An Escorts Tail: An Arabians first experience (rough full story edition)

Story by Xj4ck0fSp4d3sX on SoFurry

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Alrighty all there is the rough (i mean rough) full version of the story both parts 1 and 2 together. criticisms is welcome and encouraged. Thanks goes to SnowWolf, Turbo, Violet, Kitty,basks, and Evie. <3 you guys.

Tap-tap-tap, the black Arabian stallion stroked his fingers on his glass, half full of cheap vodka, looking up from it he noticed through a buzzed stupor across the table sat the voluptuous Tigress model Violet and her track star boyfriend Turbo; a Cheetah with unmatched speed. Turbo's head lay on her chest completely drunk, his glass lying knocked over on the table. To their left was Kitty, an adorable grey and brown Abyssinian, slumped against his chair looking bored.

"Turbo you should really lay off the Saki," The Arabian said in a slur.

"I'm just fi-'hic' I've only had fo-'hic' glasses" Turbo said hiccupping and slurring his words horribly, Violet started petting poor Turbo on the head nursing his drunkenness with affection.

"If you say so Turbo, speaking of, how are you and Violet doing?" the Arabian asked directing his question to the sober Violet.

Violet looked up from petting Turbo "We are good, as you can see" pushing her boobs into Turbo's face, Turbo smiled in content and buried his face in Violets chest. "Hey now wait till we get back home." Violet giggled warding off Turbo's advances.

"Kitty you seem to be enjoying the view." The Arabian said noticing Kitty ogling Violet's overly exposed but stuffed chest.

"Ah you caught me but I mean come on guys look at her how can I resist?" Kitty said straightening up in his chair "I mean she is a nude model she's got men fapping way to her in private."

"Oh I don't mind but we are friends could you try to keep it to a minimal while I'm around." Violet said giggling as Turbo attempted to make his way with her right there and then.

"Man Turbo keep it in your pants!" the Arabian said "Or at least take it to the back room."

Looking around he found nothing quite his tastes, none of the girls at the bar were just right, they were hot but just not his type. There was a very attractive skunk out on the dance floor, curves, hips, and that ass. But she just wasn't what he was looking for. He took his eyes off of her and continued looking to find a rather curvy mare standing at the bar talking to a just as attractive reptile or maybe a dragon he couldn't tell from this distance, but it made him look away none the less bringing back all to recent wounds. His attention hazed a little as a fluffy tail bounced across his vision but it was gone before he could find what it was attached to.

"Jack? Hello Jack?" a voice crossed through the stallion's attention.

"What? Huh." The Arabian snapped his attention back to the table still slightly dazed.

"How about you Jack? How are you holding up?" Kitty asked the black Arabian snapping his fingers at him.

"Me well I could be better if you get my drift. I haven't had much luck these days." Jack said with a heavy sigh, grabbing his glass and chugging down the last of his Vodka, "To be honest I've stopped trying after my wife took the kids and left me for her lesbian lover." With that he slammed his glass on the table.

Just then Basks walked back to the table looking at his friends with a big smile on his face. "Well Jack maybe I can help you with that" He said putting a hand on Jacks shoulder. "Ever heard of an escort?"

"That's those women that get paid to be seen around with men to make them look classy isn't it?" Kitty piped up now ogling the rather attractive Alligator standing behind Jack.

"First keep your eyes above my waist Kitty, and second you're correct though it can be the other way around, women paying men to do the same thing" Basks said giving kitty a dirty look, a smile hidden in the corner of his jaw "I've got a friend who is always looking for a good blind date if you're up for it Jack," he finished, giving his shoulder a good squeeze playfully

Jack looked around at his friends not sure how to answer, unsure if he was ready for a date just yet. Grabbing the bottle of vodka laying on the table he raised it to the ceiling and said "You know what Basks I'll take you up on that! I need to get out of this rut and get over my ex-wife" Taking a large swig and laughing loudly.

"That's the spirit Jack!" Turbo said from Violets bosom.

