The Risk is the Reward 7

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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#7 of The Risk is the Reward

Jayson is taken on a trip to the mall by Mistress and he happens across a couple strapping young men. I wonder what might happen!

EDIT: I have edited this chapter a bit at the end. I was having a damn hard time deciding what would come next when I realized the whole confronting his parents thing was not something that I could write believably and realistically would be kind of boring and I think it would have kind of destroyed the Jayson character and damaged the Mistress character. And it'd be difficult to get to where I want to go, so I changed that up a bit. I know it's kinda sacrilege to change a plot point after it's published, but hopefully you'll forgive me now that I think I can continue with further chapters.


This story is of an adult nature and therefore, if you are under 18, you need to not read this. However, if you do choose to not heed my warning, don't let your parents sue me!


It seemed like days, even months that Jayson hung there in the tight, confining sack. The rabbit slung slowly throughout the night and he did sleep some of it, while others left him dealing with phantom visions he thought he saw from the corner of his eyes. Sometimes, he thought he heard his parents or Mistress calling him name, but this was all in the boy's head. Suddenly, Jayson felt himself being moved, but he began to write it off as another hallucination, but his vision was dominated by light as Mistress pulled the mask off, flooding light into his eyes.

"Wake up, slut. We've got another lesson for you today," Mistress said, looking at the bound bunny, "Now...I shouldn't _need_to give you an incentive to please me, but...if you're a good little bitch, I plan on giving you your new name today. Despite yesterday's fiasco, you've been trying, at least."

Jayson blinked a little bit as he listened to her. He _had_been trying. Somewhere along the line, he'd begun to want to please Mistress. How could that have happened? As he was lowered a bit unceremoniously to the floor, Mistress began to undo the straps on the bag and open the bag up.

"Go eat your food, clean your dish and then go to your room to put on something slutty. And I want that tattoo visible, bitch," Mistress said simply as she walked away to go put the bag back in its place, leaving Jayson alone.

This was his chance! Mistress--the otter had left him alone and the door was right there! He glanced over his shoulder to confirm he was alone and he quickly looked back to the front door. He could easily get out. But...he'd been so good for Mis...but she made him do those things. And now he had a chance to escape! But...he didn't have any clothes on and he could get arrested...but he could tell them that she made him do it! Yes, that was the best plan. He had to be quick about it, though. Jayson got up to his feet and made his way toward the door, but a sudden thought came into his head. Mistress _did_know where he lived. And she'd be so disappointed in him after he's come so far...Jayson didn't want Mistress to be disappointed him in. he supposed he had better eat first before actually trying to escape, anyway. You know, to keep his strength up.

So, instead, his feet turned and he walked into the kitchen where on the floor was some oatmeal in a dog dish, which made Jayson blush intensely. After letting out a quiet whimper, the boy knelt on the floor and tried to daintily eat from the dish without getting too much on his muzzle. After five minutes or so, the bunny got up from the floor and went over toward the sink to wash out his dish and set it back upon the floor.

With that complete, Jayson compliantly went to the stairs and mounted them up to the girly room. There was even a flutter in his chest as he remembered her calling it 'his' room. The bunny blushed gently as he went to the closet. He had no idea what Mistress had meant by slutty, but he thought that maybe it was a test. Nervously, he thumbed through all the clothes and couldn't help but blush intensely as he picked a few things out, putting them on the bed. He even felt his sheath beginning to thicken a little bit. How could he be getting aroused by this?!

The bunny cried out as he felt a sharp smack across his bare ass and heard Mistress' voice, "Stand right there, slut," and then he gasped, feeling something metal being pushed down over his crotch. He quickly looked down, seeing what looked like some medieval chastity device being pressed around him. He swallowed and let out a soft whimper as Mistress silently locked it onto him. It felt extremely tight and it seemed to also serve to smush his poor bits closer to his body. In fact, it looked remarkably flat. Once the belt was locked on at the side, she smacked his still bare ass and barked, "Hurry the fuck up! We don't have all day for you to be a little pussy. Put them on!" with that, Jayson picked up the bright pink thong he'd chosen and blushed intensely. The otteress leaned back against the door frame with a bit of an amused expression on her face as Jayson began to put on a rather short black skirt. It reached down about mid-thigh on him. He then pulled on a pink belly shirt with spaghetti-straps. It looked a size too small, only reaching just above his belly button.

