Halloween Hijinks

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Forgot to post this here. I think I'll be uploading a few more stories that haven't made it here yet soon.

Late one October evening, a creature lurked in the woods, its eyes focused on an unsuspecting victim of feline origin. The creature's eyes glowed in the dark, a dead giveaway of its position, but it knew enough to conceal the glow when its prey looked in that direction. The prey walked aimlessly, looking around at its surroundings, and making some sort of vocalization every few seconds, though the creature chose to ignore the words. Slinking through the trees and bushes, the predator made its way behind the victim, and with claws extended it pounced! "Rawr!" The figure roared. It jumped on the back of its much larger target, wrapping its limbs around and bringing it down to its knees. The creature growled as its prey thrashed. "Raven!" Screamed the victim. "What are you doing?" Raven giggled, "I'm just playing, Daddy." The kitten smiled as she climbed off Lance's back. Her father rose to his feet and dusted off his pants before looking back at his little girl, all dressed in a hooded robe with skeleton face paint. "Raven, you shouldn't go running off like that. It could be dangerous, especially at night," Lance said. He sighed, grabbed Raven's hand, and started walking back toward the rest of the family. "But Dad, I made sure to keep an eye on you guys. I didn't go too far," She said. Her father sighed once again and handed her a plastic scythe. "I do believe you'll need this to complete your costume," He said.

The pair rejoined their family at the entrance of a local Halloween Festival, held each night in the week leading up to Halloween. Kids and parents both were encouraged to dress in their costumes. Lance and Celia both donned vampire costumes, complete with capes, fake fangs, and gothic outfits for both. Next to them stood Ryan and Nathaniel, who were dressed as French carpenter brothers from a famous video game series. In between them all, looking like his favorite tennis star, was Adrian. Raven was last to join the group, clad in her Grim Reaper outfit and clenching onto her plastic scythe, which she swung around making swooshing noises. "Okay, is everybody ready?" Asked Celia. The rest of the family eagerly answered, and they set off to the ticket booth. Lance paid and received the tickets, quickly handing them out to the others. "Keep those in a safe place, now. You don't want to lose your tickets," Lance said. Each parent took the hand of one of their kids, Lance with Raven, Celia with Adrian, and Ryan with Nathaniel, and headed through the gate. Inside they saw booths and games, all with a Halloween theme. Spooky noises and music were heard all over. Far off in the distance they saw the main attractions, a series of haunted houses, the popular haunted hayride, a stage show of classic Halloween plays, and a real live ghost hunt. The family discussed where they wanted to go first, and they decided it was easiest to split into three groups so they could each see what they wanted.

Raven and Lance decided to head toward the haunted houses. The kitten's excitement grew as they got closer. Soon they were in line and the young girl was bouncing with anticipation. Finally they were allowed in and Raven rushed ahead, followed closely by her father. Inside they found cobwebs, flickering lights, and various sounds of creaking wood and ghastly laughter. They turned a corner and bumped into a statue, but once they tried to get past it lunged toward Raven. The girl yelped, only to start giggling a second later. "Nice one," she said. The pair continued, seeing plenty of jump-out scares, with Raven giggling and enjoying each one. Then they came to the end, and Lance looked down at his little girl. He saw a huge grin on her face and excitement in her eyes, and he knew that he didn't even need to ask if she enjoyed the attraction. As they went down the path to the next haunted house, they caught the eye of an elderly wolf lady, dressed up like a gypsy. "Why hello, little girl. Do you like scary stories?" She asked. Raven nodded, and the woman motioned for the two to come inside her tent. Raven and her father sat on chairs at a table opposite of the wolf lady. The table had a fancy cloth on it, but was otherwise bare. "Now listen closely," the gypsy said. "There once was a girl just like you. She enjoyed spooky things. Loved being scared. Got a kick out of creeping out those around her. Many years ago she came to this very field in search of a legendary creature. Tell me, young lady, have you ever heard of The Headless Horse?" Raven shook her head. She kept her eyes focused on the elderly gypsy in front of her, intently listening to the story. "Well," she continued, "The Headless Horse was once a living being like you or me. He was a mostly normal fellow, but he had an insatiable lust for young girls. Felines were his favorite. One day he seduced and conquered the sheriff's young daughter, which infuriated the lawman. The horse was arrested and charged with rape, despite claims from both parties that it was consensual. The sheriff refused to believe his girl would consent. So the horse was executed in public by decapitation the next day." The gypsy ran her thumb across her neck, which sent shivers down Raven's spine. "Since then, every 50 years a young feline girl goes missing on the anniversary of his death. They say that he takes their souls to join him as his newest lover in the world beyond. The last time was that young girl I mentioned before." The gypsy leaned in close and whispered, "That was fifty years ago to this very day." As soon as she finished, a pair of arms wrapped around Raven's chest. "EEK!" The kitten screamed. She looked back and saw that the figure had no head. "AAAAHHHH! The Headless Horse! Help me daddy! He's gonna take my soul!" She cried. Raven started thrashing about, and a few seconds later the creature put her back down. The gypsy, the figure, and even Lance broke into laughter as Raven tried to catch her breath, the look of terror still scrawled across her face. She started looking around in confusion and saw the figure pull the cloth off of his head, revealing himself to be a normal, headed horse. "Oh sweetie," the gypsy said after the laughter stopped, "You're fine. It's just a story." She smiled. Raven calmed down and she started to smile. "That was a cool story," She finally said. "Thanks!" With that the felines got up and left the tent, waving goodbye to the gypsy and her assistant.

