Seekers Tale Part 18

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#19 of Seekers Tale

A darker chapter to Seekers Tale with some more disturbing images and scenes. Again special thanks to Wolfie Steel and Crazy One for the use of their respective fursonas.

Part 18

The heat from a fire brushes against my face and chest causing me to open my eyes in alarm. The sight that greats them sends a chill down my spine and causes fear to grip my heart. I fall to my knees as I see flames leaping from every window of our home. The entire house is on fire, being consumed from within. My home and the home of my pack for a hundred years is being turned to ash before my eyes.

Around me the forest is also burning sending great clouds of smoke into the air. There is no sign of life of any kind anywhere around me. I swallow hard and get back to my feet forcing myself to go closer to the inferno that used to be my home. I have to see if there is any sign of my pack, any sign of Shadow.

I put my arm up in front of my face to shield myself from the worst of the heat as I look around to try and figure out what the hell is going on. As I move closer to the house so that I can see around the front yard at first I don't see anything beyond the smoking grass and burning trees. Then a dark mound catches my attention.

As I move forward my eyes focus on the mound while my ears strain to catch any sound around me but the roar of the fire drowns out any other possible sounds. I near the mound and reach out a shaking hand as fear and dread fill my stomach. Touching the top of it I know that my eyes have not tricked me as I was hoping.

Lying on the ground in front of me is the body of a wolf, one of my pack. I slowly turn the burned and beaten body onto its back causing the lifeless face to look up at the sky. I jerk my hand back in shock. Beneath the burnt fur I recognize the corpse of Eve. Her lifeless eyes are open but unseeing.

I fight back a wave of nausea as I look over her burnt body. Most of her fur has been burned away from the heat and fire surrounding us. But as I study her remains I realize the fire is not what killed her. In her chest are five arrows, each one of them is piercing her heart. She never stood a chance.

I reach down again and gently close her eyes to give her body at least some respect. I don't have the time or the means to give her a proper burial right now so I am forced to leave her body as I continue to move around the yard looking for anyone else. The fire of the house is still burning fiercely bathing the area around it in heat, smoke, and a red orange light.

I force myself to move away from Eve and around the side of the house, keeping a safe distance from the flames as much as I can. As I round the corner a scene that I could never have prepared myself for greets my eyes. All over the ground are the bodies of the rest of my pack as well as some of the villagers.

I slowly force myself to move through them looking for any signs of life from any of them but I know there won't be any. They are all burned severely, but from what I can tell none of them died from the fire.

As I walk amongst the bodies I begin to recognize them. Rick lies in a pool of his own crimson blood that has spread out from his chest where a spear has pierced and pinned him to the ground. Next to Rick is his brother Jasper. Jasper's head is turned in such a way as to leave no doubt that his neck has been broken. Tears begin to flow from my eyes as I walk among the bodies of my friends and family.

Next I come across Tabatha and Luna. Tabatha is on her side with a sword that enters her stomach and exits through her spine. Luna is just a few feet away and is covered in hundreds of slices, none of them seem to be very deep but the sheer number of them caused her to bleed to death.

The tears begin to flow more freely now as feelings of guilt begin well up inside me. Where was I when this happened? Why was I not here to stop this or at least die alongside them? How could I have let this happen to the ones I was supposed to protect?

Looking around I see Aaron with his throat cut and Rosalie with dagger in her heart. All around me there are bodies of wolves and villagers and my grief grows with each face I recognize. Then it hits me, there is one body missing from all those around me. Shadow is not here, his body is missing. A faint flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe he is still alive in this nightmare comes to life in my heart. I continue around the house till I reach the back yard and that hope dies dealing me the most crushing blow yet.

Hanging from a tree in the backyard with his back to me is Shadow. He is hanging from a rope that has been tied around his neck and hung from the tree. As I slowly approach him his body rotates in mid air and reveals a sword that has been driven down into his body between his neck and shoulder. The hilt of the sword looks familiar and then I realize that it the sword that I gave him. The sword that was broken when he stood in front of Harandoom to save me that has been driven into his body.