Everyone bust out laughing as Bask sat down to join in on the drinking. Jack raised the bottle of vodka everyone taking the hint raised their cups or bottles for a cheer.

"Here's to Friends and taking life by the balls!" Jack roared with laughter

"CHEERS!" everyone all together shouted as glasses and bottles clanked and chimed together

The five of them hung out for quite some time after that until Jack had enough and decided to call it a night

"Alright all its time to retire for the night," looking around the table, glasses of alcohol half full scattered here and there. Turbo lay passed out in Violets lap drooling slightly.

"Yeah I think Jack is right, I've got to get Turbo back home before he drowns us all," says Violet pushing Turbo into a sitting position.

Jack, Kitty, Turbo, Violet, and Basks all left the bar that night with good memories and lots of laughs. Yet Jack felt like something was still...missing.


Jack woke from his slumber and looked at the clock sitting on his nightstand, it read 3:12pm, Jack slumped out of his bed remember that Basks told him before they departed that night that he would have his friend come collect him at five to take him on a blind date. He had a couple more hours before his date would be here so he headed for a shower to help recover from last night's shenanigans.

Steam rose from the door of the glass shower as water poured down, the hot water rolled down Jacks back sending him into a shocked state. His head was splitting only to be soothed by the waters heat. Every inch of him ached and burned but the one ache in his groin kept his mind elsewhere. Slowly Jack reached to his groin and started stroking slowly on his sheath. Leaning against the wall of the shower for support, Jacks flesh reached full length with each stroke he took. He craved to feel climax it had be a long while since he was with a woman and he took no pleasure in single player nights. The waters warmth felt amazing on his throbbing meat as he pumped wildly, feeling climax come closer and closer his vision getting fuzzy.

DING-DONG, DING-DONG! The front door bell rang loudly through the small apartment. Shit so close, Jack thought as he lost his concentration. He threw the water off and wrapped a towel around his waist to hide his engorged flesh.

DING-DONG, DING-DONG! The bell rang again. Jack rushed to the front door and peeked through the peep hole unable to see who was there he cracked the door.

"Yes can I help you?" Jack said to the stranger.

"I'm looking for Jack is this his apartment?" Said a Texan accented voice that was defiantly male.

"This is him; may I ask why you are looking for me?" Jack replied

"I was sent here by a mutual friend I'm your blind-date tonight" the strong voice said from the other side of the door.

Jack unchained the door and opened it a little wider, there stood a pure white wolf, with magnificent wings tucked away behind him. Jack was stunned and confused. Basked never said his friend was male, but there standing in his door way was a very muscular and rather handsome white wolf.

"Bask sent you...?" was all Jack could muster.

"You sound disappointed." Said the wolf

"No just was expecting...well a girl." Jack said ashamed. Starring down the rather sexy wolf, he could see every muscle under his shirt, right down to the sheath hiding in his drawers.

"Oh well I guess I'll leave then this is awkward." The wolf said turning to leave

"Wait, don't go," Jack said out load. Damn it I just said that out loud why did I say that out loud!

"Well then can I come in?" the white wolf said moving closer to Jack

"Ye-yes" Jack said moving out of the door way. The white wolf stepped through the threshold rather close to Jack he could smell the heavy sent of the wolf, the smell of desert and sweet cactus filled Jacks nostrils.

"By the way my name is Snow, and you might want to put on some cloths if we are going out tonight," the wolf said looking at the towel wrapped around Jacks waist smiling slightly.

"Oh god I'm sorry" Jack rushed back to his room to throw on cloth "Make yourself at home I'll be ready in a minute" came Jacks voice from a room down the hall.

Snow took a look around the apartment it was simple and elegant modern furnishing and lots of tech everywhere. He walked over to a laptop sitting on a desk, an internet tab open to a rather interesting porn site. I'll have to try that one Snow thought to himself admiring the position the couple in the paused video where in. Snow wandered to the entrance of Jacks bedroom lingering in the doorway watching as Jack stripped the towel, his bare ass exposed and rather attractive.

