Dragon Slayer? Chapter 4

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#4 of Dragon Slayer?

Simon returns home with his love but will those who he has saved before accept the one who was suppose to be dead. Also a bit of history of the two female who desire him.

Discalimer : Yes their is sex in this chapter. If you don't like sex then go read the Little Train that Could. Otherwise enjoy the story.

I would like to give a thanks to my friend Shadow Master of Weapons and Darrow and Dumont! for their help with this chapter it took a lot longer than expected to write this one. Please enjoy

The lion lord is on his knees his mane and fur body is covered in sweat. The room he was in was lit by a large assortment of candles as he knelt on the carpet in the center of the room and labors in ragged breath. He feels the large scaled hand caress his body. He feels so vulnerable on his knees naked before her. What was before him was something he never thought he would be in love with or to be in this position for this creature. He has maids other servants bent before him, male or female it didn't matter all that mattered was that he stood over them, all screaming his name to fuck them. It didn't matter if his mate knew, she did as she was told, hell he would make her watch sometimes or have a threesome. He was the lord of his land and no one ever told him no. Those who did deny him did at their peril. He had fought many battles and killed many to achieve what he has and yet before her was powerless. He has never felt so alive in this position he was in. To have it all stripped away, to be so vulnerable, so open and exposed. He has never felt so alive. His barbed cock throbs with stiffness not since when he had taken his wife for the first time had he felt this alive and he isn't even in control. To have all control stripped away was intoxicating. That scent that filled the musky room made him do anything she told him to do as he panted hard his tongue hung out as if he was thirsty and yet it was not a thirst for liquids. His thirst was a thirst for her, a thirst to do anything she wanted to him to. Just to have her speak to him no matter how demeaning it was how cruel the words were. All that matter is that she did it to him.

The one did this to him was a lamia. Her scaled body was a mixture of purple and blue, her upper torso was one can describe as a humanoid. She what would look like a cross between a cobra and human. Her face was human like but you could see the reptilian in her skin was purple with light scales over her body. Yet smooth skin over her upper body. Her upper torso was slim as a female human was her ample breast suited her frame. As she was only covered with a thin see through shawl that was her only clothing, as she wore some jewelry though it seemed to enhance her beauty more than anything. She slithers around him as her long tail would caress his barrel chest teasing him as the tip of her tail would play with his hard nipples.

"How does the mighty lion feel today? DO you enjoy having nothing before me? For all your power and wealth you want nothing more to be dominated. You conquer all before you and take what you want yet here you are acting like nothing more than a slave before me." She laughs at him as she rubs her tail across his throbbing cock. He gasp in pleasure as he tries to make her caress it more as she pulls away from it. "Naught naughty male, I didn't tell you that you could move now did I?" She waives her finger before him as she laughs at him. "You are my bitch tonight and I will make you scream like one." As her tail sneaks behind the lion caressing his tight ass, the loin whimpers in pain as he feels his throbbing cock being caressed with her hand, as his ass is being slowly being played with by her tail.

"You know I am not a evil one I'll let you fuck me if you want make me beg for more but then it would be over you know as soon as you cum in me our session would be over an you would have to go. But you would have your lay of the night." Her light laughter teases him as she hisses as she laughs. He looks at her in panic not wanting this evening to end.

_________________ (A year, ago)

She recommended this to him when he first came to the town of the dragon slayer. He was told by many rich and wealthy furs humans and others. That she would let them lay her for a price. Many took her offer and after a brief session of sex. It would leave them wanting more. Many said no matter how much sex they had, who it was with male or female, fur or human. It didn't matter it paled to having a night with her. Here he was now before her he took her a week ago after hearing the tales. He scoffed at them. He came here and demanded a session with her; he took her roughly that night. He pounded into her making her scream his name over and over crying for him to fill her with his seed. He was satisfied with his romp with her as he left he felt it was no different than a maid at his home. Yet as soon as he arrived at his home he was filled with a carving that could not be filled no matter who it was with. He had several maids, servants and his own wife many times over yet no matter whom he had male or female they didn't fill that craving of having the lamia. Yet when he did return to the establishment he was greeted by all saying they would be proud to serve him yet he asked for her the lamia Estess. His body shook with excitement knowing he would soon have her once more, making her scream for more. He paced back and forth as he waited for word that she said yes he was willing to pay double for her, if anything triple, even if it was only for a few minutes. He needed this thirst of need for her to be quenched. Then a nervous female otter dressed in a loose fitting dress showing off her ample breast told him that Estess would not see him for anything. .

NO! No one said no to the lord of Bercan He has served in the War to protect the kingdom. He was honor by all for his valor yet here he was told no. He began to raise his voice making many there step back in shock at his anger. "What do you mean she said no? She is nothing more a sex tool as you all are! You are here to severe my needs you do not say no to me!" He roared. Yet as he said that he was forced to his knees by two large female grizzly bears their fur dark brown and looking very fierce with their armor that hug the curvy bodies. If he wasn't as mad as he was he would think that they looked very sexy with that armor that hugged their bodies. Their muscles ripple with power as they restrained the lion lord. He could not believe that females could be this strong

Struggle as he might to rise to his feet he could not as strong as he was they both together were stronger it seemed. Their large hands and great strength keep him kneeling. The males and females and their clients all see the lord on his knees. Many he has seen before many females that he has laid and a few males. The lords and many traders were here among the others looking outside their room. He was about to yell once more to have the female guards to release him when the furs and humans alike all started to part, some heading back into their room as many seem to be transfixed with who had come before them. The lamia slithered across the floor her scales shined against the light of the lanterns that hung in the hallway.

She smiled at the bear guards ignoring the lord as he struggle with the female bears. "What seems to be the problem girls?" Her voice rich as it had a soft hiss all but unheard to the untrained ear. She moved closer to the proud loin as he still continue to struggle to rise to his feet with the female guards wanting to get closer to her, he snarl the guards once more to let him go. He had a wild look in his eyes that he didn't care about the bears or what anyone thought but he wanted her. He wanted her so badly it pained him to think about anything else. He wanted her to give herself to him to say his name. It felt that she put a curse on him and he could not break it a spell that she had put on him drove him crazy with lust for her, as all his thoughts were about her.

She waived the guards away as she told them not to worry the kitten will behave as she started to slither back to her room as she look over her shoulder her reptilian eyes seem to laugh at him as he quickly nodded as she beckon him with a quick nod to follow her and he stumbles to his feet trying not to trip as he followed her like a child followed their mother.

As he enter the room once more. It was the same as the last time he visited , it held many candles lit with that strange scent that filled the room that mind his mind grow weak and he became less angry and more engrossed with the lamia as he saw her pour herself a drink. The door closed behind him as he realized then it was her tail that closed it. As it retracted back to her as it coiled under her as she leaned into her pillows that made it look like a throne that she sat before him. With that image in his head he began to kneel not really knowing why as she was not of royalty or of any true power. She was a common whore wasn't she?

Estess smiles at the lion lord. "My, my, are you really that pent up. You know I control you now? Usually I don't use my abilities on many of my clients." She takes a sip of wine as the lion watches her as the sight of her drinking is the greatest sight ever. "Yet your boasting got on my nerves. About how strong your pride is. How you make all females cry out your name. Mind you I only did that because it was what you paid for. I don't really care about you but I love a challenge. Though I thought your love for family or something else would make you try and resist but here you are only days later wanting me. The trader from the west lasted longer I think he took up to cutting his arm to not think of me was actually clever but you all give in, expect him." She looks away as she puts the glass down on the small table next to her, a long clawed finger play with the glass as she can hear his breath getting ragged as he seems to be fighting the urge to try and pounce as he once more rises to his feet.

"Sit." The word itself had no real power to it. It was as if she was saying hello to someone who was passing by. The loin lord did as he was told with a shock look on his face as he couldn't believe what he just did. He tries to get up but remains sitting.