I let out a howl of rage and pain as I fall to my hands and knees and sob as Shadows body slowly rotates in front of me. After several long and painful minutes I manage to gather myself together enough to get back to my feet and reach for the rope holding my mate. Fighting through the tears I work to undo the rope from around his neck. As soon as it is loose enough I slip it over his head and catch my mates body as it falls into my arms.

I gently lower him to the ground then pull the sword from his neck. As soon as it is free I toss it to the side where it clatters on the ground. I then wrap my arms around Shadow and pull him close to my chest and press my face to the top of his head and weep. For longer than I know I sit there on the ground crying into my mate's body.

As I sit there cradling Shadow close to me, sobs wracking my body, our home and forest burn around us destroying all record that we were ever here. Once again my home is destroyed when I wasn't there to defend it. Once again I am left alone.

Eventually the tears stop flowing even though the sorrow remains. I lift my head and look up to the smoke filled sky and let out a long mournful howl telling the world that on this night I have lost all that I cared about. As I lower my head I close my eyes again and just sit there holding Shadows lifeless body.

After a moment a sound reaches my ears. There is a sound of movement coming from around the house. I look up and see bodies moving through the smoke heading for me. As they get closer I realize it is the bodies of those I passed coming to Shadow. My pack has risen from the dead. But they don't move as though living. Their movements are slow and pained as they approach.

They all stop forming a loose circle around me and Shadow when I hear a raspy pained voice, "Where were you?" I look down at shadow and see his eyes open and looking at me, but there is still no life in them. He asks again, "Where were you when this was done to us?"

I let go of him in shock and back up a couple feet sliding on my hands and back. I watch as Shadow slowly gets up on his feet while he continues speaking, "You promised to protect us Seeker, but when we needed you most you failed us. We died hoping you would come but you never did. Why did you break your promise Seeker?"

I lower my head in shame as I speak for the first time, "I don't know why I was gone. I never wanted this to happen. I am so sorry I failed you." He steps over to me then reaches down and wraps a hand around my throat and lifts me up till he is holding me a couple inches off the ground. As I choke as I struggle in his grip he glares up at me with those empty eyes. Then as one they all say in the same raspy voice, "You left us alone to die just like you left your first family alone to die in Atlantis. Now you must see it happen again."

Just as I am about to pass out from lack of air Shadow releases his grip on my neck causing me to drop to the ground where I land on my hands and knees coughing trying to get air in my lungs. When I get my breath back I keep apologizing, "I am so sorry. I'm sorry. I wish I could have been here. I wish it was me that had died instead of you."

I look up at Shadow grief and guilt eating me alive. As I look at him he backs away and joins the circle around me. As one they begin to laugh, but this laugh is not the raspy forced voice of before. This laugh is cold, dark, evil, and very much alive. As the laughing continues all of their bodies begin to dissolve into smoke and merge together until all that is left is a dark formless cloud of pure black blocking out the fire behind it. The only change in the color of the cloud is two red eyes glowing in the center.

Then a dark sinister voice echoes from within the cloud, "You escaped this fate once before child of Atlantis. You lived while all those you professed to love died as you did nothing. But your doom is approaching you Seeker, sooner than you know and I will be there to see that you die." With those last words the cloud races toward forward engulfing me in its darkness suffocating me within its grasp. As my last thoughts of Shadow and my pack begin to fade in my mind the voice says in a pleased way, "Now you join those you failed to save." The darkness fully takes me and I know nothing else.


I sit bolt upright in bed gasping for air my eyes wide in terror. For a moment I don't know where I am then slowly the room comes into focus and I realize that I am in bed. For a moment I just sit there panting heavily as sweat drips from my face. When I get my breathing under control a turn and slide my legs out from under the covers and sit on the side of the bed in the dark of the room. Looking at the window I realize it is still dark, possibly several hours till dawn.

