. Somehow she had to find a genuine love to share in the world with someone. Being alive had more meaning now. She made a silent vow to herself in the mirror, "From now on it's me first. I'm important to me."

"Rodney and I are through...and Sam is dead. She died in that car accident. I'm Samantha, hot, intelligent, and more deserving than Rodney. Besides, whoever he's with is in for a surprise. By the time they leave the bar their night would be ruined."

She chuckled to herself at that last thought. Maybe she would have time to actually see Rodney in his shame before she left the slope resort. She started to picture the scene: Rodney at the bar beers in hands, some slutty slope hoe rubbing his leg and him with that lust but crooked smile on his face. She pictured his smile dropping when she walked in. Her thoughts were interrupted by a tapping at the door.

"Ms. Martin," it whispered at first then calling, "Ms. Martin, is everything ok? Do you need anything Suga?"

The accent was heavily southern but not without its northern appeal. Apparently, Shawna was from the south but had stayed up here long enough to absorb some of the lingo.

"No thank you and come in, I'm decent."

Shawna almost wished she had not said that. She opened the door and was struck at the sight before her. A sexy rabbit in punker gear. The baggy pants and tied off shirt gave her a tomboyish look that screamed, "Take me. I need someone to make me a woman!" Her breast filled the shirt, just enough to show a feminine figure. She stood with a hand in her pocket, eyes sparkling and wide, one ear straight up, and the other lazily drooping to the side. There was a sad but confident air about her. She looked ripe for the "picking."

Shawna controlled herself, for there were more pressing matters at hand. "You're looking well, for someone who almost froze to death. And such a pretty little thang to go out that way."

She smiled her toothiest grin, hoping her humor was as high as her spirits. She was in luck and they both shared a good laugh. She walked over and hugged the rabbit. She pressed herself against her in a tight hug. She needed one for herself, it had been a long time since she had a genuine, honest, hug and she tried to steal every ounce of joy from it. Holding on for, perhaps, too long as they rubbed each other's back, Shawna's nose took a whiff of the air. It was then that she began to truly regret entering the room. The smell of the rabbit was sweet passion fruit to her senses. Her sex coated the air and how she had not smelled it before was a wonder for Shawna. She wanted to taste her and hold her and love her and fuck her.

Shawna finally broke the hug, much to Samantha's relief, she could breathe again. If she had not turned pink from lack of oxygen she would have no excuse for her new hue. She could smell Shawna, felt her muscles on her constrict, felt the smoothness of her skin and fur slide against hers, and electric sparks shot between them. For a moment after the hug they locked eyes and cocked their heads to opposite sides, mimicking each other, and leaned forward intending for their lips to meet. Samantha broke their gaze first; remaining beat red and her nipples hardened beneath the shirt. It had been a long time since she felt real appreciation from anyone. She was not in love of course, but in need of someone to share with and feel with and hold close when she felt down. Shawna was at least glad she was alive and well and, well, that was a start.

"I hear we are snowed in for the next few days...," Samantha trailed off in her speech hoping that Shawna would break the tension first. She was in luck and Shawna promptly caught her hint. Samantha couldn't believe that she was so nervous. She was jittery and had butterflies in her stomach. This feeling hadn't been felt since her first high school date.

"There's coffee in the kitchen and there's plenty to do 'round here while we wait the snow out. Let's grab a hot drink and I'll show you the house."

Shawna was an excellent decorator. The bathroom had a pale blue and yellow theme; the bedroom black, white, and red, but the kitchen was a marble wonder. White stone marble floors that were clean and sparkling, ebony oak table and chair set, and black kitchen accessories. The living room was a similar black and white theme with matching leather furniture, set apart by the stone fireplace and wood stacked to the side. The living room floor was covered in a thick black carpet that softened and warmed the wooden floor beneath it. Sam could see all of this as she entered the kitchen and smelled the fresh brewing coffee.

They drank coffee at the kitchen table and talked about each other. Shawna was from Georgia (Samantha was correct on her accent). She had spent her childhood growing up there and moved to the north for college. Shawna had a degree in business management, which she had used to start an interior design company. They had some moderate success and a few tri-yearly clients that demanded the latest in home fashion (cost not being a concern). The remainders were usually newlyweds, freshly single bachelors and bachelorettes, and opening businesses looking to attract new clientele. Her business was named "The Inside" and it's success allowed her to live virtually work free. Shawna spent summers in Georgia to visit with her family and winters by the mountain side closer to her business. All in all she only worked for about three months a year and a few special occasions for big clients. She painted scenery of the mountain and when home of the lakes and swamps. She had a room filled with paintings; some framed and some mounted on the wall with tacks, others were scrolled up on the floor giving the art room a cluttered but homey feeling. She was divorced, had been for the past 3 years.

