A Seashell Island Valentines Day: Chapter 2

Story by Crittenz on SoFurry

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Chapter two. Working on chapter three now. I know the chapters are short but to put it in perspective... The size of one chapter used to be my entire story >.> so I am writing a lot more and trying to get better. Constructive critism is always welcomed.

Chapter 2

Crittenz was sitting out back. Not out in her yard mind you, but high up on the roof. The day was a perfect one and her inner cat half was feeling rather lazy. Crittenz was reflection on the day. She wasn't just thinking that the weather was perfect but also about the inhabitants of the island. It was the day before Valentines Day and the whole island had been decorated. Pink and red paper chain streamers hung from every tree. The old style lantern lights that lined the walkway were outfitted with pink lights that cast a loving glow on happy couples. At least Crittenz liked to think so.

Casey, her dearest friend, had met a guy named Roth some time ago and the two of them seemed very happy. Crittenz didn't know Roth very well but didn't care as long as he was good to her Casey, which he was so it was an easy choice to have him on the Island. John, who still resided on the island part time, was away for the moment. Crittenz wished he was happy wherever he was and hoped he wouldn't be alone on Valentines Day. She also lay there wondering about her seashell friends. She wasn't sure if they dated or even celebrated Valentines Day. They were very happy and even eager to help her decorate though. It was with this though in mind that Crittenz head a terrible crash, got startled, and promptly fell off the roof and into the bushes below. Disgruntled she ran inside to find the source of the noise only to hear a faint knock at her door instead. Curious, Crittenz opened the door to find a slightly nervouse looking Sparkle standing there.

"Oh it's you Sparkle, Welcome". Crittenz gave the nervous seashell a hug and ushered her inside. "What can I help you with?" Crittenz asked. "Uhm, well first off, you have sticks in your hair" "Oh teh noez!" Crittenz Shrieked and started pulling twigs and leaves out of her hair. "Sit, Sit" she said waving her hand in the general direction of some comfy looking chairs. Crittenz is insisting I tell you that the chairs were awesome mushroom/cuddle chairs made of that soft stuff she thinks is either microfiber or suede. Which didn't really matter to her as the chairs were black and soft and comfy. In any case, on with the story.

"Well..." Sparkle said while watching Crittenz pick sticks out of her hair. "Why are there sticks in your hair anyway?" Embarrassed Crittenz assured Sparkled that it was a new fashion craze called Just-Fell-In-A-Bush and it was all the rage in Egypt. Sparkle accepted this explanation and then proceeded to ask her real question. "What do you know about Techno?" "Well it's a music style based of eighties pop music and it has an awesome beat and it's one..." "NO! I meant Techno the seashell not the music style" "how silly of me. Of course I did find it odd you would ask me about one of your favorite genres of music. Hmm well lets see here." Crittenz started ticking off the things she knew about him on her fingers. "He loves M.S.I. the band, it's his absolute favorite. He doesn't mind techno the music of course but his tastes lend more toward rock. Remind me to introduce him to three days grace... hmm What else... Oh yes his favorite color is purple and loves to go for walks in the evening. He likes relaxing outside near the trees across from the park and Oh! Why did you wanna know anyway?" Crittenz asked, looking at sparkle in a knowing way and suddenly understanding why the little seashell was so nervous to begin with. She was thinking that seashells definitely had to date or else how could there ever be baby seashells but that is a discussion best left for another time.

"Well," began Sparkle "I ran into him today," at this Sparkle began to fidget. "And?" prompted the Oracle. "and I was curious about him so I came to you!" The last part left Sparkles mouth in a rush. Crittenz shook her head and facepawed at this. "Sparkle, sweetie, did it occur to you to ask techno about himself. He might know more about himself than I do." Sparkled stared at Crittenz in awe. "You are indeed a great and wise Oracle..." Sparkle was about to say something else when Avair came storming through the house screaming "I DID IT!" and brandishing a chip that looked suspiciously like salt and vinegar instead of dill pickle. "I'll just err.. go deal with her shall I?" Crittenz said while looking slightly bewildered and going off to chase down the rogue seashell. Sparkle just smiled to herself and headed out to the door where she met techno. "What's going on in there?" he asked. He had the commotion even through his headphone. "Uhh Avair came by and the oracle is busy uh might want to wait a few minutes before you go in to talk to her." At this Sparkle smiled happily at him which made Techno's insides flop around again in an not entirely uncomfortable sort of way. Avair skipped off thinking on the oracles advice and how best to ask Techno about himself without seeming suspicious. Techno waited outside for fifteen minutes just to be on the safe side before he walked through the door to Crittenz's house.