Estess smiles at him. "You belong to me 'Lord'. You see I was made as a sex slave so long ago to a Lord much like yourself. It was a wolf lord, his fur was black as the night itself his eyes blue as the sea itself. Yet he was like so many males wanting a sex partner to keep up with his urges and stamina, none could do that not even his mate. He commissions a mage to capture me and transform me into that. I was to fulfill any desire he wished. It was a long months and I had gone through many changes. Yet I was changed to serve him and him only. It was fun I guess at first yet after a while I hated it. I didn't care for him or what I was. I wanted out but I was bonded to him so I could do nothing to change what I was." A sad look crossed her face then a smile began to grow. "Yet it was fate to have other plans for me. They sent me a new master in a sense. The Great red wrym attacked his kingdom. She was a bit more ruthless back then. She destroyed the kingdom in a day of battle the armies of that kingdom died in flames as did many who lived there. My master the king died in flames as he tried to escape. I truly didn't care as I wanted to die also. She found me buried under the rubble. She was a bit surprised to see one of my kind there. She had let me live with no word at all as she teleported the treasure of the kingdom to her home. When she was done she looked at me and asked if I wanted to change my life to be her guardian. Prevent fools from bothering her. Yes she was strong but she tends to get miffed with the constant fools attempting to steal from her or kill her all the time.

"I was a bit taken aback by this as I had no real power to offer her. She told me I had more than enough power. As they had changed my body to be a sex tool, why not use that? She added to my power was the power to enthrall all who live here in this world. Expect her. I look around at the burning castle ruins and said I didn't really have a choice did I? She laugh a bit then told me that we all have choice in this world it is whether it is a good or bad choice."

In a heartbeat she coiled around him he gasped a bit feeling her scaled body against him, his heart began to race as his breath became short and fast. For a brief second he thought she was going to crush him with her powerful tail. Yet it seems to hug him gently as if she was hugging him with her arms. She caressed his chest as his clothes were damped with his sweat. "You see I can enthrall anyone I chose. I was given the power to stop any intruder that came for my mistress. None could resist my charm. All became food for me or my mistress. You are no different, though one did resist. I should say it didn't work on him at all. All you males do not mean anything to me your money, power, or promises to be mine mean nothing, because it is not you talking, but this!" She squeezes around his erect cock with her powerful tail that is painfully being crushed in his pants as she coils tightly around his crotch.

"No you see none of you can help yourself as you belong to me and no true free will, expect him. He has said no to me so many times. I know you don't understand what I am telling you as you want to say yes to me, but I was willing to be his do anything for him yet he said no so many times yet it makes me want him as you want me. Every rejection make me want him more and more yet I want him to say yes to me because it would be of love he said yes to me, not for lustful reasons. So you see you will be my new toy. I was going to release you in a month or two of playing with you. Yet you barge into my establishment like you are someone I should care about. If I was still with my last master, the great wyrm, I would have eaten you by now but Simon looks down at that. Now my lord what can I do to make you beg me to give you pleasure how far will you degrade yourself for me?"

"Anything you wish my mistress." He says in a rough lusty voice. With that her smile grew and her she had a new toy to play with.

______________ (present time)

Now he had a monthly session with her. Where she had him strip naked before her, making him do demeaning things. To dressing up in female clothing, to act like a common dog. To the point where he would watch her be taken by another male, or she would play with a female as he would just watch. Yet he does anything she asked to make the session to last longer for as soon as took her he would have to leave and then another month would go by. At this point he was hoping to have his son take the seat of power so he could have more time here. All his thoughts were about her nothing more. For a year this has been going on today was no different. He looks at her lustfully as she lays in her throne of pillows relaxing in them enjoying the great and powerful lion nothing more than a whipped and broken slave bent to her will.

Estess will was all that really matter as long as he was here with her. That's all that matter.

Without warning the door to the room burst open and an angry looking kitsune standing at the door, her blue cloak barley covering her body as she looks at Estess in anger her tails fur standing on end as they seem to shake back and forth as her body shook with anger. "Where is he?"

Estess looks at her with a confused face. "Just a second Fira I am with a client. You can cum now dear I might be a while I will send some girls in here for you to play with until I return. Enjoy them until I do. Then we can play once more." The lion lord cums hard as he shoots a few ropes of cum on the floor , his breath comes ragged with a look of bliss comes over his face as he nods to her as she leaves. She motions the large female polar bear guard to come over. "You said you wanted to see how strong that lion lord was get your friend and have him fuck you both silly until I return.

The female nods as she calls for her friend and both begin to laugh as they look they got their yule time gift early. As both begin to strip as they enter the room the grizzly female closes the door behind her friend as both can be heard laughing. As Estess looks at Fira with a sour look on her face as she snarls like a rabid animal at Estess. "You know full well when I am with a client you or anyone is not to intrude in that time. I have a job to do." She pokes hard into the kitsune's chest hard making the kitsune bares her teeth looking ready to attack Estess.

Estess laughs her posturing as she knows full well Fira would not be that stupid though at times she did wonder why she was still here. Then she smiles and knows what to set her off this time wondering where Simon gone off to this time without word as always. "Expect Simon if he was willing to barge in I wouldn't mind. Not at all, of course for him to ravage me to break me to his will." She hisses a bit as it sounds like a laugh more than anything.

Fira seems to be gathering her power as her tails begin to glow taking the bait at Estess perverse ways. "Do not take that tone with me SNAKE! You basically took over this place against his wishes. I think he lets you do this just so you would not keep pestering him." A soft glow covers her as Estess just smiles at her.

"My dear you are so wound up tight. I am surprised you haven't snapped yet. He allows me to do this just to have fun. Otherwise I am bored. Also you know better than to attack me so stop trying to act tough. Simon told us we are not allowed to attack each other especially in town. Come and let's talk" She motions Fira to follow her.

Fira calms down knowing it was true she and Estess were not allow to act like children while they lived here. Simon had told them if they lived in town they would not be allowed to fight over him he was not a prize for them to fight over. Not that it stopped them from using him as a prize between the two.

As Estess began to slither away from Fira it was one of the few times the kitsune look at the grand building she was in. It was one of the oldest one in town, at three stories high it is the biggest building in town besides the bar that Simon ran. The one thing Fira has to admit about this whore house it was big and well-furnished as if a rich lord lived here. Not surprised that Estess could afford to spruce up the place as she had many wealthy clients that came here, if anything she had many of those clients pay for it. The bar is big because Simon lives above it, though with all he has she has no idea why he does. He could easily build a castle for himself and call himself a lord of the land. His answer to that was' What for?' The feline never made sense to her neither did his so call charm he seem to have.

She starts to follow Estess down the hallway until she hears a scream from down stairs. Without realizing how Estess is already slithering downstairs. Despite her size she can move fast. Fira speaks a word and a light envelops her as she appears behind Estess who is shaking with rage as she seems to be holding someone. Fira sees a female nude bunny who is clutching a sheet trying to cover herself. As she shakes with deep cuts across her back bleeding badly coating her white fur crimson red ,as she sobs into Estess who holds her gently trying to calm her. Some of the other females want to help her but are afraid of the large lamia who cradles the female bunny's she was her own child.

Fira moves close and tries to pull the female bunny from Estess gently wanting to help her. Finally Estess releases the female as Fira pulls her pouch out and begins to cover her wounds with a foul smelling liquid making the female rabbit gasp out in pain. "I am sorry it will hurt but you will not have that bad of scar because of it." The female looks at who it is helping her as she cowers from her a bit but still says thank you. Fira wants to be mad at the fear towards her, yet it was her who wanted many to fear her. A double edge sword she wields as Kel would tell her.

Fira finishes up as she has an otter fem come to take her to another room to clean her up. Many returning to their rooms not of being told too, but because of the angry lamia that towers over the knelling greyhound because of her long tail it gives her the illusion that she is a giant about to crush a tiny ant beneath her, the blood evident on his hand from his attack. As he has a red welt across his muzzle from what looked like a large whip. Estess looks ready to impale the canine with her tail.

The greyhound looks up at her in anger. "No one laughs at me and gets away with it. Especially some fucking whore! I don't have to put up with this shit from this crummy establishment. I will tell .AHHHHH" Estess moves on him in an instant and bites deep into his neck, blood seeps from her attack. For a brief second Fira thinks she is going to kill the greyhound. Yet Simon told both of them if they wish to stay they could not kill unless it was to defend someone else. As soon as Estess attacked the greyhound she releases the screaming greyhound. He shakes in fear and anger as blood comes from his wound on his neck.

