MG1) Chapter 2: Awakenings

Story by Reye on SoFurry

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#2 of Mutating Genes Part 1: First Mutation

Lucas stood in a white, featureless space. There were no echoes or sounds at all, and there were no walls or shadows to be seen. Even the space around him was shadowless, other than the ones that clung to his skin.

"Hello?" He called, the sound strangely muffled as though said through a blanket.

"Hello." A voice replied from behind him. Lucas spun around, his feet suddenly gripping something to stand on. A figure stood before him. It was as featureless as the room, the only difference being that the figure itself looked like a shadow. It stood slightly taller than him, but apart from that Lucas couldn't determine anything about it.

"This is your mind." The figure stated, anticipating the question Lucas was about to ask. "It is not always as featureless as this, I simply made it appear that way to lessen distractions." Once more predicting Lucas' next question. "I am ~~~~~ ,"At this part of the sentence, Lucas felt a series of random colors and emotions. "and I am not a natural part of your mind." That was getting annoying. "I apologize for any frustrations I am causing, but I have very little time left.

"I am what you would call an alien, one not of this planet. My race is known for it's psychic abilities as well as it's ability to evolve through the consumption of... What is the word? Deoxyridbo-Neucleic acid... DNA. It is by these traits, as well as an extraordinary amount of bad luck on both our parts, that we're in this situation. You see, I was traveling not far from this planet when I was struck by a chunk of rock... Meteor? It destroyed most of my body, forcing me to send my consciousness out, along with scraps of my genetic material, to the nearest planet to recuperate. Unfortunately, you happened to be sitting in the exact spot that my consciousness was aimed. Usually, I would've sensed any life form and dodged it, but you... Humans?... Do not seem to put out a brainwave which I can easily sense. Hence why I did not attempt to swerve out of the path. My consciousness, along with my genetic material, struck you. I can sense that your memories on this are very vague, but I assume you remember the 'star' that struck you?" Lucas remembered. Apparently it hadn't been a dream. "I fused with you. I hadn't expected you to possess such a powerful mind, I'll admit. Your subconscious took over, and works as we speak to fuse my memories with yours. I will cease to exist, and you will gain my memories, in short."

"So then the reason I've been-" Lucas began.

"The need to feed so often is uncommon in my species." The figure interrupted, "I made you absorb that amount to finish your new body and build the cocoon you're currently laying in, but I had no idea that your body would absorb my cells so easily. That's why you've begun changing so quickly, your body is shifting into a form not unlike my own. Your body will not, however, be an exact replica. I could only do so much with the time provided. That is also why I made feeding so pleasurable for you, as it encouraged the absorption of materials. Even now, your body is growing and morphing. I apologize for the affliction I have brought upon your body, and I am ashamed that I must ask a favor from one I have so wronged."

"What is it?" Lucas asked.

"My people are dying. There is a disease ravaging our planet, killing all who contract it. I was tasked with traveling the stars in search of a cure in the DNA of other beings. I did not succeed. When I was joined with you, I had a chance to look over your genetics... You are the cure. Contained inside your genetic code is the immunity to the disease that's ravaging our planet. Before I crashed, I sent out a distress call to my home planet. In a few... Months?... A ship will arrive. The pilot will send a signal for you, I do not know what it will be. You must go to this ship, find it's pilot, and transfer some of your DNA into it. The pilot will bring it back to my homeworld and spread it, hopefully saving my...our species."

The figure began to blur, as though transforming into smoke from the edges inwards. "I'm almost out of time." The white space around them disappeared, leaving them standing in a misty, dark forest. "Now that you have absorbed both my body and mind, you will be capable of many more things. One of them is the power of introspection." The figure gestured to the area around them, "This is your mind, your real one. There is a... cabin?... here, inside of which my memories are housed. Should you ever need guidance in the times ahead, please look to them. And, once more, I apologize for what I have done to you."

"There's.... Not really any need to apologize." Lucas replied, "I kinda like being like this!"

"You will not be able to see anyone you've ever loved." The figure said, "I've looked through your memories, humans are not kind to new or strange things, and will not be kind to you. And even if you did manage to return to your old life, you'd need to live with the constant urge to devour them." The figure turned away from Lucas, "It is our way. We devour all but each other." With this, the figure was gone. The forest around him brightened and the mist cleared, as though his mind had just purged itself.

Lucas awoke back in the shed. The first thing he noticed was that the previously cum-coated walls were now covered in a grey, elastic like-substance. The musky smell remained, much to Lucas' strange enjoyment.

The teen attempted to sit up, only to realize his whole body, other than his face, was covered in the same substance. It felt natural against his skin, a fact he found both comforting and strange. A memory that wasn't his flashed before his eyes.

** ~~~~~ places its palm flat on the grey wall, willing it to part around the appendage. The substance bends to it's will, allowing the alien easy passage through.**

Lucas closed his eyes, demanding the grey let him pass. Like magic, he found that his body could move through it as though it were liquid, much to his relief. Lucas rolled onto his stomach and pushed himself off the ground, still not quite capable of moving around very well with his tail.

New problem. He didn't know where the door was. All the walls were covered in the grey stuff, so Lucas couldn't see the exit. He eventually just stuck his hand out and brushed it along the wall until he felt a handle, leading to his next problem. While he could tell the substance to allow him passage, it didn't seem to be capable of releasing things it was attached to.