Feeling watched Jack turned around to find Snow standing in the doorway of his room staring at him ogling him every inch of him. Jack could feel a throb in his groin; suddenly Snow's eyes widened and Jack realized that his cock had started protruding from its sheath.

"My, my, my, a certain someone wanted to say hello" Snow giggled walking slowly over to Jack "why don't we skip going out to dinner, I want deserts right now." Without thinking Jack walked up to Snow and looked down into his eyes, lost.

"That sounds like a good id-"Jack wasn't able to finish that sentence as Snow leaned up wrapping his strong arms around jacks neck and kissed him. Jack felt mixed up. He wasn't sure to want this or reject it. His body was screaming yes but his mind wasn't sure it could handle this all at once. Jack pulled away from the kiss and looked at Snow "I-I- I'm not sure I can do this I've never been with a guy before, but-" again jack wasn't able to finish his sentence as Snow pushed him backwards onto the bed

"Don't worry I'll be gentle" Snow said kissing Jack again. "So are you a top or a bottom?" This question made Jack blush because he knew he was a bottom but he didn't want to admit it, "I'll take that as bottom I can always tell when you bottoms blush"

Jack ran his fingers through Snows chest fur; it was soft to the touch. Slowly Jack made his way down to Snows waist, he hesitates but proceeds down to Snows sheath feeling it harden under his touch as he rubbed up and down it, moving even farther to his sac fondling it gently feeling them roll between his fingers.

"That's right just like that," said snow murring as Jack continued to stroke his sheath the reddish tip of his flesh protruding out. Shocked at how his actions brought on such a reaction from Snow, Unbelievable as they were to him. In a bold, swift move Jack mounted Snow resting his own enlarged flesh on Snows now fully erect member. Taking advantages of this position in a single hand Snow take both Jack's and his own fleshy members in hand and jerks them slowly but effectively. Without even thinking Jack begins to rock his hips to each stroke, taken by the fact of what is happening, the lusting feeling growing deep in his ever throbbing flesh the feeling of ecstasy long forgotten washing over him.

"I want it." Jack said no longer caring what he thought about the situation just that all he knew now was that he wanted to feel the rock hard cock rubbing against his own rammed deep inside him.

"You want what Hun?" Snow replied stroking the two of them faster now moving each of their heads between different fingers.

"I want your cock deep in me..." Jack said begging his head rolling back moaning softly.

"Well how about this," Snow pats the area next to him, Jack obeying, he gets off snows lap his sex bobbing up and down at full stiffness. Snow leans Jack on his side so that Jacks head now lies in his lap and he can fondle Jacks bare ass. "There we go, how is this?" Snow asks

"I love the view," Jack says staring at the large red flesh in his face. Snow slowly moves a finger to Jacks tail hole, holding his tail with the other hand. Jack uncertain as to what Snow has planned plays along moving so that his tail hole is fully accessible. Taking Snows sex in hand the slippery precum gushing through his hand he slowly starts playing with it, stroking it up and down feeling the meat slide through his fingers.

"That's it I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," Snow said moving his fingers slowly across Jacks tail hole "I bet you're a tight little horsey." Snow managed to say through a moan as Jack pleased his sex.

Letting out a soft quiet moan Jack kicked his legs from his hyper sensitive hole being stroked. Feeling ever bolder Jack wraps his lips around Snows sex, the warmth of his cock felt magnificent on his lips but he took in just the head teasing him by sucking just softly enough to get some pre from within.

"Oh-ah that's the spot, you know what you're doing; you seem to be enjoying yourself now." Snow said licking a single finger and running it over Jacks now lusting tail hole, finding the right spot Snow slowly slips a finger into Jack. Unable to hold back Jack lets out a deep moan as the feel of something foreign entering him, hot and wet, it hurt but it felt amazing at the same time. Snow now panting as Jack continues to suck, taking in more of Snows throbbing, lusting sex pre dripping from the tip leaving a salty-sweet taste at the back of his throat. Feeling ecstasy as Jack sucks him off, Snow rams his full finger into the stallions lusting hole pushing it in and out, making him gasp and pant, moaning uncontrollably. In a single motion Jack takes Snows full erect sex into his muzzle pushing it deep down his throat, now begging to bob his head, each time taking every inch of Snow.

