The call

Story by xiiii on SoFurry

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This isn't exactly canon to the original Lovecraft mythos, but this was inspired by the first Lovecraft short I read when I was six years old.

Hey SoFurry Faithful. I have not written something for SF for a while, it's been a bit of a clusterfuck the past several months. This is just a short story inspired by my unhealthy obsession with H.P. Lovecraft I developed at age six and the sick love story I have with everything horror, SO FUCKING EDGY!!! but not really.

This story contains male on male and male on female group sex and mass orgy, tentacles, transformation, hypnosis and "rape". Don't read any further if you are not 18 or older OR any of this content offends you. I'm going to keep my horror out of this as no one wants to read about having sex with a writing pile of flesh and maggots.

The Call: Cavern of Madness

My story is a bit sinister, and in a town like this; why not? My man name is Jack Kruper, my true name is something that drills into the minds of mortals and utters in in dark things not of this plane. Insmouth is a small town but we take care of our own....but this isn't relevant is it?

It was a dark and gloomy day at the asylum, all these lifeless bodies shuffling side to side in the cold dank walls ,echoing screams and crys are the only music we hear now. I sit on the bed and bore holes in the ceiling, four hundred sixty four, or four hundred sixty five, the exact number of tiles covering the ceiling...but it's a funny thing isn't it? The count, four or five...I'm never quite sure, but then again I am crazy. That's what they tell me at least; I'm crazy and cant be with normal people. I don't feel crazy, I dint see things, I don't hear things, I just cant stand people...the noises they make, the clinking of dishes and gnashing of teeth as they mash food in their craws and clicking of teeth. My flesh crawls and burns like worms live within me as I hear these noises, I killed them....all of them. That's what they tell me, every last one.

"Two coming in, Up against the wall Mister Kruper, were all going for a trip today"

Rousing my self from the dazed stupor I now call my daily routine and shuffle to the far wall. Clinking and a loud metallic knock as the door creaks open and two large men holding a straight jacked move in behind me.

"arms up, you know the drill"

Arms, straight up, wait for the go ahead, arms straight forwards, wait for the go ahead, arms crossed and down, wait for final tedious, just the same thing over and over and over and over and over.

"where am I being taken"

"I said Kruper, were all going on a little field trip, to a place called Insmouth, a nice little fishing village and a beach to boot. The Doc' thinks it would be good to get ya crazys out for a while"

I'm hurried down the hallways, the two men have an arm on me at all times...I'm not a danger. Left, left, right, left, right, stairs, three flights, left, right, right, left, door one, right, and the check in desk. My freedom for the day; it's been so long since I have seen the sun light or even felt its heavenly touch on my pale skin.

"ah, Kruper too?"

Hearing a light and soft voice, a young girl with long blond hair tied back behind her nursing cap.

"ah h-hello, who might you be?" Being charming is something one loses when being locked in a cell for years on end and your only companion is your hand and frustration.

"enough questions Kruper, time go get on the bus"

hurriedly I'm moved from the reception room and out the front doors. The sun! It's bright and clean rays burn my skin and bring tears to my eyes, it's holy pacifying fire, I feel clean some how. Stepping lightly towards the big sun bleached grey wagon we call a buss and feeling the deep yellow dance on my skin; truly glorious. The door opens with a hiss and the driver signals us to move, one larger man before me, and one after me. I'm seated at the back of the buss cramped between the two men. Others begin to board, I can still feel the warmth radiating through the glass; Truly glorious.

"alright everyone!"

her voice, the blond nurse.

"I'm Nurse Jenny, I will be in charge of any medical attention today and I will be running this little fiasco we have going here today. Do you know what we are doing today"

Deathly silent the crowd falls...come to think of it, no one was talking to begin with.

"You are all going on a vacation today. Now don't take this lightly, we have never done anything like this before and may never again. You are all paired with a staff member and they will use bruit force if needed; If you stay in line and do what you are told we all might make it through this. Rules of the bus"

Her voice like a Cello, smooth and commanding...but soft and sensuous. Lips like Cherry's and hair like, well like the sun. Alabaster skin and eyes like ice framed by black and glass, truly glorious.