"God, you look like such a whore. Good," the otteress said with an air of disgust in her voice, making Jayson go to put on makeup and lipstick. Mistress then gave a sudden yank to the collar around the boy's neck to lead him back down the stairs. Jayson had, of course, no idea what Mistress had planned for him, but he didn't think he would like it. The boy hesitated as he was lead out into the daylight. He whimpered quietly as he was lead to the passenger door and made to get in.

Soon, the couple were driving once again, Mistress remaining quiet. This made Jayson quite nervous, but she had told him that if he was good, she'd give him a new name. He wasn't sure why that made him almost happy, but it did make him blush. They soon pulled into a parking lot he knew well. It was the very one where is adventure began, where he jerked that guy off in the bathroom. He looked a little bit confused and looked to Mistress as she drove into a space.

"Get out," she said simply and left the car. Since Jayson rarely moved fast enough for her taste, she was growling softly as she opened his door to yank him out. Jayson was completely humiliated having to walk around in such an extremely public place dressed like this and he pulled slightly at her paw, which only drew a sharp smack to his face.

"Don't start this shit again, cunt. Follow me," she told him sternly as she grabbed a large purse-like bag from the car, which she made Jayson carry as they approached the front doors to the mall. For an hour or so, Jayson was lead throughout the mall. His eyes remained down at the ground, the boy blushing quite a lot. He felt that everyone could see through the clothing and see him as a sissy male dressed up, but he actually noticed himself getting a couple looks of attraction from some of the males they passed. His hips began to swing a little in a feminine way as he tried to keep up the facade, not wanting to draw any more undo attention to himself.

A little while later, Mistress lead the bunny into the food court. Jayson remembered the last time they'd gone to eat out in public and the bunny let out a quiet whimper. Mistress seemed to know immediately what he was thinking and she chuckled, as if to confirm his fears. She walked over to find a seat and bid Jayson to sit down, but on her knee. A little more hesitantly than Mistress would have liked, he turned and rested his girlish butt down on her thigh.

"Here's the deal. Those two boys have been following us every since we came in. I think they like you. But, they probably just saw your tattoo and want to take you up on the offer. Now...if you want to eat today at all, I want two loads of spunk buried up that tight pussy of yours, you got me? I don't care how it happens, but if it's not there in the next...thirty minutes, you're going hungry today," the otteress told him, whispering softly in his ear. His eyes widened as he listened. He'd almost forgotten all about the tattoo. He'd been showing it off to everyone in the mall!

"Oh my god...but...M-mistress, please, I don't even..." he began to say, which of course caused Mistress to firmly grip the back of his neck and yank him slightly.

"I know you're not talking back to me. You know better than that. Because now, if you don't have two gooey wads of jizz up that hole of yours in thirty minutes, I'm going to strip you naked and shackle you in that bathroom for the rest of the day for anyone to use, you little shit-head. Your time starts now," she said to him, a warning growl in her voice as she gave a firm shove to his neck and pushed him off her lap.

Jayson's heart was pounding. She couldn't expect him to just walk up to two random guys and just get them to have sex with him! What if they weren't even interested? His feet seemed to propel him closer to the two, who he now saw more clearly. One was a canine, a border collie dressed up like a preppy jock, with khaki cargo shorts and a green polo. The other, a brown bear, stood taller and rounder than the collie and was dress in blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

He had no idea what he was going to do. The bunny was blushing brightly. What if, up close, they realized he was a guy. Surely they would beat the shit out of him...would Mistress protect him? He had no idea.

"Hey there, baby," a voice said, shaking Jayson from his thoughts. He realized he was now standing in front of the two males, who were both taller than him. He swallows nervously and forced himself to smile, but he was sure it didn't look genuine. The two boys didn't seem to notice.

"Hey, guys...doing some shopping?" Jayson asked, putting on the tenor of a feminine voice, one in which he'd started to get quite good at.

"You could say that..." came the rather deep voice of the bear who now stood slightly behind the border collie. The bear made Jayson shiver, his gaze definitely more intense than the rather air-headed jock.