They greyhound tries to cover the wound as the blood flows from it. "You fucking whor... I ... I ..." he looks around as if confused and lost for a second. The wound still bleeding but he seems not to care about that as he looks around for a bit, the blood slowly coating his grey fur red.

Estess snaps her finger as a fox servant runs up with a towel as she wipes her mouth with it of the canine's blood. "Be a dear and get the law and a healer Sergent. It seems our guest here has jumped out the window on the second floor out of guilt over hurting poor Betty. Also tell housekeeping that there is a mess in the main hall leading to the second floor window. We can't have a dirty establishment for our clients." If what she said was confusing to Fira it didn't bother Sergent as he left to do as she said.

Estess moved behind the confused looking greyhound "Now be a dear and jump out the window for me would you, and if you can still move do it again until the law comes for you." She whispers into his ear pointing to the window on the second floor. The greyhound nods eagerly as he runs up the stairs leaving a trail of blood behind him. For a brief Fira thinks he won't do it but then jumps out the window into the alley below as the sound of barrels can be heard breaking and seconds later a loud groaning can be heard. Fira had heard of her controlling others but to that extent with a bite. Yet she had seen the mark on Simon's neck and he was still telling Estess no. It boggle Fira's mind. It was a small wonder why he seem afraid that one time or another when Fira went near him thinking she would so the same as Estess.

Estess moves to the center of the room and looks around at many who are still looking out of their rooms. "Let those who come here know that these furs here are mine. Not your toys that you break when you get mad. I will not tolerate anyone hurting my workers. Do you all understand me?!" Her voice echoes throughout the building. With many saying they understood as some look out the window at the greyhound outside who was groaning in pain.

Estess looks back at Fira with a smile on her face as nothing had just happen. "Now where we, OH yes you wanted to talk to me?"

Fira snaps out of her trance as her tails began to shake a bit "Oh yes I wanted to know where Simon is? Where did he take off to? I noticed Kel is not here. Tell me he didn't go try to slay another dragon?" She says as if she was a wife wondering where husband went.

Estess laughs at her little outburst. "You still believe he will bed you dear? You have tried everything to sway him magic potions my own blood and venom that you see makes anyone bend to my will. Yet he still is resisting it all. If that didn't work, you acting like you own him will not help either little kitsune. Come let us talk more." She looks at the stairs as she sighs not wanting to go up anymore. She slithers over to an empty room as Fira follows a bit mad at being told that she is acting like child by of all things this lamia.

As she follows Estess to the room some male workers come up with some mops and sponges complaining about the recent idiot to cross the mistress. Just then a very bruised and batter looking greyhound comes in trying to make to the stairs to as Estess. As much as it pains Fira to see that, it was not much different than what she has done in the past to others who crossed her. Fira makes it to the room that Estess went to as Estess takes the bed as it creeks under her weight. She relaxes as best as she can as it is not as comfortable as her room is but still better than the floor. "You know full well if both of them are gone they went to fight another dragon. What would you do fight besides him? The kitty hates to the dragon slaying, especially after what happen in that dragon kingdom to the west" She smiles as she sees Fira blush a bit. "YOU are still a bit mad he fell in love with one of them aren't you? It irks you that he loves her over you. You're willing to throw yourself at him and he has yet to show you any sign of interest." Estess laughs a bit seeing Fira getting flustered a bit.

"I do not love him!! I... I just have debt to repay him is all." Fira looks away from the lamia.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night thinking of him dear?" Estess stretches a bit as her long tail hangs loosely from the bed. Fira cannot believe something so big can move so fast but that is what got her caught by the dragon and made its toy for those years. Her thinking large creatures could not move as fast as a smaller one. She still has nightmares of that experience. Yet she was saved by of all things a cat named Simon. ____________ (A few years ago)

He was not the hero she was told about in stories growing up or in training with her master. Hero's that slay the dragons were bravest warriors of their race. They were strong handsome and courageous. Simon was a bit good looking but not handsome as in the stories. He was far from brave or strong as he had Kel do most of his fighting. Yet he freed her and asks nothing from her as many would try and woo her or say she owes them. He just wanted a word of thanks and she didn't even do that all she did was yell and growl at him saying what did he want to rape her like the dragon. In hind sight maybe that was not the best way to make others like you after they just rescue you. Yet after that he still wanted to give her some of the treasure, though she wanted it all. He told her half and that was all she was going to get. With half she would be set. Yet greed was in charge as she thought she deserved it all especially what happen to her.

After talking to the Simon she figures she would trick him into giving it all to him. He did seem a bit clueless about many things in the world and about her kind. She was skilled with potion making and love spells, that she could make any male or female fall for her and do her will. She agrees to guard his treasure. He happily agreed he let her live near the cave where the dragon once lived but she decided it would be easier to live in the cave with the treasure, so when it came time it would be easier for her to steal. With that she planned his downfall. Males were so easy to fool. Yet it did make her feel guilty that she was going to trick the one who saved her. She promised herself that she would be nice to him until it was time to take all he had.

Her first attempt was a drink to their partnership in a sense since she was working for him for a short while. She had spiked his drink with a mind control drug which would leave him like putty in her hands. Right before he drank it Kel busted in saying why he wasn't invited this cause Simon drop the drink in surprise. Both argue for a few minutes, Fira was patient if anything as Simon grumbles about cleaning up the mess. Kel grumbling saying it wasn't his fault Simon was clumsy. With that she tried a direct approach thinking her charms she had already cast one herself would work on him. That also backfired as it seems the charm that was supposed to control Simon end up working on her instead of him. She wanted to bed him that night. After several days of looking for a cure or another potion maker to save Simon from the kitsune who wanted to have him breed her. They broke her out of the spell. Fira was a bit flustered from how bad that went. As Kel would tell her that he had that effect on females sometimes. He got more a kick out of the point that she failed more than anything and it was his first warning to her to leave it alone and Simon.

The next chance was to try and hypnotize him. She had passed many furs and took them over with ease She came to SImon he seems indifferent towards her as it didn't work on him. She was flabbergasted by this. How in the world could this not work on him? She had done this technique many times she had practiced it in her mind for chance to use it on the dragon that had capture her. Yet her powers were suppressed by the chains that bind her. Now with access to her power, potions and her looks she could not believe that Simon could resist her. No matter what she did Simon was not affected, or her attempts were thwarted by sheer luck. She began to doubt he was normal yet none of her spells could detect any magic so to speak. She did sense something from him but it was not normal magic. It seems alive in a sense as if protecting him without him actually knowing it.

Then he brought back a lamia with him, she wore no clothing to cover her upper body as she didn't seem to mind as Simon did his best not to look at her, he brought her back from one of his great slaying. Though many in town, the men mostly damn pigs, seem to take interest in her. It spread like wild fire that he was a greatest slayer ever that he had killed the great wyrm of the north. Something that many thought he would die trying to do, Fira had hope for that as she was getting frustrated with him as it seem to always overcome everything. She could have taken the treasure when he was gone but knew better as he would chase her and with the luck he seem to have found her easily, no she had to bend him to her will, or make sure he would not follow. As the great wyrm had ruled the lands of the north for many centuries. It was said she had topple many kingdoms and killed many great slayers yet Simon and Kel came back with the lamia and the great wyrm's treasure. She wanted to know how they defeated the great wyrm also what he did with her treasure. Simon look at Kel who look away blushing a bit as the lamia laughed at him blushing as Simon just shrugs. He did say that the treasure should be with the rest he gave half of it to some village that was near the great wyrm's lair as they were the last living souls that reside near the dragon's lair as they were the main reason he was called to slay the dragon.

As she had heard from those who drank with Kel that Simon was summon to fight the great beast. It was more like dragged off kicking and screaming by knights from the kingdom near the great wyrm's territory. She was confused on how he got the treasure back to the cave. Simon said magic as if that would explain everything. For a brief second she would expect the others to start asking what magic and who used it. Yet no one did as they all just seem to be content with the answer. Fira was flabbergasted by this, how could furs or people be content with that answer? It made no sense. None this made any sense as this puny feline could do what he ever wanted and everyone just went along with it. Yet Fira knew her time was coming to take it all no one's luck could be that good...could it?

