Sarah's Story Ch. 3

Story by drass on SoFurry

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#4 of Older Work

Not much to say about this installment, except it's the last finished chapter to this story. all that's left is an incomplete draft of chapter 4 that I will probably never finish.

So much happened both internally and external my first proper evening with my Master, both internal and external. I want to be sure to cover as much as I can, it's very important that I get this right. I hope you'll forgive me if I fail to convey everything that occurred that night.

I was somewhat shocked when Lydia spoke in sync with me when I greeted Master as he arrived home. Thinking back, it was rather obvious what was to be said, but even now I'm still at a loss as to how Lydia managed such perfect sync. "Welcome home, Master." we said, which I assume heralded the day drawing to a close for Master. My day, little did I know, was just winding up.

"Thank you, Lydia, Sarah," he said, nodding to us in turn at the mention of our name. "It's good to be home." He gave us with a warm smile, which helped to ease some my anxiety.

"Dinner is ready whenever you wish to eat, master" Lydia said cheerfully from my right.

"Good," Master said. "Sarah, help Lydia set the table. I'll be a minute before we can start; I have a few calls to make for work before I can join you two for dinner."

I gave a quick nod, and said, "Yes, Master." I turned to Lydia for confirmation. She gave me a nod and started for the door to the living room. I followed her through the door, shooting one last glance back at my Master as he mounted the stairs.

In the kitchen, Lydia explained which drawer held silverware, which cupboard held flatware, and more. I heard everything she said without comprehension, from the moment I set foot in the kitchen I was hypnotized by the pungent scent of bread, chicken, and a variety of vegetables. From the first whiff my mental capabilities were null and I did as instructed mindlessly. I'm thankful that Lydia understood what was happening or at least didn't make light of it then. I regained my full senses as I stepped back into the dining room carrying three plates and three sets of silverware. Lydia was right behind me with a tray full of food. I set three seats, one at the head and the two facing each other next to it, as Lydia set the food out on the table. The scent hit me again and I managed to keep my head the second time around, though I couldn't stop myself from salivating. In just a few seconds the table was set. I marveled at how we managed it in one trip.

Something I had wondered earlier popped to my mind then, and I asked Lydia, "What does Master do for work?"

Lydia raised an eyebrow in the same expression of amusement she had given me that morning. "Master is a member on the board of executives of a rather large bank," she said. "He mostly manages relations with other banks and companies."

I nodded, deciding I wouldn't really understand what she meant and hoping to move off the topic. Luckily, Lydia apparently didn't have any more to say about Master's work. I let out an internal sigh of relief only to freeze up at the sound of the door to the living room opening.

Master stepped into the dining room, still wearing a warm smile. "I've finished my business," he said. "Now we can have dinner."

I heard the sound of Lydia walking behind me followed by the sound of a chair being pulled back from the table. "Please sit, Master," Lydia said from behind.

I stepped out of the way as Master obliged her. "Thank you for preparing dinner for us, Lydia," he said as he sat down.

"I'm happy to do it, Master," Lydia said. She had sat him at the head of the table, and gestured to the seat at his left for me to sit as well. Hesitantly, I pulled the chair back and took my seat. Even though I knew I lived in this house, after only one day I still felt somewhat like a stranger at their table.

Without prompt, Lydia began dishing out food to each plate, defaulting to Master's plate first for each new item. First was a rather hefty roll, followed by a small amount of a salad that despite my aversion to most green food looked quite appetizing. After the salad, Lydia dished out the chicken. The scent wafting up from the slightly steaming slab of breast meat made it a challenge for me not to drool. I gritted my teeth in an effort to exert some control over the glands in my mouth and remembered the day my Master had spoken to me for the first time; I was a little amused by the thought that I had gone full-circle and was back to square one: struggling to control myself while sharing a meal with Master.

Neither my Master nor I had so much as touched our silverware as Lydia served our meal, and I realized as she sat down at Master's right that I had yet to thank her for the meal. "Thank you, Lydia," I stammered out, embarrassed by my lateness and realizing only after the words were out that I had meant it for more than the meal.

She gave me a smile from across the table that seemed to tell me it was okay without saying anything at all.

Master was the first to pick up his fork and take a bite and with that, we began the meal. I opted for the roll first, controlling myself much more easily than I had the day Master had shared lunch with me in the alley.

I was half-way finished with my roll when Master spoke up. "Sarah," he said, I immediately gave him my full attention. "What do you think of the estate?"

I felt uncomfortable being put on the spot by him. I swallowed what I had in my mouth quickly then meekly, I said, "You have a very nice home, Master."

My nerves fired off, nearly causing me to jump out of my seat as when he chuckled at my answer. He fixed his gaze on mine; I had to fight my instincts to hold it instead of looking down. "This is your home too now, Sarah." he said. "My home is yours as well for as long as you wish to stay here."

