Fathers New Pet (Part 1)

Story by Katias on SoFurry

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This is an RP a friend of mine (Korina Vaer) and I put together when we were a little bored. Sorry for any sloppy entries on my part. Been tired lately, and I think it shows later on. Anyways, I hope you can power through my poor preformance and enjoy the RP as much as we did ^^

WARNING: Contains excessive WATERSPORTS and MALE/MALE RELATIONS. If this isn't for you, then theres your warning. If you choose to complain, then I'll just take it as you didn't look at the description x3

PS: If I missed any tags, please don't be mad! Just let me know and I'll fix them up ^^

[16:33 PM]Korina Vaer: It started when he found his son's cell phone on the counter... The middle-aged white-furred fox was going to call up his son's friend, since that was where the teen was heading... But then Kori saw the picture that was attached to that phone entry. Not many teens had a picture of his friend's dick on their phone... Searching through, he found more. Plenty more. Cock shots, mainly, though some of them were pissing... He had looked through the texts next, finding another picture of a cock with a message, 'I have to piss, wanna come over?' That sparked some searching... Kori stayed out of his son's room for the most part, so what he found was surprising. A big yellow stain in the carpet, stained clothes, a cup that smelled like piss... Hell, even his mattress smelled faintly of it. The older male wasn't mad, or even upset. He was more aroused than anything... It explained why his son washed his sheets so often, and, god, those panties that Kori found weren't some girl's... It lead to Kori doing something really nasty. A couple hours ago, he had stood at the foot of his son's bed, cock in paw, arching his hot liquid gold all over the blankets, pillows, sheets, and mattress. It was soaked when he was finished. He then put that phone on his son's desk, and stroked himself to the pictures he saw, leaving a small puddle of white jizz next to the phone. Now, he was down in the living room, waiting for his boy to come home...

[16:51 PM]Katias: Besides from the occasional car driving by, the only sounds that could be heard were the *Tap tap tap* Of Katias's claws smacking the pavement as he made his way home from Jerry's house. It was cold out that evening, but the images of what happened only hours before were still running through his head, which were helping him keep his mind off of the cold. Katias had a naughty secret, and it was one that would follow him for the rest of his life. He loved watersports to an extreme, and only those who were smart enough to figure it out and confront him about it knew. While other people would most likely find the act disgusting, Katias only saw humiliation and arousal, which was one of his favorite things about it. Jerry had found out about his secret only a few months ago, and man was Katias glad he did! Jerry would frequently use and humiliate Kat, which is why he loved spending time with Jerry so much. As Katias made his way to the front door, he began to fumble around in his pocket for his keys, picking them out of his pocket just in time to look up and see he was inches away from colliding with the door. Katias took a breath, trying to calm his arousal down as he opened the door and took a step inside, being greeted with the warm air of his home. Katias took a few steps forward, seeing his dad sitting in the living room reading a book. "Hey Dad! I'm home!"

[16:56 PM]*Korina Vaer lived alone with his son in a small two-story house. The middle-aged white-furred fox was pretty fit, though it was obvious he was getting a little older, a little round in the belly. Today he was wearing a pair of jeans and a tee, the male sitting in his recliner with a book in paw... Mostly to hide the bulge in his pants. He'd look up when he saw his son, smiling, "Hey, Kat. Have a good time?" He knew he did... Images of what they would have done ran through his mind, making that fat length in his pants twitch a little. He wouldn't get up, or even mention what he found... He wanted his son to find that nasty evidence he left in his room.

[17:09 PM]Katias: "Yeah. We mostly worked on group project from school and played video games. I'll be upstairs if you need anything!" Katias called out from behind him as he began to climb up the stairs. As he entered the room, he froze. Something was different, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Katias turned around breifly to close the door before continuing his investigation. As Katias continued to look around, he finally picked up on what it was: A smell. It was wierd though, the scent seemed foreign, but familiar. As he began to sniff, he found himself following the trail to his bed, only to lay a paw on the sheets and feel the damp, scent filled liquid coat the palm of his paw. Names began to run through Kat's head. "Greg? James? Carter? Whose scent was it? And why didn't they text me?" That's when it dawned on Katias. He had forgotten his phone! Searching around, Katias finally located the small cellular device, not before accidentally placing his paw in a white puddle of what he knew too well as semen. Katias raised his paw to his nose to smell, still trying to identify the scent as he looked through his phone for any new messages.

