Chapter Four - Next to the Big Tree

Story by XenialShadow on SoFurry

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#5 of Within Escada

Jacob arrives at his hotel, but is met with an unexpected visitor.

Wolfe is afraid.

Scott and Grant have a date.

Originally uploaded in April of 2008.

Within Escada - Chapter Four - Next to the Big Tree


Character Overview

Alexander Kene Stevenson - a 17 year old Arctic fox who recently moved to California from Texas because of a job his dad recently took. He is the allusive center snare that Wolfe has had his eye on but didn't remember was actually the fur he was secretly crushing on. Alex too shares Wolfe's feelings but wanting to keep us sexuality on the down low is choosing to remain 'in the closet' among his new friends, except for Jessica who asked him.

*Warning - Adult Content*

Contains homosexual characters and themes.


Jacob had arrived in Moscow by late afternoon, being entirely exhausted from the flight. He made his way quickly to the hotel that he was to stay at for the next couple days, the urge for a cool and refreshing shower tempting him as he made his way into the lobby.

"Welcome sir, do you have reservations?" A stern horse asked as he keyed into a computer.

"Yes I do, it's under Escada." The wolf stated sheepishly.

The horse searched through the computer and then shook his mane as he reached for a set of key cards.

"You have been upgraded to a suite. I hope you enjoy. Your room is number 616. Do you need help with your bags?" The horse asked with a smile.

"If it's not a bother than yes." The wolf said with a yawn.

Jacob slowly made his way toward the elevators, a bobcat picking up his bags and following at a disturbing distance. When the elevator reached the sixth floor Jacob withdrew his key card and began to search for his room. The bobcat was following close behind him with his bags. He came to the door and slid the card, the lock clicking to acknowledge that it was okay to enter. The room its self was rather large, much like a single bedroom apartment with very nice furnishings.

"Where would you like your bags sir?" The bobcat asked.

"On the bed is fine." Jacob said as he turned to the balcony.

The cat made his way to the bedroom and set the bags on the large bed. Before he left the room he turned to the bed stand, opening it quietly to not draw attention. Inside he reached up to a nearly invisible shelf for a gun holster. He quietly put the silencer on and pocketed the gun, a powerful 35mm handgun. Shutting, the drawer, he made his way back out and turned to face Jacob who was facing away from him overlooking the balcony.

"You know this city is very beautiful, you can see everything from up here." Jacob said, casually putting his paws behind him carefully in his pockets as he turned around.

"It sure is. Except..." The bobcat stopped speaking, blood pooling under his shirt from where the bullet pierced into his chest right through his heart.

"Except when you try to sneak up on someone on a balcony." The wolf chuckled as the fur dropped to the ground.

'Good thing Thomas slipped this in my bag before he left.' Jacob sighed as he made his way toward the phone on the coffee table.

He picked up the receiver and pressed star zero to connect to the front desk.

"Hospitality, how may I help you?" The horse who greeted him earlier said.

"Yes, this is Jacob Escada in room 616. Would it be possibly to send someone up? It appears that your bell boy has been struck down by a heart attack." The wolf grinned as he kicked the limp body.

"... Right away sir. Is there anything else?" The equine said while kicking the shelf behind him.

"Yes, does this hotel have a penthouse?" Jacob said with a smile.

Before the phone had a chance to ring Wolfe hung up the line. Cursing himself for his lack of bravery, he opened his door and went downstairs. As he got to the base of the stairs the lock on the front door began to turn and click, Mark coming in with grocery bags in his arms.

"Hey there Wolfe, I hope you're hungry." Mark said as he made his way toward the kitchen.

Wolfe followed behind Mark quietly; starring down at his foot paws. Alex was completely on his mind and it was bewildering to him as to why he couldn't be brave enough to call him.

'How can I be all cool with him during the day and now I'm completely terrified.' He thought as he picked up a carton of milk and put it into the refrigerator.

The fox was funny and very charming; Wolfe had to keep himself from swooning over the attractive fox.

"What's wrong Wolfe? You're not yourself." Mark said, breaking the silence.

Wolfe stood silently; he had no response to give for his behavior. As he tried to come up with a decent excuse Mark patted Wolfe on the head.

"Cheer up kiddo. It can't be that bad." Mark said as he then reached into the freezer for a chunk of beef, rib eyes.

"I... I don't know..." Wolfe said as he sat on a bar stool that faced the built in grill where Mark was to begin cooking.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mark asked as he ignited the range.