"God yes that's it." Feeling Jacks hole tightened around his finger snow pushes in and out deeper with every go. Jack could feel his climax building, ecstasy driving his mind to a blank but he forced himself back into the moment. With a single motion snow pulled himself on top of Jack and took in what he could of his massive sex.

"Oh gods behold! I feel like I'm about to lose my mind but I refuse to lose first..." screamed Jack resisting to cum holding back as long as he can. Snow then wraps his tongue around Jack's member sucking fast and hard. Unable to control it any longer Jack arches his back and climaxes with force shooting gallons of cum down Snows throat has he bucks and whinnies with waves of ecstasy and pleasure fill his mind and body. Caught off guard Snow swallows as much of Jacks hot cum as possible only letting little bits flow from the corners of his mouth. Jack determined to let his partner reach climax as well sucks harder, bobbing faster and faster pushing the tip of his tongue into the head of Snows sex. When that didn't work Jack got an idea. Slowly he searched for his partner's lust hole. Finding it he slowly inserted a single finger into Snows ass pushing deep widening him some to insert a second finger. Snow lets out a loud howl as he climaxes hard into Jacks muzzle shooting ropes of hot seed down his throat. Jack grabs snow by his ass cheek and shoves Snows throbbing cock deep into his muzzle guzzling down every drop of his seed. Snows cock popped from Jacks mouth cum dripping from the tip and Jacks lips as well.

"That was delicious Snow." Jack moaned his ass soar as he rolls over cuddling his lover.

"That was the best blowjob I've had in some time." Snow said pulling Jack close.

Jack couldn't help but laugh at the look on Snows face, his tongue hung from his mouth as he panted. Jack noticed that Snows sex was still erect and throbbing even more.

"I could keep going if you're up for it" Jack said taking snows cock in his hand stroking it.

"Oh you better believe it I'm not done with your ass just yet" Snow said pulling Jacks hand from his cock. "But I've got a better idea, how about we go clean up."

Jack smiled, pulled snow from the bed and guided him to bathroom. Turning on the water to let it warm up Jack looked at the winged wolf standing bare naked in front of him. The aftertaste of their vivid and wild experimentation lingered in Jacks throat, making him smile as he noticed the wolf's tip lay peeking from his sheath.

"Hot or cold?" Jack asked looking up from the wolf's member.

"Well how hot can you handle?" Snow replied pushing Jack into the shower, steaming hot water now running down them both sending pain and pleasure through both their etched bodies. Jack let out a soft moan as Snow pinned him to the shower wall the cold tile sent shock through Jacks body after being exposed to the hot shower water, making his knees give and the only thing holding him up now was Snow's chest pushed against his backside.

"Snow I can't stand it anymore." Jack cried as he turned his gaze to Snow.

"What's that stud?" Snow replied pushing his sheath against the horse's backside. Snow took one look at Jack seconds ago and knew exactly what he wanted. Jack wanted his cock and he wanted it bad.

"I can't wait any longer I want to feel you inside me I want to know what it feels like to be some ones bitch." Jack replied pushing his tailhole against the tip of Snows erect sex. Snow replied with Jacks advances and rubbed his thick sex up and down his winking entrance.

"Here comes, take a deep breath it'll help ease me entering"

"Damn it, just fuck me already!" Jack said thrusting against Snows cock only to have the tip push its way inside. "Fuck!" Jack stammered as he felt his ass expand with Snows size and yet again his knees give out on him. Snow hesitated to advance but pushed in deeper, a hand on ether of Jacks cheeks spreading him wide open. Jack used this to his advantage and moved himself up the wall some to pull Snows flesh from him, but Snow wasn't going to play nice instead he only pushed further in until his knot refused to let him proceed any farther.