17:13 PM]*Korina Vaer wondered what his son would do when he saw the mess he had made... He wouldn't know right away who did it, of course. Or maybe he would. The older male grinned and set his book down, deciding to give his son a big surprise. His hands reached down, undoing his pants and opening them enough to free that stiff black rod, one hand squeezing it with a sigh while the other slid down to free his balls. He'd return that hand to the arm of his chair, leaning back and slowly stroking over his pole. Either his son would realize who made that mess, or he'd come down and see if anyone dropped by... Either way, he'd get an eyeful, the older vulpine slowly stroking over his stiff cock, almost casually.

[17:26 PM]Katias: Sadly, there weren't any new messages on Kat's phone, which left him stumped. "Who the hell was it?" Katias said with frustration in his voice. He loved the scent, but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out who it belonged to! That's when Kat had an idea, and casually made his way downstairs to ask his dad who came over. As Katias rounded the corner, he froze. What he saw in front of him was his father, leaning back in his armchair with his dick in paw, staring right into Kat's eyes. Katias was speechless, for he didn't know how to react. As Kat's mind raced, he picked up on something that made his eyes grow wide. The scent from upstairs was floating around the room, hitting his senses like a brick wall. it was his father. He was the one who peed all over his bed, and he was the one who jizzed on his desk. It was all him. "D-dad...?"

[17:29 PM]*Korina Vaer grinned when he heard his son come in, looking up and meeting his eyes as he walked into the living room. He'd slowly stroke his cock as he waited for his son to come to grips with what he was seeing. He chuckled when his son finally said something, sitting up a little and pointing to the ground in front of him, "Come here.. I figured out what you and your friend were up to." He murmured as he let go of his cock, letting it bounce in his lap a little, "And I think we need to have a little talk... About how you want your life to go." He said as he waited for his son to come closer.

[17:39 PM]*Katias didn't know what to think. All Kat could do was stand there in shock as his father told him to come closer. As his father's command began to register in his mind, Kat slowly crept forward, stopping a few feet away from his father as he looked down at his dad's member, having trouble looking away. Kat's cheeks became red, embarrassment and concern arising in his face as he finally managed to look up. He knew he'd been caught, and punishments began to race through his head.

[17:43 PM]*Korina Vaer chuckles and spreads his legs a little, leaning back to bare that fat ebon member and those heavy white balls to his son's eyes, watching him stare, "I just want to ask you if you want this. If you want men to use you, abuse you, piss on you... If you do, then I want to be one of those men. If not..." He shrugged, offering the choice to his son. He'd reach down to brush his fingers over that twitching, pre-oozing length. The 'punishments' he had in mind would be more like rewards to the young fox...

[17:51 PM]*Katias had always had a crush on his father, and for the longest time he'd wanted to let him know how he felt. However, Kat had given up on that possibility years ago. This was his chance. His dreams could come true if he would just say "Yes." But it was so much harder than that. This was so sudden, and Kat's head was still spinning. When Kat opened his mouth, all he could get out were stutters, finally managing a quiet, simple "Y-yeah..."

[17:54 PM]*Korina Vaer rumbles loudly and grins, leaning forward and grasping his son's hips, drawing him closer, "Good. Now, tell me about your friend. What did you two do?" He asked. Now that he was closer, he could smell that friend. It was all over his son's body, his clothes... He leans back again, with his son standing closer, "Go ahead. You can touch." He winks, reaching down to grasp his cock base to wiggle it a little in the air for his son's eyes.

[18:06 PM]*Katias obeyed his father's command, and kneeled down to be eye level with his father's giant vulpine cock. As he stared at the giant vulpine cock in front of him, Katias absent mindedly began to tell his father what he and Jerry had been doing only hours before. "Jerry pisses on me... A lot. He pissed on me in the woods.... He made me take my clothes off... I had to walk on all fours with a leash.... He makes me pee on newspapers... He says I'm his pet." As Katias finished saying the random bits of info that went through his head, he slowly reached a paw out, gently placing a claw on the tip before pulling away when it throbs.

[18:08 PM]*Korina Vaer shivered at that touch, listening and watching him. "Mm... And do you like it? Do you get hard when he pisses on you, and makes you act like a dog? You sick little puppy..." He teased, letting go of himself and just watching his son, seeing what he'd do. "Maybe we should start treating you like a dog, too. Make you sleep out in the old dog house, feed you from a bowl..." He murmured, watching to see how he liked those ideas.