"Not really." Wolfe said as he buried his head into his arms.

Mark was now distracted, he hated to see anyone so gloom and upset. When Jacob was upset and didn't want to talk Mark would get him to the ground and sit on him. The wolf would then fight back and kick all about as he pleaded for Mark to get off. The lion would always say that he would on the condition that he speaks. So... Mark thought that if it worked with Jacob, why not Wolfe? Mark went around the range to the other side of the bar, picking up Wolfe and slinging the pup over his shoulder.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Wolfe said as he began to squirm. Mark ignored every cry. As he made his way to the living room he lifted Wolfe straight into the air and tossed him onto the couch, face first. The wolf tried to get up, but was pinned to the cushions by the lion. Mark then sat on Wolfe's back, the wolf gasping as he tried to fight back with his fists.

"Get off! Let me go!" Wolfe said as he continued to punch Mark.

"Not unless you promise to tell me why you are so depressed." Mark said as he grinned, this was definitely going to work.

"Fine! Just get off! You're heavy and I can't breathe." Wolfe said as he continued to swing.

Mark got up and then sat on the couch. Wolfe, breathing with much labor, sat up.

"Now what is it?" Mark said as he raised his feet and set them on the coffee table.

"Well... I'm embarrassed. It's kind of personal." Wolfe said as he looked down.

"What could it possibly be then?" Mark asked as he continued to grow concerned.

Wolfe had no idea what to say. This was pretty much it; he was going to spill about his sexuality to the guy who was his father's mate. The pup began to tear up, Mark now comforting Wolfe as he tried to figure out what was now disturbing his adopted son.

"Son..." Mark said as he wiped a few tears from wolf's muzzle, "Come on. If there is anyone you can talk to it's me. I'm here for you."

Wolfe began to work himself to normal. He was buried in Mark's shirt, tears staining his button-down silk shirt. Eventually Wolfe calmed down, a few streams running down his face.

"Mark, can you keep this between you and me and not tell my dad?"

Grant had just picked up Scott from his house, he wanted to get out of his boring quarters and get something to eat.

"So where are we going handsome?" Scott said as he reached for the bruin's free paw.

"You'll see when we get there." The bear smiled.

They continued into a larger portion of the city a few miles away. The neon lights reflected off of Grant's car, a Toyota Rav4, as he rounded a corner, Scott squealing in excitement as he saw what was before him.

"We're going to Antonio's?" He said.

"Yep. You said that you wanted to go when I got back." Grant said as he parked.

The two got out of the SUV and made their way to the front door.

When the door was opened, Scott stepped inside and he was hit with the intoxicating aroma of fine Italian cuisine. He began to salivate as he imagined what it was like to be in the kitchen amongst the cooks, busily fulfilling customer's orders.

"Table for two." Grant said to a stout deer.

They followed behind the buck to a booth and took their seats.

"What can I get you two to drink?" Their buck asked.

"Two Dr. Pepper's would be great." Scott said with a toothed grin.

"Right away sirs." The buck then turned to get their drinks.

"So are you happy?" Grant asked as he took the panther's paw.

"Well..." Scott paused," You'll find out a bit later." He winked at Grant.

Grant couldn't wait.

"That's it?" Mark said.

Wolfe nodded in agreement, now having calmed down.

"So are you going to call him?" Mark asked inquisitively.

"I want to and he wants me to." Wolfe said bashfully.

Mark sat up straight, his back popping. He knew where Wolfe was coming from, the uncertainty of whether or not Alex was gay being a bit of a roadblock.

"You should just call him. Just try it and see where it goes." Mark smiled.

Wolfe sighed, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks Dad." Wolfe turned to give Mark a hug.

He quickly ran up the stairs to his room, smiling from being in a better mood.

'Yet another one again,' Mark thought, 'I guess Jacob was right.'

Mark returned to his cooking, reigniting the flames. He sighed and then went to reach for the steaks, but something caught his eye as he moved the plate; Wolfe's phone lied on the counter along with his headset.

'He can't get very far without this little thing.' He thought as he picked up the small phone in his massive hand.

Upon reaching Wolfe's bedroom he soon found that the lupine's entire room had been turned upside down as if a tsunami had torn through it.

"Looking for this?" Mark said as he waved the cell phone in the air.

Wolfe's head popped up from underneath some of his positions, "There it is!"

Mark made this way carefully across the room and handed it to Wolfe.

"Be sure to clean this up." Mark said with a grin.

"Don't worry, I will." The wolf said as he too grinned and jumped onto his bed.