"now, I take it everyone has used the facility's. Speak now or for ever hold your peace"



"yes mam" a resounding response from all staff members

"Okay then, let us be off"

Taking her seat and motioning to the driver, another hiss and pop. The engine roars to life and the shapes flutter in motion around us. bobbing heads and mechanical grinds...the nurse, her angelic appearance, I cant help my self. Shifting my seat I hear a small chuckle to my right. One of the larger men gestures to the other and down. I my self look down and an embarrassing truth comes to life; I'm aroused. The left laughs and grips my inner thigh giving it a good squeeze; oh god...what is he doing. The right begins to rub over my swollen manhood and tugs at my cloths a bit pulling my foreskin back a bit and rubbing my head through the thick cloth of asylum apparel.

"just take it easy buddy, whats got you so worked up. Was it that hot piece of ass Jenny?"

Whimpering...what else can I do, these men are not to be trifled with; it's been so long since I have felt release.

"yeah that's it, good boy"

The groping hands of left and his body shifting a bit as if to cross his legs, but really shielding us from the peering eyes of others. He fishes into my pant pocket and grips my dripping shaft, such firm hands. Jerking my slowly as the other continues gently rubbing my oozing head. Heart beating, soft squishing and heavy breathing. It's happening. Trying to contain my self I let out a hushed and quick grunt as my essence gushes forth in into my own pants, such shame...but I loved it.

"hm hm hm, he sure had a lot built up, oh well he can use the bathroom when we get to this place" left whispered to right.

The soft squishing of my seed coating the inside of my undergarments and pants, this is rather uncomfortable...being in a pool of ones own spunk. The smell of musk and sex must be palpable at this point; the ride drags on for hours it feels like. The sun is setting....why are we going at night? Why was the sun...sunny, just minuets before we were taken no sun shown through the hall. Jerking awake between the grip of left and right; when did I fall asleep...why is the sun sunny?

"alright Kruper, you first" Jenny said leaning into the isle way.

"you heard her Kruper" Right said with a soft squeeze to my still damp genitals.

Left exiting and pulling my to my feet and moving in front of my as right shuffles out behind me. Walking single file through the rows of lifelessness and into the purifying sun light. The store fronts of a sleepy little town a a headless statue framed by cement and dead trees. A dusty and lifeless town, a vacation from the mundane.

"Mister Kruper here needs to use the facility's mam"

"alright, take him then meet us in the town square"

"yeah mister Kruper, you dirty fuck lets go" right whispered into my ear.

I'm marched...I feel like I'm on death row into a hotel, pealing wallpaper from hundreds of years ago and chipped plaster. Sheet covered antiquity's no doubt and the stale air of an ancient home.

"checking in for Arkham, we need to use your facility's"

"Ahhh, right. Y'all here?"

"yes sir, this one needed to use the restroom before we go sight seeing"

"heh, sight seeing? In Insmouth? y'all best keep to yer self's. The shitters up the stairs and to the left"

Odd fellow, veiny skin and blood shot eyes, bad teeth, and parted hair like a mother givers her five year old on Sunday. This man exudes hostility and hulks even the muscle carrying me up the stairs. The final step up I see the room marked 'Men'. Horror sets in...these men, what are they going to do. Slowly approaching the door, as the knob twists a damp smell escapes the dark room. Left feels for a light switch until a POP illuminates the small room with two toilets divided by a wall.

"HE HE, lets make this quick."

I'm tossed in the room, and tumble to the floor.

"Alright Kruper, you're gonna take care of my friend here, and if you make one noise. I'm gonna break your teeth in."


Right begins unzipping his pants and fishes out a rather large sausage covered in a long foreskin.Stroking it and filling it with life, the skin pulls back to reveal a large purple bulbous head and a drip of clear.

"get to it, use your mouth, and any teeth...well like my friend said here. You're gonna be short a few."

Oh this my punishment, did I do something wrong? Right grips my head and opens my jaw as I approach the...object. The head brushing my tong and the flavor of man and filth assaults my tong, a salty musky cheesy flavor. Forcing more of him self in my mouth and down my throat I cant help but gag.

"hey, easy now. we don't want a mess to clean up. Alright Kruper, start sucking" left commanded.

What could I do...pretend its a lollipop. I begin to suck and nurse on this thick pole of flesh in my mouth, a steady stream of oddly sweet liquid spills onto my tong and the raspy pubic hair of right brushes my nose.