The others laugh saying that he used his great skill to defeat the great beast. Kel laugh at that as he walks off saying he needed a drink. Most of the town wanted to know how Simon won as they followed Kel. Many expected him to bring home a dragon back as a slave if he keeps winning as he did. Simon blushed at that as the lamia hugged him tightly as her bare breast pressed against Simon's back though she didn't seem to mind as Simon flail a bit and yelled at her to cover herself as some males stayed to look over the exposed lamia. Eventually after he was let go the lamia decided to take over the brothel that was in town. Simon sigh as he glared at Kel knowing he told Estess about the brothel Simon look at Estess and asked her not to eat anyone. She smiled a predator like smile to him and slither off as he said to put some clothing on to cover herself. In a few months after taking it over it seem to get more and more business as it seem more males and females came there for the services of the mistress as she began to be known as. Yet Estess had never once tried to seduce Simon though Fira knew that she could but yet she did not. She had asked Estess why she had not try and take over the feline. Estess would just smile at Fira with one that looks like she was going to eat you with. Her response was simple. Simon didn't love her or anything about her. That made no sense to Fira as Estess did keep herself looking good for one of her kind could. Yet Estess told her she had received many letters for her hand or to buy her off of Simon which Simon would burn or rip apart saying he would not give her away. Saying she was not property. Estess told her Simon saw her as a friend more than anything and would never treat her as if he owned her. Though Estess told Fira that she would love the kitty to rape her until she could not move any more making Fira blush hard, as Estess laugh at her discomfort which becomes one of Estess greater joys to tease the kitsune.

During one of her other attempts to sway him she had invited him to her home in the old dragon cave near town. She hated to be there but she had to admit the cave was warm and had only two ways in the entrance and the ceiling opening where the dragon that once stayed there could leave through. Yet despite its open hole in the ceiling it still retains the heat well. Of course with her arrival in town was less than spectacular than Estess was. The rumors began after she arrived in town. It was said that she destroyed many attackers or would be thieves that would try and take the treasure, yet no one really did. The rumors of her power grew with each day as she seems to be a great witch who controls the land around her. True she did love the land but to the extent to be that powerful. It grew to the point that it was said she had a dragon under his control, not true of course she would have killed it after what she went through when she was capture by one. These rumors grew as Simon's legend as a Slayer did. To her point of view the rumor were really exaggerated, though with help from Kel made them grow wilder. At one point one rumor said that Simon had bedded her already and was carrying his child. This one made her almost kill Kel. It was only Simon's intervention that let the wolf warrior live. Though many did look at her differently as if she was Simon's bedmate many stop saying rumors.

Many, like Fira, always wonder why he didn't have a kingdom or was a lord of a land with all the so called wealth. Which was very vast as she had time to look at it over the years. He had enough to buy much around the town and valley. Yet all he seems to care about was the bar he actually worked at. She would give one of her tails to figure out why he was the way he was as he never gave her an answer merely shrug when asked about his spending habits. Simon used most of the treasure to build the town up and keep many away from his town. She had planned on leaving without telling him but she didn't want him chasing her. So bide her time until he would let his guard down. She had tired a dangerous potion. If she had mixed it wrong it would kill the recipient of the drink. It didn't worry her too much to he would die but that Kel would be hell bent on killing her. He began to mistrust her after her had already walked in on one of her other attempts. As she had used her power to try and make him fall in love with her and it didn't go well. She knew if he was under her control she would have Simon tell Kel not to follow and the wolf warrior would do as the feline said.

It was a risky move as so many things could go wrong but she had made sure that Kel was busy so he would not walk in on them this time. This was her best chance she had to take control of Simon. She told him that she found a rare relic that they missed when they went through the treasure. Simon had time since he really didn't had much on his plate that day So he told Fira that he would see what was so important. She had worn a very reveling dress that hugged her frame well. Her fur was well groomed and she had put on some exotic perfume she had hope would sway him to her will easier and make him drink the potion without question. He arrived as she tried not to look too excited. She made small talk about the item she said she had found and asked him what he would do with it. He surprised her by saying that she could have it. She asked why since it was found in his part of the treasure.

Simon told her he didn't care much for the treasure as he wasn't a slayer more or less a job he was stumbled into. He saw the glasses on the table and took one nearest her as she was not paying attention that he had grab the untainted drink. She grabs his not realizing that she had his, as her mind was elsewhere thinking about what he said and drank it. It was when she started to feel her body begin to get hot that she realized she had drunk the wrong one. At first she thought she was going to die as the heat in her body started to rise she drop the glass, she tried to get the antidote she had made just in case but it slipped from her hands and shattered on the floor as she grew in panic. Her body started to feel heavy as her heart raced. The clothes she had on felt to as if they were chocking her as she started to rip them off to stop the strangling feeling they gave. Simon became very fluster about this as he tried to look for something to cover her with. The pain started to reach between her legs as it grew hotter there as she began to rub between her legs trying to relive the pain she was feeling. It felt no matter what she did it didn't help her as her body ache for release as she look at Simon with a feral like look to take her to release her of the ache inside of her.

Any other male would take advantage of her in the state she was in. Simon was different he tried to have dress up once more. As he found her robe and tried to cover her and get her to sit down. Then what makes it worst as she remembers throwing herself at him, falling all over his body trying to undress him. Kissing and licking all over his face as her tails began to caress him. He became so red in the face despite his black fur she could see that red face light up. She told him that he was the sexiest male she had ever seen. As she fondle through his clothing groping his hardening cock in his pants as she tried to rip his last barrier between her and what could sooth her pain she was feeling growing between her legs. She knew what she was feeling was not real, she didn't care for him but the potion buried the rational part of her mind and gave in to its primal need of lust and wanting to be breed with the opposite sex. This was not supposed to happen; it was not supposed to happen like this her words bring much shame to her now as she recalls them to this day. She wanted the great slayer to use that mighty sword between his legs and impale her hard and over and over to kill this pain she had that only he could kill the lust she had. Those were the corniest words she had ever put together.

Simon tired his best to get away from her but to avail as she finally pinned him to the ground. She look down at Simon lustfully as she slowly drag her tongue across his furry face then nibble on his ear as she whisper into his ear that she was going to ride him until he was dried then make a potion to refill him and then ride him more. She wanted his seed in her more than anything. She was not going to be denied what she wanted. As she had his pants off and felt his hard cock rub against her wet dripping pussy. That is when the world went black as something hit her hard on the back of her head and she fell on top of Simon.

She woke up later with a pounding headache and a pain in her neck as she heard voices that seem to be close but at the same time sounded far away. They seem to be arguing over her as she could tell Kel's voice was the angry one and Simon trying his best to stay calm. She opens her eyes slowly to see Simon about to put a damp cloth on her head.

"Oh good you're awake now you may get the fuck out of here! NOW!!" Kel roared.

Simon flinched at the words as he still tended to her as Kel pulled him roughly to the side and started to whisper harshly to Simon while pointing at Fira. She could tell what they were arguing about as she just messed up once more to control Simon. She could not figure out what went wrong with the potion it should have not done that. It was supposed to make whoever drank it obedient not make them sex crazed. Then Estess slither in past the arguing two. She smiled down at her caressing her gently. She wanted to shiver but her touch felt nice much to her surprised until she caressed her neck where her wound was. That is when she realized that it was her who attacked her from behind.

Estess smiled at her with a smile that actually made her feel at ease. "I assume you are wondering why that didn't work on him?" She continues to caress the confused looking kitsune as in how she could figure out what she had did. Before she can speak Estess puts her long finger to Fira's muzzle to silence her. "Your root you used was not the right one; I should say it was the right one but not good anymore. It must be fresh to use it as you wanted to use it as."