"Oh, just missed," Said the gentleman at the ring toss, much to Adrian's dismay. Celia and her oldest son had been making their way toward the theater to see a Halloween play, but it was still several minutes before the next show started, so they decided to try out a few carnival games on their way. Next to the ring toss was the booth where you knock over the bottles. Adrian gave it a try, and even though he made a solid hit, the bottles stayed put. "Too bad, kid," the attendant said with a smirk. The kitten mumbled to himself as he and his mom walked on. They had reached the end of the carnival booths and were on the path toward the theater. The path was surrounded with bushes that were decorated with cobwebs and other Halloween classics. Walking down the path, Celia got an idea. She grabbed her son by the arm and dragged him in between two large bushes and knelt down in front of him. Without hesitation she started kissing and licking his neck, her hands rubbing all over his body. "Mmmm. Oh Adrian, honey, you looked so hot playing those games," Celia hissed. "Your muscles tightening, your toes clenching, that cute look when you got angry." Her hands reached up his shirt, fondling his chest and nipples, while her other hand went down the back of his shorts, grabbing his butt cheeks and sticking a finger up his rear. Adrian moaned at his mother's assault. "Ah," he gasped. "Mom, you shouldn't-" A finger came up through his shirt and pressed against his lips, silencing his protest for the moment. He knew that this couldn't end well. He never felt anything while viewing the female form. He knew that, he tried to tell his mom that, but her lust for him wouldn't stop. What's worse, his body betrayed his mind. He felt an erection building and growing larger by the second as his mother teased his chest and anus. Soon her hand moved from his chest down the front of his pants while she started dotting kisses along his cheeks and up to his mouth. He felt her tongue enter his mouth, and he gave into the overwhelming desire that had overcome him. He wasn't attracted to girls, he and his mom knew it, but she still knew exactly how to make him melt under her touch. Just before Celia pulled her son's erection out of his shorts, a flashlight shined on the couple. "Hey, you two," A security guard yelled. "You know you're not allowed to do that out here." Adrian turned a bright red from embarrassment while his mom just sighed. The two felines straightened their clothes and hair while the uniformed badger motioned for them to come back to the open path. Once out of the bushes, the guard issued them a warning. "If I see you two doing that again, I'm going to have to take you into custody. You know the laws. Now move along and stay out of trouble." Celia and Adrian nodded and resumed walking back toward the outdoor theater. They still had a couple minutes left. Celia looked back to see the guard walking away, and gave her son's butt a good squeeze.