"Hell yeah, girl...definitely couldn't help but notice you, though...I'm Tyler and this is Rock. Well, his real name's Mike, but everyone on the team calls 'in Rock. Don't they?" he asked, hitting the back of his paw into the bear's chest. Jayson couldn't help but notice that the bear didn't move a muscle when hit.

"Yeah they do. What do they call you?" Rock asked the sissy standing in front of him.

Jayson panicked. He wasn't sure what he should say his name was. He opened his mouth without a reply ready, but was sort of glad and sort of even more humiliated as Rock spoke again.

"Maybe we should just call you Slut, huh?" the bear said as he reached a paw out, sliding a finger slowly over the exposed part of the tattoo on Jayson's chest. The bunny knew he was running out of time and he knew he had to bite down the humiliation.

He forced a bit of a smile and took a step closer, "That depends on...whether you plan on needing my name for...anything."

The collie laughed, "Daaamn, dude! I told you she wanted nice girl's gonna have a tat like that! You wanna come back to our place, baby?"

Jayson's heart was pounding, more humiliation setting in as he was labeled as not a "nice girl". He swallowed, knowing he couldn't very well leave. His thoughts immediately went to the secluded bathroom he'd been to all those days ago and smiled.

"I know a place here guys aren't too chicken," he said, figuring offending their manhoods might convince them to take him up on the offer.

"I'm not chicken! Come on, Rock, let's show this girl, huh?" Tyler said and grinned as he slid an arm around the girly bunny's waist. Jayson lead the two to the bathroom, knowing Mistress had watched them walk away. He nervously lead the two inside and looked around, not seeing anyone around. He gasped as he turned around, paws soon rubbing over his flat chest. He yiped as fingers pinched his nipples.

"Rock's a tit man, usually, but I said to him...'Dude, look at that ass...more than makes up for her small tits'," he said and quickly moved in to press his muzzle firmly to Jayson's kissing him. The bunny looked shocked, but quickly recovered and pressed back into the kiss. Rock moved around behind the girly bunny's hands pressing to his ass firmly and giving them a squeeze.

"Yeah, definitely a nice fuckable ass, bro," the large bear said, chuckling as he lifted Jayson's skirt. His paws quickly tugged down his panties and looked confused, "The fuck?"

Jayson immediately remembered the chastity belt he had one and he blushed quite a bit, breaking character a little bit as he replied, " parents, they...make me wear this, th...they're super, um...Christian. But...I love it up...up m-my...ass," he said, the bunny unable to believe he'd just said something so dirty. The guys laughed at that, of course and Rock firmly smacked at Jayson's firm girly ass.

"Aw, sorry to hear that, babe. Well, we'll give you all the dick you want. Go on, get it out, you slut," Tyler said with a grin, to which Jayson's slightly shaking paws began to fumble with the collie's shorts. A pretty average sheath flopped out, the dog apparently going commando that day. Jayson blushed deeply, looking down at it, knowing soon he'd have it in his mouth. A paw that Jayson assumed was Rock's pressed to the back of his head, the bunny suddenly bent over at the waist as his nose was mashed firmly to Tyler's sheath and balls. Jayson's whimper came out rather girly and made the two males chuckle.

The bunny looked up submissively at Tyler who looked down with a little bit of a sneer. Jayson's muzzle opened as he tongue slid out to drag across the musky dog sheath, which had quickly begin to peek red flesh from the tip.

"Damn, dude...bunny girls got soft tongues," Tyler said, to which Rock didn't say anything but just kept fondling the bent over bunny's ass. The bunny gasped into that sheath, feeling the bear suddenly spitting on Jayson's exposed pucker and he realized that Rock planned on taking him first.

The collie looked over with a little bit of a scowl, "Fuck, man! You got to fuck the last one first. It's gonna be like a hot dog down a hallway for me."