"Damn Bob, this fairy's a natural"

These words burn...I'm no Fairy...but I'm enjoying this...his power; his thick cock inside of my and the taste of a man. I'm no fairy.


Thick sprays of seed torrent in my mouth.


I try, I swallow every last drop of the mans thick syrup...and Like I a fairy?

"alright Mitch, lets go. it's been long enough." "Yeah yeah"

Mitch walks tot he sink and washes the spit and sperm left on his thick sausage and i lick the spent drops from my lips.

"On your feet"

Standing weak kneed as the arms of Bob and Mitch support me. Back out the door, down the stairs, and past...the inn keeper. This man unsettled me...even after being taken advantage of by my "care takers" this man shook me with out uttering a word. We pass the old walls and sheet covered things...something new. A star, with an eye in it. Scraped into the wall. I'm pushed through the door back into the sun light...but isn't it night time? We move through the small cobblestone street towards the headless statue and the group with it.

"give you any trouble?" one of the staff asks

"No, he just had to go" Short and quick the words are...I had to go?

"Alright everyone, we are going to the beach for the day. Staff, you know where to go?" "Yes mam!" the words echo.

"good, I am going to check in with some one and I will meet you down there."

Jenny leaves, her tight features gripped by the pure white knee long dress...I'm no fairy. Hand pull me as we all walk single file down the roads, were on display to these people...if there were any. Not a single soul...except for the inn keeper. The sun dances on windows and plays in the puddles along the cobble roads. We come to a clearing and finally the beach, a small but wide expansion of sand leading into an endless abyss of water. I see the others, some run into the sand others walk or plop down and run hands through the coarse grains.

"alright Kruper, here's the deal. We let you out of the jacket. BUT you wear a leash."

A leash? am I a dog, how humiliating..more humiliating that being masturbated in a bus? or servicing one of these hulks in a bathroom?


A tight leather leash is strapped around me neck and a chain is clipped behind it along with a lock, the chain is held by Mitch, bob begins undoing my ties. Crossed, wait for the sign, Forwards, wait for the sign, Up, wait for the sign, and off. I'm free; stepping onto the sand and feeling it's hot sting from gathering the suns energy. Sensations...feelings, something I took for granted. Bending and feeling the grains between my fingers and surveying the wind sweat beach and all the crazys on it. Some what filled with life, smiles, giggles, play fullness. Happiness; content I am with the happiness of others. Sitting down and stretching back. sifting my fingers deeper finding cool relief from the heat; something papery and somewhat damp catches me grasp. with much curiosity I grip the object and pull it forth. A page from a book...I haven't read a book in years. This was some what different, strange circles with in circles and symbols I don't recognize.

The paper feels old and the markings are slightly faded. Words? seem to appear or rather become clear to me.

"Ph'nglui Mglw'naf Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn" These words seem to come from a foreign place with in me

"what was that?" Bob tugs on the collar.

"Ph'nglui Mglw'naf Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn" I say louder, the paper vibrates within my grasp. The skies darken. Screams and shouts as the ocean surges and pulls those who were close in. An island off in the distance, a small island spurring out of the water..this was not here before.

"what the hell is goin, YAHHHH!!!!"

Twisting to see jenny standing just on the beach terrified and pointing. More yells of abject terror as I turn back to the raging seas. A monster, gargantuan beast of tentacles and claws standing just off shore. The seas bellow at his will and swallow all of us up, echos of screaming, crys and shouts, but we are beneath the sound can be heard here. Salt stinging my eyes and lungs filling with liquid.

"Mng'nah Flyh'gha Nghla'mh Nha'mg" a bestial voice booms within my skull...then silence.

I awake cold and naked, covered in slime and the scent of rot is everywhere. My eyes adjusting to the darkness let by few glowing flowers. A cave, scattered with the nude bodies of those on the bus, also covered in a thin coat of gunk. All begin to stir,grunts and moans fill the chamber. A low deep buzzing starts, like that of an engine...but much lower, nearly inaudibal but the vibrations are perceived. Sent into a lust, my member standing at full. I need release. Searching around I see her...Jenny. Still just rousing from slumber. I'm no Fairy, I shamble to her and lay over her.

"oh god yes" she moans and grabs me "i need it" she beckons and grips my maleness.

Who am I do disoblige such a pretty Young thing. Thrusting deep in her, feeling the velvet insides of her woman. Soft warm and girl, you are not as pure as I believed.

