Otter Twins

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#1 of Otter Twins

The title isn't very clever, but then again, I don't think titles have to be. Haven't written anything in a long while, it seems, so I wrote this. Hopefully I can start writing in full again. So here's this! Hope you like it, leave comments and rate it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Do you ever feel like what we're doing is wrong?" Kaleb asked, leaning against the bathroom counter as he idly watched his brother, Joseph, relieve himself, the shower warmed up and waiting for them.

The question went unanswered for a second, Joseph thinking as he flushed the toilet and kicked his shorts off, peeling his shirt off as well, leaving him just as naked as Kaleb was. "Nah, not really... What about you?" He asked, stepping closer to his twin and slowly running a paw down his tan fur, scritching gently.

"No, not really. I just wonder what some of our friends would think if they found out." He mused, leaning forward into the paw and uncrossing his arms to rest both of his paws on Joseph's hips, leaning in to press his muzzle into his brother's neck, kissing softly.

Joseph murred softly and giggled, pressing his hips forward, their still-soft, uncut shafts grinding together for a moment, both tingling with anticipation of what was to come. "Well, they'd either be disgusted or indifferent, I bet... probably the latter." He replied, grabbing one of Kaleb's paws and pulling him over to the shower, sliding the door open and stepping in, brother in tow.

After a few awkward encounters a few years before, they'd discovered that they both were more attracted to guys than girls, and figured that they could explore a bit to see what it was like. Sharing a room made it pretty easy to keep it secret. They were both seniors now and knew the ins and outs of each other's body more than anyone else could.

Kaleb had left his fur the natural, soft, brown color that he was born with, headfur cropped into a short, messy style that suited him rather well, while Joseph had opted to dye his fur a grayish silver color, black headfur tied into a short ponytail. One of Kaleb's paws ran down Joseph's sides, sliding across his thigh before it squeezed gently over the otter's shaft, tugging back his foreskin and running a thumb over the exposed head.

Joseph let out a soft sigh of contentment, his own paws now just resting on Kaleb's hips as he was explored and touched. Joseph had always found himself to be more of the submissive one, letting Kaleb do as he pleased, relaxing under his twin's attentions as his shaft slowly thickened and grew. "Mmm... you know... I heard that Danny was gay..." He said softly, spreading his legs a bit as a second paw joined the first, giving his heavy sac a soft squeeze.

"Danny? The fox in our weightlifting class?" He asked, stepping back a little to have more room for his paws to work over his brother's gear. Both of them were in good shape, trim and lithe, a bit of definition from their class, but nothing more. Kaleb's own shaft was completely hard from molesting his twin, pre forming at the tip, washed away with the shower raining down on them.

"Mmhmm, Jessica is his best friend, and she let it slip on accident the other day when I was talking to her... He's pretty cute, you know..." Joseph said, grinning and leaning back against the cold tile wall, shivering for a moment as his now-hard shaft was stroked with a bit more intent, his exposed head being rubbed against Kaleb's wrist as he stroked downwards each time.

"What are you suggesting?" Kaleb asked, slowly kneeling down in front of his other half, tongue reaching out to press against the head of Joseph's shaft, tongue teasing along the edge of his foreskin before delving under it, paw stroking downwards and pulling it back before his muzzle slipped down over the first few inches, sucking lightly.

Joseph squirmed and let out a soft moan as he pressed forward, paws on Kaleb's head, holding him there as his shaft sunk deeper, balls resting against Kaleb's chin as pre started to drip down against the back of his twin's throat. "Rrf... just... that maybe we should do something about that? We have an sub in gym and it's the one that pretty much ignores everything we do... Could just ambush him." He mused aloud, hips starting to rock back and forth, thick shaft sliding along Kaleb's tongue, pre drooling everywhere.

Kaleb, although he was usually on top, still could manage to take his brother's shaft to the base without gagging and he moaned a little around Joseph's cock, nodding as best he could to show he approved of the idea. One of his paws stroked along his own shaft while the other cupped the warm gray sac. He continued to slurp and suck around the thick shaft in his muzzle before finally pulling off, standing up to press his muzzle against Joseph's, kissing him hard as he ground their shafts together. Neither could complain about what they had, identical everywhere else, both were thick, just shy of eight inches, and could soak their way through a pair of jeans when teased enough, something they tried to avoid as much as they liked teasing each other at school and in other public places. The problem with teasing is that it can easily go both ways.

Joseph could just barely taste himself on his brother's tongue as they kissed, the water from the shower washing away everything. He ground back excitedly, one of his paws reaching down to squeeze both of their cocks together, stroking upwards and murring deeply into the kiss. Kaleb pulled his muzzle back, panting softly before he turned his brother around, their backs to the shower head as he lined up his shaft with his brother's entrance. He ground playfully against the passage, humping against the gray rump, cock drooling pre down the cleft of his ass as he leaned over Joseph.

"Come on already... the water could get cold any second..." Joseph said, pushing his ass back against his brother, giggling a little as his rudder-tail tried to stay out of the way.

"Pfft, it won't get cold for another thirty minutes... we would know." Kaleb responded, grabbing his cock at the mid and pressing his head against his twin's tail ring, pushing inside slowly, sliding in until his hips rested against Joseph's rear. He groaned softly at the warm tightness, his paws rubbing down his brother's back who shivered at the feeling, squeezing down around him.