Fira was shocked by this. NO she had mixed this this potion for many others and herself. No, this was not possible. Estess chuckled at her. "Be happy I was ...watching this outcome. You would have raped the poor kitty. Oh I knew it was bad when I smelled it, the root that is. To be honest it should have just tasted bad or make you very sick. You would have lived but wish you died during that time. A much better outcome than what you had planned for him I assume. If you're wondering why I didn't do anything to stop it because I wanted to see what would happen when I added my blood to it." She smiled evilly at her. Fira was at a loss for words she had messed up the potion and it could have been disastrous if anything it could have killed her.

Fira finally found her voice. "I could have died I could have..." She is silenced once more by Estess as Simon walks over looking mad.

"Look if you are going to stay here you have to promise me right here, right now that you will stop this... whatever you are doing. If its money you want you can have half of the treasure I don't care just you need to stop ok. I don't want to have to keep fighting you at every turn." Simon sounded pleading which made it worst for Fira as she just tried once more to take him over and he still held no malice towards her.

"Bullshit, tie her to a stake and light her up and that will take care of the problem." Kel barks out.

"I said no ok Kel." Simon says with a gaunt face.

"You are to fucking kind hearted Simon." Kel scoffs at Simon.

"Like when I let you live after you and your fucking friend used me as bait!" Simon hisses a bit.

Kel's eyes narrow as the wolf warrior growls a bit his fur stands on its end as his eyes narrow. "For the last time it was not my idea, and at the time it was a sound one though you did live!" Kel pokes Simon hard into his chest as he turns and storms off as he growls looking at Fira.

Simon sighs "Estess look after her ok until she is better. Fira I do appreciate what you do but Kel is right about one thing I have too many problems already for you to keep doing these little plays you are doing. Please stop it. Please end this if you wish to stay here you must promise me that you will stop this shit otherwise you will have to leave. I will wait at the bar for your answer..." He smiles weakly at her as he walks off.

Estess laughs a bit watching him go. "Oh the kitten seems mad that you tried to rape him, though I would love for him to rape me." Her laughter sounding like a hissing sound. "I bought that new scent to lure him in and he still ignores me, while so many men and a few females took notice."

Fira sighs as she looks at Estess depressed as another one of her attempts to sway the feline to her will failed miserably. She was so embarrassed by what had happen. She grips the sheets tightly as she thinks about it, this was Estess fault as she messed up her potion. She gathers her power ready to strike at the lamia but before she can start the spell Estess is already over her straddling her with her large body her long tail rest on Fira. As Fira is scared by how fast the lamia is. Estess holds her face gently as her forked tongue licks Fira furry muzzle. Fira shivers from the feel of Estess body on her. Estess long nails run through her furred face.

Estess caress her face so gently. "Do you know why I am here dear?" Fira is terrified but shakes her head no. "I was not a spoil of war for our kitten. I was told by my mistress to keep him alive. I was told he has to live to make sure he destroys them." Fira loses her fear with that but before she can ask what he supposed to protect. Estess just smiles at her. "He is their destruction she told me. That he is their death."

Fira looks at her for a few seconds until she burst out laughing. Estess pulls back just smiling at the kitsune as she laughs until she grabs her head as she is still a bit woozy from everything. "Grant it he is a slayer of dragons, but to be that strong to kill them all. He is not that strong."

Estess slithers across the floor towards Fira's selection of drinks and begins to shift through them all, uncorking them to find the right one. "I was one of the same mind child. You have to remember I served the great wyrm of the north. So you can see how I was confused why she would allow one who could kill them all to live. You see what he is like; he is not a great warrior or anything special. Yet he lived through what he was complaining to Kel about being bait. Fighting dragons that would kill greater slayers then him, yet he survives. He goes to fight, no I should say not fight but to see the great wyrm. He was told he was to save a village that the wyrm was going to destroy. The Kingdom that called him wanted him to slay the great wyrm and take her treasure for themselves; the village was to drag him there. Yet no other sane Slayer would take the job he was ...forced to go. It was the only way to get him to go see her as he was not going to see the great dragon unless he was pushed. The great wyrm had threatened the kingdom to get him there by any means. You see she was dying. I could feel it with the link she had with me. That is why she sent the seer away. She knew her life flame was growing weaker. She could have fought to stay alive longer but after a while being alive so long you see so many things you hold dear fade from this world. I think she wanted to die yet she wanted to see what the seer saw. I was never told the whole story I was told to go with him after his arrival. She refused to tell me who he was going to be. I was expecting a powerful warrior but who did I get. A feline who was lucky, who seem immune to every charm I was given. Still he never has mistreated me never raised his voice...expect that time I enter his room while he sleep and well suffice to say he was not happy with me, though it was funny to see his eyes the size of a plate as I gave him a blow job. He was one of the first to reject my advances yet. I do desire him. From that point he saw me more than a sex toy or a guardian." Estess takes a light sip from the glass. Then has her tail take a hold of the glass and then gets another glass for Fira pours some for Fira. She slithers over to her and gives it to the confused looking kitsune as she leans against the bed still smiling at her. "You see he means a lot to many here and Kel as thick headed as he is without kitty he would have been dead a long time ago. He means a lot to me fox" Estess tail crushes the glass as she glares at Fira.

"I will not let you hurt him with your idiotic plans do you hear me mutt. I will not allow you to harm him any more with your greed. I was told not to do anything to you after I heard what you have been doing. Don't look surprised dear I know everything that happens in town I have ears everywhere. I heard what you have tried to do to him. I am not allowed to eat you nor kill you as I have offered to do for him. Kel is right he has a big heart and that is why we are here Kel and I to save kitty from the big bad world. He has a job before him and he will finish it. I advise you do as Kel says and leave otherwise I might have a hunter have a new pelt made for me to wear for the cold winter times." Estess leaves without another word as Fira is terrified with what has been told to her. If she stays she would have to deal with Kel and Estess, both formidable opponents. She could not hope to fight them both off. The other option was to take the gold and leave. Yet she was safe here despite every fur in the area fearing the dark kitsune who guards the dragonslayer's treasure. No one dare cross her here. If she left she knew it would be back to the same before she was capture by that feral dragon. Simon had saved her and... She didn't hate him really he was kinda clumsy and naive as Kel has told him over and over, yet his heart was big. He never judges her nor asks her for much. He was willing to part with half of the treasure to keep her happy. Something stirred in her something she thought she would never feel for anyone.

That day she chose to continue to guard the treasure. Also pledge to not try to control or kill him. Yet it didn't stop her from trying to charm him. If anything she believed that she was more beautiful than that fucking snake and she should be the one who bed him. She wanted him for herself. Now it became more of competition between the two females. Who would get the kitty? Simon has done his best to avoid them or both at the same time, much to his dismay. Kel would take the brunt of the female's attempts as he would use him like shield.

Then his mission to the lands of the anthro dragon kingdom. It was nearly six months later before any word came about them, longer than any other slayings he had gone on. It was said he was going there to broker a peace between the anthro dragons there and the kingdoms near the dragon's kingdom. Yet it came back that it went bad many were killed but war had not broken out and nothing had been heard from anyone who went there. It was said all who went there was killed. Most fear the great slayer met his end. Yet none made a move for war. Until a treaty was made that all would stay as it was, both sides would stay where they were at. It seems Simon had made the treaty between the kingdoms.

Simon and Kel both came back alive yet Simon seem different when he came back from the brink of death, more moody more withdrawn. He refused to tell them what happen as both wanted to know. So it was up to Kel to tell after he was threaten to be skin alive by his own hand by both Estess and Fira. Kel knew better than to lie to them or avoid them as they would hunt him down like a feral animal. Kel told them he found someone special on this so called mission of peace. A female anthro dragon named Azuel and they fell in love. Both were in shock that he gave his heart to a dragon of all things. Kel said not to bother him anymore he was in no mood for anything. He mourns her death more than anything it looks like he gave up on living. It took everything Kel had to bring Simon back to town as he wanted to kill them all but Kel knew better that they would have been killed before they had a chance. No one was supposed to live from the mission as it was supposed to show the other races that there was to be no peace as the dragons wanted to control it all, none would be their equal. Yet it seems no war broke out. Yet it seems both sides didn't want to start a war but look like both sides would fight if one started it. Kel said that the dragon kingdom was afraid of Simon more than ever as he once more escape death. It shocked them both in what really happen as Simon had killed one of their great warriors, who had order Azuel's death. Kel was a bit saddened about Azuel's death saying that she would have been the bridge needed to have peace between the races. Estess nodded at this and respected Kel's wishes as Fira said she would also do as Kel asked. Yet she did go looking for Simon anyway.