I turn and see Shadow sleeping peacefully on his side of the bed with his back to me. Watching his steady breathing helps drive away some of the fear that woke me up. Moving quietly I make my way around the bed and head for the bathroom. I close the door softly behind me before I turn on the light and look in the mirror blinking at the sharp lights blinding me.

I place my hands on either side of the sink and lean on them as I look at the wolf in the mirror. I barely recognize the reflection staring back at me. My fur is soaked with sweat and plastered to my skin in places while in others it is sticking out at weird angles. My eyes are bloodshot and tired looking. My ears are at odd angles with the left one turned partly inside out. There are even tear tracks on my face leading from my eyes where I must have cried in my sleep as well.

I turn on the water in the sink and begin to splash my face to wash off the worst of the sweat and tears. After getting the worst washed off I reach for a nearby towel and begin drying off my face and getting my fur back under control. Once my face is dry and I have my ear fixed I look in the mirror again and see my reflection has returned to some semblance of normal. With a sigh I turn the water off then turn back to the door turning the light off before I open it so I don't disturb Shadow.

Making my way across the room silently I gently lie back down on the bed and pull the covers back up to my waist. As I am laying there staring at the ceiling my mind replays the horrible images of the dream. At that moment Shadow rolls over and places an arm over my chest as he asks in a sleepy voice, "Want to talk about it?"

I should have known better than to think he would not have noticed my movements. I look towards the sound of his voice and see his eyes sparkling in the dark of the room. Even as dark as it is I can still see the life that fills those wonderful eyes of his. I force a small smile as I answer, "Not right now. Maybe in the morning when the sun is up."

He blinks then yawns as he tightens his grip on my chest and cuddles in close to me. In a sleepy voice that trails off he says, "Ok, I love you." I place a gentle kiss on the top of his head and wrap an arm around him as I say, "I love you to Shadow." With that he falls back asleep and I just lay there for several minutes holding him close reassuring myself that he, and the rest of my pack and friends are still alive and well.

Eventually I drift back to a dreamless sleep with no more nightmares to torment me.


Sunlight pours in through the window and brightens the whole room causing me to growl and burry my face under the pillows. It doesn't seem like it has been five minutes since I got back to sleep. As I growl into my pillow Shadow stirs next to me and sits up on the bed. With a laugh he rips the pillow from over my face and looks down at me saying, "Now is that any way for an alpha to greet a new day?"

I glare up at him as I respond, "After yesterday and last night I think I'm an entitled to want to sleep in." His grin disappears as a slightly concerned look crosses his face, "About last night, did you want to talk about what happened in your dream that had you so upset? You were tossing around and talking in your sleep. I tried to wake you up at one point but you didn't respond so I just had to leave you alone."

I sigh and sit up on the side of the bed and rub my eyes as flashes of the nightmare go through my head. Lowering my hands I look out the window as I feel Shadow move so he can sit beside me. He takes one of my paws in his and asks, "Want to talk about it now? You said you didn't last night so I didn't press it."

I sit there holding Shadows paw as I think about the nightmare. Eventually I find my voice enough to tell him about it. It takes several minutes for me to tell him about the dream and what happened in it, during the whole story he just sits there silently listening to me. When I finish he places his head on my shoulder and says, "Love it was just a dream. I know you would never leave us alone like that." I let out a low sigh, "I know I won't, but I still can't help thinking there is something more to it than just a fear of losing you and the others."

He lets out a short huff and gets up and moves the window, "Sounds to me like you're reliving the pain and guilt you had from when Atlantis was destroyed." He turns to face me and leans on the window sill, "When was the last time you stayed in one place long enough to build a family or be part of a pack before you settled here?"

I sit there for a moment and think before I answer, "I don't know that I ever have stayed in one place long enough to form any kind of roots. The century I have been here in this valley is the longest I have ever stayed in one place since Atlantis was destroyed." He smiles a bit as he responds, "Well there's your problem, this is the first time you have had a place to call home and now you're facing the fear that you may lose it just like you lost your first home. For over three thousand years you have been running from that fear without even realizing it."