** ~~~~~ lays it's torso flat against a wall of the grey substance, causing all of it within a few inches to revert to white ooze and flow back into it's body. **

Assuming that his cock was what replaced the hole in ~~~~~'s chest, Lucas set the tip against the door. His pre slowly seeped out returning all the grey that touched it into cum, which was quickly slurped up by his cock. Lucas bit back a moan of pleasure and continued the process until he had a hole large enough to be able to open the door. It swung open revealing the night sky beyond. Lucas deduced that he'd only been asleep for an hour or so, because the air hadn't gotten too cold yet.

The teen walked out of the shed, his tail pushing the door closed behind him. He grinned at this, happy to be developing control over the new appendage. However, what the alien in his head had said still weighed upon his mind, and there were still questions he wished to ask. Of course, he retained all of ~~~~~'s memories, which meant that he could gain whatever knowledge he required, but he had no idea how to reach the forest of his mind again.

Lucas cursed under his breath as he walked back inside, his tail once more swinging the door closed behind him. He was getting hungry again, though this time he didn't feel the pressing need to feed. It was much more manageable, almost normal. He didn't know what to eat, however. He searched randomly through the fridge and eventually settled on a bag of grapes. Compared to the meals he'd devoured before they were minuscule, however he wasn't feeling picky. The mutant flopped down on the couch with the bag of small purple spheres and turned on the television.

Lucas plucked a few grapes from the bag and pushed them through his cock, the bumps visible as his organ swallowed them. The cartoons were reruns, and none of his favorite shows would start their new seasons until after summer. He eventually settled for a random comedy on one of the movie channels. He fell asleep not long afterwards, the bag of grapes left half-eaten next to him.

Next morning

"I hope Lucas wasn't too bored." Jenny stated, as she and her twin brother pulled into the parking lot of the mansion they'd helped rent.

"He'd better be having the time of his life!" Jerry said in awe, "Look at the size of this place! And with that lake near by, he's probably been eating nothing but fish for the past few days!" The twins matching brown eyes gazed in appreciation at the construct as Jerry parked the car.

"Shitshitshitshitshit!" Lucas cursed, leaping from the couch and tripping over his tail. "What day is it?! It can't be Tuesday already!" The mutant ran to the back of the house and opened the back door. Not wanting to be seen in his current form by his friends, he did the first thing that came to his mind...

Jenny hefted her bag and closed the trunk to the car. Jerry, also carrying his bag, rushed her up to the porch. As the brunette twins reached for the door, an earth-shattering roar broke the silence that had, until then, blanketed the area. Jerry jumped, while Jenny dropped her bag in fright. The twins dashed back to their car and leapt in, not wanting to face the monster that had made such a noise.

Jerry put the car in gear and raced off to find the nearest animal control center.

Lucas, meanwhile, massaged his extremely sore throat. It would buy him some time, but he knew they'd be back to look for him. He went to work smashing windows, tearing cushions, and generally wreaking havoc on the house. He did his best to make it look like a bear had gotten in by opening the fridge and throwing it's contents around the kitchen, and did the same with every other food storage he could find.

The mutant left through the back door not a half hour after he started, and immediately went to the shed. The cum-coated walls needed to be fixed, but he didn't know how to clean the-

** ~~~~~ places it's palm on a wall of the grey substance, willing it to return. The entire wall of grey substance turns white, and oozes back into it's body.**

Lucas sighs, having forgotten that he could call upon ~~~~~' s memories. The teen walked inside and kneeled down on the floor, his palm flat on the carpet of his cum. He focused as hard as he could, thinking as loudly as possible at the grey to come back inside him....

Nothing. Lucas growled in frustration, before looking over ~~~~~'s memories. There was a trick to it... He needed to remember that it was a part of him, and that he could move it like one.... "Well, that was helpful." He sighs, before trying again. He thought of moving his finger, how instinctual it was. He applied the same to the grey, with immediate results. His knees sank down a good four inches before touching the ground, the solid grey turning to liquid white. The ooze moved to his will, sliding off the walls and ceiling and pooling near him. It began forming a large lump around him, soon submerging him entirely.

Lucas floated in a ball of his own cum, willing it to react. It did. It seemed to squeeze him a little, before seeping into his skin. He felt as though his pores were absorbing it, and indeed they were. But not fast enough. He could hear cars approaching the house, at least three. One was a van.

His opened his mouth, inhaling the substance. It flowed down his throat, going who knows where. His cock and ass did the same, each hole opening and sucking the white into his body. Stars appeared in his vision from the pleasure, and within seconds the substance was back in his body. Not a drop remained anywhere in the shed, not even on him. Then he looked at his body.

Scales had now completely formed, pure grey and strangely light. Beneath them were rather large muscles, toned as though he spent every week at a gym. His tail had grown much thicker, now almost as wide around as both his arms and scraped the ground when he walked. His toes had formed three large digits, each with a razor sharp retractable claw, and, to top it off, an obscenely large sheath had formed around his cock.

Before Lucas had a chance to marvel at his body any longer, he heard the vehicles park in the driveway. Lucas stood, his head bumping the ceiling due to his extra height. The mutant ducked out the door and closed it, turning to the forest.

"You will not be able to see anyone you've ever loved. I've looked through your memories, humans are not kind to new or strange things, and will not be kind to you."

"Dammit." He cursed, leaping into the cover of the forest and away from his friends, family, and old life forever.


Wow, it's been a while. Not the best way to start out a series.

Sorry 'bout that...