The bear laughed a little, flipping a middle finger, "Then stop me, bitch," the bear said back, but apparently the collie had no issue as soon as Jayson's tongue began to slide around the tip of that cock, making him groan out. A thick bear cock suddenly flopped down across the girly bunny ass, making Jayson moan instinctively and squirm his hips. Another load of spit and the bear was smearing it all over that dick before the fat tip nudged under Jayson's cotton tail. Both 'bros' apparently did this quite often before just as that tip pressed to Jayson's tailhole, Tyler did the same to the bunny's lip and both forced their way in at the same time. Jayson's eyes shot wide, feeling his ass being stretched wider than it had been before. He felt like it was a foot long, but really it was thick, but only about 7 and a half inches. Tyler's 6 inches of dog cock forced its way down Jayson's throat without much car, making the inexperienced sissy cough and gag around it.

At that point, both males stopped really caring _who_they were fucking, or even caring about whether Jayson was comfortable. The lapin felt the growing dog knot mashing against his lips over and over as his mouth was fucked. His eyes were shut tightly as he felt that bear shaft plowing into him, stretching his hole wider with each rough thrust. Rock's big thick bear paws gripped at Jayson's hips and tugged him back to make sure every single centimeter was buried up into the warm tight hole. He growled out in pleasure, but apparently he had a bit of a hair trigger. It wasn't long until the bear growled out and gave a firmly rough slam into that hole. It was then that Jayson realized he didn't even consider using protection as thick loads of bear semen flooded his hole.

Rock stayed inside of him for a few moments before tugging out to give a sharp smack to Jayson's ass, "Not bad, girl...fuck, never had a girl let me fuck her bare before. Here, bro. Lubed her up for you."

Tyler laughed and both males high fived as the dog also pulled out, apparently planning on mounting the poor girly bunny, too. The whole time, Jayson was finding it difficult to maintain his girly demeanor and act like he wasn't utterly humiliated by the whole situation. In fact, he was very glad for the chastity belt. His cock really wanted to get hard, but it was actually a bit painful with how it was kept soft.

Jayson squeaked out in shock as suddenly the canine gripped at his scruff to tug the girly boy up and shove him over against the wall near the door. Without much warning the dog cock was pushed firmly up into Jayson. Bear cum had begun to drool down his thighs and he moaned out, the noise actually legitimate as pleasure shocked him, that cock dragging across his prostate.

Tyler laughed, paws gripping at Jayson's hips so he could quickly fuck him now, "Uhn...oh fuck, love this dick, slut?"

Jayson blushed deeply and whimpered like a girl as he quickly nodded, "Ye...yes, oh g-god...fu-fuck me..."

Tyler groaned, obviously enjoying hearing a girl beg him for his cock. Those fingers gripped more tightly as he quickly began to force that cock quickly into the still-pretty-tight cock. The bunny's paws desperately gripped at the wall, his face rubbing against the cool smooth tile. The thoughts running through Jayson's head as the canine's cock slid in and out of his bear cum-filled hole. How he'd gotten there and everything. Suddenly, a feeling began to grow into him and he realized he was about to cum.

Jayson's toes curled tightly and he tossed his head back, crying out, his hips humping back quickly. Inside the chastity belt certainly did its work to him Jayson from getting hard, but the orgasm still ripped through him, a bit of his spunk filling the belt. His hole squeezed tightly around the dog's cock, making Tyler bark out in pleasure. Another few quick thrusts and the jock dog bit down hard on Jayson's scruff and shoved his dick all the way into the bunny. The knot ground against Jayson's ass, but Tyler at least had the wherewithal to not tie inside of Jayson. A second unprotected male's load was soon spurting into Jayson, making the bunny moan as those hips ground against his ass.

"Ohhhh fuck...we needed this, baby...been pent up since the game," Tyler told him as he slowly released the bite and also gave a nice swat to the bunny's exposed ass. After a few tense moments, he slowly tugged himself out, leaving Jayson empty once again.

Jayson wanted to get out of there as quickly possible and he shakily tried to pull his panties back up to keep the cum contained and wouldn't be seen by anyone else. He could already feel the cum leaking into the crotch of them and cooling a little bit.

"I...I really need to get back need to go," Jayson said, leaving the two males in the bathroom with satisfied grins on their faces, apparently not concerned about the 'girl' anymore after getting off. As the sissy walked down the hall to try and get back to the food court, he hoped that he hadn't taken too much time. He almost felt as if everyone knew what he'd just done. He could have sworn everyone was looking at him with a disapproving look, but eventually, he did see Mistress sitting at the table, eating a salmon salad sandwich.