Finishing into his pocket, Wolfe pulled the phone number that Alex had scribbled on a small piece of paper and entered it into his phone. He had already memorized the ten-digit number to where he didn't even need to have pulled the paper out of his pocket. With a final nod he pushed the call button and waited as the phone began to ring.

'Once, twice...'

Scott and Grant were now walking down the sidewalk, taking in the fresh air after a very filling meal. They proceeded to a nearby Starbucks as Scott decided to spark a conversation.

"So do you remember the guy who was talking to Wolfe?" Scott asked.

Yeah, Alex right? What about him?" Grant inquired as he opened the door.

"Well it's obvious that Wolfe is head over heels for him." Scott said almost to himself.

"Tell me something everybody doesn't know." Grant said as he stood in line while Scott took a seat by the line.

He grinned at Scott who laughed lightly at the fact that it really was obvious.

Grant placed the order and then went to sit with the panther. They sat there just looking at one another, saying nothing. Grant knew what Scott was going to ask, he was waiting for him to ask though.

"So what do you think will happen?" Scott said breaking the silence.

"Hopefully none of the same crap he has gone through in the past." He said as he stood up to get their drinks.

When Grant returned he smiled and handed Scott his beverage.

"Thanks love." Scott replied.

The Grizzly exchanged the same warm smile.

"I just hope that it would not end up like the last ones." The cat said with distress.

"I don't think so; this one seems a lot different." He said as he reached for Scott's paw and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Scott smiled once more.

"Hey there Alex." Wolfe said as Alex answered the phone.

"Wolfe! I was not expecting you to call. What's up?" Alex said as he soon started jumping up and down like a rabbit as quietly as he could.

"Not much, just cleaning up my room from a mess I made earlier." The lupine said as he slowly started to pick up some of his books from the floor and set them back on their shelf.

"Well that's cool." Alex said.

A long pause ensued. Neither the fox nor the wolf knew very much where to start.

"So how was your first day?" Wolfe said finally.

Jacob was sitting at a table, waiting for the fur that was to do his equipment drop to arrive. Moscow looked wonderful from where he sat; the scenic view of the Russian culture apparent everywhere from where he sat. Time seemed to stand still as it went by, ticking slowly.

"Need a light?" He said to a gorilla that sat behind him.

"When all of the light is gone and it gets dark." The great ape said as he switched seats to face the wolf.

"It's nice to see you again, Uroso." Jacob said as he pushed the seat in front of him with his foot paw.

"Like wise." Uroso said taking his seat.

Reaching into a messenger bag at his side, Uroso pulled out a sealed envelope and passed it to Jacob. Jacob flipped through the many pages contained within the envelope; miscellaneous maps and timetables were its primary contents as well as a few research specs with all of the information he himself researched.

"I have your luggage in my car. Everything you will need is in them including a few new gadgets you developed." Uroso said as Jacob resealed the envelope.

"Well this is probably my best chance to try some of it; they included the dark matter betas, right? The lupine inquired.

"Yes, since you developed it chief decided to have you do the first field run." The ape said as he handed Jacob a second envelope.

"I would help that the test team fixed those bugs in them. The biggest thing is that they are all concept based to those video games my kid plays. Plus, ever since we found dark matter in Antarctica we need to see of their use and benefits." Jacob said quietly.

"Well when those god damn ruffians get a hold of the stuff and set Sydney ablaze we have to see about using it ourselves to put an end to such use. Have you heard of the polar winters in the Sahara?"

"Yes, that's why I started development on it. When the bad guys use something so powerful against our own field agents we have to do something." Jacob said mournfully as he closed the envelope.

"Well my friend, phase one starts in four hours. I should get you your things. Monica will be your field assistant for this one. You will know how to get in touch with her. Uroso said as he rose from his seat.

"Yes, let's hope that I don't get killed. I gave the techs all of the field data I gave them for extracting the properties from the dark matter." Jacob stated as he turned to rise from his seat and followed the silver back.

"Watch your back." Uroso said as he closed the trunk of the vehicle after handing Jacob his 'bags'.

"I always have." Jacob said as he turned to head back to the hotel.

Uroso climbed into his car and pulled out his cell phone. "687 delta calling to confirm package delivery to agent 456 omega."

"Good confirmed status, proceed with delivery to 290 beta." An operator orated to the ape.

"Will do, will she be receiving guided assistance from Jacob?" Uroso questioned.

