A Case Best Left Untouched Part 2

Story by AlexeloVicSorra on SoFurry

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Back at home Sero was getting ready to go on his run, it was getting hot so he didn't bother putting on his jacket. As he was getting ready to leave he remembered that he had to get the pocket knife Sora left for him. I swear he treats me like a little kid but he's doing it to protect me. He grabbed the knife and stuck it in his pocket. He stretched and did his warm up work out before heading out the door. He locked the door and remembered to grab the house keys.

"Good morning Mrs. Wentel," said Sero with a smile to his next door neighbor. The older looking Poodle waved to him with a smile while watering her beautiful rose bushes.

"It's going to be a wonderful day. I know it!" Sero started on his run and took his normal route. Down the block, toward the wooded area of the city; he always took this route so he was pretty chill about going.

When he got to the fork in the road that he always came across he decided to travel a different route. As he was running he saw someone in a black hood walking toward him. He must be one of those drunks that walk around back here. I better just run past him don't want to have any trouble. As Sero ran around the hooded stranger he saw that there was blood on his jacket, it sent chills down his spine.

The stranger looked up and met with Sero's eyes, it was a jackal. He was wounded and his eyes were begging Sero to help him. Sero stopped and asked him if he was ok.

"No I was on a walk this morning but I got lost and slipped down a slope. There was a piece of metal sticking out and it sliced the side of my stomach. Could you please take me to the hospital?"

"Yes of course, could I please see your wound maybe I can perform first aid on it," said Sero getting closer to the jackal.

As the jackal lifted up his jacket Sero turned his back to tear a piece of his shirt as a bandage. Sero froze when he noticed something being pointed to the back of his head. As he slowly turned around the jackal laid dead on the road. A large metal bar was raised and hit Sero across the muzzle. Sero yelped in pain while he fell to the floor and his fur slowly stained with his own blood.

"This is going to fun don't you think little wolf pup," said an unknown voice in a playfully evil tone. He grinned as Sero cried in agony.

Sora! Sora! Help me! Please!

***** ****** *****

Sora jumped as he stopped at a red light. Sero was that you, are you ok?

"What's wrong sir," ask Ceilia concerned.

"Everything is fine. Could you do me a favor, call Sero for me please." He handed Ceilia his phone quickly. She started calling his cell phone. There was no answer so she tried again.

"Sir it only rings no one picked up."

"Damn it. hopefully he is still on his run and can't answer the phone." Soon they were back at the station and Sora walked back into his office to look at the new information. Okay, so all of the victims were stabbed all in the chest and the number of stab wounds represented the age. The first victim who was a male arctic wolf age 18, he was out on a walk and was found 1 day later in an alley garbage can. The second was an albino fennec age 19, she too was on an outing but was found 2 days later. Her body was dumped into a river, it was found under a bridge. The third was a white feline she was on a walk with a friend and she was missing for a total of 20 hours and her body was discovered earlier yesterday by the river. Now our last victim was a white tiger and no one knew she was missing until we found her body in that shallow grave. He's getting sloppy but will we catch his final mistake before another innocent soul is lost.

Agent Leon entered the room quite shaken up, "s-sir he has a new victim."

"How do you know this and why are you so shaken up?" Sora rose from his seat and advanced toward the shaken lizard.

"He sent a disturbing viral video..."

Before Leon could say another word Sora left his office to go view the video with the other agents. When he walked into the room everything fell silent. They turned to him and cleared the path for him to see the video.

Ceilia grabbed his paw, "Sir you shouldn't watch the video I beg you."

"Its evidence Ceilia I have to do my job!" Sora pressed play and Sero came up on the screen.

"Sora, please help me I'm scared!" Sero was tied to a chair and blind folded with the blow from the metal pipe clearly visible.

A hyena appeared and said in a sarcastic tone, "Yes Sora come help us were scared! HAHAHA!!!" he placed a paw on Sero's face and turned him so the camera would capture the still bleeding wound on the wolf's face. "You better hurry or he'll end up like the others, how old is he anyway?"

The hyena let out the most sickening laugh the investigators ever heard and the video shut off before Sero could finish saying Sora.

Sora was in shock that the sick bastard who killed the other victims had his only pride and joy in his possession. There was no noise in the room you couldn't even hear anyone breathe.

"Track that video signal now!" Sora was so angry the fur on his back began to stand up. "I want every available agent on the search for him now!"

All the agents rushed to do as they were assigned. Ceilia could only watch as Sora frantically assigned people to do stuff.

I swore I wouldn't let anything happen to Sero and now he's in that psychopath's hands. I'm so sorry Sero I should have stayed home with you or called you earlier! Tears swelled in his eyes but he quickly wiped them away.

Leon put a paw on Sora's shoulder and said, "Don't worry sir we'll find him. Now the place where it appears the video was shot was an abandoned warehouse or fishing yard. There are currently 6 possible warehouses that fit the description and 4 fishing yards. I have already dispensed agents to the fishing yards and abandoned warehouses."

"Good work Leon. I just hope we aren't too late..."