I blushed and unable to fight my instincts any longer, I dropped my gaze in submission. Hearing Master say it out loud and in full was enough to help ease the tension I was feeling. I relaxed a little and said, "Thank you, Master."

He gave another smile, putting me a little more at ease. "So," he said. "I take it you found my note?" I noticed his gaze had shifted to the pendant hanging around my neck.

"Oh," I said. "Yes. Thank you for the pendant, Master, I really like it." I tried to smile and found that I could. I noticed Lydia was watching me intently from across the table wearing an amused smirk.

Master returned his attention to his meal, giving me the opportunity to do the same. I had finished my roll and had just started work on the salad when Master spoke up again. "Sarah," he began, once again gaining my immediate attention. "On the subject of my note, is there anything you would like to have in your wardrobe that I missed?"

I was beginning to see that Master intended to hold the conversation despite my shyness and in a way I was thankful to him for that. I thought for a while about how to say what I wanted to. "Master?" I eventually asked.

"Yes Sarah?" he answered patiently.

"May I speak bluntly for moment?" I asked. "What I want to say is a little painful for me."

"You may, Sarah," he said. Something changed in his eyes--I believe he understood that I had something important to get off my chest and even if I'm wrong I still thank him for letting me do so.

"Thank you, Master," I said. I was quiet for a while before I managed to speak again. "Before you found me, Master, before I was even living like I was, I used to obsess about things like clothing and fashion." I paused, then forced myself to continue. "Things didn't end well for me then. Now, I just want to leave it behind me. So what you have provided is perfect to me. To be frank, I'd happily wear whatever you'd give me, Master."

Master looked at me a moment silently and after seeing I had nothing more to add, said, "Okay Sarah, I understand. I'm impressed you could face your memories for even that short time and I thank you for your honesty."

I blushed, touched by the sincerity in his voice. I expected him to say more, but he resumed eating instead. I took the cue, returning my attention to my own meal with noticeably less hesitation than before. I finished the rest of my salad happily, which was a welcome change of pace for my emotions. I was eying the piece of chicken left alone on my plate when I noticed Lydia watching me from across the table. The moment I spotted her, however, she immediately looked down at her plate, color so faint I barely noticed it rose to her cheeks. After a few seconds of confused thought, I decided it was best just to let it go.

I returned my gaze to my plate, fixating on the lonely piece of chicken and just as I was about to start in on it, Master spoke again.

"Oh, right," he said as if remembering something. I turned to him, the last piece of dinner amazingly gone from my mind and replaced with attention for my Master. "I almost forgot about the last mention of my note."

I felt my stomach clamp down, my former anxiety returned and grew. On the top of my anxiety, I felt my face heating up for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

"The 'toy'," He continued, seemingly oblivious to my discomfort and embarrassment. I know now that he knew very well what I was feeling and pushed on because of it. Master's methods may not be entirely pleasant at the time, but they are unfailingly effective as far as I've observed. "Will you be using it, or do you want it removed from your room?"

I squirmed in my chair. I had avoided thinking about what I thought of as Lydia's little prank the entire day, telling myself that I knew I didn't want it. When Master asked me if I wanted the dildo so bluntly, the shock made me realize something with some pale shade of horror: Despite everyone in this house knowing about it, despite the awkwardness that I felt from the prospect of such a gift from Lydia, despite all reasons obvious and subtle, I did want it.

I struggled for words. My first impulse was to tell him I didn't want it and settle the issue with as little embarrassment as possible, but something inside me absolutely forbid me to lie in any way to Master. Before I could begin to ponder the sudden extreme submission, Master spoke again. "Sarah," he said in a stern voice, causing me to cringe a little. "Will you use it or do you want it removed?"

Feeling somewhat desperate, I looked across the table at Lydia, hoping to find some relief. She was watching me expectantly-- obviously interested as to how the situation would resolve--but on top her look she also wore a smirk that I recognized from earlier that day. I realized that she knew that I wanted to keep the thing and was waiting to hear me say it.

I felt like Master and Lydia were working together against me, trying to strip me of what little dignity I had left. As I began down darker roads of thought, Master spoke up in a commanding tone of finality, "Sarah, we do not keep secrets here. Will you use the dildo?"

I changed inside then, nearly all at once as a series of realizations struck me. First was Master's use of the word 'dildo', his ability to say it made me question my own aversion to it. Second was his tone of finality combined with his saying that we don't keep secrets; I saw that he was speaking nothing but the truth and that 'we' included myself. Third and final, I realized that Master was forcing me into this uncomfortable situation on purpose; he was training me and as this dawned on me I realized with total certainty that Master intended to take care of me. In seconds I altered myself internally with a strength I hadn't know I could access. I threw aside my concept of dignity, dampened my fear of embarrassment, and steeled myself to say what I had to say.