[18:15 PM]*Katias nods. "I love it when people piss on me... I love being a pet..." After Katias says this, he begins to look away, having trouble facing his father after revealing these truths. Katias's ears perk when his father begins to talk about Kat living like a dog, and the blush in his cheeks becomes more apparent. Another scent begins to rise in the room as Kat's erection becomes more apparent through his jeans.

[18:19 PM]*Korina Vaer rumbles softly and smiles down at the younger male, "You little fag..." He murmurs and wraps a hand around his cock, picking up the scent of his son's aroused state before he starts pushing on his bladder, yellow, acrid piss shooting out in a line to land on his son's chest, soaking into his clothes, "We'll do that, then. Make you sleep out there, where anyone can see you... Maybe even move it to the front lawn, so your friends can drop by and piss on you anytime..." He murmured, not seeming to care that his piss was, eventually, ending up in the carpet.

[18:28 PM]*Katias gives a sudden gasp as a warm spray of liquid gold splashes against his shirt. As Katias looks to the front, seeing as the liquid rushes out of his father's member and arch over onto his chest. Katias begins to whimper because of the erection pushing against his pants. After the initial shock, Katias looks down, beginning to whimper once more about his new possible living arrangement. Katias instinctively places his paw on his chest, letting the stream soak the back of his paw and watching as the droplets come up and hit him in the face.This channel does not allow roleplay ads.

[17:44 PM]*Korina Vaer groans as he pushes harder on his bladder, the older fox leaning back a little and his stream arching up higher, spraying up his son's chest onto his face, soaking into his fur as he grins down at him, "What do you think of that, mm?" He asks as he watches the younger male, seeing that his pants, now wet from his own father's piss, was tented rather lewdly, "Your father and your friends can come out and breed you anytime, like the fag you are..." He murmurs teasingly, his cock rock hard as he kept pissing on his son.

[17:57 PM]*Katias closes his eyes as his father's piss begins to splash against his cheeks. He loved the idea of lving in the yard as his father's pet, being used as both a breeding toy and urinal for his family and friends. Katias finally summons the courage to open his eyes and look up at his dad, giving him a gentle nod.

[18:02 PM]*Korina Vaer chuckles when he sees that nod, breathing deep, "Good..." He murmurs as he stood up, still spraying hot urine out of that ebon, fatherly length. Some of that yellow stream would go wild, landing on the floor behind his son before he finally pushed that pissing cockhead against his lips, forcing the tip into his mouth to flood it before his bladder ran out. He'd give a few mouthfuls, enough to fill the boy's stomach with warmth, Kori's stiff cock in his son's mouth.

[18:17 PM]*Katias couldn't help but flinch slightly as his father stood up. The piss soaked fox held his breath, listening to his father's urine patter against the carpet behind him. As Kat's cock twitched in his jeans, he couldn't help but moan, giving his father the perfect opportunity to push his member into the young males mouth. Even in his state of shock, Kat's reflexes kicked in as he began to take mouthful after mouthful of hot, alpha male urine and swallow it. As he felt the steady stream come to a stop, he looked up at his dad, wanting instructions for what was to come next.

[18:23 PM]*Korina Vaer looked down at his son when he cut off his stream, seeing the boy looking back up at him, seeming to wait instruction. He laughed a little, throbbing between those lips, "Like you need to be told what to do when a man's cock is in your mouth." He murmured, his hand going to that wet headfur to push him down rather quickly, shoving his thick cock into his mouth, "Have you sucked a man's cock yet, boy? Your teachers? Some strangers at a glory hole?" He grunts to him, grinding his fat cockhead against the roof of his mouth.

[18:33 PM]*Katias couldn't help but look down in embarrassment, proving his father's accusations accurate. A murr could be felt rumbling through his muzzle as Katias began a steady bob. The feeling of his father's thick, vulpine cock pumping in and out of his muzzle drove Kat's hormones out of control. He couldn't help himself as he slowly reached a paw down to the zipper on his jeans, undoing the device and letting his pink flesh spring forth. Kat thought it was odd that his cock was a different color than his dad's, but all thoughts quickly faded away as his dad thrusted further back into Kat's throat than he had previously.