"Well,, tell me what happened, girl. And I want explicit details. Stand here in front of me," the otteress told Jayson and pointed to the floor with her footpaw.

Jayson whimpered quietly, feeling more of the combined males' cum leaking into his panties as he looked to the food that Mistress had apparently bought for him, a garden salad. Looking back, he looked to the floor, blushing quite a bit, "We...we went into...this...b-bathroom and, um...the b-bear...he...f....f-fucked my ass, M-mistress...and I...sucked on the dog's...dick," the bunny said, trying to keep his voice down, when he suddenly felt Mistress step down a little firmly on his foot.

"Louder, I can't hear you."

His eyes widened, quickly looking up. Another whimper slipped out, knowing others were around him, "The bear...fucked my ass while I...sucked the dog off and...then he...fucked me against the wall."

A few patrons looked over in shock, some in disgust. Mistress ignored them, and grinned, "What a good girl...and you let them both cum in that tight little pussy?"

Jayson's face felt like it was on fire and he nodded slowly, "Ye...yes, Mistress..." he said and then added something before he could even stop himself, immediately regretting it, "I c...c-came, Mistress..."

The otteress' expression was one he couldn't read as she heard his confession. He knew one of the rules was that he could not cum without permission. He squeaked as suddenly, her paw shot out, pressing up under Jayson's legs, pulling him closer but gripping his ass, rubbing all that bear and dog cum into his ass fur.

"What a little know the rules. At the same time, you're certainly progressing quite nicely. A proper girl never needs to touch herself to cum. are going to be punished, but I'm also going to reward you later. Now, eat your salad and be fucking quick about it," the otteress said, before pulling her paw back to wipe the slightly cum-covered paw all over the front of Jayson's shirt.

Jayson arrived back at Mistress' home about thirty minutes later, the otteress leading the girly bunny into the house. The bunny was getting a little bit worried. Mistress hadn't said anything the whole time since after she'd told him he was going to be rewarded and punished. After standing into the entrance to the house, Mistress lead him in and sharply smacked his ass, "Get your clothes off, slut. You know the rules."

Jayson did as he was told, trying to be careful and fold them carefully before setting them upon the kitchen table. He was naked except for the chastity device and cuffs around his limbs. Mistress actually smiled a little bit, gesturing for the bunny to follow. She walked over and sat down upon the couch in the living room. Jayson quickly knelt on the floor in front of her feet, which also drew a bit of a grin as the otteress saw him being quite obedient.

"You've been quite a good girl today. As promised, you will get your new name today. And as your reward, I'm going to let you choose from three. So, I decided on Bernice, Hannah, and Vickie. So, you have one minute to decide before I will pick for you. Rub Mistress' feet, too, girl," she said, pressing a sexy footpaw into Jayson's lap.

The bunny's eyes widened, hearing that he was going to be choosing a new name for himself now. His paws quickly reached down to grasp at her foot. He shivered as she let him touch her openly. His fingers began to stroke and squeeze at her, the bunny having never actually _given_a foot massage before. His brain was going through the three names. There were so many things to consider, but he only had a minute.

Mistress groaned quietly, obviously enjoying her pet's paws rubbing at her foot, "Ten seconds, slut."

Jayson's heart pounded, when suddenly he just squeaked out, "V-vickie, Mistress!"

Mistress smiled a bit, lifting her other footpaw up to press it firmly to Jayson, or Vickie's now, face and said, "Lick."

Jayson blushed intensely, doing as he was told. His cock was trying to get hard again in the chastity cage as he was forced to lick Mistress' foot. His tongue slide out and dragged along the underside of her foot, whimpering quietly.

"So, Vickie, hmm? Exotic. Nice and slutty. Well, good. That is your name now, slut. If you ever see anyone you knew before, you _will_correct them, you understand me?"

Jayson blushed intensely and nodded against her footpaw as he licked along the side of her warm footpaw, "Y....yes, Mistress..." he mumbled softly.

