Silanna's Song- Chapter Two

Story by Bammer on SoFurry

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I know, it's been a while for this one. I have several more chapters planned out too, so I definitely don't plan on leaving this one totally cold. Also, this is my first attempt at anything yiffy. Hopefully it doesn't suck too bad.

Since it's been so long, you get a bonus!

Last time, on Silanna's Song-

Cocky Captain Ubai, of the small freighter Silanna's Song, decided on an unusual planetside meeting about a potential job on the small, backwater planet Seggr IV.

As usual, hope this story finds all of you happy and healthy, and please read, review, vote and CC! ^.^

-Bammer out

Chapter Two

My mind wandered as we descended to the planet's surface. My ship, Silanna's Song, was a small freighter. I honestly think they'd called it a freighter to make the sale seem sweeter as she wasn't suited to large hauls. I personally held the belief that she was a pleasure cruiser in a past life, some rich something's baby that he used to trawl around the galaxy before he got bored with it and dumped her the first place he found handy. Probably some bloody shit headed lion. That story would certainly explain the state she was in when I got her. Josia had been beside herself with excitement, her chance to fix up a ship and make it completely workable again. I grinned tightly and shook my head.

I was rewarded with the welcome thump of the ship touching down on the tarmac, and the air was filled with the hiss of decompression and the groan of the ship settling down, reacquainting herself with planetside gravity.

"This is Sillana's Song to Seggr Control, we've touched down." I said lightly into the mike.

"Thank you Sillana's Song, this is Seggr Control signing off. Enjoy your stay." The com disconnected with a faint hiss, and I stood.

"Well, Josia, you all set and ready to go?" I called back.

"Sure thing. Hopefully getting that part won't take but a second and the repair goes well."

"Good luck. I'm heading out." I was already walking down the hallway, noticing just how cramped it felt after a full week on board. It was just my luck that my first hit for work had been halfway across the galaxy from where my last job had left off.

The tight hallway opened up into the cargo bay, and I pushed the release, grinning as the cargo bay door slid open, taking a deep whiff of the fresh air that rushed in. Seggr IV was practically a backwater, but in some ways that was nice. The air was fresh and the tarmac wasn't too crowded as I headed down the ramp created by the door, my short legs carrying me with confident strides, my boots making satisfying thumps against first the metal of the ship and then the asphalt of the tarmac.

I headed for the station, looking for the showers that were present in any space station. It wasn't uncommon for ships to be lacking a bath of some sort. Smaller ships especially lacked the space for anything more than a toilet and a rudimentary sink. As I entered the building, my nose reminded me that I had also been living off of rations for the last week. Rations, water, and crappy instant coffee.

The signs declared that there was a bath house to the left, so to the left I walked. I got a few stares and realized I must look a sight, with my bright yellow hair all disheveled and my cerulean fur slightly greasy. My big, round ears flicked down as I suddenly felt self-conscious, and I found myself lengthening my strides in an effort to get to the baths faster. I felt a tremendous rush of relief as the bath house came into view, and I sighed to myself, chuckling softly. Of course I look horrible. I've been stuck on a ship, and landing is far more important than worrying about these random people. I shook my head as I headed in, but couldn't help glancing around, hoping that none of the random people around were my client. Customers sometimes got funny ideas, and it would be my luck to scare off some good credits by appearing hygiene-optional even though the numbskull would've been jumping my bones before I was good and ready. The assorted collections of species were all interested in their own tasks, though, and not a one paid me any more than a casual glance.

"What would you like for today, sir?" The cultured feminine voice called me back to the present, and I turned back to her with a wide smile on my face. The small calico cat was trying to not wrinkle her nose. So much for me being charming.

"I just need a shower, thank you." I said, handing her my credit card.

"Very well, Mr. Ubai, that will be fifty credits." She punched in a few numbers, swiped my card, and then looked up at me, rising out of her seat, a professional smile on her face. Her green eyes remained bored, however. "If you would like to follow me?"

I followed her to a small room, and she went through the description of how the shower worked and where I could find towels. As I watched her go through the motions, I realized it had been a while since I had been with a woman, and hoped that maybe I could find some time to scratch that itch before we took off again. She bowed out, closing the door firmly behind her.

I stripped, taking the time to glance at myself in the mirror. I ran a paw through my hair, shaking my head. I mean, I was a pretty handsome devil on the best of days, but this was far from the best of days. I grinned at my reflection, and laughed softly at the blue hyena in the mirror with the wide brown eyes. Oh well, not every minute was going to be the best of times, and I was just wasting time standing here.

The shower was decadently hot, and I hoped that Josia would find some time to pamper herself. She definitely deserved it, although from what I knew of her personality she wouldn't be able to relax until whatever needed fixing was fixed. I soaped up, running my paws over my short fur, rubbing the soap onto myself and feeling the last week wash away with the suds. I scrubbed at my head, making small moans of pleasure as my stubby-clawed fingers dug lightly into my scalp. I scrubbed and rinsed, working my fingers over my body, pushing and kneading the muscles. I felt myself growing aroused from the attention, and decided to take some extra time to deal with the need that was swiftly growing distracting as the hot water hit the tip of my member as it started to peek out of my sheath.