[18:37 PM]*Korina Vaer groans at that feeling, closing his eyes a little as he pumps his hips forward smoothly to meet the young male's bobbing, sliding deep into his mouth. After a few moments he'd push down on the fox's head, forcing his cock as deep as possible, shaft shoving down his throat as his balls rest against his chin, "Rrf... From now on, you're going to be everyone's urinal, slut..." He grunts as he pulls back, and thrusts forward roughly again, "And your piss is forbidden to go down drains... It either goes on you, down your throat, or on your things, understand?"

[18:48 PM]*Katias gives a gentle nod to his father's demands, not being able to speak because of the dick shoved in his mouth.

[18:50 PM]*Katias continues to look up at his father, making eye contact as he finally free his balls from his pants.

[18:55 PM]*Korina Vaer rolls his hips a couple times, more rough every thrust as his cock throbs in his maw, "MMnf... And your room is the house urinal, and anything that's inside it..." He chuckles, pulling out to slap his wet, black cock against his face, leaving wet streaks on his muzzle, "Actually... I think you might be walked to take a piss, so everyone can see that you're my new pet. Of course, when I have friends over you'll be expected to... entertain them, and the urinal rule still applies. Might even need to dress you up all girly, so the guys don't feel gay while fucking your fag ass." He teased, watching his son's expression as he now rubbed his cock along his face in lewd, broad strokes.

[18:59 PM]*Katias can't help but to look down in submission as his father began to display dominance by setting the new rules. "Y-yes... Master..." Was all he was able to say before he felt his dads cock rub against his face.

[19:03 PM]*Korina Vaer licks his lips and chuckles, seeing that his son seemed... down about it, but that pink cock looked harder than hell. "And tomorrow... Mm. Tomorrow you're going to cross-dress to school. You're going to wear a skirt, a girly top... And not even any panties let everyone see what kind of guy you are on the inside..." He'd stroke his cock slowly in front of the boy as he talked, tail wagging.

[19:09 PM]*Katias repeated his "Yes master" before looking up. Katias couldn't help but give a small smile as he thought about all the piss related things he'd be able to experience with his father.

[19:15 PM]*Korina Vaer tilts his head to the side as he looked down at him, shivering and oozing a little bit of precum onto that already soaked floor, "Do you have an outfit like that, hmm?" He asks softly, leaning close to wipe some of that precum on his nose, "Mmnf... Maybe I should start marking stuff in your room, you little slut." He winked at him, watching his reaction as he kept pumping his cock in front of the boy, giving him a show.

[19:20 PM]*Katias gives a nod when his father asks him about owning a skirt. Katias often wore a skirt in front of Jerry, because he liked how it looked on Kat, though he'd never considered wearing something like that in public. Katias couldn't help but lull his tongue out to taste the precum on his nose, loving the idea of his father taking a leak in his room while he watches.This channel does not allow roleplay ads.

_[19:21 PM]_Katias: "M-master... My room is your urinal... You may do what you wish..."

[19:23 PM]*Korina Vaer huffed and squeezed his cock, grinning down at his piss-soaked boy, kneeling in his wet clothes. "Tell you what... If you're a good boy and beg for your master to fuck you, I'll do a good job pissing on your things, letting everyone know that you're owned by your own father..." He murmurs, winking. "Maybe I'll even send you to school tomorrow with a load of cum in your ass and chug a bunch of water at work, just so you can have a show... All fours, slut." He grunted that last part, dripping a little more precum.

[19:25 PM]*Katias obeyed as his master commanded, and got on all fours, instinctively turning around and lifting his tail for his father's convenience.

[19:26 PM]*Korina Vaer huffed and slid down to his knees behind him, hands gripping the hems of his pants and underwear before pulling them down roughly, "You gonna beg for it, slut?" He asks as he slaps that bare rump, nestling up close behind him.

[19:29 PM]*Katias looks over his shoulder and into his father's eyes, giving him a sad, needy look as he whimpers out "Please dad... Fuck me... I need it... So much.... Please stick it in me!"

[19:33 PM]*Korina Vaer huffs and grins, "That's a good pet..." He cooed and shifted to press his cockhead underneath that tail, nudging against his tender little asshole before pushing forward roughly, sinking into his own son's ass, one hand going to push down on his back dominantly, rising up more behind him and sinking inch after inch of his manhood into the young fox.

