Prince of G nation: Chapter 2: Arrival

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

The president of Holy grace was a little bit uncertain of what to make of a request being made of him by the king of Gaskland. The most powerful nation in the world right now and by far.

"What would you need?" He responded back to the fox.

"My grandson was assaulted quite a bit today. I would like those who did to pay just a tiny price. In return I will give you one hundred of our ANMA-10-94 defense systems. They would be quite helpful in securing your borders with Hamul. Are you interested?" Marcel knew if he left an investigation up to the locals nothing would be done but having such power would be amazing. These defense systems were ten versions older than what they currently used anyway but were still light-years ahead of what they had in this country.

"I will personally see to it a full investigation is conducted." The president said with glee. Quite a few furs around were not pleased with such a display of weakness by their president but some understood why he would want to avoid offending such high ranking persons needlessly.

"Thank you very much" just as Marcel was done everyone heard the sounds of a large group of kids approaching the house. However they quickly dispersed and ran away when they saw all the cops. "Should be easier than I thought." Marcel chuckled to himself before noticing Marshal trying to get out of the limo.

"Marshal behave young man. I would not want you to end up like your father." His grandfather warned.

"I have to see Andy! He is going to die!" He pleaded with his grandfather.

"He is already waiting on the plane being attended to by my medical staff. And you should start worrying about yourself young man. You are not looking good yourself. I can tell by looking at you that you have some serious injuries. I better not delay my departure any further. Let us head." Marcel said while he entered the limo. Most of the police entered into their squad cars and started the motorcade enclosing the limo.

George was not going to let this go by without a few encouraging words. "I am sorry that such an atrocious event had to occur. We were dealing with a country that has so much power and no morals that we cannot be sure what they will do. My job was to protect my country and not offending those immoral persons is the best way to ensure we not destroyed needlessly. I hope one day we can serve justice to them but until such a time nothing we can do but please them. I trust I need not say more."

Everyone nodded and went back about their business except Amy and her father. They did not like this one bit.

"Amy Fullerton. Your parental rights were terminated. I am sorry but there was nothing that could be done to prevent that. Be lucky any international charges were dropped for safeguarding the prince of another nation for so long. I bid you two a good day." The police chief said before departing with the rest of the squad cars to escort the president.

Amy could not believe it. In one fare swoop she lost her husband and all her children! And telling her that she was not going to be able to do something? That was over the top and she was going to have none of it.

The limo ride was a bit suffocating as the atmosphere in there was quite tense. Jeremiah and Marcel sat on one side with Mathew sitting in between them looking like a sacred little kid. And that was exactly how he was going to be treated these days. His sons were sitting on the side. Merlin was sandwiched between his youngest brothers and then Marshal was being sandwiched by two of the guards. He looked the most uncomfortable.

"Why are these guys so close to me?" Marshal asked wondering why his personal space was so limited at the moment.

"You just attempted suicide. I refuse to take chances. You are going to see one of our mental health specialists the minute we land. I cannot believe this idiot did not at least consider the health of his son over this stupid game that he was playing. Mathew I am horribly disappointed. You knew what kind of country you were in. the minute you found out your son was gay you should have contacted us immediately. "His father erupted at him after answering Mathew's questions.

Matthew could only weakly nod in return. He really did screw everything up. That was a total given. His son was about to commit suicide. If such a thing had happened because of what his selfishness entailed he would not have been able to face himself again. He really should have contacted his father two days ago when it happened but he typed the message and refused to send it. But that begged the question.

"How did you find me?" Matthew whispered out.

"Huh?" Marcel answered. "Someone in that country had been investigating you for a while it seems and they found out. They sold that information to some terrorist groups but we intercepted the transmission. You were about to be in a world of trouble."

"But! No one should have known it was me. There was no way. I covered my tracks so well. The only way was if they somehow got a hold of my DNA." Matthew retorted.

Jerry shot him a look. "That matters now why? You are not getting out of our sight again. If I have to treat you like the five year old that needs a leash I will. So give up on any ideas you had anyway." Jerry got the desired reaction he wanted. "I think it has something to do with a blood test someone ran that matched your DNA. Apparently some detective found some blood at a crime scene that they ran to verify who it belonged to and only got a hit in the international database. We did it discreetly from there. I oversaw everything so you would not find out. But now you tell us how you escaped?"

Matthew turned his head. "Answer him!" Marcel ordered.

"There was an attack on the cruise. I crawled through the vents while my guards dealt with the issue. I jammed the tracking collar and then was captured by the pirates who attacked the cruise. They retreated after our guards took down most of them but they managed to take me with them. Once they took me back to their base and found out they had the prince of Gaskland they freaked out. They knew of our military so they wanted to release me. I struck them a deal; I would pay them if they set me up with a forged passport and some documents. They managed to smuggle me into Hamul and I crossed the border from there into Holy grace. I knew that would be the easiest country to get in where you did not have a huge cloud of power. I knew you would not look in this part of the world for me so it was perfect. I then setup a way to contact you so I would not worry you two too much. I sent frequent video messages and pictures. After twenty five years I thought I was totally safe but a damn accident where I was barely hurt managed to do me in. What a predicament." Matthew could only sigh.