"I will use the dildo, Master." I said a little shakily, but in an otherwise even tone.

Master smiled at me warmly, his sternness vanishing instantly. "Very good, Sarah." He said, actually meaning it rather than letting it just be closure.

I breathed an internal sigh of relief and remembered the look Lydia had given me. I looked up to see if she was still watching me and she was, only her former, somewhat teasing express had been replaced by a soft look with a warm smile and this time I breathed an actual sigh of relief. Lydia gave a short giggle and began finishing the rest of her meal. I looked back to Master and saw he had resumed eating as well. I looked back at my own plate and was surprised to find I still had an appetite. I happily finished my piece of chicken and although it had gone cool it was still delicious.

After dinner I actually felt full for what seemed like the first time in ages and I made sure to thank Lydia again, more properly the second time around.

She smiled and said sincerely, "Always happy to, Sarah." I helped her clear the table as Master retired to the living room. We worked together washing the dishes, Lydia manned the sink scrubbing them and I manned the counter drying them and putting them away. As with setting the table, I marveled after we finished at how quickly the work went. Lydia was walking to the door back to the dining room when I spoke up.

"Lydia," I said. She stopped and turned back to face me, interest and a hint of amusement lighting her features.

I paused, still a little squeamish at what I was going to say, then continued, "Why did you suggest that Master give me a dildo?"

A smirk appeared on her face. "Call it intuition," she said. "or call me a pervert. The former is my preference, but the latter isn't really applicable in this house."

I tilted my head, not understanding.

She let out a sigh. "You might not have had enough time to think on it, but what Master did at dinner was teach you the most important rule of the house," she explained. "We don't keep secrets from each other, even sexual things aren't private. 'Perverted' is a term solely for demeaning people and Master is keen to be open minded on such subjects instead."

It clicked fully for me then and the realization robbed me of words. I had believed it to be a test of dominance--which it had been--but I had entirely missed the true point of the exercise.

Lydia began to giggle. "That little 'lesson' took me three days to catch on to," she bubbled out.

I looked at her unbelievingly, wondering how someone who seemed so level-headed could have taken so long to learn anything. I realized that when Lydia put on a façade she didn't mess around.

"Although I do have a lot more than most going on in the sexual part of my mind." She amended.

I started to giggle myself. "I kind of caught on to that," I said, trying to keep from breaking into full laughter.

"Oh shush," she said, but only giggled harder.

Somehow we managed not to break down laughing and once we had calmed ourselves down Lydia led me back to the living room, where master was watching the evening news. "May we join you, Master?" she asked for both of us.

Master smiled and said, "Of course, have a seat."

"Thank you, Master." We both said in near-unison and sat down on the other side of the L the couches formed. The story being covered was apparently about a charity concert being held in a park featuring several amateur musicians. After a few minutes, my interest in the story shrank and I found myself looking at Master. I was intrigued by the attentive way he stared at the television, seeming to be taking in every single detail from the story. My gaze wandered and I spied Master's pendant hanging down outside of his shirt. I confirmed that it was identical to mine in every feature except color. Meanwhile, my Master either didn't notice my staring or didn't acknowledge it.

As the clock wound to later hours, the news ended and Master changed the channel to a program about modern architecture. Despite not understanding half of what came from the television, I watched raptly. At some point Lydia asked Master if he wanted a beverage. Master thanked her and told her he would like a glass soda. Before leaving to get Master's drink Lydia asked me if I would like something and I thanked her, but declined the offer. Lydia returned shortly with a glass full of a dark brown, bubbling liquid and set it down on a coaster on the table in front of Master, ice clinking quietly off the glass as she did so. Master thanked her again as she took her seat once again.

I lost track of time and before I knew it Master abruptly turned off the TV. I looked towards him, not sure what he was going to do.

"I'm sorry Sarah, Lydia," He began. "It seems I wasn't watching the clock as well as I thought. It's already a quarter to ten." I looked at the clock on the wall to confirm and felt embarrassed as my sense of time lurched forward to match reality. "I had hoped to speak some with you, Sarah, but it appears that will be postponed until tomorrow evening."

I nodded.

"I take it Lydia explained our routine to you already?" Master asked me.

"Yes, Master." I said.

"Then we shall retire for the night a little early." He said, standing up.

"Yes, Master," Lydia and I said in tandem. I wondered again how Lydia could manage that, but dropped the thought as Lydia stood up. I rose last and followed both Master and Lydia out of the den and up the main staircase in near-silence. At the top we turned left and down the hall to our bedrooms.

Outside his bedroom door, Master stopped and turned to us. "Good night Lydia," he said to her.

"Good night, Master" Lydia responded.

Master turned slightly and said to me, "Good night, Sarah."

