Darksiders: Who Knew Death Could Be So Sweet

Story by Natsuru on SoFurry

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Hey there everyone, sorry for not writing for awhile. This story takes place after the events of Darksiders 2, and will contain some spoilers, so don't read if you haven't finished the game. Characters that appear in this story are owned and copyrighted THQ and Vigil Games. The character of Samantha is own by me. Enjoy and remember to rate or leave comment.

Out in the Fjord of the Forged Lands was the horseman known only as Death. He was searching around a small, destroyed castle over a lake; looking for a piece of armor for a certain maker. Death never did enjoy doing request for people; especially if the preson in question would always keep losing his stuff while exploring every area of the land.

"This is really getting annoying", Death said in annoyance. "I really don't understand how that 'pup', Karn, can keep losing his things, while exploring every place he goes to."

As Death looked around the castle ruins from bottom to top, he finally found the armor he was searching for. The only problem was that as soon as he picked up the armor, some prowler monsters had appeared to him. The horseman didn't have a problem with this, as he brought out his scythes, and quickly slaughtered them to oblivian. It couldn't be seen through his mask, but Death always took joy in killing his enemies; since to him, killing was an art. With his mission done, the horseman was about to get going, until his crow, Dust; started cawwing as he looked in a different direction.

"What are you yapping about now ?"

The horseman got his answer when he heard a scream that wasn't too far from him. He looked down from atop the ruins, just to see a person being chased by a stalker and some prowlers. The person in question was a girl; she had a humanlike appearance, but had the ears and the tail of a jackal. Her skin was white, her hair was purple that was tied into a ponytail, her eyes were blue, and she had c-cup sized breasts. She wore a green tanktop, a black jacket, blue jean shorts, and brown hikerlike boots. As she ran for her dear life, she suddenly tripped over a rock, and fell to the ground. As she got herself up, she found herself surrounded by the prowlers and the stalker. Small tears were falling from her eyes, as she awaited for her demise. As the stalker raised its claw, the girl closed her eyes as she waited to take the strike, but it never came. The jackal girl opened her eyes, and to her surprise, saw that all of the monsters were slaughtered. The girl wondered who saved her, until she took notice of Death; blushing in the process.

"You saved me; thank you", the girl said as she stood up.

"Those beasts were just in my way, I didn't purposely save you", Death lied.

"Well, either way, I sill thank you for the save. My name is Samantha."

"I don't recall ever asking for your name."

"Oh, sorry about that. I thought you might wanted to know."

The jackal girl known as Samantha started to stare at Death and was beginning to blush. She looked at him from his masked face down to his toned and muscular body. Her eyes stayed locked on his body, staring at his abs and her face turning red. The horseman noticed this and was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Why are you staring at me like that ?"

"Oh, sorry about that, I didn't know that I was staring at you for so long."

When Samantha finished talking, she noticed that the horseman had left as she was talking. She looked around in every direction, until she noticed him walking his way out of the Fjord. She shouted "wait", as she started to follow after him. Samantha was slowly following, or stalking behind Death as he was making his way to the Makers' Guild. Every so often, the horseman would always check behind him, only to see nothing. Death wasn't like those other people, who would just assume or think they were being followed; he knew he was being followed by that jackal girl.

Annoyed by this, Death was thinking of a way to throw her off his trail. As he thought, he was looking up at the mountainside of the exit of the Fjord. He then came up with the idea of starting a rockslide with his scythes to block to the jackal girl's way. The horseman connected his scythes together, and with great force, threw them up along the side of the mountain; the scythes grinding and chipping off large pieces of the mountain's top, and causing a rockslide. Samantha screamed as she ducked for cover as large rocks blocked her way out of the entrance, and away from Death. Speaking of Death, the horseman casually walked his way to the Makers' Guild.

"I hope I didn't accidently kill her", Death said a lttle sarcastic.

Back with Samantha, the jackal girl came out from hiding to see that the exit was blocked off large rocks. Her only way out was to climb up and over the large rocks. As she manage to climb ontop of the large rocks, she noticed Death walking through what looked like another cave entrance. After climbing over the rocks, Samantha ran towards the other cave entrance. When she got there, she noticed it wasn't a cave as she could still see the sky, but did know that it was a trail to where ever Death was heading. She followed the trail all the way to the end; where there was a huge gap filled with water at the bottom. Samantha saw that there was a way out at the top, but to get would require alot of climbing, jumping, and maybe some wallrunning; she sighed as she knew all of that would be tricky for her.

"Here you go, Karn, your lost armor."