Fira had found him outside of town sitting near a cliff and asked did he really love the one called Azuel? He looks at her as if she had asked him did he like to breath. He said she loved him not for his power of a slayer or that he had money that she actually loved him despite being of a different species than her. She wanted a life with him. Something he wanted. More than anything a nice quite life. He didn't finish he was hiding something, yet he seem to be hiding something from her. He told Fira that she told him that he had created so much here brought together many who would never been able to be in one place without him that he should try and live once more. He told Fira those were her last words to him before they took her from him. Fira knew what he meant as she saw his eyes start to water up.

He stood there for a bit trying not cry as the tears came anyway. He walk up to her and cried saying he loved her more than anything that they took her from him just because he was a slayer. He wanted to be happy and yet he was never had a chance at that happiness he wanted with her, as it was taken from him unfairly. He continues to cry as Fira held him. She really felt sorry for him he never wanted to be this so called hero that everyone looked up to it was shoved on to his shoulders, and now his hope for happiness was taken from him because their love was not allowed as he was a slayer and she was a dragon. She held him as he cried saying that he still had his friends who would be here for him. That day she wanted nothing more than to make him happy.

_______________Present time

Estess looks at Fira with a playful look. "You really believe he will love you don't you. I maybe a snake and might not be able to give him children but at least I do care for his feelings and not try and control him. You want him to bend to your will. You do not let Simon be as he is. You want him to do as you say."

Fira eyes tarry as she just glares at the Estess. "Quite you. I have his best intentions first. I don't want to control him."

Estess smiles still as her tongue flicks out. "You're mad he already gave himself to the dragon not you." She laughs at Fira's fluster look. "Dear he is not your mate nor is he going to lay you no matter what you do. Hell you could kill all those who took her from him and it would not do anything for your quest for him to love you. Just give..." A knock on the door as it opens as a large beaver walks in with a slight bow to both females, with his chain mail and weapon on his side that look like they have been hastily put on.

"I do wish you stop doing that Mistress Estess. I know you're not killing those poor fools but you know Simon tends to get on my back about what you do to them; he won't come to you about those fools who hurt your workers. Though if I am to do my job I would appreciate you not putting them into traction." He bows to Estess despite being the law of the town Ted knows who the real powers are in town. Estess, Fira, Kel, and Simon they are the ones not to mess with. As much as he is happy with the arrangement he was given to be the law of the town. He usually had to clean up the messes that were caused by many who crossed them. The town itself did little to have him worry much beyond a fur who would do crazy things mistress Estess would have them do. Those crazy enough to try and steal the treasure that was being guarded by the great witch Fira. Ted knew better to call her that. Kel was the one who look after Simon more or less. Taking the brunt of any challenger who wanted to prove they were some kind of warrior by besting Simon.

"I do wish you would let me and my fellow guards take care of the riff raffs that plague the town Mistress Estess."

Estess smiles at the beaver. "I am surprised you don't come here Ted you know those who work for Simon get a discount here." She gives the beaver guard a smile. He bows a bit to Estess. Even though she is a madam to the house of pleasure house not of royalty. He still has a mate. Yet many of his fellow guards do par take of the house he still is loyal to his mate of 10 winters.

"I do appreciate the offer but once more my mate makes me happy." As he tries to leave in a hurry as the blue kitsune seems to reading his mind. Despite Simon's word that she would do no harm to him and his fellow guards. Still the rumors of her power scare him. He is about to leave till he feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks back and sees Fira looking at him with her steely gaze. "Ted... what are you hiding from us?" With that he begins to sweat as he begins to shake his tail slapping on to the ground hard now in sheer terror of Fira.

"I would never hide anything fro..." He can't hold back anymore as she continues to look into his eyes as if she was reading his deep thoughts and secrets.

"SimonandKelarebackandtheybroughtbackdragonswiththem." The words all come out at once as if a dam cracked open from his closed mouth. He has never broken down for anyone but yet he could not look away from her eyes as they seem to make him confess as he broke from her hold on his shoulder and ran for it.

Fira looks a bit confused by this, as Estess smiles understanding what he said hearing many males say many things at once making love with her always spill their guts. "He brought a new plaything home and it's a dragon. I was wondering what he would bring home next. Looks like Joel won the pot saying he would bring home two dragons back." She laughs a bit. Fira stalks out without word in a hurry. Estess just lays there knowing what she is about to do she wants to see her get in a fight with Simon but something else bothers her. As a cold feeling hits her again. She felt it after a day after Simon left. She had figured it had to do with something she ate, yet it was something else that had been bugging her. As someone close had died. Yet Simon had lived so what was this feeling she had been feeling?


A large crowd had gathered near the bar as it seem that Simon was doing his best to keep everyone away. As some shouted at the two dragons there with him. Others saying it was nothing new as he had the kitsune witch and the lamia. Others said they gave up to the great slayer as he tames the great beast which made the bronze one grumble about saying that he was not a pet. Simon on the other had just wanted to get inside as he just got back, and look tired and the blue dragoness seem to be giving him looks of love. As she seem to faun over him.

"Look I just got back and I want to sleep I haven't sleep well the last few days." Simon said wearily.

"I bet she has been keeping you up all night hasn't she Simon? Is she your new pet?" A voice from the back of the crowd brings many laughs as Simon blushes as the blue dragoness picks up Simon in her arms as if he weigh nothing and lick his ear making his fur stand on end.

"Yes my master is a savage animal in the sack." Simon now more than ever is red in the face, as the blue dragoness is smiling at his expense.

Kel sighs as he rubs his weary eyes. "Look we had a rough time and we need some sleep so please go." Many just ignore Kel as they keep asking questions about who she was and what he was going to do with her and the male dragon. Also weather they would be available at Mistress Estess pleasure house. Kel growled a bit seeing that he was being ignored. "IF YOU ALL DON'T LEAVE THE BAR WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL I SAY SO!!" He barked out making the furs near him jump a bit. Patrons of the bar were quick to make the crow disperse as they knew Simon's tap was always the best in the land and the cheapest as he took care of those who visited his establishment.

As the crowd slowly disperse. A few shouts of surprise and fear, grew among them as they fled with the arrival of a very pissed looking kitsune as her four tails seem to glow and she seem ready to attack. Her own blue fur was glowing with a gold hint to it. Kyle was ready to draw his weapon as Kel grab the bronze dragons arm. He shook his head no. "Let Simon deal with this Kyle."

Kyle looked at the wolf warrior as if he was insane. The rumors he had heard of the kitsunes were not to be scoffed at as some were almost as powerful as a feral dragon. They were told not to ever fight them alone. Also to never let them get the first hit in as it would prove costly. As they held great power and were not to be ever underestimated. Kyle was told by his father who taught many of those who fought that Kitsunes were tricksters at heart. Yet the more tails they had the more power they possess. Kyle's Father always said they are very possessive of what they care for. The kitsune being here as she was only meant one thing that she didn't want to share Simon. Kyle hope the wolf warrior was right and Simon could clam down the angry looking kitsune.

Yet Kel wanted him not to attack the enraged kitsune was strange as he figure he would at least protect Simon. Kyle sees out of the corner of his eye that Simon does the same with Azule as she seems ready to defend Simon. He speaks a few words to her as he smiles up to her as he caress her long snout. She calms down as Simon walk up to the kitsune what happens next surprises him as Simon tries to talk to her. Then notices that the kitsune is crying. Her whole body is shaking with rage but she does not attack as Azule watches this as he realizes this is the kitsune Kel told Azule and him about, the one they saved from the feral dragon.

"Stop this Fira. I don't want to fight you." Simon says calmly as he can as she just ignores him and looks at the blue dragoness.

