Morning Regrets

Story by Ditsi on SoFurry

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#3 of Moonlight Sonata

I've been getting people tell me they're getting into this series, so why not keep going? This is getting to be a fun project, and I look forward to making this a good storyline for my own future reference. In the meantime, enjoy~


"Morning Regrets" by Ditsiline McCloud

Jenna agreed to come with me as I tried to get Konnor and Warren to talk to each other. We sat in Konnor's sitting room, watching each other through the tension that filled the air. Konnor looked like he was desperately trying not to cause a row between him, Warren and myself. On the other hand, Warren looked relaxed, as if he didn't care what Konnor had to say. I looked to Jenna nervously, and she nodded at me, as if to comfort me silently.

The two males looked at each other, as if they were ready to fight each other, but I knew they would try not to, for my sake at least. Jenna stood up and walked over to me, offering me her hand to help myself up and looking at the two males. "We're going to get a drink. We'll leave you two to talk. Be. Nice." I took her hand and walked out the room with her, feeling relieved to escape from the awkward tension. I sat in the kitchen and held my head in my hands, wondering what I'd got myself into. Jenna gave me a glass of milk, and sat next to me in a form of comfort.

"No point in you being there, breaking your poor little heart while they squabble." I nodded in agreement. I rested my head on the counter top, letting my finger trace the rim of the glass. I didn't want to be here now, but I felt obliged to stay. I felt Jenna rub my back in understanding, as if trying to cheer me up. The feeling made me feel a little better, but not by much. Jenna then looked up and said "Excuse me."

I looked up to see a male polecat in the kitchen doorway, looking confused. I looked at Jenna and nodded in understanding, then turned to my milk. I knew it was there as a way to calm me down, but I didn't dare take a sip. It felt as if I liked it just being there as an option rather than as a drink. It made me feel a little more secure.

I could hear mumbling in the next room, which slowly escalated to loud contradictions. I cupped my ears to try to drown out the voices in the other room, but, like it normally does, the noise was able to penetrate into my ears. I felt uncomfortable with such hostility, and silently pleaded for someone to either make it stop or be there for me during it. Before I knew what was going on properly, I just got off my seat and ran out the house. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew that anywhere must've been better than there.

I blindly ran for so long that I bumped into someone in the streets of the town center. I fell back and tried to use my arms to break my fall. I shook my head to dismiss the pain from my body, only to hear a chirpy female voice talking to me.

"You okay?" the voice asked, concerned but still somewhat happy. I looked up and saw a fox, dressed in mainstream pop/punk clothing, looking like a cross between Gothic Lolita and Avril Lavigne. Her hair was in big pink pigtails, her eyes like giant sapphires and her lips, violet on the lower lip, indigo on the upper lip. I got up and nodded, sighing and telling her unconvincingly that I was fine. She pouted and grabbed my shoulders. "I don't believe you. C'mon, let's go get a drink and talk."

We went (against my better judgment) to a cafe and sat, talking about what was going on with Warren and Konnor. I found out her name was Nikki, and she had been through what I had been through too. She nodded in agreement, giving anecdotes and calling me 'hun' every so often. I found also that she knew who I was talking about. She had met Warren before, and she knew how clingy he got with his ex-relationships, but he had never called them his mate before. As for Konnor, she had met him at a MCR concert, and the two got on, but when she tried to make a move, he said he was saving himself for someone. I knew that they were both wanting me, and now I understood how badly. I groaned and laid my head on the table, not knowing what to do. She scritched behind my ear and nodded.

"It's all right, hun. They can fight all day, but in the end, if they like you, they have to be happy with your choice and be happy for you in making it." I lifted my head, bewildered by the fact I hadn't noticed that before. She had stated something obvious, and no one else had said it either. I smiled and nodded, then dropped my smile, realizng why no one had said it.

"Problem is, I don't know who to choose."

"Well, think of it this way. Konnor didn't make his move until he got jealous, so maybe if you hadn't done anything, he'd still be silently crushing." This girl was one surprise after another. I smiled, feeling a sense of joy pulsing through me. Every time she spoke, she made sense. I stood up and looked around, ready to run to Konnor's house again. Before I could take a step, Nikki walked up to me. "Uh, my sister is getting off work right now, so I could ask her to drop you off." She pointed to the cafe shop door, to which a female fox was walking out, looking a little confused. Nikki walked up to her and explained what we'd talked about briefly. The sister nodded and walked up to her car, opening it and offering me a ride. I gladly accepted. Before I left, I turned to Nikki and smiled brightly. She nodded, as if she knew what I was going to say, and motioned her hand as if to make me leave instead of thanking her.

I got to Konnor's house and saw that Konnor was outside, sititng on the porch. He looked angry. I took a deep breath and walked up to him. He looked up to me and looked away almost immediately. "You worried us. We didn't know where you'd went." His voice was cold, unfeeling. I shuddered and sat next to him.