"Mhmm your nice and tight a true virgin's ass" Snow now pulled out and back in starting a rhythmic motion against Jacks ever loosening lust.

"Fu- fu- this feels amazing" was all Jack could muster through moans and grunts as Snow plowed his rump. Snow was enjoying himself teaching this virgin what it felt like to be loved by a man.

"Babe your ass feels fantastic around my cock. But if I'm gonna knot you we might want to get into a better position for you" with that Snow pulled out of Jack his winking hole gaping wide from snows absent cock. Steam and the smell of sex filled the shower as Snow lay on the floor now Jack getting ready to ride him. Snow guided his red flesh to Jacks entrance again this time Jack was prepared and lowered himself slowly the tip pushed through then most the shaft until he hit the knot. From there Jack started grinding his hips against Snows meat. Pleasure was all that was on Jacks mind he couldn't think see or hear anything anymore. Snow had a wide smile on his face as he panted and moan watching the stallion go to town on his cock what he wasn't expecting next will still hold him close to this day. Jack leaned down and kissed him but not just kissed him the lean also knotted Jack to him somehow he'd had loosened enough for Snows knot to just slide right in making them both moan with their kiss.

"Oh Fuck!" Jack screamed to the heavens as he felt wave, after wave of ecstasy fill his every being. Jack fell forward onto Snow as he thrust slightly into Jack now his only thought wanted to climax hard into this stallions tight virgin ass.

"I'm Cumming!" Snow howled

"Fuck me too." Jack said falling backwards his cock erect and pulsing as they both climaxed together.

Snow lay covered in Jacks seed, Jack lying next to him Snows seed flowing from his gaping ass. The water still beat on the two of them until Snow stood up and started actually washing himself.

"Come on Hun bring that sexy body over hear and I'll wash your back." Jack got up weak kneed but able he walked slowly to snow numb and dizzy.

Three days passed. Jack and Snow where madly in love and had spent the last few nights in each other's arms in lover's bliss. They lay on the couch watching old 80's movies eating popcorn.

"I love these cheesy Sci-Fi movies." Jack said from Snows chest.

"It still baffles me how people found these scary back then." Snow laughed pointing out the monster with obliviously fake rubber claws and teeth.

"Hun I want you to meet my friends and I still need to thank Basks for introducing us."

"Okay tonight we'll go to The Club and have some fun." Snow replied laying a kiss on the top of Jacks head.

They finished their movies and went to go get ready; Snow was changing while Jack made a quick phone call to his friends.

"Alright they'll meet us at The Club around ten" Jack said as he walked to the room to find a nude Snow standing in front of the bed, his wings spread wide open. "Babe they're beautiful." Snow's wings closed enough for him to turn around and find Jack standing in the door frame ogling over him.

"Hun please don't stare I don't get to stretch them much." Blushing he closed them his feathers catching the light right to glisten a little.

"Let's have some fun before we go out tonight." Jack said walking to Snow face to face with him his sheath in hand rubbing up and down in stroking motions.

"It's gonna make us late though Hun."

"I don't care I want a turn, you've been using me I want be the man this time." Jack said looking into Snows eyes.

"I can't say no to that face" Snow led Jack to the bed Jack crawled on top of Snow kissing and nipping at his neck. He moved down to his chest nipping softly on each nipple making Snow moan lightly. "careful babe those are sensitive."

Taking his words into thought Jack nipped at them again this time a little harder making Snow let out a loud moan and his tip point out of his sheath. Giggling Jack moved down to his sheath and popped the tip right into his mouth sucking slightly only to pop it back out and continued down to his large sac sucking one of his orbs into his mouth sucking again.

"Oh Babe that is wonderful, how are you doing that." Snow cried squirming and moaning. With a loud vacuuming pop he the orb left Jacks mouth a string of saliva trailing from his mouth.

"Just wait" he giggled and moved even farther down finding a very welcoming sight. With a simple move Jack brought his tongue to Snows tail-hole and gave it a nice lick. Snow howled with a moan of pleasure

"Oh God! That's the spot!" Jack buried his muzzle into Snows cheeks and licked more digging his craving tongue into Snows ever lewd lust. Jack could feel his cock growing hard prodding through his sheath.