[19:45 PM]*Katias gave a sly smile to the word "Pet". While it made him blush and shy-up on the outside, he loved the thought of being a bitch for the alpha male above him on the inside. Kat's train of thought broke as he let out an audible gasp, feeling the big vulpine cock stretch and slide through his insides. "Fuck yes!" was all Katias could manage to squeeze through his clenched teeth. He'd never had someone this size inside him before. It was painful, but he didn't care. One of the most pleasurable things in the young foxes life was getting fucked, and the thought of being someone else's bitch always excited him to great extents.

[19:50 PM]*Korina Vaer grins and grinds harder against him, sinking all the way in, his hips meeting his son's ass and his balls grinding against his smaller set. "Hmmnf... So tight... You don't offer your ass up nearly enough..." He grunts as he starts bucking his hips hard against his son's body, slamming that fat cock into that tight fox ass again and again as he fucked his own submissive son, "Hhahh... Let's show your friends what a slut you are tonight..." He murmurs, leaning over him more, fucking him harder, faster, slamming his hips against that soft, tight ass. "Take pictures of you enjoying your own piss, show them to the friends that don't use you already..."

[19:59 PM]*Katias continues his whimpers and moans until his father speaks, giving somewhat of a proud grin as he states that most don't get the privilege of using his tailhole. As his father continues to talk about telling his friends about his perverted nature, Katias's eyes grow wide with fear and concern. "N-no! Please don't tell them! I-I don't w-wanna lose them! Please!!" Katias begs, on the verge of crying to help prove his point.

[20:02 PM]*Korina Vaer laughs a little and grinds hard forward against him, rumbling into his ear, "Mmh... Then maybe just the friends that are fucking you. Show that your own father lets you be a perverted little fag..." He nipped his ear and leaned back to fuck him again, bucking against his ass again and again, his fingers gripping his hips as he throbs deep inside his son's ass, coating his insides with his precum, "Sooner or later they'll find out... And I don't think you'll lose many. Most might even want a piece of you..." He winks, panting now.

[20:07 PM]*Katias continues to gasp and pant,letting his tongue lull out of his mouth as he closes his eyes slightly, feeling relieved that his secret was safe from his un-knowledgeable friends. "Fuck, this feels amazing!" Katias says through his clenched teeth, feeling his cock bounce a squirt pre on the floor beneath him.

[20:13 PM]*Korina Vaer grunts and pounds him harder, faster, the clopping sound of his hips meeting his son's ass filling the living room, his hard cock pounding into his ass again and again, "You're telling me..." He pants out before gasping, thrusting in one last time and groaning loudly, a large, thick load of hot jizz filling his piss-slut son, grinding against him hard. "F-fuck, take it, bitch!" He snarls, shuddering and holding onto the smaller male's body.

[20:20 PM]*Katias can't help himself as he loses self-control, bringing a paw back and stroking his cock furiously, clenching all his muscles as he yells "Fuck!" One last time. Followed by the faint sound of squirts on the carpet, Katias looks down, a big toothy grin on his face as he sees a puddle of cum beginning to form beneath his being.

[20:22 PM]*Korina Vaer grunts as he pumps his hot load into his son's depths, feeling him cumming, clenching around him. He pants as he slowly pulls out, that humanoid cock easily sliding out, "Mmnf... Dirty boy..." He coos as he squeezes his ass, grinding against his body some, smearing cum against him, "Good bitch... My bitch..." He grins at him, still holding himself close to his son's body.

[20:28 PM]*Katias loved the thought of being a "Dirty boy" to his father. The only thing he loved more was the feeling of his dads fat cock smearing jizz all over his furry ass. "Yes master, I am your bitch." After a moment, Katias says "That was fucking awesome.", before gasping and covering his mouth, remembering all the bad language he had used in front of his father just moments ago.

_[20:32 PM]_Katias: I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to say all those things... *As Kat apologizes, it's quite obvious that he's intimidated by his father, and he seems to be stuck in the mind set of their old "vanilla" father son relationship*

[20:35 PM]*Korina Vaer pets a hand along his spine, down to his ass, before standing up and stretching, "Mmh.... That's right. I'll make sure to pick up a collar and a leash tomorrow." He laughs when his son apologizes, tail wagging, "Kat... I just fucked you. I just bent you over and used your ass after pissing on you. I think you can swear around me..." He reaches down to spank him before offering him a hand to get up, grinning wide, "Now... I think I'm going to change one of those rules I set for you, somewhat." He winked, stepping away and coming back with a newspaper. He gestures for his son to follow, his pants now lost somewhere in the house, the older fox stud just wearing a shirt. He'd head up to his son's room, "I think there'll just be three places you can piss, pet..."

