The Clockwork Falcon - part 6: Flying Higher

Story by porterjoe on SoFurry

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#6 of The Clockwork Falcon

A nice, long sex scene after some brief setup. Also my laughable attempt at relaying a Cockney accent

If Jim hadn't been rushing to tell Jenny about his exhilarating experience, he may have noticed the edge of a black cloak slip away stealthily from his peripheral vision. But in his mind, he was already eagerly gushing an emphatic recounting of his first time flying the Clockwork Falcon. So the fur on his neck didn't even prickle as a slitted, amber eye turned back to watch him for a moment before disappearing into the gathering night.

Still sensing no danger and almost skipping in his excitement, Jim hurried through the emptying streets of the city, a cheery warmth radiating out of him as he wished a good evening to anyone who managed to reach the joy-narrowed tunnel of his vision.

"What a glorious evening, sir!" Jim chirped with glee to a sharply dressed aristocrat walking towards him.

The monacled lion looked around with befuddled confusion at the night that seemed rather ordinary to him, "hmmm, yes, I suppose," he returned with an airy indifference as Jim passed him, "And a good evening to you, young man."

But Jim might as well have been miles away already as he sped onwards, and the usually ponderous journey to Jenny's bakery seemed to fly by as he drew towards the charming storefront of his destination.

The few straggling customers jumped and turned in surprise as Jim burst into the room,

"Goooood evening, friends!" the ecstatic husky shouted to the store as he bounded to the counter. The customers harrumphed and shrugged to themselves, some managing a miffed, "evening..." as they returned to their coffee or desserts.

Unperturbed or not noticing, Jim quickly called, "Now, could I please see the prettiest girl this side of the Imperium?" as he rang the service bell on the counter.

Jenny soon emerged from the kitchen with the soft light glittering across her bright, grey fur, and she tried to appear cross as she saw Jim grinning from ear to ear,

"Hush that noise, you!" she managed to quip in a irritated tone, but her excitement was given away by a dancing sway as she stepped to greet her boyfriend, "I can't have you scaring away all my customers, can I?"

"Oh, don' mind us, love," one amused diner called from his table, "Can't fault the pup jumpin' at such a pretty piece a' crumpet," he finished with a hooting laugh.

Jim's ears reddened slightly, but he didn't stop beaming as he leaned forward to kiss Jenny across the counter, and she didn't hesitate to push her muzzle into Jim's parted lips.

"Ooh, none a' that, now; you'll put us off our pastry," the raccuous customer chuckled at the young lovers' kissing.

"Oh come off it, you cheeky sod," Jenny called back as she pulled away to look into Jim's cheery eyes, "I've seen you do much worse right outside my shop, like my windows' not glass."

The customer roared with laughter while he got up and made towards the exit, "Alright, it's a fair cop; I'll leave you to it," he chortled as he opened the door, "Give 'er another for me, eh squire?" his crude laughter still echoing back into the shop.

"Don't mind that squawking hyena," Jenny said with a sultry scratch under his chin, "Now then, I expect you have a story for me. Have you eaten?"

"Nah, famished," Jim said with a timely grumble of his belly, "Can I take you somewhere for supper?"

"Afraid my sister's still on holiday, so I have to manage the shop," she said, but brightened as she continued, "But I just made a fresh batch of Ordin pasty. Why don't you come back where it's more private?"

Jim skirted around the counter and followed Jenny through the swinging doors, surreptitiously pinching her bottom as she walked. The remaining customers snorted at her tittering giggles, trying to ignore the flirtatious mumbling from the kitchen. Although, more than one couldn't help but wistfully think back to their own, amorous youth.

Jenny rested her legs in Jim's lap as they sat on a small bench on one end of the kitchen. He gently ran his fingers through her fur as he bit into a flaky pie, the savory filling reviving him as he told Jenny about his miraculous first flight.

"It was so much more than I could have hoped for," he recounted with half-lidded gaze, "The city dropped behind us like a stone, and the clouds!" He leaned back with a sigh, "I feel like I could've reached out and plucked them right from the sky as they shot passed."

Jenny watched him with a placid smile, his infectious happiness making her legs shuffle comfortably in his lap, "It almost sounds too wonderful to be believed. But I guess that's just because I've been left stuck on my paws all day."

Jim slapped his palms together once he finished his meal and brushed the resulting crumbs from her fur as he gently picked up one of her hind paws. Jenny murred happily as he massaged his thumbs around the pads of her feet.

"Poor girl, working all day while I zipped around like a starling," he cooed softly as she stretched her toes in contentment, "I can't wait till I can take you with me."

Jenny slowly dropped her legs back to the floor and shifted forward until their noses almost touched, "I think I love you, Jim," she said softly as she looked into his bright blue eyes.

Jim nuzzled her gently before pulling into a deep kiss, his tongue winding around hers in giddy gyrations of concurrence.

