The Dragon's Cave

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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Gerald crouched down just inside the cave entrance peering into the darkness and listening for any sign that his prey was inside. It had taken him a week to track the dragoness to this mountain range and the past three days searching every nook and cranny for a hint to her whereabouts. With no hint from the cave that anyone had heard his approach the young lion slowly moved deeper into the cave. There was a faint smell of burnt flesh in the air, flesh he hoped belonged to an animal or another knight and not the princess he set out to save. Three weeks ago the king put out a summons for any knight or prince brave enough to face the dragoness witch Kass. A few days before the princess was due to be wed the witch murdered her fiance and kidnapped the princess. Now there was a reward of untold riches for the witch's head and if the princess still lived she too was part of the reward. Many had gone out in search of the girl none yet had found her and returned. Gerald would, the virgin princess and her father's riches were too great a reward for him to let any man or beast stand in his way.

Moving deeper into the cave the lion both praised and curse having to leave his armour with his horse. It's absence had allowed him to move much faster and much quieter but with the possibility of fighting the dragoness looming closer he was willing to trade that for something sturdier than his tunic and leather pants. Rounding a corner those thoughts were abandoned as the flicker of torches on the cave walls put Gerald on alert. Sinking lower to the ground and tightening his grip on his sword and shield the lion crept forward. He came to a large opening twenty meters across and the ceiling curving up out of sight. In the middle a robed figure stood over a boiling cauldron chanting quietly. Straight across from where he knelt was a large wooden door set into the stone wall. He had no doubts he had found the witch but the fate of the princess was still was still up in the air. Hugging the wall the knight slid silently along the wall until it's curve brought him directly behind the hooded figure. Coiling his muscles like a spring the lion pounced and let loose a mighty roar he hoped would startle his target. He sailed though the air bringing his sword down over his head as he landed slicing cleanly through the black robe. To his surprise Gerald's actions weren't rewarded with a shriek and lifeless thud the robe just crumpled to the floor minus it's wearer. From behind him there was a pop and flash of light and the lion turned to find the dragoness standing behind him wearing her infamous blood red chainmail armour.

"You're younger than the last one. I do hope you taste better." In a flurry witch charged him hurling bolts of lightning from her fingertips and driving the knight back towards the far wall. Barely dodging the bolts Gerald through himself at the woman his sword slicing the air millimetres from her throat. Standing face to face the lion roared again pulling his shield up just in time to meat the searing wave of flame the dragoness spit forward. With all his strength the knight surged forward pushing through the fire until a sharp smack echoed from the other side of the shield and around the cave. The woman yelped and stumbled back grabbing at her bloodied nose and before she could react Gerald followed through with a swift strike with his sword. Standing over the fallen body the knight tossed aside his sword and shield and removed his belt. Kneeling down he tied it snugly around the witch's snout, he'd hit her with the flat side of his sword, he wanted her alive until he'd learned of the princess's fate. As his eyes wandered over the dragoness's curves an idea began to form in the knight's head. The princess if she was still alive wasn't going anywhere so there was no rush, the witch needed to be punished for her crimes and Gerald felt a little extra reward wasn't too much to ask.

With little effort the witch's armour was cast aside and the lion's clothes soon followed. The knight ran his hands over the dragoness's smooth belly almost hypnotized by the shine of her red scales. From there he traced his fingers over her hip and down along the inside of her thigh until his hand cupped her mound. As he spread her lips the witch sat up groggily and stared at him in disbelief. Her hand quickly shot to the leather belt about her face but Gerald's hand was quicker and before she could remove the strap the point of the knights sword rested heavily against her throat.

"You leave that be witch! Behave yourself and I might let you keep your head." The dragoness eyed him coldly but dropped her hand and reclined to let the knight continue. Dropping his sword again Gerald returned his hand to the warmth of her snatch sinking two fingers into her folds. The woman gyrated softly against his hand and her quiet whimpering quickly drove him to his limit. Moving between her legs Gerald dragged his stiff cock head across her dripping cunt. Placing a hand on either side of her the lion leaned over her and forced his throbbing length into the dragoness. Her eyes went wide as she stretched to accept his impressive size. He paused only a moment once he was completely buried inside her then pulling back he slammed back inside watching the witch's eyes roll back inside her head. As he pounded faster and faster against her their moaning and panting echoed wildly off the rock around them. Gerald leaned down and nipped at the woman's breasts causing a muffled shriek. Feeling his climax growing close the lion slowed his pace only to have the dragoness wrap her tail around his waste and pull him against her harder. Falling back the knight pulled the woman up on her knees and wrapped his hands around her waist. The dragoness playfully raked her claws through his chest fur and bounced happily along his length. Reaching his limit Gerald pulled the dragoness down his length and held her there as warm streams of jizz sprayed up into her. Grunting loudly he pulled her off and watched his cum drool from her now gaping cunt. The knight stood and had to steady himself feeling a little light headed. Stepping toward the kneeling witch he dragged his dick across the top of her snout to wipe the cum off.