"That should do it my turn now."

"Just take your time Jack no need to rush it I want to make this special for both of us."

"Here goes." Jack pushed his tip gently but with force enough to push through. First he felt pressure then warmth and finally unbelievable pleasure. The tip and several inches made their way inside Snow as he arched and moaned pushing Jack even deeper in.

"Mhmm that is fucking unbelievable your so big...I don't know I'm gonna break or not from your massive size." Snow let out through howls and moans. Jack straightened up and started to pull out then push back in starting a rhythmic motion. Pleasure filled every inch of his body as he thrust hard and deep into the wolf lying under him, suddenly he felt snow squeeze his legs around his waist and felt warmth across his chest as snow let out a howl as he came.

"Fuck I've never cum this fast before your cock feels so good inside me!"

"Well it's about to feel better" Jack retorted and in one motion picked up snow and held him in the air bouncing snow off his cock. Jack could hardly hold it any longer and came deep inside Snow filling him up so much that it leaked past his fleshy member and dripped to the floor.

"Snow we're already late! Come on!" Jack yelled as he pulled open the front door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Snow came out of the room wearing jeans and a wife beater with a denim vest thrown over it. Jack was wearing his usual graphic tee and jeans.

"Hit the lights behind you sexy" Jack said as he ran out the door Snow on his heels.

The Club was packed as usual full of the usual scantly clade women and half-dressed men shaking their tails on the dance floor. Jack and Snow made their way through the crowd to Jacks usual table to find Basks, Violet, Turbo attached to her hip, and Kitty, though this time there was a new face a welsh mare, her mane was a brilliant gold, and her coat a nice light brown. And her eyes, hidden behind a long straight mane of hair, where a striking blue. Jack didn't recognize those steely blue eyes but they kept him transfixed and wondering.

"Hey guys! Look who I brought with me!" Jack said dragging Snow in front of him.

"Snow! Long time no see!" Basks said getting up and showing off a special handshake between him and Snow.

"Man it has been ages but this little Coal had me locked up in the bedroom for the last three days" The table burst into laughter all accept for the mare who sat there sipping on her drink.

"So who's the new blood?" Jack piped up

"That's Evie one of Violets friends"

They all sat and chatted, sipping on our drinks for what felt like hours until Snow got ants and looked to Basks

"Yo sexy you wanna dance?"

"Sure why not if Jack doesn't mind?"

"He don't mind isn't like he doesn't have me all to himself at home" Snow said rubbing Jacks shoulders, Jack sat in silence though as he couldn't take his eyes of the girl sitting across for him.

Snow and Basks melted into the crowd on the dance floor Turbo and Violet followed as well the two couple's now just blurs and fur in a crowd of sex craved animals.

"You should have gone with him instead of the other guy you know." A small voice said breaking Jacks concentration on the dancing crowd.

"What? Huh?" Jack snapped back to the crowd to find the girl across the table speaking to him.

"You two are lovers aren't you?"

"No, no just good friends."

"Oh I see. I'm sorry I assumed since he's been living with you."

"Oh no, he just doesn't have a place to crash right now so I let him bunk with me."

"That's really noble of you."

"Nah I'm just a push over and I can't say no to a good lay."

"Oh, oh well that's understandable then I guess."

It got awkwardly quite after that. Until she spoke again

"Would you mind escorting me to the bathroom? I don't know my way around here."

"Yeah sure" Jack stood up gestured toward the bar.

"Thank you" She replied and followed him as he walked toward the bar confused until she noticed the bathrooms tucked away in the corner.

"Will you wait by the door?"

"Yeah I can do that." Jack said turning his back to a wall and propping himself against it.

A couple minutes passed then Jack felt a tug on the back of his shirt. He turned around and found Evie standing there only to have her wrap her arms around him and kiss him. Jack was stunned and unsure what to do but went for it he pulled her close and gave her a deep kiss. It lasted only seconds but felt like minutes the kiss broke and he looked at the mare still stunned

"I, I don't even know your name."