I look at my mate both stunned and impressed. Eventually I let a small humorless laugh, "Your right, I never did really face my trauma and fear from losing Atlantis. Sure I grieved for my home and family, but I never really faced it. I always moved on to something else before I grew any attachments to a place or its people knowing I would out live them all."

We both just sit there for a moment in silence until he asks, "Why did you decided to stay here and put down roots? You had been moving around for so long why change and decide to stay?"

I stand up and move to the window and stand beside Shadow looking out over the valley as the morning sun begins to shine down into it. Letting out a sigh I start talking, "I used to tell myself that there was something about the valley that kept me here. But there's nothing here that isn't in a thousand other valleys I have been to. The village is nothing remarkable compared to any of the other towns I have seen. Sure the people are great in their own way, but there is nothing really remarkable about them."

I fold my arms across my chest as I continue, "I suppose the truth is that I don't know why I stayed so long. When I first came here I figured I would build a small cabin in the wood, live here for a decade or two interacting with the village as little as possible then move on to the next place that caught my eye."

I continue talking as images and memories of the past century flow through my mind, "But as the years went by that small cabin turned into this house, my interactions with the villagers became more and more common till I was seeing them on a near weekly basis. Friendships blossomed, bonds were forged, and before I knew it I had been here nearly fifty years."

"By then stories of a lone werewolf living here had begun to spread beyond the valley walls. Then about twenty years ago now Jasper and Rick showed up on my doorstep." I chuckle softly remembering the first time I saw those two, "Two teenage wolves covered in dirt and twigs, torn clothing, and in desperate need of a meal. They were sure a pitiful sight. Well what was I supposed to do, just leave them to find their own way in the world?"

Shadow looks at me and asks, "Why were they in such bad shape?" I shrug, "It had something to do with their old pack. You will have to let them tell you the story. I promised I wouldn't tell it. So I took them in, gave them food, a bed, some clothes, and some training. Now you can see the wolves they have become since then."

Turning my back to the window I lean against the sill like Shadow is doing, "Well since then a few other pups have shown up on the door step eventually ending up with where we are today. Once I had a pack that followed me I couldn't very well leave so here I am."

Shadow nods slowly, "Well that's as good an explanation as any I guess. Whatever the reason is that you stayed in the first place I am glad that you did. It let us meet after all." With that he reaches up and plants a kiss on my nose, "But I think we should get dressed. The trials for my father and his circle are later today and I fully intend to get some breakfast before then."

He steps back from me and heads for the bathroom, "But first, a shower is in order. Especially for you love, you stink of sweat." I watch him as he walks towards the shower focusing rather intently on his ass watching his tail flick back and forth as he walks. Then it hits me like a ton of bricks, Shadow, me, shower. That is easily one of my favorite combinations. My thoughts about the past and my nightmare are shoved to the side as I push away from the window sill and take off after him.

I follow Shadow into the bathroom only to find that he already has the shower going and is standing there in all his natural glory waiting for the water to warm up. I step up behind him and wrap my arms around his chest and press close to his back. I take a long deep smell of his neck before I gently start nibbling on it. He tilts his head to the side and lets out a low pleased growl as he says, "Keep that up and we will have even more of a mess to clean up in the shower."

I growl softly next to his ear, "And that would be a problem why?" He groans as he pushes his ass back against my swelling cock and says, "Never said it would be a problem." With that he breaks free of my arms and steps into the shower. I follow behind him less than a heart beat later and close the curtain behind us.

As the water flows over the both of us washing away the sweat and sleep from our fur I turn Shadow's back against the wall and press my muzzle to his in a kiss. I open my mouth and press my tongue to his lips which open eagerly allowing me to push forward to taste his own tongue.