"Many thanks, Death", said the maker known as Karn. "I'm so glad to have my prized possession returned to me, I honestly don't see how I keep losing my things, hehe."

"And if that happens again, you can be sure to get them yourself. You're not too weak and useless to retrieve them."

"Aww thanks Death, I think."

As the horseman was about to leave, he noticed the other maker, Thane, was chatting with someone. With a closer look, he was surprised to see that it was that jackal girl.

"Hey, Death, looks like you've got yourself a fan, hehehe", Thane said as Samantha waved to Death.

"Unbelievable !"

"Sooo, your name is Death", Samantha said as she walked towards him. "Wow, that's a cool and creepy name for you; is it a nickname ?"

"No, it's my real name."

"Oh, ok, well, it's still a cool name, hehe", Samantha said a little scared.

"Aw don't be afraid there lass; Death may look intimidating, but he can be a really nice guy, ahahahaha", Thane said while ignoring the death glare Death was giving him.

Thane began asking Samantha some questions. He asked what was she supposed to be, as he has nevered seen anybody like her. She answered his question explaining that she was a beast person from another realm called Athaelia. Death seemed to have taken interest after hearing about Athaelia. Thane then asked her how did she end up appearing in the Forged Lands. Samantha explained that she was looking around the Tree of Life; marveling at the sheer beauty of the tree. She then explained that, while she was looking at what seemed like ruins, a portal had suddenly appeared, and she fell through. However, instead of just appearing out infront of the Tree of Life, she had instead appeared in the Fjord.

Thane was interested after hearing all that had transpired with Samantha, while Death was thinking about the possibility of there being a new portal at the tree. The horseman decided to go check out the tree to see if there was anything different about it. Unfortunately for Death, Samantha also decide to tag along with him, which had annoyed him. But, seeing as how he might go to the new realm, he decided to just deal with it. He was really hoping that after he visits Athaelia, that the jackal girl will just stay there, and never follow him again.

It was quiet walk as the two were traveling from the guild to the tree. This was normal for Death, but Samantha felt it was awkward, so she tried starting up a conversation.

"Sooo, since your name is Death; does make you a demon ?"

"Don't compare me with them; I am a nephilim."

"A nephilim, hmm, I don't think I've ever heard about them. What are they, and what are you all like ?"

Death ignored the question he was asked, and was thinking about what he had done to his own kind. He still felt guilt for slaughtering all the nephilims, when they started a war against Heaven and Hell. He even felt a little guilt for not reviving them when he was given the chance. Since Death nevered answered Samantha's question, this just started another awkward silence, so she asked a different question.

"Sooo, do you have a family ?"

"I have two brothers and a sister."

"That's nice; what are their names ?"

"My brothers are named War and Strife, and my sister's name is Fury."

"Those are...really nice names, hehe", Samantha said a little freaked out. "Do you and your siblings have any parents ?"

"No !"

"Really, not a father or a mother."

Hearing the word "mother", made the horseman think about what Lilith said to him, when he was looking for Samael in Shadow's Edge.

"You are Death. Where you ride, no one is safe. Not even I, your mother."

"You are...not...my mother."

"I guess you could call 'her' that, but I really don't acknowledge her as my mother."

Samantha was confused about what Death said, but ignored as she and the horseman had arrived at the Tree of Life. Death noticed that the tree had grown to the point that its roots were showing. That's when Death noticed the new portal that could possibly lead to Athaelia. Samantha also noticed that ruin like structure that she examined back in her realm, but wondered why the portal that she fell through wasn't there. Death explained to her that portals to other realms won't appear in the same spot someone passes through, and that a person would have to use another portal to return to the realm he or she came from. When Samantha asked where the portal to Athaelia was, Death pointed to portal under the tree's roots; the two of them jumping through it.

Death and Samantha came out through the portal infront of the Tree of Life in another realm. In this realm, the land that could be seen looked like a desert, there was water and plants surrounding the Tree of life; making it look like an oasis, and the entire sky looked like an aurora. Samantha jumped for joy, as she knew that she was back in Athaelia.

"Seeing as how enthusiastic you're being, I'm guessing we're in Athaelia", Death spoke.

"That's right !", Samantha said as her tail wagged happily. "And over there, down this trail, leads to my home village, but it's a really long way on foot."

"Hmph, that shouldn't be a problem."