"I think I might keep you." The dragoness looked up at him pleadingly but Gerald just chuckled to himself. He was feeling dizzier but ignored it moved to the large wooden door. It was surprisingly heavy and it took all his weight to push it open. Resting against the doorway the lion looked into the room in confusion it wasn't a dungeon and the princess wasn't in chains. He was looking at a large sitting room and the princess sat in a chair in the far corner reading a book. The young cheetah looked up at him with a look that mirrored his.

"Oh? No one's made it this far yet." Gerald's head was spinning and his limbs felt like lead weights. With a stumbling lurch the knight found himself falling to the floor. The princess came and turned him over looking down at him curiously. "Kass got you with the poison huh? It sure is a dirty trick." Seeing the fear in his eyes the girl laughed. "It's not gonna kill ya mister. Kass soaks her crotch with the stuff and that stuff in the caldron is some kind of love potion. The poison just paralyses ya for a few hours makes you easier to play with." Gerald heard the words but didn't understand why his continued look of confusion told the princess she should explain the situation. "I wasn't really kidnapped my parents hired Kass to stage it. We have a little family secret we can't let get out. My parents were forced to give me to that prince as a wife to avoid a war and to make sure no one else tried to claim me we did this." Her story was too strange for the lion to handle all he could do was stare into the girl's smiling face. "You guys come to find me, Kass takes you out and the family secret stays a secret. Do you want to know what the secret is?" He couldn't answer, he wanted to but the lion couldn't find his voice. With a wink the cheetah bent down and hiked up her dress. If he wasn't already speechless what the girl did and what he saw would have rendered him so. The princess was in fact a prince not wearing anything under the dress his package was left to dangle freely. Dropping the dress the cheetah continued to explain. "Since my older brother was already set to take the throne my parents wanted a daughter but they got me instead. So they decided to raise me as their daughter anyway."

Just the a shadow was cast from the doorway and Gerald looked up to see the witch standing in the doorway glaring down at him. Whatever she was thinking was interrupted by the sweet voice of the young cheetah. "Can I have this one Kass? You had the last three and I want a turn!" The dragoness smiled sweetly at the cheetah and nodded.

"He's all yours Melly but if he gets too frisky you give me a call okay?" The cheetah nodded and waited until the woman left the room before pulling his dress off over his head. Gerald's heart began to race as he was forced to watch the younger man kneel down between his legs. As the cheetah pushed into his tight pucker the lion grunted weakly and tried in vain to pull away. As his body adjusted to fit the new invader and the throbbing shaft began to piston into him Gerald's body gave into the pleasure. As the lion's shaft grew hard again Melly's eyes went wide. Moving a hand from the knight's waist he ran a finger along it's length then wrapped his hand round it feeling it's weight and warmth. With a whimper Melly climaxed embarrassingly early pouring jets of seed into Gerald's ass. Pulling out he continued to hold the lion's massive prick. Leaning forward he flicked out his tongue and licked along it's length from base to tip. Then taking and kneading the knights balls in one hand he wrapped his lips around the head of the cock and slurp his way down it's length. When his rose rested against the man's pelvis Melly almost gagged but he slowly pulled himself up for air before plunging back down again. Releasing his hold on the man's balls Melly pulled off once more before standing and turning to lower himself over the massive member. With a grunt the cheetah forced himself down the lion's prick in one smooth motion and began bouncing roughly against the man. Gerald found himself trying desperately to buck back against the small cheetah but it was no use. In a violet spasm the knight was rocked by a heavy orgasm, plastering the cheetah's guts with waves of cum. Melly stood and staggered only to be replaced moments later by the now fully clothed dragoness wearing a very concerning smile. "I think I might keep you"