As we explore each other's mouths Shadows hands begin to explore my body. One paw rubs down my back massaging each muscle it comes across, the other starts on my chest but quickly moves south till he reaches my swollen sheath. I moan into his mouth as he squeezes on my forming knot before pulling back on my sheath enough for my cock to slip free. Once he has my cock free his hand moves lower still and cups my balls rolling them around in his paw.

My own paws have been exploring his body at the same time. My right is moving down his side slowly and seductively, while my left massages his ass. When my right reaches his waist I move it around the front of his body and begin my own fondling of his balls and swelling sheath. Just as his rapidly growing cock breaks free from its confines I press the index finger of my left against his tight hole and begin to push in.

The simultaneous stimulation on his ass and cock causes Shadow to pull back from the kiss and let out a long low moan of pleasure. I move my mouth to his neck and begin to nibble on it as he pushes back against my finger prodding his ass. His moans and movements begin growing more frantic as I add more stimulation. Both of his hands stop what they are doing and grip tight to my back as he tries to pull as close to me as he can while at the same time trying to push back with his ass to get my finger to go in deeper.

When I don't think he can take any more I remove my finger from his hole while letting go of his balls with my other hand. He lets out a whine of need at the sudden loss of pleasure. Pulling back from his neck I look down between us to see that both of our cocks are hard and pulsing with beads of pre on the tips. I put my lips next to his ear and in a low growl say, "Turn around for me love."

He nearly knocks us both out of the shower in his haste to turn and lift his tail in order to present his rear to me. I grab my cock at the base and playfully rub my pre along his crack causing him to whine a bit in need as he says, "Would you hurry up and fill my ass already."

I grin lustfully as I put the tip of my cock up against his hole and push forward. In a single thrust I have buried my cock into his ass all the way to my knot. For a moment I sit there just enjoying the tight, hot grip his ass has on my cock. Once he begins to relax around my shaft I begin to pull out till just the tip is left in then I thrust back in even harder than before. This brings a yelp of surprise from Shadow as I run over his prostrate.

I lean forward so that my mouth is just behind his head and ask, "Was that what you were wanting?" All he manages is a panting nod as I use both hands to grab his waist and begin to jackhammer in and out of his hole in rapid fire thrusts.

Before long his knot is fully inflated and his cock has a constant stream of pre flowing from it. My own knot is nearing its full size so in one final thrust I drive it hard into Shadows waiting hole. With an audible pop barely heard over the running water and our own labored breathing my knot enters his ass and increases to its full size locking us together.

As my orgasm takes hold causing me to send my seed deep into shadows bowels, I use my right hand to grip behind his own knot giving him the sensation of a tie as well. That sends him over the edge causing him to let out a loud moan as his release sends long streams of white cum shooting from his tip which paints the shower wall. The tightening of his ass around my own cock sends blinding pleasure through my body. To keep from letting out a triumphant howl that would surely tell the entire castle what we are doing I instead place a firm mating bite on Shadows shoulder right at the base of his neck.

For several long minutes we stand there under the stream of the water just enjoying the afterglow of our mating. As I begin to recover from my orgasm I release my hold on Shadow's neck and gently lick the spot where I was biting him. He lets out a low moan as he tilts his head to the side baring more of his neck to me.

With a sigh he turns his head enough to look at me, "I love you Seeker." I stop my licking and smile as I respond, "I love you too Shadow." He wiggles his rear just enough to send another wave of stimulation running through my body from my cock. As I let out a moan at the increased sensitivity I squeeze harder on his cock causing him to let out a similar moan.

We both just stand there for several minutes enjoying the sensations of being so close together as the hot water flows through our fur when a knock comes from the door to the bathroom. With a growl I lift my head from Shadows shoulder and call out in a bit of an irritated voice, "Yes?

Jaspers muffled voice comes from the other side of the bathroom door, "Just came to let you know that Rosalie says breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes and that she wants to speak with both of you and Alpha Steel soon as everyone has eaten." Suppressing an urge to shoot the messenger as it were I call out, "We will be out in a bit."