Death the summoned his trustful steed, Despair. The demonic horse neighed for its master, as Death jumped onto his back. Samantha was freaking out upon seeing Despair, because unlike Death, the horse's body almost looked like a rotting corpse, and bits of its body were burning off. Death asked Samantha was she gonna hop on Despair; the jackal girl replied with a 'we're really going to ride on that thing'. The horseman said that it wasn't a problem for him, but it would be problem for her, as she'll be running for who knows how many hours to her village. Samantha knew it would be a drag to walk or run for hours to her home village, so she mustered up some courage, and decided to have a ride on the demonic horse to her village.

Thanks to Despair's speed, Death and Samantha made it to the village within an hour and a half. At that point, Death order Despair away; the horse disappearing in thin air as the horseman landed on his feet, and Samantha fell on her butt. The village looked like a desert, filled with buildings and shops made out of adobe materials. The village people were just like Samantha, but of different species like tigers, lizards, bears, etc. As the two walking through, Death noticed that he was getting alot of stares from the beast people; the type of stares someone gets when he or she isn't wanted, or looks untrustworthy. In the village, Death and Samantha saw a man with tan skin, black hair, a mustache, and blue eyes; wearing a sleeveless orange shirt, brown pants, and hikerlike boots. He seemed to be the same species as Samantha, as he had the ears and tail of a jackal.

"Dad !", Samantha shouted as she ran towards the man.

"Samantha !", The man said as he and Samantha hugged. "Where have you been all day, you had me worried ?"

"Don't worry, dad, I'm fine, thanks to him."

Samantha's father looked over to Death, and he instantly gave him the stare that the other beast people gave him. He was being cautious as he didn't who this person, or if he could be trusted.

"His name's Death, and he saved me from some monsters when I accidently fell through a portal to another realm."

"I see; listen you", Samantha's father said to Death. "I don't know who or what you are. I don't even know if you can be trusted, but I do thank you for pretecting my daughter. Thank you !"

"Hmph, your very welcome", Death spoke back. "Seeing as how there's not much for me to do here, I'd best be on my way."

As the horseman was about be on his way, there was some screams that could be heard. Death, along with Samantha and her father, looked in the direction of where the screams were coming from, and they saw that the village was under attack by a giant scorpion monster. Some beast men were trying to take the master down, but ended up getting injured or killed. Death took out his scythes as he ran straight toward the scorpion monster, and began to fight it; Samantha, her father, and the rest of the beast peoplewere hiding as they watched fight. Death slashed at the creature, as it used its pinchers to block every attack. The scorpion then took a jab at death with one of its pinchers, only for the horseman to dodge the attack, and slice the pincher off. The scorpion screeched in pain and anger, and then tried to stab Death with the stinger on its tail. Death dodged every stab the creature was trying to give him, and when the scorpion tried to stab Death in the head, the horseman grabbed the tail before it could happen; the stinger inches away from his face. With the tail, Death stabbed the stinger into the scorpion's head; the creature running and screeching in pain as it didn't know what to do. With the scorpion distracted, Death wasted no time grabbing his scythes, and slicing the monster to bits; killing it and saving the village.

Seeing all that had happened, the beast people started cheering as they came out of hiding. They started to gather around Death, thanking him and praising him for his strength; it seemed like the beast people didn't have to fear Death and started trusting him. Samantha blushed as she stared at him, thinking of how cool he is. Later on, Samantha was chatting with her father inside their home. She telling him everything about the Forged Lands from when Death saved her in the Fjord, to talking about the makers at their guild. As they laughed, she looked out the window as she noticed Death was heading going somewhere. Speaking of Death, the horseman had returned to the Tree of Life, and was about to make his way back to the Forged Lands, until...

"Wait !"

Death turned his head to Samantha. The jackal girl was panting hard as she was catching her breath; she had ran all the way to catch up with Death.

"You followed me all the way here on foot", Death spoke to her. "That's impressive for you to even be able to catch with me so quickly. What do you want ?"

"I was thinking that, I would like go along with you", she answered. "I could help you."

"Hmph, how could you possibly help me with anything ? You're better off staying here. Besides, I'm much better working alone."

"Please Death, I'll do anything you want."

"Anything !", Death said; Samantha nodded her head in reply. "Hmph, I highly doubt that you will."

Samantha told Death she was being serious, but Death didn't think so. However, to see if she really meant what she said, he decided to give her an order. He ordered her to strip infront of him. Samantha was shocked at what Death ordered her to do; Death noticed her disturbed look and scoffed. He wasn't really expecting her to do it, as he was pretty much testing her to see if she would actually do anything for him. However, he was surprised when Samantha really did begin to strip herself of her clothing infront of the horseman. Seeing this, Death was impressed to see that Samantha was following through on her word. He then told her that she didn't have to strip, and that he was just testing her, but the jackal decided to keep going until she was completely naked; her face having turned red.