After they toured the house and Shawna had cleaned the breakfast dishes they retired to the living room. Shawna flicked on the T.V. but flipped channels until she announce, "200 plus channels and still nothing on television. It's the future."

Samantha nodded her head in agreement, "Never is. It's all sex, drugs, and rock & roll anyway, try Animal Planet or HBO."

They sat together on the couch. They chatted about the news and the weather and each other's lives before today. They even had a good laugh about Samantha thinking she was a man. The hours flew by and before they noticed lunch and dinner had passed them by.

Chapter 3: OO-OOH That Smell

Being snowed in has its advantages. For one, there's the solitude; nothing but peace and quiet for miles around. The down-side is that solitude can be boring and Samantha soon found that out. They had vegetated in front of the TV all day and without thinking of food or of the snow. Now their hunger was ravenous. Samantha continued to watch the TV, lazily scanning the dvd rack for something interesting. She saw some French titled movie that had a handsome panther on the cover and a Dalmatian floozy in the background. "Trois," as it was named seemed to be interesting even though she could not pronounce the title.

"I'm gonna put a movie in, o.k.?"

Shawna didn't reply and she assumed that it would be fine with her.

Shawna came back into the room with a bowl of tortilla chips and fondue, 2 coronas, and a cigar in her mouth.

"I didn't know you smoked." Samantha said quizzically.

"Sometimes I do, suga. At home it's an ev'rday thang' but out her it's a bit harder to find.

"What? Every gas station sales cigarettes and cigars." Sam spoke matter-of-factly. She had seen men walking in and out with cigars in hand. She had always wondered about smoking and what it was like but she had never tried it.

Shawna sat the food on the table and popped both beers. She set the cigar down and reached into her bra. A little plastic sack came out. It had a green substance in it. Samantha then realized that Shawna was getting high.

"You never smoked trees, Suga?" Shawna finally decided to ask the bunny.

She had stood looking silly enough and asking silly questions too long; young and dumb. Samantha just shook her head no; but she watched as Shawna split and rolled the cigar into a "Fine smoke," according to Shawna.

She opened the porch door and stepped outside, urging Samantha to come with her. They sat at the tables and looked out and up at the stars. Shawna lit the cigar and smoke filled the air. A smooth and strong smell flowed from the tip and Shawna took puffs, pulling slowly and holding each one deeply. She handed it to Samantha.

"Pull gently, Suga. Don't burn your lips and hold it as long as possible."

He did as she was told and the smoke filled her lungs. She coughed and the smoke burned her nose as it all came out at once. Tears filled her eyes. She handed the blunt back and took a minute to gather herself. Before she realized it, Shawna was handing the blunt back to her. She took it and smoked again, holding the heat in her lungs and letting the euphoria fill her head. Her body was floating like the smoke and giddiness filled her head. Everything around her intensified, the stars seemed to sparkle more, the night air was crisper, the darkness and chill of the night swept her off her feet. In the city the lights seemed to never sleep but here in the mountains the sun seemed to run from the day.

They returned inside and watched the movie. A steamy scene with all three characters making love came on. The panther and petite poodle seemed eager to commence their ritual but the third, a black furred mouse, was more reluctant and slow to join the fray. Eventually, they all seem to get into the act and had a refreshing night. Samantha noticed during the scene Shawna seemed distracted; looking away as if the movie had not come from her collection.

"Shawna, is there something wrong? You don't like the movie?"

Shawna looked at her concern covered face. Her nose sniffled up and down, her eyes opened wide and glared in that doe like fashion. Her ears dropped back letting the light from the TV hit her face.

"It's not that, Suga. It's just that this is my season. Ya know?"

Samantha had no idea what she meant. She never heard the term before. "What?"

Shawna looked around, as if it were an old habit before replying. "I'm in heat. An' will be for another three or four days."

"Ohhh!" Samantha realized what she meant now. She had never really known how bitches heat worked. Her species was triggered by certain seasonal changes, like the onset of spring and when the summer crops were the ripest. She knew that bitches heats were considered particularly bad. Some girls even stayed home from school during the worst part of their heats. The school even asked them to.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to, I mean I didn't know." She stammered.

"It's ok. I'm surprised you didn't notice. Most people can't help but notice, 'A bitch in heat.' I hate the sound of it but we can't help if it's true. It's genetics."

"I understand. I can't help if we [rabbits] like to fuck a lot in our heats."

Rabbits and hares did have a notorious record for fucking a lot. They are machines when they get started. The men were no exception. They could gone on for hours. They were virtually nymphomaniacs, becoming sensitive to sound and touch and taste, to a point considered indescribable to all but a few species.

"I'm surprised you couldn't smell it. I can smell everything. Even your fur and what type of cigarette you smoke. What lunch you had in your car or at least what had spilled on you in your accident."