"Yes, she will be given a dark matter neutralizer to help him." The operator stated as it entered a series of keystrokes onto a computer.

"Pickup is at the train station?" The ape inquired.

"Yes, confirm upon delivery." The operator ordered.

"Will do." Uroso said as he hung up his cell phone.

'Let's hope the government doesn't have to explain this if it all goes south.' He thought to himself as he started the car, slowly pulling back onto the street to the train station.

Wolfe and Alex had been talking for hours. The two of them just never had a point of no end for things to talk about. Mark knocked on the door lightly; he then went over to give Wolfe a hug goodnight. Wolfe just smiled warmly toward him and continued talking to Alex. He patted the lupine on the head and then made his way out to head off to bed.

"So what now?" Alex said on the other end of the line with a yawn.

"I don't know. What are you doing this weekend?" The wolf said courageously.

"Nothing most likely. My parents and I have almost finished unpacking the house sop I should be free this weekend." Alex said as he soon became hopeful.

A long pause once again took a hold of them, the two not being able to think of what to say next. Finally speaking up, Wolfe said what he had wanted to say so badly.

"Do you want to hang out this weekend?" He said as he braced himself for Alex's answer.

"That would be awesome." Alex said as he quietly jumped up and down.

"Okay, we'll figure out what to do then. Until then we still have three days left of school this week." Wolfe said as he too jumped up and down.

"Cool, well I think I'm going to call it a night then. It's getting late and we have to be up early to wonderful field practice in the morning." Alex said with another yawn.

"Yeah, that's always fun," Wolfe said sarcastically.

"Then I will see you in the morning then." The fox said drearily.

"Yep, nice and early. See you in the morning." The lupine said with sleep starting to overcome him.

"Good night Wolfe." Alex said.

"Good night Alex." Wolfe said as he then hung up his phone.

With that, their conversation ended. Wolfe was entirely content.

'Alex is so amazing. I can't wait to hang out this weekend.' He thought with a sigh.

With a final yawn, he climbed back into bed and fell asleep with content.

Alex smiled to himself as he put his phone onto its charger.

'That wolf... man... he's just to perfect.' He said to himself.

With a sense of purpose to get up in the morning, Alex climbed into bed and let the sand fur take him away.


Scott unlocked his front door and passed through the front door, soon followed by Grant. Just after Scott locked the door, Grant shoved him right against the wall.

"Oh... Not so rough handsome." Scott said with a grin.

"Really?" Grant smirked as he ground his crotch into Scott.

A murr snuck out of the panther's muzzle. "Well when you bring that into the picture I'm not sure what to say." Scott said as he pushed back into the bear's crotch.

They then slowly began to make their way up to Scott's room through a series of pushes and in-between kisses. When they finally made it to Scott's room, Grant pushed him onto the bed and started to remove the panther's clothes.

"That's right," Scott said, "But, I think that you should be taken care of first love."

Grant grinned as he then grabbed Scott and flipped him on top of himself, putting Grant on his back.

"First things first, all of these clothes are keeping me from what you want me to fix." Scott said as he slowly started to pull in Grants shirt.

"Well then I guess you need to remove yours as well." He said as he opened the fly of Scott's pants.

They began to undress on another; articles of clothing flew to the floor one by one as the room soon grew hotter and the odors of male musk began to fill the air. After they had finished removing the last of their clothes, Scott sat on top of Grant just above his swelling cock.

"So love," he said as he ran his pads through the bear's chest fur, "I don't like being poked in the rear by any naughty bears that aren't patient."

Grant smiled and stopped lightly pressing his member against Scott.

"Much better, now let me see. I think some muzzling is in order." Scott said as he got up and then advanced on the bear's member.

"If you say so." Grant said sarcastically.

Scott grabbed hold of the cock, its bulbous head dripping with pre that trickled down his paw. He licked the beads, taking every drop he could as the phallic swelled.

"Teasing me are we?" Grant said with a murr.

Scott said nothing as he slowly took the fifteen-inch member slowly into his maw. Grant elicited a moan, his approval for the action being made known. Scott ran his tongue up and down the flesh as he took more and more in. When he decided that he could go no further, he began to pull off but then went straight back down.

"Just like that. Scott..." Grant said as Scott began to build a rhythm.

Scott was enjoying this. He hadn't been able to do very much since Grant was gone nearly all summer, but now that Grant was here he had no idea what to do with all of the friskiness that had been pent up for the past two and a half months. He began to pick up the pace as he moved his own swelling cock toward Grant's muzzle, Grant being more than willing to accept the swollen, barbed penis in to his mouth. They began a moving like a locomotive, the sensations driving them faster and faster.