"GRAHHH" a shout from behind

peering to see Mitch Sodomizing Bob and the look of pure pleasure on one another face. Yes, sex, pure lust. Moans and grunts filled the air as bodies group and gyrate, the smell of sex permeates the air and ravages me senses. Hands grope by body as one shuffles behind me and begins prodding my rectum...with his tongue. The feeling of wet warm and dexterous strokes loosen my hole and the angry head of her erection finds it place. Moaning like a bitch in heat as I'm entered; still in coitus with jenny. His thrusts fuel me own as we are in a frenzy of debauchery. Teeth piercing my arm from the man behind me as his gooey prize fills me. Screaming I empty my essence into Jenny's waiting twat. Somethings different, she's dry...but not in a dry way. Her skins cracking and forming...scales. We all are. We are becoming monsters; all those around me continue to ravage each other with reckless abandonment. I feel my own member begin to change; thicken and my testicles pull within me. My member develops large knobs near the center and Jenny waiting flower begins to melt...dripping down and writhing. Tentacles grip my now alien penis and massage it; forcing more sperm into her.

The man taking my anus, his member stretches me and the knobs rake against my insides casing me much pleasure.

"yes, my children. Breed!" "WAH!" The voice boomed through the chamber...but on my skull, I'm the only one who noticed.

Chortling fills the now somehow almost fully lit chamber as the monsters around me continue mating, the once man behind me pulls to and laws him self upon a once was woman...his hot seed drips down my legs.

"you, the one called Kruper, You are not like these mindless beasts."

"Who are you!" I shout into the darkness

"Do you not remember? you summoned me, that page you hold in you hand, that is my right!"

The page was still within my grasp, but different. readable, the circles not made sense. I was summoning our god Cthulhu. Wait our god? who is this?

"He he he he, be frightened not child. I am your father, The father of all mad! I spread the plague of rotten minds across all planes and my roots run deep within you. I still have my grasp over you, but not like the others. You are different!"


"FOOL, you are my corporeal manifestation, YOU ARE MADNESS ITS SELF!!! you are destine to be my vessel! BUT only if you wish; You must choose to accept my seed and become my true son, or be subject to the hive mind of these hollow lustful creatures!"

My choice, become the manifestation of insanity, or be subject to a life time of sex.

"Whats the downside of your second proposal!!" by needy member still being massaged and pumping what feels like gallons of my life into The thing that was now jenny...a horrid beast. More fish than human, guild and long teeth. Scales covering her body and her tentacles massaging me.

"You are a mindless husk, you follow the will of the inn keeper and he controls all of your thoughts, feelings, wants, needs, and desires. YOU are simply nothing!" I could not refuse...I was to be the inn keeper...that dark thing which gave me the chills.

"Yes, my lord" With that, my fate was sealed. The walls began to slither with the tentacles of the master; moving across the ground towards me and my mate. Binding my legs and hoisting me into the air as a larger more phallus shaped tentacle began squirming its way into my cum slickend ass. Deeper and deeper it drilled, until it began undulating with in me; more of his majestic appendages began to wrap me; filling my mouth and even sliding into the urethra of my monster cock causing me to moan and my penis to throb and ooze pre around its heavenly invader. The constant thrusting of the tree trunk inside my anus and the groping arms in my mouth, it was simply too much for me to handle; I began whimpering and jerking as my orgasm built; the long thin appendage in my urethra withdrew its elf as my cum showered those beneath me. My rectum milking the large god penis within me gave way to the lords own pleasure. Wave after wave of the lords seed burst into me and as it sprayed forth from my bowled began mixing with my own split seed. All of my followers began rolling and slurping up what they could find as the tentacles receded back to the darkness from which they came. The snout of a follower upon my anus was a welcome relief as the began to drink deeply from our lord.

"yes me kin, drink of me and our master. FOR I AM YOUR KEEPER!"

The deep buzzing the filled the cave began to from a conscious noise; the euphoric symphony of through that I could control and command. It has been twenty years since that night. The hive mind I control is wearing thin, it is my time to take a place within it; a new keeper will rise to take me place like it always has been, our tradition if satiating the master with the seed of our old and womb of our women still continues on. We feel itchy in this mortal skin and ache for return to the sea to greet and bask in our masters presence. The bus is almost here; the master will choose the new keeper, just as he always has.