Mistress' toe pushed into the bunny's mouth and he instantly began to suck on it, moaning quietly, which drew a chuckle from the otteress, "Now...I've made a decision. Your parents are coming back tomorrow. You've shown promise over the past week, slut, and I've decided you're going to live here now. You're never going to see your parents again. I'm sure they'll be glad to not have the burden of a sissy little faggot son anymore."

Jayson looked shocked as he heard her say that. Ultimately, he'd assumed that this was just something that Mistress was doing to him until his parents got home, but that seemed to not be the case. He tried to pull back to protest, but the otter lifted her other footpaw down onto the back of his head to keep him in place, forcing him to keep sucking on her toe.

"That's right, Vickie...this is your home now. You're going to be my little slut girl and learn to be all proper and obedient. So, I've got something for you. Stay," Mistress said as she pulled her feet away and got up to leave.

Jayson knelt there on the floor with an intense blush on his cheeks. He had no idea what was going to happen. Would they look for him? Maybe they'd send the police to look for him! But, the would have no idea where he was... But, then...they had been so angry on the phone. Mistress returned shortly and was holding a velvet bag as well as what appeared to be...waste paper basket? She set the bag down and pulled out what appeared to be a metal collar and four smaller metal rings. He'd worn a collar for a few days before, but this one looked different. It was a metal circle with a hint of a hinge on the back and three rings. Inlaid along the middle of the wide ring was a pink stripe. The smaller rings were identical except just smaller. Mistress held the collar down, letting Jayson see the tag which dangled from it. The tag was in the shape of a carrot and had been colored pink. It simply said: Vickie on one line and on the next line, it said: Public Slut. On the back of the tag, Jayson was shown that it says: If found, fuck this slut all you like before returning her here. He then saw an address listed.

"Don't get your hopes up, slut. That's not my address there. It's an empty storefront which simply contains a cage to keep you until I come to get you. But, it won't really come to that," the ottress said with a grin as she opened the metal collar, closing it around Jayson's neck. It looked as if it were made to fit his neck perfectly before as the hinged thing closed and locked together in the back, it fit snugly without constricting his breathing. He would easily be able to clean underneath it. Next, the wrists cuffs went on, snapping shut around his wrists and then the ankle cuffs. He could actually see the key hole on them, plugged up by a rubber stopper, no doubt so dirt and water didn't get into the mechanism.

"This, Vickie, is your new collar and cuffs. They are not coming off unless i want them to. They are made of titanium and were quite expensive. You would need a specialist saw to get them off without the key. It also has a built in GPS so I can always find you," Mistress told him, "I may allow you to remove them on occasion, but make no mistake; if you piss me off, I will simply destroy this key. And, yes, this is the only key."

Next, Mistress indicated the waste basket, but upon closer was a paper shredder? The dominant otteress sat on the couch and pulled out a manilla folder, setting it on the couch beside her and opened it up. Inside were a bunch of documents. Vickie looked confused for a moment until he saw his name. The otter looked to him, "This is your old life, Vickie. We're going to get rid of it. Now, take the first item and put it in the shredder."

The bunny gasped, a bit wide-eyed, looking up, forgetting himself a bit, "M...mistress, please! Please, not...not this, I'll be good, I swea--" he started to plead, yelping out as the otter reached down to firmly smack him across the muzzle.

"Shut up! I don't give a shit how you think you'll be. You are here to do what the fuck I tell you. If I have to shred these myself, you are going to be in deep fucking trouble, slut. Now, take the first item, tell me what it is, and put it in the fucking shredder!" she yelled, the otter growling aggressively down at the cowering bunny. At the very least, he knew not to try to reach up to rub his now-burning cheek.

The bunny sobbed as he reached out with a shaky paw, plucking up the first item. He saw his former masculine face with an awkward grin that everyone has on their driver's license, "M...m-my driver's license..." he says, the shaky paw moving the card to the paper shredder which came to life. He heard the grinding and chipping as it disappeared into the basket.

"That's a good girl. No need for that anymore. Next," the otter told him, leaning back on the couch now that the sissy was complying.