I turned away from the spray and gathered some of the dribbling pre into my hand as my thoughts immediately drifted to Amber Jade, the dancer at The Last Cantina on Katha Prime. Sure, she had the dumbest name in the galaxy, but her russet fur and bright green eyes made the vixen stand out in my mind. That, and she was my first after I had left the Telubian Galactic Forces. I slipped into a waking dream where she was dancing for me, just for me, her hips and buttocks swaying right above my hips, sliding ever lower...

"Oooh, Ubai, do I have a surprise for you!" she whispered right into my ear as she bent over, her soft, white breasts swinging gently below her.

_ _ My hand tightened on my girth, stroking up and down. I tried to go slow but I felt overly sensitive.

"Yeah, just what do you want to do with me? You have me for the whole evening." I whispered back, watching as her eyes lit up and she licked her lips slowly, dragging the motion out as she straightened up and fingered her perky nipples.

_ "Why, whatever you-"_

I bit my lower lip as the first hot jet of cum splashed into my chest and belly fur. My eyes snapped open, and I gave a snort of disgust. The time alone convinced me I had really gone far too long without attention. I mean, fuck man, I hadn't even gotten to the part where I actually had sex with her! Just thinking about a sexy vixen was enough to make me blow my load! As I cleaned myself and the shower, I chuckled wryly. After all, if I had to have an embarrassingly quick performance, it was far better to have it when I was performing for myself.

I dried myself off and then got dressed. A quick look through their offered hair styling products produced a gel that would perk my mohawk back up, and I worked it into my hair, getting the yellow strands to stand up straight and proud. I looked back in the mirror again, whiping away some of the condensation, and grinned. My cobalt ears stood up straighter, my brown eyes sparkled more, and my fangs flashed white.

I brushed my teeth really quickly, swished some mouthwash, and then I was totally ready to go. I double checked my blasters, making sure they were charged and secure, and headed back out. The cute cat at the reception desk did a double-take and actually smiled at me on the way out. Oh yeah, I was back in business!

I headed straight down to the local cantina, this one called The Falling Star. It sounded a bit kitschy, making me pull a face as I stepped in. It was fairly clean and well-lit which made me feel far more comfortable about the whole deal, even if the name was silly. The odds of getting a blaster bolt in the back were smaller in establishments like this. Soft music played in the background, and the food smelled divine. So I sat at a table and ordered one of the local brews and a burger.

I wasn't waiting for long before a throat was cleared behind me. I turned, my hand immediately going to my hip blaster, and looked right at a short, cowled figure. "Captain Ubai, I presume?" I couldn't make out his face beneath his hood, and the voice was soft and neutral. He extended a white paw. I stood and took it, noticing the lack of claws while I shook it. _Probably some damned lion. _

I smiled warmly, gesturing to the seat across the table from mine. "Yes. And you are?"

He sat. "That's not important. All that is important is that you accept our fee of 50,000 credits at the time of delivery, with 25,000 paid up front and that you take the cargo to the destination."

I raised an eyebrow. "Ooookay. You want to play Mr. Mysterioso, I can work with that. Where is the destination?"

"That will be given to you once you're underway." The cowl leaned in and the voice dropped to a whisper. "There are ears here. We don't want to go walking around attracting attention..."

"No, no, wouldn't want that." My beer arrived and I took a hearty swig, whiping foam from my top lip and trying to ignore the stares we were already getting. "Sooo... All I need to know is what the cargo is, and we'll be all set."

"That is also on a need to know basis, and you don't-"

"Actually, I do. There are some cargos I don't carry. Illegal substances, weapons into demilitarized zones, and human cargo are my exceptions. And I'm not going to take this offer until I know what I'm dealing with." Okay, so I had said that the guy could be mysterious, but that shit gets old fast. I mean, a cowl, really? How cheesy is that?

"You wouldn't want to run out on that many credits after flying this far out of your way, would you? Let's both just be reasonable here." The voice was suddenly placating, as if this person was trying to keep themselves from pleading and was barely succeeding.

"I'm serious. That rule is non-negotiable. Either you tell me what the cargo is, or we're done here." Maaan, if I had to walk out on this it was going to set me back a bit. Maybe I could find some small haul that needed off of this planet. Maybe this beer, or something.

There was a sigh. "I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice." A strange mumbling came from the hood, and two red sparks shone. I stood to leave, deciding that this had finally gotten to be way too much-

-and lifted my thumb up from the hatch control, watching as the cargo bay door slid shut. I turned and stared at the large cube that filled the cargo hold, and something felt itchy at the back of my mind, like I knew I was forgetting something but knowing that wasn't making it any easier to remember.

I don't know how long I stood there, staring, but a soft sound started to intrude on my thoughts. The sound got louder and more insistent, and finally a paw touched my arm. I jumped.

"Captain? You okay? We're ready to go if you are." Jocia was standing there, her paw pulling back to her preflight checklist, her large dark eyes giving the container a glance. "I even took the time to verify the funds transfer, and we're good to go. Just wish we could spend more time here, this planet is beautiful!" Her voice sounded all wistful, and I shook my head.

"We can't? Uh, right, we can't! I'll get us set for departure to... To... I'll go get us set." I brushed past her towards the cockpit, shaking my head, that itchy feeling dogging me the whole way.