"See, I told you I would do anything for you."

Samantha had then walked up to Death, and hugged him. Death was confused about her actions, and wonder why she would do so much for him.

"You know Death, I've always admired you after you had saved me", she as she rubbed his chest. "Even though you didn't order me to, I want to make you feel good."

Death was surprised when Samantha started to kiss and lick his well defined body. She started to kiss and lick on his abs, and continue up his chest to his pecs. She began licking and sucking one of his nipples, while playing with the other. Death didn't bother to make her stop, as this was first time feeling this kind of pleasure. He didn't show it, but was getting turned on. Samantha had finished sucking Death's nipple, and began suck on the other one, all the while her right hand was rubbing downing on the horseman's chest. Her hand wandered down to Death's pants, where she felt something like a stiff rod. She had stopped playing around with Death's body to see what she was rubbing, and giggled when she what it was.

"I see that you're enjoyed me making you feel good", she said as she unzipped his pants; freeing his hard ten inch cock. "Allow me to take care of this for you."

Samantha began licking along and around the base of Death's cock; going at a slow pace. Death enjoyed how the jackal girl was making him feel good, as she worked tongue up the base and under the head; torturing the horseman in the process. Samantha then started lick on an around the head, while she used her right hand to rub the base of the cock. No sooner, she put the head in her mouth; simultaniously licking and sucking on it. Bolts of pleasure were sent coursing throughout Death's body, making him revel in pure ectasy, and small moans escape his mouth. His right hand was trembling as it was moving behind Samantha, until it held the back of her head. No sooner, Death shoved all ten inches of his meat into Samantha's mouth and down her throat, until he pulled his cock out to the head, and shoving the whole thing in again; deepthroating her as he continued doing that. Samantha started choking and gagging around Death's cock, which only served to giving him more pleasure; she pretty much became his bitch at that point, even if he didn't say it. With a loud moan of pleasure escaping him, Death came hard, as wave after wave of his seed erupted out of him, and flowed down Samantha's throat. Death held her head tightly, making sure she swallowed every amount of his cum, even though she couldn't take all of it, as some spilled out and down the side of her mouth. Samantha did somehow managed to get Death to let go of her, and take his cock out of her mouth; making the rest of his blue colored seed shoot on her face.

"Oh wow, you were really enjoying that, weren't you", Samantha said.

"You were the one giving me the pleasure, meaning you were the one who was really enjoying it", Death said as he refused to admit that she was right.

"Huh, ehehe !"

Samantha was moaning in pleasure, as Death was thrusting in and out her at medium speed; they had just started the second phase of their pleasurable fun. She held her arms around Death's neck, while her legs were wrapped tight around his waist, as he held her by the hips. When the two had started, Samantha was hoping for Death to go slow and easy on her at first, but he was instead fucking her at a speed that wasn't too fast or too slow. Her breasts were bouncing up and down the horseman's chest at each thrust that was sent her way. Samantha was moaning loud from the sheer pleasure Death was giving her; her tail wagging happily. At that point, the horseman started fucking her harder; his balls smacking hard against her. "I'm close, I'm so close", Samantha moaned out; Death was close to having his second orgasm too, he justed have to address it. The horseman started picking up the pace, as he was thrusting even faster and harder, and making the jackal girl moan uncontrollably. With one hard final thrust, Samantha along with Death, moaned loudly as they both came hard at the same time; their sex juices mixing together. Afterward, Samantha was gathering up her clothes, while Death only had to zip up his pants.

"So, I can go along with you, right", Samantha started speaking. "I showed that I would do anything for you. Oh, I also forgot to mention that I, and everyone from the village, are good at building and fixing transportational vehicles; so I could even build something for you. What do you think ?"

"I still say it's best for you to stay here in this realm", Death answered flatout.

"Huh, but I..."

"However, if you can improve yourself by becoming stronger, and if you really are good at making vehicles as you say you are, then I may consider your help sometime in the near future. Until then, I'll see you when our paths meet."

Samantha nodded her head in agreement, and watched as Death jumped through the portal back to the Forged Lands. She held a happy smile on her face and her tail wagged after hearing what Death said. She thought herself that she could always meet him by taking the portal, but then had a strange thought that even if she could do just that, Death would probably be long gone somewhere that can't be reached; she more than likely would have settle and wait for their paths meet again. What Death said felt like a promise to her.

"Oh wow, what a cool guy", Samantha said as she was putting her clothes back on. "Who knew that a guy named Death, could be so sweet."