"Grant, I want this right now." Scott said after he pulled up from the swelling cock.

Grant and Scott stood up; Grant turned Scott so that he could see his back. Lifting Scott's tail while slowly pumping his own member, Grant began to loosen Scott with his tongue.

"Yes, just like that Grant." Scott said as he started slowly pumping his own cock now dripping wet.

Grant teased and penetrated Scott's aching hole, the sensation of feeling the opening flex driving him to an edge. The bear then sat on the edge of the bed and positioned Scott over his bulbous cock.

"Are you ready?" Grant asked the panther.

"More than ever." Scott said with a moan.

Grant then slowly guided Scott's tail toward the tip of his penis, and then with excessive care he pushed himself slowly into Scott.

"Oh Grant, give it all to me." Scott shouted as he encircled his arms around the bear's neck.

Grant extorted a long grunt as he slowly began to pump in and out of Scott feverishly. The bear, while still servicing Scott, laid him on his stomach to allow him the freedom to 'drive it home'.

""How is this?" The ursine said as he continued.

"Much better. Keep going." Scott said as he felt Grant's swollen member press harder against his prostate.

Grant moaned as he felt Scott's aching hole clench around him, sending chills up his spine that added to the ecstasy. The bear then reached around to the cat's barbed penis, the sensations as he touched it driving Scott close to the edge.

"Grant... give me more. I want you to take me harder." Scott said as he reached for the ursine's large sac that was beating against him and giving them a light pull.

Grant began to moan even more as he gingerly teased each barb. Scott was soon pumping against the bear's pads. They continued, passion filling the air along with the thick musk of sex.

"Grant, I can't hold off anymore." Scott said as he began to growl and moan as he reached his peak.

As Scott's tail tightened around the entire length of Grant's cock, the bear too reached is explosion as he painted the inside of the panther in his sticky seed. He began to feverishly piston on the panther as he felt the warm, viscous goo spill out of his mate. Scott felt his insides grow hot as he felt his hole stretched to its limits as the ursine expelled himself into him. As they finished and began to cool down, they turned to face one another.

"It looks like you made a mess of me down there love." Scott said as he began to purr while Grant kissed him along his neck.

Grant knew exactly what he meant since he could feel his seed seeping out from around his cock.

"But you know I don't mind." Scott said as he pulled grant in for I long and passionate kiss.

"Well we have been apart for so long. I'm just glad to have you in my arms once more." The ursine said with a warm, subtle smile.

They locked muzzles one more time as they ran their paws against one another.

"Well..." Grant said as he broke apart from Scott.

"Well I think we should get cleaned up." Scott said as he pulled himself off Grant.

"I did make a mess of you." The bear said with a small laugh.

"Yeah, but after we get cleaned up I think we should go for round two." The cat said as he proceeded to the bathroom dragging a towel behind him.

"Hmm... sounds like a tough fight." Grant said as he grabbed a nearby towel and followed suit behind Scott.

Jacob had set his 'luggage' by the door as he turned and locked it behind him.

'Well now I know I'm in the clear.' He said to himself with an uneasy sigh.

Opening the folder he received from Uroso, he grabbed the page with the start time and location.

'Mission start at 21:15 next to the big tree in the quarter square .7km from the hotel.' The page stated in plain type.

'Can't get any more specific than that.' The lupine thought.

He then picked up a steel case, the clasps of solid gold engraved with an RF on its latches. He then pulled one of the hairs from his head and laid it on the handle. In a series of low beeps, the latches unlocked themselves.

'Let's see what the beta team has put together.' The lupine said as he slowly opened the case.


Even though these are all just being re-uploaded, comments are appreciated and desired. Let me know what more I can do to help my writing and such cause my style still hasn't changed since when I wrote these.

One thing I still can't get over is the way you upload the actual text... it's a very broken system unless you have a very specific format that you are using that keeps the HTML code from being all broken. So, if anyone has any ideas on how I can fix format issues I'm up to hearing it.

See you next time in Chapter 5 - Do You See the Moon?

Wolfe Escada


All characters, structure, scenario, and plot © 2010, 2013 Wolfe Dimitrivich Escada

All artists, music, brand names, company names, slogans, registers, and trademarks are copyright to their respective entities and used only to enhance the story.

The majority of the story is purely fictitious and is not to be taken into account in the event of coincidental reality.