[20:39 PM]*Katias smiles, feeling an intimate connection with his father as he takes his father's paw and stands back up. Katias has confusions written all over his face as he asks "What do you mean? Change it how?" As he takes the hint and follows behind his father.

[20:41 PM]*Katias enters his room and begins to sniff the air around him, smelling the scent of his master lingering around like a cloud of musk.

[20:44 PM]*Korina Vaer grins as he starts laying out that newspaper in one corner of his room, the only one that was open, really. "First off, you'll get walkies, like a bitch should... But if you're out in public, you'd better swallow down that piss, whether you aim up at your own mouth, or use a cup..." He licks his lips and stands up straight, "Otherwise, you go on the newspaper here like a dog... And if you don't do any of that, your master isn't going to fuck you, understand?"

[20:50 PM]*Katias says "Yes master" as he looks down at the paper longingly, as if he needs to use it. "May I try it out, master?" Asks Katias, an obvious blush rising in his face as he pictures pissing for his dad to watch.

[20:52 PM]*Korina Vaer gives a grin and a nod, crossing his arms and stepping back, "Don't hesitate to be really filthy. I know what kind of dirty bitch you are..." He winks, licking his lips and waiting to see the show.

[21:03 PM]*Katias blushes as he gets on all fours and slowly walks up to the paper like a dog. For added effect, Katias leans in and closes his eyes, picking up on the scent of the ink before deciding it's a good place to take a leak. With a final clearing of his throat, Katias leans back into his four legged position, swivels so that his flank is facing towards the wall, and lifts his leg. Moments later, Kat's cock tip pokes out of its sheath, pointing at the wall as it lets loose. The only sounds that can be heard in the room are the sigh of relief coming from Kat's mouth, and the rushing sound of piss smacking against the wall. From his father's angle, he can see as the droplets of piss bounce off the wall and soak into his closest forearm and lifted leg. Katias looks back to see as the yellow stain on the wall leaks down, hitting the paper and forming a puddle.

[21:04 PM]*Korina Vaer would rumble loudly as he watched, grinning wide, "Good little slut..." He coos, his tail wagging slowly behind him as he watched his son mark the wall like a bitch, stepping forward to even reward him with a grope, watching him spray his hot piss against the wall, staining it, and having it run down the wall into the newspaper and the carpet below.

[21:08 PM]*Katias feels as his father comes forth as gropes his balls, and he begins to blush when his father accidentally puts his paw in the stream, causing it to squirt up and hit him in the stomach.

[21:09 PM]*Korina Vaer chuckles, not seeming to mind the piss splashing against his paw and his son's stomach, even rubbing his cock and balls harder, making his stream go wild, "Dirty little pup..." He said happily, tail wagging as he squeezes his nuts again.

[21:14 PM]*Katias moans as his father begins to squeeze. While his father may not have noticed it right away, the squeeze angled Kat's stream at his wrist, causing the pale yellow fur to turn a darker yellow. Katias felt as though it was a marking post, and that he was a feral fox marking its territory. That territory being himself, of course.

[21:17 PM]*Korina Vaer grins and leans in close to kiss that round ass, standing up again and giving a spank with his wet hand, his cock now half-hard again, tail wagging.

[21:19 PM]*Katias notices that he's beginning to run low, as quick, small squirts of piss begin to rain down onto his wrist. As Katias lets go of his final squirt, he sighs, laying his leg down accidentally in his own piss before standing back up.

[21:38 PM]*Korina Vaer huffs and grins. His son smelled like himself, true, but he undoubtedly smelled like his own piss, showing that the young fox didn't mind marking himself with his own urine. "Good boy..." He praises, tail wagging as he casts him a wink, starting to go over to his closet, "So where's that girly outfit of yours...?"

[21:42 PM]*Katias begins to wag his tail at the praise of being a "Good boy". It's in the closet, master. I keep it in the far right paw side!