"Pardon me?"

"My name it's Evie"

"I'm Jack"

What Evie did next shocked him even more and that was she pulled him into the girls bathroom by the shirt locking lips with him again. Wrapped in the moment Jack didn't think he didn't talk he let his instincts take over as he advanced on the mare unbuttoning her blouse making his way to a stall. She tore at Jacks shirt pulling it off as he pushed her into a stall bit by bit cloths fell to the floor, bit by bit skin was reviled until Evie was bent over panties gone exposing her juicy folds, hidden slightly by her skirt. Jacks pants and boxers lay around his ankles his cock erect and thumping against his stomach. Without words or warning Jack brought his cock to the entrance of Evie lush bud ripe for the picking and pushed his tip past her lips and deep into the warmth of insides. She moaned and neighed as he started to pull back out getting ready to have his way with this all too eager mare. Again no words needed Evie found a quick match to Jacks motions and grinded her hips against his hilted cock as he fucked her tight snatch. Moans and grunts where all that was passed between the two as Jack felt his cock pulse and yearn for climax but he felt that too soon and would leave this new girl disappointed. Jack lifted on of her legs over his shoulder and started again slow enough not to set himself off. Evie looked back at her skilled mate and gave him a small smile of satisfaction and a nod letting him know she was close. Jack speed up with that let her leg back down as he felt his climax rise he placed his hands on her waists letting her know he was going to pull out but she responded by pushing his cock deep inside her sex and let him explode, Jack could feel rope after rope of cum fill her until it leaked from the underside of his cock. Evie let out a loud moan as she came with her partner.

Jack and Evie returned to the table the two couples had yet to return but kitty still sat there sipping on his beer.

"You two where gone for quite a bit" kitty said giving Jack a wink.

"Yeah we um, I, She ran into a friend at the bar."

"Oh that the story this time. It's alright Jack, Evie your secrets safe with me."

With that Basks, Snow on his heels, Turbo with violet in his arms, returned from the dance floor laughing and looks of exaustion on their face.

"Well that was fun!" Snow said through spouts of laughter.

"I didn't know you could bend like that Snow" Bask said blushing "You'd put women to shame."

"Carefull saying that around here you never know who you might upset." Violet retorted looking teased from that comment.

The four sat down and went on with their conversation till finally Basks looked to Snow and Jack and gestured at snow

"Well Jack if you don't mind I would like to borrow Snow for the night."

"He's his own person and he's free to choose where he bunks for the night it's not like we're married or something." Jack said only for everyone to burst into laughter.

"Alright with that then I believe me and Snow will be leaving then." Bask said getting up and taking Snow by the arm they left with goodbyes and hugs for everyone.

"I think me and Violet will be leaving as well." Turbo said as he and Violet got up and left waving as Violet dragged turbo away.

"I'll leave you to as well." Kitty said giving Jack and Evie a look of understanding. "Three is a crowd anyways. Enjoy your nights you two."

Jack and Evie where left there at the table, silent, until Evie spoke up.

"Um would you like to escort me home?"

"Yeah sure I'd love to." The two got up and left the club.

The night was cold and darker than usual. Evie clung to Jacks arm shaking.

"Are you alright?" Jack asked concerned.

"I'm not a big fan of the dark, that's why I asked if you would escort me home." A wind made a howl in the night and Evie clung closer to Jack

"Well don't you worry I'm here to protect you then." Jack said pulling Evie close to him an arm around her waist.

The two arrived at Evie's doorstep there wasn't much talking on the walk they really had nothing to talk about.

"Well here we are."

"Yep, this is it."

"Well, have a good night Evie it was um, a pleasure to meet you" Jack said kicking at the ground.

"Same" Evie said as Jack turned around to leave.

"Um would you like to come in? It's rather dark inside with the lights turned off and all." Catching on Jack couldn't say no I simply nodded and followed Evie inside the door closing behind them.