"Yeah, I needed time to think. Sorry." He frowned and looked away from me, as if he was trying to ignore me. I felt sorry for him, and tried to put a hand on his shoulder, but then he grabbed my hand and growled at me.

"Your boyfriend left, and I suggest you do the same, before I snap." I took my hand back and frowned. He was not being himself, and I wanted to know why. I opened my mouth in protest, but before breath could leave my maw, he put his muzzle up to my face and glared at me, right into my eyes. "Piss off!"

I could feel tears filling up my eyes, pain striking in my heart. My best friend was willing to be my worst enemy all because I met one guy who I could've easily turned down, even though I had tried and he didn't get the hint. I stood up and looked at him with a face of angry disbelief, then ran off, trying with all my might not to cry. I ran to the first place that crossed my mind, and to this day I do not know why.

Warren was walking into his doorway when he turned around and saw me running toward him. He looked confused at first, but shook his head in realization the closer I got. I ran into Warren and wrapped my arms around him, clinging for comfort and crying into his chest. I could feel his arms wrap around my back and his muzzle nuzzling gently into my hair. I felt so upset and weepy, that my memory got hazy after that.

I remember walking up in Warren's bed, alone. I looked around in confusion, and checked myself in case Warren tried something while I was vulnerable. I sighed with relief to see I was fully clothed, apart from my shoes. There was a note next to me, addressed to me. I picked it up, reminding myself it was probably from Warren.

Dear Ditsi,

I had to go to a job interview this morning, so I left you to sleep. There's a spare key on my dresser. Take it as your own. I'll be back around 2.

Take care, Warren - x

I put the note down and took the key as instructed. I sighed, realizing that Warren would have to be my mate, since Konnor now hated me. I got out of bed and heard the door knocking. I checked the time. 11:32. I walked to the door and opened it, wondering who it could've been.

"Hey hun!" It was Nikki. I let her in and took a seat in the dining room, sighing heavily. She knew what was up. "I heard what happened. Ran into Warren on the way here, and he was like, 'yeah, Ditsi's feeling bad, Konnor hates him now,' and I was like, 'oh, that's so sad,' and he was like, 'yeah, you can go check on him, if you want,' and I was like, 'fo' sho' bro'. So yeah, you feeling a'ight?"

I shook my head. I wasn't feeling '"a'ight", I was feeling horribly wrong. I had lost my best friend and now I felt like I had no choice in who my mate was. Nikki seemed to have met everyone on her way, because she also mentioned that she ran into Jenna, who told her she'd pay a visit, to see how I was after how her brother reacted. She helped herself to making us both a cup of tea, but I didn't complain. I was thirsty and needed something to calm me down. My eyes felt sore after crying so much. I felt saddened, but I knew that no matter how much I wanted to cry, I wasn't going to. I had no more tears left in me.

We talked at length about how I wanted to be friends with Konnor still, but was annoyed that he snapped at me like he did. I told her about how I wanted to have one of the two guys as my boyfriend and one as a friend, but it seemed that Konnor didn't want to be my friend and Warren only wanted to be my mate, not a boyfriend. Nikki tried to contradict my negative points with positive aspirations that everything was going to be fine. If I knew that things were going to be better, I would've just smiled all day and saw Konnor myself.

Jenna showed up and joined in the conversation in the afternoon, explaining how Konnor was feeling. As much as it was understandable why he felt the way he did, she said he had no right to snap at me like that. She said he regretted doing so, and hoped he didn't make me hate him.

"But I don't, I was worried he hated me..." I meowed loudly in frustration. How did I keep getting myself into these cliche situations? Nikki poked my shoulder to get my attention.

"So, you gonna talk to Konnor and Warren about the whole 'boyfriend' thing, or...?"

"No. I've made my decision, and I'm gonna talk to Konnor about it, now." I stood up and slipped my shoes on. Warren walked in to see me do so at that moment. He raised an eyebrow and watched as I darted out the door. I could hear faintly that Warren was asking Jenna what I was doing, but I was too far away from the house after that point to hear her reply.

I rushed as fast as I could to Konnor's house, walking up his porch and panting for breath as I did. I opened Konnor's door and looked around, seeing him sitting in the living room moping. I walked in and sat down, smiling at him. He looked shocked to see me, and dive-hugged me. He licked my face several times and snuggled me, making me giggle.

"I'm so, so sorry for hurting you. Please, don't be mad... I-"

I put a finger over his muzzle and nodded. "I know. I want to tell you something." I took a deep breath, and moved my finger away from his face. "I know who I want to be with." Konnor looked at me with pleading eyes, fuelled with a sense of happiness too.

"So, who is it?"


CLIFFHANGER!!! I know it'll probably be obvioud who I choose, but imma let you try and think about what'll happen next. Might draw these chars some time xD