Shadow is trying his best to suppress a laugh as Jasper walks out and closes the bedroom door behind him, "Don't get mad at him love, you're the one who got all over my ass as soon as you saw me in the shower." I give a gentle tug and pull my semi soft cock from his ass causing us both to give a small moan. As he turns around to face me I say, "Well I certainly never heard you complaining."

He shrugs as he wraps his arms around me, "What's there to complain about? You're my mate and I fully intend to take full advantage of it every chance I can." I kiss him on the nose as we begin to wash our fur out properly. Just then Shadow's stomach lets out a loud rumble causing us both to laugh as he says, "Well now that you have satisfied one hunger, how about we go see about getting the other one taken care of."

After we getting cleaned, dried, and dressed Shadow and I head downstairs in search of food and Rosalie. I wasn't surprised to find both in the kitchen, making our search all the easier. We stand to the side as Rosalie directs a constant flow of food from the kitchen to the main table where there is a line of wolves and humans moving by filling plates for their breakfast.

I stand back waiting for everyone else to get their fill before I go through the line. As I watch everyone move about getting food and eating I notice how any animosity held by the villagers against Alpha Steels pack and my own after recent event seems to have died away. There are villagers all around who are talking with wolves from both packs.

I just stand there watching as everyone spends time getting to know each other as Alpha Steel steps up next to me. After a moment he speaks up, "I take it you were summoned by Miss Rosalie as well?" I chuckle and nod, "Yeah I was. She is one of the few people in this world that can do that." I turn and look at Wolfie with a smile, "And don't be surprised if you get more than a few summons from her in the future as well. She is a force of nature that doesn't take no for an answer."

He shakes his head a little as he says, "Has she always been like that?" I let out a bark of laughter before responding, "In the near eighty years I have known her no one has been able to tell her no when she wants something." He gives me a funny look prompting me to ask, "What's that look for?"

He lets out small snort, "I just can't get used to the fact that you are so much older than everyone else here. You look like you could be my kid brother. Yet you have been around for how long?" I shrug, "Oh three thousand years, give or take." He shakes his head, "I can't imagine what living that long would be like."

From next to us Rosalie speaks up, "To hear Mister Seeker talk about it sometimes you would think it is the most dreadful thing in the world. For years all he did was complain, complain, and complain about how long he had been alone. That is till my dad knocked some sense into him one day."

At that I speak up, "Now Rosalie, they don't want to hear about that." But I was too late, she already had both Wolfie's and Shadow's full attention. Not to mention the attention of half a dozen nearby wolves and humans who had stopped eating to hear what she had to say. She looks up at me with a smirk, "You mean you don't want them to hear about that?" I just glare down at Rosalie.

My glare only serves to make her laugh, "Oh come now, I know you well enough to know you will never hurt me. That glare is all bark and you know it." I let out a snort, "Well I seem to remember a certain teenage girl who would nearly pee her pants when she got that glare." Now it's her turn to glare, "Fine, I won't tell what I know if you don't tell what you know." The crowd watching lets out a collective sigh of disappointment and goes about breakfast.

With a grin I say, "Sure, but just in case you decide to gossip later on just remember who was your baby sitter growing up." With that she huffs and turns to Wolfie and Shadow, "That is one downside to him being an immortal. He gets to know you better than you know yourself." She then turns to look at me with a grin, "And you have a way of seeing the best in others when they don't see it themselves." I just shrug and remain silent.

Wolfie clears his throat and asks, "So what was it you wanted to talk to us about Miss Rosalie?" She turns on Wolfie and I see her reaction coming even before she starts speaking. So does Shadow as he takes a step back just as Rosalie takes a step forward and gets right up next to Wolfie, "First off Alpha Steel, my name is Rosalie and you will call me either Rosalie or Rose. You will not be using any of this miss, ma'am, or madam stuff got that? Seeker is the only one who can get away with that."