"You dare bring one of their kind here?! What you trying to replace the one you lost with HER!!!" She growls loudly as Simon stands in her way as trying to make sure she cannot attack the dragoness.

"Fira this is Azuel the one I told you about." Simon says calmly

Fira looks Simon all rage and her power she had gather all draining away as she looks at him confused. Trying to process what he just said. She looks at the blue dragoness and remembers how Simon describes her. Then she looks back him as she grabs his vest tight growling at him. "You said she was dead. It looks like she has head attached to her shoulder I see." Simon struggles with her grip. She was a bit stronger than he thought she was. A strong hand grabs Fira, it was Estess. She was looking down at Fira with a sad look across her face.

"Let him go Fira you know better. Also I can tell it is her. I can smell it from him that her scent is on him already. It was the same scent when he came back from the dragon kingdom. Let it go Fira you knew you could never replace her in his. ." A loud thud is heard followed by a slap as Estess head turns but the lamia barley moves. As the tears come down Fira face her fur matted with her tears. As she says a word and vanishes.

Kel walks up and helps Simon to his feet as Azuel is next to Simon already but is afraid with her coming here was a mistake. As much as she was happy to be with her love once more, she knew by this outburst that the kitsune known as Fira also had feelings. Azuel being a dragon did not help as Simon told her that Fira being held as a dragon's slave didn't help any. At that moment she felt something watching her, She turn her head to see the lamia looking her over as she slither around her as it sizing her up to eat or fight Azuel did not know. Yet it unnerved how her serpent like eyes unblinking as they look her over. She did wonder how Simon put up with the snake as she felt like she was reading her very thoughts.

Estess finally smiled and look at Simon. "I'll let you keep her for now. I'll check on Fira to make sure she don't try and hurt you two love birds." She begins to leave as Azuel snaps out of her stupor and reaches for the Estess but stops as her long tail wraps around Azule and pulls her close to her.

"Estess stop this!" Simon runs up to try and stop this as Estess puts up her hand to make him stop for a second.

"I won't hurt her Simon. I know you love her too much to let me do anything to her. She is pretty. I can see what you see in her Simon her scales are very nice and smooth. Not rough like that male over there." She nods to Kyle.

"I am not ...uh rough.." He stumbles with his words as he really has nothing to say to what Estess said about him.

"Well I am not wrong. Still Simon means a lot to me and Fira as you can tell. I ask you this Azuel. Don't break him again. Because if he cries again over you, and you are not dead. I and Fira will make sure you wish you were." He tone carries no real malice but the undertone to it is understood as Azule can tell from the many threats she received from the others of her kind about falling for Simon. That Estes would carry out the threat.

Azuel watches as the lamia slithers off as she stops and looks at Kyle and smiles. "I give this one 5 days before he is my toy." She laughs as she continues towards the Fira's home.

Kyle faces twitches with rage at being told that. "LIKE HELL!" He roars.

Kel sighs and pulls him inside the bar and tells him that he better start explaining what spells he really knows to resist the lamia.

Azule looks a bit sad by this. She never wanted to hurt anyone especially Simon. "I am sorry Simon I never thought doing what I did would hurt so many." She looks away in shame until she feels his hand on her face caressing her face gently.

"To say I was not mad to see you alive would be lying but. I am happy you are alive. I do have to talk to Fira though later. I do think I did use her more as a shoulder to cry on more than I should have. I never thought she would see me as someone to love besides you. Though with her it is always hard to tell as she always held her thoughts and feelings close." He continues to stroke her long slender snout. He sighs as he looks at the bar getting loud thinking it would not be the best place to be right now. Hearing Kyle and Kel growing louder with each drink he thinks it would not be one of the better nights to sleep above the bar.

Then an idea hit. "I do have a place for tonight for us to be alone. Yes I did tell you I do live above the bar but I do have a place...just outside town, where we could be alone for tonight. It's not much but it is a place where we be alone and seeing how much we have yet to have time alone with each other. " Azule smiles as she picks up Simon in her arms and spreads he wings and takes off. Simon unprepared yelps and flails a bit as he finally grabs around her neck as she cradles him in her arms. He gives her directions to where his place is. At first she is thinking of some grand place that he built but sees a small dwelling enough for a small family. AS they land Simon leaps from her arms and looks at the dwelling with a sad smile across his face.

"This is home in a sense. I had a house like this when growing up with my father. I would have loved to know my mother; I never knew what happen to her. My father just told me one day she just left no word or that he even looked for her. He told me that she still loved me despite leaving as she did. The original house was burnt to the ground due to the dragon. That's why I worked at the bar so long it became my new home. After your ...'death' I fell apart Fira Kel and the others tried to keep me together. Yet it was Fira told me to stop being a baby and build something. Something that I would wanted you to have with me. Mind you that was a task in itself as I was not handy with tools or anything. Yet after a while it seems that craftsmen started to show up who offer to help me teach me. I assume that Estess had asked them and knowing them they were more than willing to do anything she asked... After a while I was able to build this place. Yes it is small and it is only one room in a sense. Yet it was ... a bit different if you notice."

Azule looks at the small dwelling thinking nothing of it but it finally catches her eye that it does seem bigger than it would need to be for a single as if it was made for someone taller and with wings in a sense as the door was wider than she has seen in many furs homes. She smiles even though he thought her dead he still thought of her.

"So when will you build us a home of our own?" She moves behind Simon as she hugs him gently. Feeling his fur bristle a bit as he holds her scaled hand in his.

"That will be for another time. Now I just want to be with the one I love. You are all that matters to me, as I told you in the kingdom. I would give it all up for you if you asked me to. I just want to be with you. Nothing else matters to me." Simon pulls out of the hug and turns to face her and caress her long slender snout as she rumbles a bit from the touch. "I have missed you so much I never thought that we would have a chance to be together again and now it feels like a dream. I pray this is not a dream cause if it is I don't want to wake up."

Azuel looks at him as she cups his hand in hers and moves it over her heart "You can feel the warmth and the beating of my heart. I am real Simon I am no dream. I truly sorry that I had to device you but I needed to get away otherwise I would have been killed they fear you more than anything. It broke my heart to see you like that. I didn't know that you would attack as you did, though you killing that ass was a perk. It made all those in the kingdom fear you more than ever. Now I think they will leave you alone. Now since we are here at home in a sense. How about we use the privacy here to get to know each other once more." Her clawed hands caress though his clothing. As she leans near his ear and whispers. "I hope you have some stamina I am very pent up as you were the last one I bedded. I need some release."

Simon shivers in anticipation as Azuel beings to lick over face with her long tongue. Simon begins to move back towards the small dwelling as he fumbles for the door handle trying to strip and take her there out in the open. As alone as they are here he does not want to give a show to any passerby. He finally gets the door open and they stumble in as Azuel has already dropped he robe and removed most of her armor. Simon in the same suit has done the same. As He tries to remove his pants but Azuel is not patient with one quick swipe of her claws has shredded his pants. Simon looks a bit miffed as she kneels before caress his limp cock. With her long tongue licks across his cock bringing it to life. Simon stumbles a bit back into the bed as Azule laughs a bit at Simon's clumsiness. She moves over Simon as she moves his legs apart both hand digging a bit in his fur as she looks at him hungrily at him.

"I see you're as long as ever. Not as thick as the males I have had but you do well with what you have loved." As Azuel takes his whole cock into her maw her tongue running over his cock making Simon purr in pleasure, as he runs his hand across her head. His tail twitching as he tries to catch his breath but is unable to as Azule begins to slowly bob her head. Simon shivers in pleasure as she continues to pleasure him orally. He watches her bob her head as her long tail begins to caress his leg slowly making Simon moan more as his breathing gets faster. As he can take much more of the oral pleasure Azule giving him.

"I can't... I am goi...aaahhh" He never finishes as he cums hard into Azuel maw, gripping the sheets tight as he rides out the orgasm. Azuel shallows some of Simon's seed but pulls off of him as more of his cums lands on her face then her breast. She rumbles in pleasure as she licks the cum off her maw and breast. "You still taste so good kitten. I hope you have more." She begins to play with his balls and licking his cock to bring it back to like once more covering it with his own cum.