Merlin however was growling. "DAD!" he got everyone's attention. "If you had contact with Gaskland why did you not try and get Marshal out of country earlier? You knew for years he was gay. You knew he got ousted three days ago! You knew what would happen! Why did you just stand by on your ass and do nothing?"

His father could not look him in the eye. "The life of a prince may be worse for marshal. I was trying to deal with it the best I could and-"

"The best you could! Dad! You saw what happened to Marshal! He has always been weak and fragile and this was just too much! You should have done something before! I was trying myself to find a way to help him and I knew what would happen once word got out in the community. You saw for yourself how hateful they got in an instant and how harsh they treated Marshal. You should have gotten him out there." Merlin was clearly furious. Two days he started trying to find ways to help his brother knowing how he was. And here his father had ability to send Marshal to somewhere safe but did not do it.

"What could I do without giving out myself? It would be easy to track marshal back to me. And what about your mother? It would not be so easy for me to abandon her or to have her let Marshal go once she found out. Like it or not my hands were tied."

Merlin growled even more. "Hands were tied? Your hands were tied? I guess you rather let Marshal die than call your parents? Dad I am disappointed in you, I thought you actually cared." His father still could not look him in the eye.

"A coward that is what your dad is. And what exactly did you mean by the life of a prince may be worse for marshal? You run into trouble with one restriction and then become all gloomy and doomy. You are a freaking child. One who refuses to grow up? The more I learn the more I realize how much of a child you are." Marcel interjected. He was disappointed in his son. "But I am looking forward to getting to know my grandkids. Looks like you raised them properly under some unforced circumstances. After all they all chose you. And might I inquire why?" He then turned to Merlin.

"I am gay and it was not like I planned on staying in that hell hole. And besides I never really liked mom. She was always so uptight. Dad took care of us mostly anyway. Mom got unbearable with her ensures holiness lines and frankly I am sick of it." Merlin said.

Marcel turned to Mervin and Are Marvin. "Dad was always more caring than mom. He was with us when we were sick. Mom sometimes refused to use medicine and said prayer was the best answer. Dad somehow always got his hands on medicine for us. And besides dad gives us more candy." The two said laughing.

Marcel got a soft smile as he watched to boys. They appeared to have taken a huge attachment to their father. There was one thing Matthew was good at and that was being a parent. His son maybe had grown up some.

The limo ride last a few hours as they approached the nearest airport where their private jet was awaiting them. Merlin was most talkative with Mervin and Marvin chiming in occasionally as they tried to get to know their grandparents who were quite happy to have a chat with their grandkids that they had heard much about and also seen. Matthew at least kept them updated with regular pictures and video while managing to remain totally hidden from view.

The limo soon arrived at the airport and a few security checks later they were on their way to board a plane to their new/old home. On board already was Marshal's boyfriend already being tended by the medical staff that was also treating him for his wounds.

He wanted see his boyfriend but was told he should not right now. But he wanted to know why.

"Uh grandpa why can't I see my boyfriend right now?" Marshal had to ask. He had been seated on the opposite side to Marcel and his father. There was a table in the middle of the four seats. Beside him was his suicide watch although he thought it foolish to still need one. He was out of that hellhole and he was glad to never be looking back or so he hoped anyway.

"Well let's see. First off he is a refuge and you are a prince. You and your brothers will be hidden from public site while I get things in order. Your friend there has no such luxury. He will be in public eye for a few days as they do with other refugees. Given his case a lot of rumors and stories will be done about him and what he knows. He will be interviewed constantly. I will be dealing with your situation myself and ensuring nothing crazy happens before we get you inside the Inner sanctum." His grandfather answered.

"Inner? Sanctum? What is that?" Marshal just had to ask.

"I guess you know little about the country you will be leading in the future. But alas. The inner sanctum is what we call in the inner half of our country. Our country is divided up by an outer ring of land and an inner island that are connected by two bridges. Only citizens are allowed into the inner sanctum. And it takes a long process and some testing to find out if someone has what it takes to become a citizen." He then stared over to his son. "I trust they at least have a neuron in their brain? Or are you trying to cheat your boys out of their birth right?"

His father looked away. "It took some doing but I did get them a neuron. They all have it but I never activated them. I kept them in subconscious mode. That is the reason they are all so good at programming and inventing."

"What model?" Marcel inquired.

"The royal model that I invented personally. It is equivalent of Version seventeen. Marshal has the first version, Merlin got an updated version and I managed to give Mervin and Marvin both with version eighteen. I made sure if I was ever caught my kids would be safe. If anything happened to mine theirs would activate and send you a signal. You would figure out the rest."

