A Dog's Love Chapter 2

Story by Konanyan on SoFurry

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2nd chapter, let me know what you think~ ^^

I kept close to Akita as I walked nervously behind him, following him outside of the school building and into town, walking up the high street before he stopped. Stopping me in my tracks as he twisted around, stopping at a local cafe.

"Do you want to stop here for a drink, we can talk and stuff" he said as if it wasn't a big deal whilst I was glancing back and forth between him and the cafe, I had a terrible habit of blushing too much.

"If you want, I'm in no rush" I agreed to the idea, nodding for him to go in before me.

We stepped inside, greeting the waitress before her leading us to a small table, covered in a white dining sheet as we seated ourselves down, the table was close to a small window that gave us an obscured view of the street outside, the sound of cars zooming past acting as a companion to our conversation.

I popped my bag on the floor below me, resting my hands gently on the table as he looked down at me, placing his bag down also, "What drink would you like, or something to eat?" he asked, pulling out a black leather wallet.

"Are you sure you're okay with paying?" I asked with a tinge of guilt in my voice, fumbling around in my pockets for some money.

He pulled a £10 from his wallet, giggling a little as he did, "Don't worry, I'm happy to pay... besides, you've had a hard day".

"Okay, c-can I have a chocolate milkshake and some of those biscuits they sell?"

"Sure" he smirked before breaking a smile.

I gave in and blushed as he headed to the counter, my ears drooping a little with happiness at his sweet words, my eyes leading to the window. I peered out at the cars as I thought about what happened today, along with how I suddenly ended up where I am. It was the same bullies as always, calling me a "pussy little girly boy" and a "girly little faggot" and all this other stupid stupid stuff! It was my fault for ever putting stuff about my sexuality online. If I didn't none of this stuff would have happened. At least this Akita guy might be able to protect me, he seems quite tough and not to mention cute.

My thoughts were shattered when the sound of a glass hitting the table got my attention, sending my tail back between my legs as a pack of biscuits joined the beverage. I took the drink, placing my fingers around the straw before taking a sip, swallowing down before looking up, seeing Akita helping himself to his own drink, which looked like some kind of coffee.

"What are you drinking" I asked, taking another sip of my milkshake, eyeing the biscuits as I did.

"Latte" he replied, placing the cup down before resting his hands on the table, looking over at me, his eyes staring at mine, and like always I ended up blushing.

"U-Ummmm, w-what are you looking at" I stammered, taking hold of the pack of biscuits, opening them curiously.

"I'm looking at you" he bluntly replied, still looking at me but this time with a smile plastered across his face.

"Why, is there something on my face" I asked before dropping the biscuits, feeling around my face clumsily.

"Hardly, I'm looking at your face because its cute." he bluntly replied once again.

"Thanks" I immediately replied, failing to think of anything else to say, my eyes wandering back to his as we were both fixated on each other.

"Anyway...... what happened today?" he asked, slightly embarrassed as his latte was consumed once more, placed back down as quickly as it was picked up.

I was reluctant to answer, but knew he could protect me if I tried to convince him... "Bullies, they were mean to me".

"What did they do?" he asked with an odd sense of determination.

"They kept calling me names and pushing me around because I like boys..... they've been doing it for a while but no one in my class is willing to help me out with it because they're afraid the bullies will go for them too" I explained to him with completely honesty, seeing his facial expression changing throughout.

"I can help" he stated in an almost imperative tone, a determined look present in his eye as he sipped the coffee once again.

"How?" I replied, curious as to what he'd do and why he was so adamant to help. I took hold of the milkshake and took another suck from the straw.

"I could try something, I might try talking to them or maybe something else, as long as it gets them off your back" He said, confident as he gave off another smile, finishing off his latte as I polished off the last of my milkshake.

I kept silent as I opened the pack of biscuits, nomming one before offering one to Akita, "Would you like one?" I asked, holding the packet towards him.

He took one, eating it happily before suddenly moving his hand over to me, passing it over my lips without warning before returning to his seat.

"Y-you had something on your lips" he blurted out, blushing as I noticed the foam of the milkshake on his finger.

I said nothing as I finished off the biscuits, he looked up at me again, grabbing his bag before standing up, "Should we get going, I gotta head home in a little bit" he asked, putting his bag around his shoulder.

"Sure, thanks for the drink and stuff" I stood up, grabbing my bag, my tail swaying happily as we stepped back outside, unfortunately the rain had thought it'd be a good idea to greet us.

"Great, give me a second" he sighed, reaching into his bag before pulling out an adorable spotty umbrella.

"Y-you come prepared" I giggled, standing in the rain as it ran before dropping down my ears and onto the floor below.

"Come here" he muttered before taking my hand, pulling me under the umbrella to shelter me from the rain.

We began walking silently, back down the street where we came from as I assumed we were heading towards his house.

"H-Hey Akita" I said innocently, looking up at him.

"Yeah?" he asked, doing the same as our eyes met once again, a slight glimmer in his from the pouring rain.

"You're cute too".