Next he reached a shaky paw for a smaller card, the boy whimpering softly, " card..." he said quietly. The shredder was much more easily able to eat that card, considering it was pretty much just paper. Tears streamed down the boy's face as he was forced to destroy his entire life up til this point. He, then, saw the last document in the folder. His birth certificate. The boy's tears came a bit harder and he risked a glance up at Mistress.

The otter looked down at him, her gaze a little bit softer. It was as if she knew this was a bit of a turning point in his life. And it certainly was. She reached down, making Vickie flinch, but her fingers just lightly stroked along his cheek, "Go on, girl. Last one and your new life will begin. Jayson will cease to exist. It's for your own good."

The touch to his face felt good. He hadn't gotten much affection the entire time here, but it was enough to shakily grab the certificate. He looked down at his name, the names of his parents, the place he was born...the date, the time. It was all destroyed and chewed up within seconds as it went into the shredder. Jayson, now Vickie cried openly on the floor at where he'd arrived in just a week. At the same time, he felt an odd...sense of relief. He tried to shake it away. He shouldn't be relieved! What was wrong with him?

Mistress looked down at Vickie, "And, now for your punishment. You know one of your rules is you're not allowed to cum without my saying so. So, for your punishment, you're going to keep this cage on for the next three days and for any time you cum, I will add on three days. And for disobeying me a little bit ago, we'll add on another day."

Jayson whimpered out quietly, but didn't have a lot of time to realize the punishment he was going to endure before he realized that Mistress was tugging open the button of her pants. She lifted her hips and pulled those pants down, exposing her bare sex to Jayson. He looked confused and a little shocked as she kicked those pants off. Reaching for the remote, she turned it on and looked to the TV, "Get over here and eat me out, slut. And if I cum before this show is over, I will knock two days off of your punishment."

Jayson gasped softly and quickly crawled closer. He could smell the otter's arousal easily, making him blush as he figured she was horny from dominating the bunny boy. With little reluctance, he leaned in, his muzzle pressing to the damp otter pussy. Mistress gasped softly, feeling the sissy boy's tongue dragging through her folds. He was obviously still inexperienced, but eager to actually be with a female. He moaned softly, shivering as he tasted her for only the second time, trying his best to not get hard, but it was a difficult task when one was licking a girl's sex. He pushed his tongue into her, shivering as his paws pressed to her thighs, spreading them slightly.

Mistress moaned out softly, looking down at Jayson as the bunny did his best to lick Mistress' sex. He made a few lewd slurping noises, his lips sucking at her folds, which made her moan out a little louder, "Ohh...good girl...Eat Mistress..."

Jayson's blush grew quickly, realizing she wasn't even paying attention to the show anymore when a paw pressed to the back of his head to push his face more between her legs. Mistress' fingers gripped at his headfur as her hips began to grind and hump a little bit at the bunny's face, that tongue delving further into her pussy. Mistress had been pent up all day, knowing that Jayson was being pounded by those two jocks and just the thought was enough to get her close. Her other paw pressed to Jayson's head as she moaned out loudly, her hips grinding and humping more desperately.

"Oh fu...fuck...oh my god...Here it comes!" Mistress cried out, her hips arching as she humped firmly at his face, the bunny's muzzle, nose, and lips smearing all over to rub her scent into him as she came hard. The otter's toes curled tightly as she orgasmed against Jayson's face, honey splattering and smearing into his face. Once she'd finished, and the pleasure began to wane, she slowly released his face and pushed him away with one of her footpaws.

"Not...not bad, slut. Don't worry, you're going to be getting plenty of pussy from now on, toy. Time for you to get to bed," Mistress said and stood up bottomless, "Crawl."

Jayson blushed as he was lead along, thinking he was going to the place under stairs. To his surprise, he was lead up some stairs and into what he assumed was Mistress' room. In the corner of a room was a dog cage and she pointed to it, "Get in. This is your bed from now on until I feel you've earned sleeping in bed with me." Jayson swallowed and whimpered softly as he crawled into the cage. He didn't even get a chance to turn around in the cage before it was shut, leaving him locked in. Without a word, Mistress turned and left the room while Jayson was forced to remain on all fours. The cage was not big enough to stand in, obviously. In the cage was a bowl filled with water and the bunny once again had conflicting thoughts filling his head as he simply laid down and tried to sleep.