Samantha looked quizzically at Shawna in the way that dared her to try.

"Ok. Malboro menthols and Newports. A Big Mac and Dr. Pepper. You used my scented shampoo in the shower. You used "furtastic earth" perfume, and you had coffee in the car that smelled fresher than the Dr. Pepper, so I'm guessing that the soda was already in the car. Plus, you should really get a man to handle those dreams of yours."

She broke into laughter. Chuckling at her own joke for a moment she forgot her embarrassment. Samantha chimed in loudly and indignantly,

"I don't see a man walking around here! So who takes care of your needs?"

"It used to be my husband and then friends...but things got complicated and before I knew it I wanted to leave it all. My business is only two years old. I've been mostly alone that long. I had one or two visitors but that's it. One was a otter who wanted to enjoy the solitude but met me and the other was a friend of my brothers." Shawna hung her head and drooped her ears. Her past relationships were not a subject she was proud or happy about.

"That was then this is now though."

Samantha didn't want to answer questions about her past relationships, so before Shawna could ask, she changed the subject of their conversation to the movie. Shawna was open with her but she wanted to know for sure her reaction. She carefully chose her questions...

Chapter 4: lust over logic

"So, have you ever had a threesome. I mean a ménage-a-trios?" She couldn't help but laugh between questions. She didn't want to sound slutty but sometimes it was what it was.


"Was it good?"

"Well...yes. I loved having another female in the bedroom. The most I've ever been in was a foursome, but -"

Samantha cut her off, "Wait, you're bi?" I would have only thought because of earlier, I mean what happened - between me and you was my fault."

"You are a sexy thing. I admit I do like you but I'd feel guilty if I took advantage of you." Shawna replied.

Samantha hesitated but stammered breathily, "So am I."

The smell of Shawna's heat rose into the air. Shawna stood up quickly. "I'll be back." Was all she could say as she darted around the couches and up the stairs.

Samantha sat sniffing the air. Shawna lingered and she was acutely aware now of what she missed before. Even her own scent mingled in the air, spicy and crisp. Shawna's reaction was confusing. "Did she not approve? Was she afraid of being around her now that she knew the truth?"

She returned a few minutes later with another "fine smoke" in hand and a noticeably large bulge in her jeans. She sat next to Samantha, opening her arms, gesturing for Samantha to cuddle closer to her. They sat and watched the remainder of the movie, smoke filled the air and that familiar giddy feeling overtook them both. They could feel the heat from each other's body. Shawna put the smoke out and they both took long swallows of their drinks. Shawna rose and stood in front of Samantha. She unzipped her jeans and "He" swung forth.

Chapter 5: "Bunny Beer"

Just releasing the massive cock from Shawna's jeans was enough to turn her on. It was thick and colored a deep dark blue. There were a series of bumps leading from the base of the head to the bottom of the shaft. It was a long intimidating row of bumps and the fact that it was the only set on the thing and it was only on the top, made it more appealing. As it swung out it hit her in the jaw making her jump but she could feel the weight. "It had to be an elephant's dick!" was the only thought that ran through Samantha's mind. Shawna reached over and peeled the shirt off Samantha. Exposing her ripe breast and hardening nipples to the warmth of the room. She ran her hands from the top of Sam's ears, across her face, over her soft chest, dug her claws into the snowy white fur covering her belly, and finally wrapped her hands around the waist of the red sweats.

She leaned in and deeply kissed Samantha. Rolling her tongue through the taste of the rabbit. She yanked the waist line, pulling Samantha down into the seat, she lifted up and the sweats came off. The pink folds of Samantha's womanhood sat open to Shawna. They shimmered in the light from the wet coating of sex. Her soft downy fur proved only softer in her lap. Shawna reached her hand down to feel the waiting cunt. She ran only a finger up and down slowly until she found her sweet spot.

Samantha gasped as her budding rose was peeled open to the air. She bit her lip as Shawna rolled her clit in circles. First left then right, fast then slow. Samantha's body gave in to her lust. She threw her hips forward. She held Shawna's finger against her sex, prolonging the pleasure as the first crash of orgasms hit her. Her stomach clamped down and her pussy flexed. Her whole body seemed to draw into itself before flooding out her wanting hole.

Shawna watched as the bunny finished her orgasm. Her ears tucked back and that rosy red color showing through her fur blushed her cheeks. A light sweat coated her body as he muscles began to relax. Shawna took advantage of her partner's closed eyes and lewdly ran her cold button nose up Samantha's pussy. She let it rest against her clit and her that first gasp of surprise.

Sam felt the pressure rising inside her again. The urge to clam up and then explode was overpowering. She clamped her legs together and still the pleasure would not stop. He legs squeezed against Shawna's head. The white calf fur enveloping the black fur of Shawna's face as her ears flopped over the top of Sam's legs. She tried to push her head away to get a second of respite, but it served only to motivate the invader. Shawna ran her nose up the swelling lips of pussy, opening it to her maw, pushing her insides back until her tongue was on the precipice of entrance.