"Cool costumes, bro! Marcel Brothers, awesome," said a random passerby. Ryan and Nathaniel smiled and thanked the stranger. The pair walked through the attractions in an attempt to find the arcade. They could hear the sound effects of the arcade machines growing louder as they walked along, the bright lights and smells of food offering little distraction. Finally they reached their destination. Underneath the big tent were a few dozen arcade cabinets and pinball machines. Their eyes surveyed the games available, from Puck-Man to Galagian to Kilopede. Both of them set eyes on Mule Kong, the first game featuring Marcel, the character Nathaniel was dressed as, though he was called Leapman when this came out. Ryan pulled two quarters out of his pocket and put them in the machine for a bit of two-player alternating play. Both put up a good game, but in the end could only get through six or seven levels each. Nathaniel noticed the original Marcel Bros. arcade game, so he dragged his father over to that machine for a competitive match. Ryan knew to take it easier on his boy, but before he knew it, Nate had beaten his father. Putting more money in the machine, Ryan tried to put up more of a fight, and while the next match was more even, Nathaniel still came out on top. Frustrated, Ryan decided to take the boy over to the Super Alley Fighter III Turbo: Extra Championship Edition HD Remix Plus cabinet to really test his skills. Ryan confidently placed the quarters in the machine, knowing he was a pro at the original Alley Fighter III, and expected to mop the floor with his son. What he didn't know was that one of Nathaniel's friends had the console version of the game, and once again Nathaniel creamed his father. Ryan sighed in defeat. "How did you get so good at this?" He asked. Nathaniel looked up at his dad with a smile. "I've had a lot of practice." Ryan chuckled, picked up his son's hat and rubbed his head, messing up the boy's hair. He put Nate's hat back on and they walked on to the next game. After all his quarters were used, Ryan grabbed his son's hand, and walked with him out of the tent, headed down toward the theater.

Ryan and Nathaniel were the last of the family to arrive at the theater. "About time you slowpokes got here," Raven said. "The play is about to start." "What is it?" Nathaniel asked, looking to his other two parents. "It's The Legend of Dozy Hollow. It has the Headless Horse," Raven said, her face beaming with excitement. "Didn't you already hear a short version of the story earlier, sweetie?" Lance asked. "Uh-huh, but this is the play!" Raven replied. "Now come on, let's go!"

The family entered the outdoor theater area and took their seats about halfway up. A few minutes later the lights came up and the curtain opened. The local stage actors did their very best to bring the play alive, telling the story of Ichabod Brolga and his run-in with the Headless Horse as it tried to kidnap a young villager. Raven maintained her excitement throughout, despite her body becoming more and more sleepy from the long day. Lance kept looking at his little girl to see if she was still awake, as it was past her bedtime by this point. Nathaniel and Ryan had each pulled out their Nintony handhelds and were playing games with each other with the volume muted. Neither were particularly interested in theater, and the ambient light from the moon helped dull the glow of the systems. In the middle of them all were Adrian and Celia, and once again Celia had her hands all over her eldest son. Celia was trying to keep it discrete. One arm was around his shoulders, while the other was down his pants. The boy's erect penis was exposed as his mother stroked his shaft. Adrian leaned his head on his mother's shoulder, gasping slightly as quietly as he could. Celia turned her head and kissed Adrian on the top of his head. "I hope you're ready," She teased. She let go of her son's boyhood, reached into her pocket, and pulled out a small bottle of lube. She opened the top and put a small bit on her fingers, and then returned her attention to her boy's erection. Adrian gasped, knowing he couldn't hold out much longer at this point. Celia's fingers sped up to an incredible speed, bringing Adrian to his climax faster than he ever had. He began to moan, but a hand clamped over his mouth. Celia thought quickly and tried to muffle her son's noise as he spasmed through his orgasm. Once his body had settled, she dried up her hands and tucked his penis back inside his shorts. Afterward she gave him a quick peck on his lips.

The play had ended, and the family were on their way to their car. Lance carried Raven, who fell asleep only after the play ended. Behind him walked Celia with Adrian in her arms. This kitten fell asleep shortly after his orgasm and had yet to wake. In the back was Ryan, holding a very sleepy yet still conscious Nathaniel. The family got to their car and strapped the kids into their seats. As they got ready to climb in, Lance stopped his spouses for a moment. "Celia, I know you lust after Adrian, but don't you think you were needlessly risky tonight?" "Come on, bro, the people behind us probably didn't notice. Even if they did, they wouldn't interrupt the play just to report us," Celia said. "Besides, I can't help it. Adrian looks just like a mix of you and Devin when you both were little. He reminds me of the fun we had as kids, and it drives me wild." "But he's gay, dear," Ryan interjected. "His body may react, but he doesn't truly enjoy it." Celia sighed and lowered her head in defeat. "I know..." Lance opened up the driver's door, looking at his twin. "We'll help you deal with it, don't worry. The important thing is that we had fun tonight. Now let's get home and get everyone to bed."