"I think I love you too," he said as they broke their kiss, "You're so beautiful, and so...strong, running this place all by yourself. You're not like any girl I've ever met."

Jenny leaned forward and kissed him again as her heart pounded with affection.

"And you're cooking's not too bad either," Jim said with a muffled smirk as he ran his paws up her hips.

She shoved him away playfully and reclined to put her legs back up, "Ugh, I like that! You're just working your charms to get free meals," she giggled as he began to massage her other paw.

"Erp, she's onto me, better scarper!" he joked back in mock terror as he squeezed the ache out of her slender ankles. Time whiled away slowly as the service bell stayed mercifully silent, leaving the young lovers to chat away softly.

"Well, it's near enough closing time," Jenny finally said, breathless from their latest kissing session, "Let's go lock up and we can continue this upstairs."

Jim fervently hoped there wasn't any late-night stragglers to see the familiar clear spot gathering on the front of his bulging trousers. He needn't have worried, fortunately, as he slowly hunched his way after the beautiful wolf. He watched from behind the counter as Jenny lowered the iron lattices over the windows and locked the door with a satisfying click. His flesh pounded eagerly in his pants as she moved lightly about, gathering discarded plates and napkins with a seemingly intentional slowness.

"All right, let's see, that should be just about everything," she said evenly as she looked around her shop.

"You sure you don't need to rewash all the cutlery? Maybe rearrange the furniture?" the husky panted with good-natured sarcasm, "I've got a bit of a sticky situation over here."

"Oh, very well, you've been patient enough," Jenny replied as she walked back to the counter, "I have to admit, I may have tried a little harder than usual to work you up," she continued as she reached a casual paw behind her back to start unzipping her dress.

Jim shuddered as a fresh wave of sensation stretched the front of his pants, "Well if you don't want to have to mop the floor tomorrow, we'd better start making tracks."

Jenny danced around the counter and grabbed his paw, dragging him to the stairs that led up to her flat. With his free paw, Jim began frantically undoing his trouser buckles, the pressure becoming almost unbearable as the scent of Jenny's arousal reached his nose.

The couple flew into Jenny's apartment, frantically pulling off clothes before Jim deftly swept her up and laid her on the floor. She was already moaning with need as he pried open her legs and sent a sensual lick over her dripping opening, and she even bucked her hips slightly in anticipation as he rubbed his aching member.

The husky moved over top of her and held his throbbing cock in one paw, gingerly pushing it down towards her upraised pussy. Jenny swayed against the smooth wooden floor as her paws tweaked her hard, raised nipples. She enjoyed the sensuous tickling that wound over her large breasts as they met with the pangs of sensation from Jim pushing the tip of his cock into her vagina.

"F-fuck me," she gasped as Jim eased an arm under her lower back, "Fuck me...hard."

Jim was happy to oblige, and he drove down into her, eliciting screams of joyous lust while she raised her back off the floor

"Ah...ah...ungh...harder," she moaned as Jim's shallow breath turned to gasps of rutting desire. He increased his already rapid pace, even as his knot bulged to what felt like twice its usual size from their crashing, animalistic sex.

Their cries harmonized into bleating howls of passion as Jim's throbbing manhood roughly penetrated the lewdly writhing wolf girl, and the impassioned husky felt with shock that she was already cumming. The sensation drove him into his own climax as the lovers arched their backs, desperately pushing their hips together. They continued to buck against each other as decadent rushes pounded through their groins, Jim's swollen knot grinding hotly against Jenny's inflamed vulva.

As they came down breathlessly from the brief but intense lovemaking, Jim rolled onto his back next to her, gently caressing his pulsing cock that was only half-heartedly beginning to soften.

Jenny touched herself as well, feeling her gently tingling sex that was blissfully slick from their combined fluids. She reached with her other paw to run it down Jim's similarly-glossy member,

"mmm, that was quick," she whispered throatily as she caught her breath.

"Hey, I can't help it if I'm fabulous at this," Jim gasped back with a smile as he placed a paw over hers while she caressed the tip of his retreating penis.

"Cheeky," she mumbled blithely as she stretched out her legs, "Now if the master lover wouldn't mind getting off of a lady's tail?"

Jim balked and rolled away, "Urp, sorry 'bout that," he apologized as he picked up her flattened tail in his paws and smoothed her fur.

"You can make it up to me in there," she returned with a suggestive gesture toward her bedroom, "I'll never hear the end of it if we ruin the floor."

The tip of Jim's penis poked back out through his sheath, already throbbing as if to complain about being reawakened so soon. He helped Jenny to her feet and hurried her into the bedroom, his hardening flesh bouncing with sensual slaps against his drenched fur.

With surprising strength, Jenny twisted around and threw Jim onto her bed, his body bouncing slightly on her springy mattress. The husky's mouth opened in aroused astonishment as she walked after him with exasperating slowness.