"Good night, Master." I said. As he was turning towards the door, I spoke up again nervously, "Master?"

He turned back, looking at me curiously. "Yes, Sarah?" he asked.

I hesitated a moment, then said what I felt needed to be said, "Thank you."

Master smiled, nodded, then turned to the door and entered his bedroom. I caught a brief glance at a well-organized work desk through the doorway before the door shut behind him.

Lydia continued down the hall, I followed after a moment. At her own door, she turned to me. "Good night Sarah." She said.

"Good night, Lydia," I said. She opened her door and halfway into her room she tipped me a wink over her shoulder. She closed the door behind her, leaving me to blush alone out in the hall. I shook my head, trying not to let Lydia get to me and walked the rest of the way to my own bedroom.

I hesitated a moment at my own door, then entered. I t was quite dark, the only light coming from a window I hadn't noticed above my bed. After a moment my eyes adjusted well enough to make out the carpet and I stepped in, quietly closing the door behind me. I stood there in the dark for a while before figuring I might as well get undressed so I could go to bed. I removed my dress--folding it and placing it on top of my dresser--and walked over to my bed.

I noticed that there was a small digital clock on the nightstand and after a moment's inspection I realized it was an alarm clock. I picked up the clock and, after some fumbling, managed to set the alarm to six-twenty. I was about to retire for the night when the thought hit me.

Slowly I turned to face my dresser again. A flare of stubbornness hit me briefly and I killed it instantly. I reasoned that if I had gone through the trouble of keeping the 'toy', I might as well try it out. I knelt down and opened the fourth drawer. I stared at the pink cylinder for a moment before grabbing it and retreating to my bed and slipping under the covers.

I hesitantly reached down between my legs and felt my sex through my panties and was surprised to find I was already moist. I slipped my hand into my underwear and gently began caressing my clit with my middle two fingers, occasionally dipping into my slit to lubricate my fingers more. My groin began to heat up quickly and when I felt my underwear dampen noticeably from my efforts, I decided it was time.

Awkwardly, I pulled my panties down around my ankles and positioned the dildo between my legs. I was panting lightly by then and felt a small adrenaline rush hit me as I realized that I was really about to do it. I found I could all too easily imagine Lydia lying in her own bed, smirking, perhaps using her own 'toy' at that very moment. I was shocked to realize the thoughts held some appeal and began adding more detail to them. I pictured Lydia lying on her bed, legs spread as she plunged her own dildo into her folds repeatedly. Spurred on by my fantasizing, I plunged the cylinder into myself, letting out a soft gasp as I did.

Slowly, I began sliding the toy in and out of me. I continued adding more to my thoughts of Lydia. I saw her begin working her own toy faster as she began to fondle her considerable breasts with her free hand, moaning softly as she did. I sped up my own actions in response, hearing soft liquid noises from below.

I continued fantasizing, removing Lydia's bra so that her nipples were exposed as she massaged her breasts, standing perk in the open air. Her moaning picked up pace and a little volume as she deftly flipped a switch at the base of the dildo, causing a quiet hum in addition to the liquid noises ad she drove the toy into herself faster and faster. Blindly, I fumbled at the base of my own dildo for some sort of switch and after a moment I caught it and jerked at the added stimulation of it vibrating inside me.

Faster and faster we masturbated, me in my bed, Lydia in my mind. Both our climaxes drew closer and closer. Both of us moaned quietly, careful not to wake anyone else up. In my mind, Lydia reached her climax just a second before I did, but didn't stay for long as all thought was driven from my mind as the orgasm shook my entire body. Waves of intense pleasure wracked my body as I held the dildo inside me, pushing it in as far as I could manage.

After what seemed like an eternity the euphoria passed and I came back down to earth. I was suddenly slapped with the realization that I had just gotten off to thoughts of a girl, sobering my afterglow and filling me with a mixture of shame and confusion. Sheepishly, I pulled my panties up and got out of bed to return the dildo to its drawer. I quickly climbed back into bed, telling myself I should get to sleep, that it was late. I was too afraid to check the clock to confirm the latter, but I thought the former would suit me well, anything to get my mind off what I had just done. I closed my eyes, praying that sleep would come quickly, and whether an effect from my orgasm or from fortune, it did.

Sleep, though, provided little refuge for me that night. Dreams of Lydia visited me: dreams of her lying naked in her bed, dreams of her pleasuring herself with her hands and many different toys, dreams of her using her hands and her toys to pleasure me. I had dreams of my Master as well, thankfully few were similar to the ones of Lydia, but even so, there were a few. A seemingly impossible number of dreams were packed into that one night, and they refused to allow me to escape what I had done or anything I had felt. Oddly, despite these dreams I had a restful sleep. My second night in service to Master was one long, merciless miracle.