Kaleb was in no mood to take his time tonight and he pulled out all the way, watching as he pressed himself back in. Joseph let out a needy moan and bent over further, legs spreading as his brother continued to slide completely out, teasing his hole for a moment before pushing back in. His pace started to quicken, the sensation always getting the best of him and ensuring their time was short. Kaleb ground himself deep into his brother's passage, starting to hump into him with shorter, staccato thrusts.

The gray otter kept his paws on the wall in front of him, balled into fists as he let his muzzle hang open, panting and moaning openly as he tried to will himself to cum. His cock was slapping up against his abdomen, pre splashing onto his fur and the wall in front of him. Paws wrapped around his chest and forced him to stand upright, making him gasp as the position forced him to squeeze down harder on Kaleb's shaft, lodged right against his prostate now. Joseph squirmed a bit and let out a soft whine of pleasure, his paws falling from the wall to his side before one moved to grasp at his own shaft.

Kaleb caught his twin's paw and grabbed the other, holding them at his side and using them for leverage as he started to thrust up into his brother, muzzle pressed into the back of Joseph's neck. He groaned softly and bent his knees slightly to start humping upwards, forcing Joseph to stand on his tiptoes with each thrust. Kaleb was panting heavily through his nose and he could feel his heavy balls starting to draw up close as they smacked against his brother's ass. He bit down on Joseph's neck, groaning loud as he came hard, cum running back around his cock and down his balls as he kept himself deep in his twin.

Joseph let out a pitiful whimper, pre running down his own cock as he struggled to free a paw to grip it. Kaleb held on tighter and finally released his brother's neck, panting and shaking his head. "Nope... Not yet, I have other plans for you..." He said, hugging Joseph tightly as he slowly pulled himself free, his cock throbbing slightly and spurting a little bit of cum over the underside of his twin's tail. He washed himself off as well as his brother, who stood there, looking at him pleadingly, cock painfully hard as he toyed with it. "I'm going to have to shower again aren't I...?"

"You're so smart." Kaleb teased, kissing his brother's nose before turning off the water and stepping out to dry himself off, handing Joseph a towel as well.

When they were both dry, they slipped back into their room across the hall, both still naked and hard, Joseph still dripping everywhere. Kaleb pushed Joseph down on his bed, closer to the door, and crawled up onto the bed to press his muzzle against his twin's sac before starting to lap along it, a paw moving up to grip his shaft, sliding his foreskin back and forth as pre coated his hand, a small pool already forming on his stomach. Joseph squirmed and moaned softly, eyes closing as he enjoyed the teasing.

Kaleb pushed his muzzle further up and parted his lips around his brother's head, the taste of his brother's pre instantly filling his muzzle like a broken tap. He swallowed a few times as he worked his way to the base, the head of his brother's thick shaft pressed into the back of his throat as he sucked and squeezed his muzzle down on it. He could feel his brother shaking a little beneath him and knew he was close. Before he could push him too much further he withdrew completely and sat up, panting and smiling.

Joseph opened his eyes and looked up to see what Kaleb planned to do next, watching him move around until Kaleb was sitting directly behind and above him, his brother's sac resting on his forehead, cock jutting up from his crotch, still hard, and starting to drip pre ever so slightly again. He blushed a bit as he realized just how much he enjoyed nights like this. Kaleb reached forward and grabbed Joseph's legs, forcing him to curl in on himself until he was looking up at his own cock as well, feet almost touching the wall behind them. One of Kaleb's paws held both of his legs while the other gripped his twin's shaft, starting to stroke it rather quickly, presplattering onto Joseph's face and chest.

The gray otter could only lay there in the slightly-painful position and watch as his cock was jerked off by his twin, who's cock was now starting to drip pre down along the underside and down over his balls onto his forehead. He snaked a paw up and grabbed onto it, making the same feverish jerks and tugs at it that were being applied to his own shaft. As close as he'd came to orgasm a few times already, he knew he would cum fast. Kaleb made sure that he wouldn't be able to back down off climax this time, leaning in and starting to lick from his brother's balls up over his passage, making Joseph let out a soft gasp and shiver beneath him.

Finally the otter came hard, toes curling and letting out a whimper of excitement as his cock throbbed hard in Kaleb's paw, cum gushing from the head of his shaft and splattering messily across his face and muzzle, his body shaking as Kaleb's paw continued to squeeze and stroke his pulsing shaft. Kaleb watched hungrily as his brother came over his own face, making sure to coat his neck and even his own cock. He released Joseph's shaft halfway through his orgasm, the rest of the gray otter's cum going everywhere and drenching his chest and stomach.

Kaleb's paw pushed Joseph's forgotten paw out of the way and he gripped his own shaft, stroking and squeezing along it as he quickly worked himself to a second orgasm, panting and licking along his twin's balls, focusing intently before he came hard as well, ropes of cum spraying out onto Joseph's body, adding to the substantial mess that was already there.

After a minute of panting and relaxing, Kaleb released his brother's legs, letting him uncurl and lay flat on the bed. Joseph groaned as his muscles relaxed, shivering at the feeling as he opened his eyes slowly. "I'm... going to go shower now..."

"Y-yeah... I probably should wash off too..." Kaleb mused, looking down at his crotch, cock still mostly hard, his brother's cum everywhere there. "Mmm... Can't wait until tomorrow..."

Joseph snickered as he stood up, trying to make sure nothing dripped off him onto the floor. "Yeah, should be a lot of fun...