[21:50 PM]*Korina Vaer nods and licks his lips, "Alright..." He said as he went through his things, grabbing the skirt and hopefully a matching top to go with it. He'd hang them off of some other clothes, so it was covering the sides of them, before taking a step back and gripping his shaft. "Mm, you'll be the prettiest girl at school tomorrow." He teases as he pushes on his bladder, sighing as a stream would start from the tip of his cock, dribbling onto the carpet at first before gaining strength and climbing to land on that skirt with a loud patter, immediately soaking through it into the clothes on the other side.

[22:00 PM]*Katias couldn't help but smile as he watched his father piss on his skirt. As humiliating as it was for Katias to admit it, he absolutely loved it when people took a leak on his property, as if his feelings on the subject didn't matter. Katias decided to sit down and watch the show, forgetting that his dad had soaked the bed a few hours previously. With a gasp, Kat's eyes grew wide as the damp, stale urine began to soak into his butt, tail, and thighs.

[22:02 PM]*Korina Vaer sighed as he spread his urine this way and that, soaking those shirts and pants hanging in his closet. He even leans in and pushes the wet skirt aside to push his pissing cock between a few shirts, making sure to soak them nice and deep before moving down a few and doing the same. He looks back when he hears the gasp, chuckling when he realized what his son did, "Get used to it... I'm going to piss in your dog house tonight before you sleep, too..."

[22:11 PM]*Katias nods before he looks down, a blush creeping across his face as he thinks about his first night sleeping as a pet. Katias lays back on the bed, listening to the loud *Squish*. He loves his father's scent, and the thought of his daddy pissing in his doghouse before he sleeps was turning him on.

[22:17 PM]*Korina Vaer chuckles and sighs, cutting off his stream and leaving those clothes -soaked- and dripping, his tail wagging quickly behind him, "Loving your new life, pet?" He asks as he steps over to his son's bed, reaching down to squeeze his nuts again, winking at him, "You can invite as many friends to your little dog house as you want, and bring anything you want... But be warned that I'll be soaking it... Oh, and we should get you a doggy dish, too... Maybe two, one for piss, and one for food."

[22:25 PM]*Katias quickly responded to his masters question. "Yes master. I'm loving this "special attention". Katias gives a gentle sigh before closing his eyes, taking in his father's scent. Only a matter of moments pass before he opens his eyes wide, feeling the strong, masculine paw squeeze his fuzzy white balls. As Katias watches his father turn around and begin to leave the room, he begins to ponder what to bring. Finally deciding on a blanket and his phone, Katias picks them up and follows close behind.

[22:28 PM]*Korina Vaer nods and grins over his shoulder back at the teen, "Good..." He said as he lead the way downstairs and outside, in the backyard where the dog house was currently set up. He was glad they invested in a tall fence... He would stop in front of the dog house and gesture, "Alright, toss your things in, including your clothes." He said as he squeezed his semi-hard cock, "No dog bowl tonight, sadly, but maybe tomorrow..."

[22:35 PM]*Katias smiles as he tosses the blanket and the phone into the doghouse before removing his shirt and throwing it in as well. Katias was completely nude at this point, but that didn't seem to bug him. As he stood a couple feet away, he couldn't help but let out a joyful giggle as the handsome fox before him was about to piss in his bed.

[22:37 PM]*Korina Vaer aims into the dog house once everything is inside, releasing the rest of his bladder into his bed and on his shirt and phone, sighing as he pushes harder, emptying his bladder completely. He had a lot to give, piss starting to run out the entrance by the time he was done, assuring that his son was probably going to still be wet when he woke up in the morning. "Mm. Perfect... You going to invite people over?" He asks as he shakes off his cock, gesturing at the thankfully waterproof cell phone.

[22:41 PM]*Katias smiles, stepping forward and giving his father a gentle kiss on the lips before nodding. "Yes master. If that's ok with you?"

[22:42 PM]*Korina Vaer chuckles and kisses him back, spanking his ass and squeezing it with a wink, "Take pictures of them, I wanna see your friends abusing my little bitch..."

_[22:49 PM]_Katias: As Katias watched his master walk away, he couldn't help but to call back to him. "Thank you, dad... I love you." Katias then turned to the doghouse and looked down at the puddle forming out of the entrance and smiled. Katias knelt down and began to crawl, the sounds of splashing echoed throughout the small wooden room. Once he was comfortable, Katias opened his phone and hit a number in his speed dial. After a brief pause, Katias said "Hey Jerry. Want to come over? I have some cool news."