"Hmm, now how shall we have you make up to me, I wonder?" The wolf murred as she crossed her legs to teasingly enhance her cleft. She looked down at Jim with an impish gaze as his curled tail beat loudly against her bed,

"Well, since you got to ride around in the sky all day, I guess it's only fair if I get to ride you."

The husky's cock twitched invigoratingly at the suggestion, and he wriggled back against the pillows as he watched her uncrossed legs rewetting with new nectar. She crawled haughtily over top of him, licking away a trickle of precum from his jumping member as she straddled his legs. Jim's eyes closed in bliss as he felt her shift above his cock, and he brushed his paws though the smooth fur of her thighs. His breath caught as she lowered onto him, one paw holding her pussy open and the other braced against his chest.

"Besides," she murred, "I have to remind you there's still some pleasures to be found here on the ground."

Jim's sensual smile pulled tight as he silently begged, "Do it now!" and in the secret empathy of love, she acquiesced.

He felt her labial folds rushing over his cock, and she relished the pounding of his heartbeat against the paw on his chest. She sighed a lusty gasp as she settled onto him, and rocked her hips slowly to stimulate his regrowing knot.

"You feel so amazing," he whispered as his mind filled with a pleasurable haze, "Maybe flying isn't so great after all."

Jenny lifted slowly and leaned back, straightening his cock as it throbbed inside of her, "Flattery will get you everywhere, lover boy," she cooed before hilting him again.

She settled into an exciting rhythm of raising her hips and grinding back down, adding delightful thrusts as he was deep inside of her. The intense waves of pleasure rolled over them in a squall of satisfaction, their renewed gasps echoing like thunder. Jenny didn't like to maintain a single angle, choosing instead to pull Jim's cock back and forth in the gripping ecstasy of her motions. She felt his cock growing hotter within her, and bathed in the intimate knowledge of pleasuring her mate. With a twist of her hips, she began pushing harder onto his knot, groaning in lust as her walls stretched and folded over the pulsing bulge. She reached down a paw to stimulate her clit, easily dulling the pain from his erotically engorged shape.

With gratifying relief, his knot slipped the rest of the way into her, and they moaned together as sparks of euphoria emanated from their coupling. For a minute they just rested like that, tied in lupine ardor as they enjoyed the feeling of oneness.

Eventually feeling the lustful need to continue, Jenny began to slowly rock her hips again, the sensations causing Jim to thrust up involutarily. His tongue rolled out of his mouth as he reached a paw up to grab her breast, twiddling her nipple while intense pleasure pulsed in his loins. Jenny gasped and increased her oscillation, no longer able to lift more than an inch because of his still swelling knot.

"Now it's my turn for a bit of fun, flyboy," she giggled as she began to lean back farther, and Jim cried out in delight as she bent his cock down to its limit. She began humping her hips forward, the angle stimulating her erogenous zones with tactile glee. Jim couldn't hold back any longer, and climaxed spontaneously, feeling the hot gushes of his spunk racing out in glorious spurts of ejaculation. Jenny wasn't long behind, the heat and continued throb of Jim's gushing cock sending waves of euphoric sensation through her womb.

The young husky was left gasping in all but painful exhilaration as she took up his call, howling in euphoria as her vagina milked any remaining seed from his still hardened member. She felt her already tightened pussy grip even harder around his cock, and she threw her head back as rushes of sweet air billowed into her lungs.

Once the pleasure diminished enough for her to move, she threw herself onto Jim with all the speed that their coupling would allow and began enthusiastically pawing her clitoris while she drove her tongue into his muzzle. She continued to buck her hips into him as his seed leaked around their tight connection, feeling the tingling excitement warming again in her nethers until she had to stop the kiss in order to gasp huskily.

"I th-think I'm going to c-cum again," Jim moaned as her urgent thrusting dashed aside the afterglow, replacing it with a renewed desire to fuck her. She could only moan in agreement, the vibrating waves of bliss growing stronger as her lover's knot swelled with increased enthusiasm.

In a simultaneous cry of orgasmic delight, the lovers' hips were sent into spasms of needy bucking. Jenny groped at his body and her own as she felt the hot, watery ejaculate splash out of Jim's cock. She howled in time with the sensuous throbbing of his over-swelled knot as it held all but a trickle of their coital fluids inside of her. Their cries soon fell to exhausted gasps, but the heady strobe of pleasure was sustained like a plucked string, humming along their tingling bodies as the afterglow finally set in.

Serene in the knowledge that nothing short of a crowbar could separate their coupling, the pair slowly rolled onto their sides with the intimate pulse of the tie connecting them. Jim was almost half asleep by the time Jenny could rest her head on a pillow, and she gently licked his cheek as she watched his weary eyes closing.

"Don't fly too high, my love, because I don't think I can top that," she yawned sleepily as her own eyelids fell.

Cuddling uncovered in the intimate warmth of their bodies, the young couple drifted off to a sleep filled with impassioned dreams of making love to each other again...