Sam felt her sex give way; opening up to its new master. "Wait. Wait. Oh God."

She lifted her legs and spread them wide in a V giving full access to Shawna who took full advantage of the new position. She decided to crush this pussy, melt it, and mold it, claim it. She snatched Sam closer, till her back was in the chair, and then spread Sam's pussy hole open with her muzzle. She fit in her whole maw and spread her mouth open, snaking her tongue into Sam's guts. She reached places with her rough tongue that had never been kissed before. Between her stretched hole, Shawna's hot breathing in her pussy, and the tongue caressing her cervix, Sam could take no more. She thrashed her head back and forth, she gripped the arms of the couch, leaving holes where her claws dug in. "Ahh! Ah! I can't - I can't," she moved her hips up and down as the pleasure train hit her.

"ohhhhhmmmmm, I can't take more, oh shit! oh shit! oh shit!" her throws filled the living room.

He pussy tried to clamp close but could only feel the resistance from Shawna's muzzle. He screams went silent and her mouth hung open, her legs shook, and her eyes rolled shut. She felt her pussy swell with juice and just as it began to flow a new wave of pleasure hit her.

Shawna knew her juice was coming. "I'ma drink you like a fresh beer," she whispered to the flexing fountain. She pulled her muzzle out and pressed her lips against the closing sex. She began to suck and pull at Sam's cervix.

Sam came hard. Her whole body seemed to be filled with juice and Shawna sucked it out.

"Drink me!" was all that could escape Sam's lips.

Shawna swallowed all the sticky cum, each hot pull was like coffee through a straw, a sweet earthy taste like herbal drinks. She gulped and gulped till her bunny beer was through, finishing with a loud smack of her lips and a refreshed, "Ahhhh!" following.

Samantha laid still on the couch. He body feeling spent and worn. With the blackness of her eyelids shading her vision it would be minutes before she was sleep. Shawna could see the heavy breathing set in her partners chest. She squatted in front of the pleased bunny, lined up the hard rod and gently inserted the head. He wet sex caved in to the cock, sucked in the head and willingly suckled the dick. She pushed in relentlessly. Inch after inch of the 10 inch monster spread Sam open. Caressed her walls sending hot shivers up her spine.

After her pussy began to accommodate the 4 inch girth, Shawna set her pace. She drug "He man" out. Letting each bump pop out of her sex and then bounce against Sam's swollen clit. Sam's pussy followed the cock. Each pull out bringing her up and Shawna's force pushing her down and filling her womb. Sam's body went in overdrive. He walls clamped down and despite her best efforts she couldn't stop Shawna's cock. She felt a hand touch her stomach and slid up to her sensitive breast. Shawna gripped and kneaded the soft mound, teasing the nipples hardness with her claw and squeezing with her fingers. Sam's legs dropped and wrapped around her waist. Now the two became entwined and Shawna moved forward to hung the rabbit close. She inched in two more inches of cock pushing past the resisting cervix, opening it to her will. A bulge appeared in Sam's stomach as she came. Shawna ran he hand over the bulge stimulating Sam's response.

Shawna pushed towards her own orgasm. She was excited enough by the taste of the rabbit still on her lips and nose but with the way she was gyrating Sam's pussy she would come soon. Shawna picked up the pace and rammed the rabbit's cunt. Pulling the full length of her cock out before reopening her prize with a forceful shove. As she pulled Sam's lower lips in and out letting them truly feel each stroke she felt Sam go stiff and cum.

Sam's orgasm was swift. As Shawna's hand rubbed her belly and she pulled out quickly, letting each bump run over her love button, Samantha peaked. For a moment all she saw was stars and all she could feel was her body being heated from the inside out, before the full length was pushed back into her. Splitting her opening, pressing through her walls and crashing against the entrance to her womb. She felt her cervix slamming close and Shawna crammed her pussy hole full with the length of her dick, all ten inches. Her womb was held open and her cervix pressed down against the shaft, the head firmly fitted into her stomach. White foam covered the blue monster that pleased her so well. White foam covered the dark pink lips of her sex.

As Samantha came from the huge girth gaping and closing her, Shawna reached her Nirvana too. Heat spread through her chest as they came breast to breast, juice ran down her legs and a winking sensation filled her lower half. Her legs became Jello and she slumped forward into Samantha's arms. They lay there, stroking each other's fur absently, kissing whenever the urge filled them, basking in the afterglow, simmering in their scents. They still had one day of being snowed in left and neither of them knew what would occupy their time but they both held it true, from somewhere deep down inside, that they would be content together; happy in each other's arms.