With each point she makes she emphasizes it with a poke to his chest causing the gray wolf to back up with each poke till he was pressed against the wall. Looking down at her as she continues, "And I will not take a no on that. Got it Alpha Steel?" He just nods as the rest of us who have been on the receiving end of one of Rosalie's tirades try our best not to laugh.

When she is satisfied she has made her point about she lowers her hand and continues as though she never got in his face. She turns back to the rest of us and says, "Now the reason I asked to see you guys was to talk about the trial for those goons outside. I assume that you two Alphas will be on the tribunal to judge them?" I nod, "Yes ma'am that's right. I was thinking that Alpha Steel and I would represent our respective packs and that the villagers could choose someone to represent them on the tribunal."

She nods looking satisfied, "Good, I was hoping you would say that. I was talking with the other elders and they have asked me to be on the tribunal as well." I nod, "I can't think of a better choice to represent the village and still be fair minded." She shrugs, "I think it was mostly because the others didn't want to be in the firing range in case things got bad during the trial." I let out a small laugh, "With as many wolves and humans that are going to be around and armed I imagine that would be a slim possibility." With a shrug she turns and goes back to the kitchen saying over her shoulder, "Normally I would agree Seeker, but around here... who knows."

As soon as she is gone Wolfie looks at me and asks, "Is that normal for her?" I take a deep breath and think for a moment before answering, "Actually, for Rosalie, that was fairly calm. Like I said she is a force of nature." He looks over his shoulder toward the kitchen saying, "That would be an understatement. I have faced down Harandoom's goons before and never been as concerned for my safety as I was just then." Shadow and I both laugh as I say, "In all my years I can honestly say that she is the one human I have ever been really afraid of. I would also trust her with my life if necessary. She is a great woman, and will be a magnificent guardian one day."

He snorts, "I can't imagine what dealing with her for several hundred years would be like, let alone the decades that you have been around her." I catch Shadow's eye and wink at him, "Who knows Alpha Steel. Maybe one day you won't have to imagine it."

With that I walk off leaving Wolfie with a confused look on his face as I go to see about getting the preparations for the trial under way.


A few hours later we have all gathered outside on the front lawn. Wolfie, Rosalie, and I are seated at a table facing Harandoom and his circle. I am in the center with Wolfie on my left and Rosalie on my right. To either side of the table all of the villagers and wolves from both packs are seated or standing watching the proceedings.

I pick up a wooden hammer someone has found to use as a gavel and knock on a block of wood three times to quiet the crowd. Once everyone is quiet I speak up, "This hearing is more of a formality than anything. We have gathered here to have a full listing of the crimes committed against my pack, Alpha Steels pack, and the villagers of this valley after which punishment will be determined and dealt."

I turn to Rosalie, "As the representative for the villagers Rosalie will list the crimes committed against them first." Rosalie stands up and unfolds a piece of paper. She looks at the list on the paper and begins to speak, "The crimes against our village are as fallows. That the accused did knowing invade our village with the intent to cause harm to the inhabitants and damage to their property. Damages included the burning and subsequent destruction of several homes and business including my own. The injuries of over a dozen villagers, the deaths of seven men, three women, and two children."

When she has finished reading the list of crimes she sits down and folds the paper. As she finishes a few sobs can be heard from the crowd as the families of those killed are reminded of what they have lost. My heart grows heavy at learning that children had been killed as well. This is the first time that I had heard two innocent kids were lost in this senseless fight.

Now is my turn to stand and list crimes against my pack. I stand straight and speak in a loud clear voice, "Against my pack the following crimes are charged. That those accused did knowingly and willfully launch an unprovoked attack on land and people under our protection. That member's of my pack were physically harmed and almost killed in said attack. That a hunt was initiated by Harandoom against my beta and mate Shadow for no other reason than he was alive. It is also charged that Harandoom attempted to personally kill Shadow and myself. Also the charge of willingly biting a human and forcing them to become a werewolf against their will is laid."