"Smart, but you still did not want them to have a chance at their birth right. You will never hear the end of this young man." Marcel once again aired his displeasure with his son. "But first activate their neurons. This will expedite the process."

Matthew sighed and then reached for his phone. "Load Neuron configuration." The phone started showing a screen that said not active. "Begin activation of Mervin, Marvin and Merlin. Set Marshal to begin in three days. Set neuron connection to the main server and royal server." He then stared at his father who was looking at him disapprovingly. 'Ugh' Matthew thought to himself. "And also transfer my parental rights to the king and queen."

"Good. I will be taking care of the boys for now. You will address the media once we secure the boys. I have ordered a no media zone for thirty minutes. Once we land the boys will be escorted to a secure hotel while we introduce you." He tapped his son on the shoulder. "Prepare a speech"

Matthew nodded in response. He looked over at his three sons who had fallen asleep. It was going to be a long flight. He would need some rest too so he leaned over and rested his head on his father's shoulders. Being treated like a kid did have a few privileges. Marcel just smiled and let Matthew try and get some sleep. Even when Matthew was a teenager when Marcel saw him last he would do this and quickly fall asleep. Glad to see something's still lasted to passing of time.

It was a few hours later when Merlin was woken up by two of the black wolves. "What is going on?" He asked them.

"We are moving you and your brothers to a safe location until further notice. Please come with us and hurry. The press will be on us quite quickly." The black wolf ordered him.

Merlin got up and woke up Mervin and Marvin. The three were quickly escorted out of the plane and what hit them outside was amazing. The air here was so fresh and clean. You could even smell the cool sea breeze. Merlin knew he was going to enjoy this. This was going to be a refreshing change. He heard few things about this country just that it had a bad reputation with the more religious countries as being immoral and repulsive and even some of the more progressive countries did not like some of their customs. Merlin was definitely about to find out what those customs were.

Soon he and his brothers were assembled outside the plane just waiting for their instructions. One of the wolves was there to direct them. "Mervin and Marvin will head with me to hotel gracey, Merlin you will be at hotel Mercy and Marshal will join you once we get him treated at the county hospital. Please wear these disguises just in case any pictures of you come out before you get your public introduction." The wolf then handed them some hats, shades and scarfs.

"These should keep your faces from being seen. Since we cannot guard you some of our civilian guards will take over. They will meet you at your hotel. They are loyal but not as efficient as we are so please stay hidden and out of sight. Do not leave the hotel room." He ordered them before some other wolves came and lead them to their cars. The boys waved back at their father knowing they would not see him for a few days while things got sorted out. Merlin however did not wave and did not acknowledge his father.

Matthew was a bit hurt by how Merlin had taken this. It was quite horrible. He was would at least hope that Merlin would eventually forgive him in time.

"You will have some work to do for that one to trust you again. It seems he is very protective of his brothers. I hope this serves as a hard lesson for you." Jerry told his son while watching his grandkids go into hiding. "Now let's go our public awaits us."

Marshal was being treated for some wounds he got earlier when some kids from his old school beat him horribly. His guard was a white feline who was over seeing his treatment while trying to keep his identity a secret. The doctor was just about to prescribe some prescriptions for Marshal.

"Okay young man. You had a few minor bruises and a few deep cuts. Nothing too major. I will give you some medicine to help with the healing and to prevent any infections and that should prevent any complications." The doctor said.

"Thanks doc!" Marshal answered back and went to leave but the doctor stopped him.

"One thing young man. Injuries such as this were caused by someone assaulting you. The laws here require all such injuries to investigated and reported. I am cannot release you until you give a statement to the police about these injuries." The doctor told Marshal.

Marshal's guard had to intervene. "That will not be necessary Doctor; My Company is already investigating this disturbance."

"Why would such a high profile security company be investigating a small beating such as this one?" the doctor fired back.

"He is the son of a good international friend and we were asked to investigate and keep him safe. Apparently someone has been stalking him. The police are already involved and are letting us handle most of the leg work. No need to worry about anything." The guard assured the doctor.

"Fine but I still making a note of this. I won't let something like this blow up in my face." The doctor handed the prescription to marshal. "I bid you a good day."

Marshal stared as the doctor walked off angrily. "What was that all about?" He asked his guard.

"No is just worried that something illegal might be going on and we are covering for it. All citizens and residents are quite law abiding and do not like when anyone even acts like they are trying to break the law. It is quite a difficult trait to manage when you do things covertly like we do but you won't see too many crimes being committed around these parts especially since we have no prisons and punishment so ... uncomfortable to say the least. Anyway let's get you to a hotel. I have a room prepared already." The feline said and motioned for Marshal to come with him.

"Hold up!" Marshal said as he caught the sight of something interesting.

There was a news report about a refugee taken in from Holy Grace and currently being treated at Beverly hospital. That was all Marshal needed to know.

"What? Hurry up we have no time to idle about." The feline called out realizing Marshal had stopped.

'Now I just have to find how to get that hospital' Marshal thought to himself.