Simon gets off the bed and helps Azuel to her feet and guides her to the bed and begins to kiss her maw as he begins to rub down her smooth scale body. Azule rumbles in pleasure as Simon lays her on her back and lies over the dragoness. He moves down her body nipping her as he does. He caresses her soft breast making her moan in pleasure.

Azuel always loved him for this. Yes many of the male dragons she had bedded were nice and all but never knew what foreplay was. They wanted to fuck and that was it. Simon was always good at pleasing her with his rough feline tongue. Yet today she wanted his cock. That long cock impaling her. They had all the time in the world to play but now she wanted him in her. She had already had enough of masturbating. She wanted his cock in her fucking her hard until she could not walk straight. She stops Simon pushing him off her a bit. Simon looks a bit puzzled as if he did something wrong until she moves to get on all her hands and knees and raises her tail a bit. She looks over her shoulder at him and gives him a wink "Come on big boy take your dragoness." She says in a sultry voice her wings stretch a bit giving her a more erotic look. AS her gaze on him sends shivers down his spine.

Simon needs no other hint as he moves behind Azuel. Draping her tail over his shoulder and rubs his still stiff cock against her wet slit teasing her.

She growls at him playfully knowing he is playing with her. Yet her body craves him more than anything she wants him in her. "Don't tease me, fuck me hard. I want it all in me kitty."

Simon gives her a playful on her ass before ramming his cock into her wet warm folds. She cries out in pleasure as he begins to slowly fuck her now not even giving her time to enjoy his cock in her. Yet this is what she wanted more than anything to be taken like this as her wings spread out to their full length. She feels Simon gripping her hips tight as the sound of their love making is the only sounds in the dwelling. The lewd sounds of their hips slapping together fill room.

"OH gods above Simon I missed this. I oh fucking keep fucking kitten I want you to fuck me hard please fuck me harder!!" Azuel pants out lustfully as she grips the sheets tightly. She tries to control her body from enjoying the pleasure to much as the first few times mated she hit him with her wings. Even now threaten to hit Simon. Yet Simon seems not to worry as he knows she would not hurt him intentionally.

Simon smiles as he see sees Azuel wings stretch out flapping a bit as she seem to have control of them yet they shake with her whole body as he smacks her ass hard doing as she ask fucking her faster and a bit harder with each thrust. He grips her hips tight digging his claws into her scales. Knowing full well they could barely pierce her but she always got off on him treating her a bit roughly. He feels her tail wrap around his leg gripping it tightly wanting more. Simon knew this was the start of a long night of love make, but he wanted to give his all until he collapse which he hopes wasn't for a while.

She grips his invading cock tightly with her vaginal walls tight as she can as she throws her head back and roars in pleasure cumming hard around his cock. AS on cue Simon joins her and cums inside her folds his body shakes in pleasure as he pours his seed into her. He humps a few more times into her trying to make sure he gives her all he has.

The sounds of their heavy breathing are the only things that can be heard. Simon pulls out of Azuel as their juices slowly leak out of her to the sheets. Simon tries to move but is grabbed by Azule and is hugged tightly as she nuzzles him.

"I have missed you so much Simon." He is about to say something but stops as he hears her crying. He sees the tears in her eyes and sadness in her voice. "I never meant to hurt you. I had to do something to have you and me. This was the only way. To make it look I died, I didn't think I would hurt you that much. I am trul..." She is stop by a finger on her mouth.

"I know you did what you had to do. I understand that know. It did hurt that you were alive all this time and you said nothing to me. Yet at the same time I know you did love me enough to think about our happiness to do such a thing. You could ave vanished from the world and stayed away from me. Yet you came back to me despite it all. For now let's worry about other things. For now we are together once more and that future we hope for can happen. As long as you're here I can fight for that future." He kisses her gently as she returns. She pulls him close and drapes wings over him as a blanket holding them close together.


The dragon kingdom

Fenilee is hanging in shackles from the wall as he watches his comrade get his wings removed with a dull steel blade. The green dragon breath is ragged from the days hanging in the damp room. He thought he had done what was asked of him but it wasn't until he arrived at the kingdom that he found out what he had was some farm animal that village had. He was fooled into thinking he had the dragon slayer Simon. Her anger was swift and merciless. Towards his childhood friend. She told Fenilee that he would watch as his friend would know what his failure would cost him.

His comrade is faced to the wall shackled with his wings bounded by iron clams to hold them in place. Fenilee turns his head away not to watch his friend being taught a lesson on his failure, the red anthro dragon struggles with two other dragons that hold him place as another swings the sword at the wings with a grunt with every swing. The cries of the red dragon can be heard though out the room as he begs to be killed go unheard as each swing cuts deep into his back as the sound of the bone that connects to the dragon's body can be heard breaking with each swing. The cries from the dragon as he begs for forgiveness as a female anthro dragon walks from the shadows watching the green dragon. She wears a loose fitting robe that reveals much of her body. She wears nothing under the robe as if it was more for warmth than clothing. Her Scales are pure white with a hit of blue around her hands and her neck. Her build is slim bit well tone. Unlike most anthros she had no wings. Her tail is slim but long as she walks over to Fenilee and chants a few words to force Fenilee to watch what is happening to the anthro. She caresses his face gently as she kisses his face as a lover would.

"I warn you about failure. I told you those would pay for your mistakes. I do not blame you though but you should have known he was more than some fighter I told you not underestimate him. Yet you did, you this hurts me so much. I wanted you succeed in your mission. Yet you failed and now. Poor Gegover must know what your folly means."

With one final swing the wings are cut off as the blood flows down Gegover back. The red anthro cries out in pain. Tears flow down his eyes as his body shakes in pain from the brutal chopping of his wings.

"Take him down and treat him. I am not done with him he has his uses as of yet." The white dragoness nods to the other dragons as they nod. They take Gegover down and take his limp body away to tend to his wound. The white dragoness looks at Fenilee as she caresses his body. "You were so promising. You still are. I lost another loyal servant that was supposed to burn that village to the ground after you caught that foolish Slayer. Yet he has ...passed. Don't worry his failure does not affect you. No Gegover is your failure for all to see. Do not worry you will have another chance soon. I know who ticked you but you did what many have done in the past underestimate the feline. I will not make that mistake."

Her clawed hand caress his neck until she presses her fingers into his scale hide and begins to pierce it and draw blood as she slowly cuts down his chest as Fenilee tries his best to not cry out in pain He mouth is agape in a silent cry of pain.

"I do not tolerate failure. You will find him and kill all those he cares for. He must live through it all. I Know Kyle was the one who betrayed us. From what you told me the spell could have only be done by him. Those fools on the console are afraid of a weak fur like that slayer. That slayer will pay for what he took from me." She pulls a locket from her robe that is made of red and white diamonds.

"I will destroy him and all that follow him. I will not kill him I will make him watch all that he holds is destroy only then when he has lost everything then I will let him die. Only then will I rip his still beating heart and make him watch it beat the final time before he dies. Though I do wonder why he waited till now to show himself. I wonder what he was doing till now."

She looks at Fenilee who is drawing ragged breath from the wounds she has caused him. He just nods as he looks towards the ground not wanting to look at her. Knowing he has no real recourse but to do as she says. She is the true power in the kingdom. The console has little power as they are more for the voices of those who do not want to start wars as much as she does. Her power is second to none expect Fengor. Who was the most powerful of their kind? No warrior could match his skills of magic. Until the one Fengor refused his advances. She chose a feline over her own kind. She chose a Slayer of their kind. Fengor executed her in front of her love to show on one spurns him. It would have been simple but the slayer that no one took serious. A puny feline killed him in combat. It was then that on called Simon was feared by all his kind. Though he knew better. Another loved Fengor. At his death she vowed to kill the slayer and woe to those who were in her way. The white dragoness Silaka. Fenilee looks at her and despite everything that has happen to him will still do as she asks. He loves her for her body and power. He would do anything she asked. Even if it meant his death and all those around him.

"By your command mistress." Fenilee says weakly.

End notes

Sorry for the delay all I will try to go faster with the next but depends on how much more I will add to the next one. As always please commen rate and fav.