I look to the crowd as I continue, "Would Marcus Reaver step forward please." After a moment Marcus makes his way out of the crowd, still in his wolf form, with his aunt beside him. "Young Marcus here was turned against his will." There is a collection of gasps from villagers who have known Marcus his whole life and from wolves of both packs who realize the implications of turning a human. I nod to Marcus and his aunt, "Thank you may sit back down." He nods and turns back to his aunt and they return to their seat.

I sit down and meet the hate filled gazes of several of Harandoom's circle. I stare each of them down without flinching forcing each and every one of them to look away first.

Next is Alpha Steel's turn to list crimes. He gets up and clears his voice, "The crimes committed against my pack are far too numerous to ever fully recount so I will just name a few. Harandoom and his circle are charged by their former pack of having willfully destroyed all of our homes and belongings. Willfully attacking and even killing dozens of members of our pack over the years, myself included. Forcing us to participate in the attack on this valley against our wills and killing any who disagreed."

He takes a breath and continues in a voice that cracks slightly, "You have all forced us to live in a constant state of terror for over forty years now. Most of us have lived our entire lives in the fear that one of you would beat and kill us for no other reason than it gave you pleasure. We are now free from your tyranny and we will see to it that you are brought to justice so that the souls of those you have killed can finally rest in peace."

With that Wolfie sits back down and stares with a fixed jaw and stares straight ahead. From around the crowd I hear a murmur of whispers as wolves and villagers share their concerns and view about the crimes listed.

During the reciting of all the crimes we charged Harandoom and his followers all Harandoom did was stand there with slumped shoulders staring down at the ground. From what I could figure out from his body language it wasn't that he was ashamed of what he did. It was more like he just didn't care what happened to him anymore.

I sit there for a moment watching him to see if he has any kind of reaction at all. But it seems as though when I defeated him in the fight I broke more than just his body. His mind and spirit seem to be broken as well. But I can't fight the feeling that there is something incredibly dangerous about him still. Something that I can't put my finger on.

After a few moments more I knock the gavel twice to get the crowd silent again. Once everyone is quiet I look over the wolves we are accusing and speak, "If any of you have anything to say to try and convince us of your innocence now is your last chance to speak." We all sit there in silence waiting to see if any of them will say anything.

One of the wolves, a brown wolf with scars and yellow eyes speaks up, "All I have to say is that we should have cut the throat of every last one of you. None of you deserve to live. Only the strong deserve to exist."

I fold my fingers together and lean back a little in my seat as I respond to him, "If you are truly so strong and worthy of existing why is it then that you are the one in chains facing judgment and possible death at the hands of those you deemed to weak to live?" His mouth drops to speak but no words come out. I just nod, "I thought so. The three of us will now decide your guilt and punishment."

With that Rosalie, Wolfie, and I all get up and head inside to discuss the punishment for Harandoom and his circle.

Once we are inside the house I close the door behind us and turn to Wolfie and Rosalie. We look at each other for a moment before she speaks up, "Well I vote we hang them all and be done with it. They have caused too much suffering to ever repent for their crimes." I look at Wolfie and ask, "Do you agree?"

He lets out a sigh, "Personally I am against killing in any form, even executions. But after having lived under their tyranny for my entire life and loosing friends and family to them there is no way that I could live with myself if I knew it was within my power to stop them once and for all and I let them live. I also vote we hang them."

I nod, "Then it's agreed. They will be put to death. I have lived long enough to see many kinds of evil in this world and the things I have seen them do are easily among the worst I have seen. That kind of evil doesn't change, it only spreads and grows darker." With our decision reached I open the door and we head back out to the table.

The three of us stand at the table as I bang the gavel three times causing a hush to fall over all gathered. I take a deep breath then announce our decision, "We have agreed that all those accused are guilty either all or in part of every crime we have listed here today. As a result the punishment is to be death by hanging. To be carried out immediately."

There is a loud commotion as everyone starts talking at once in excited tones that justice has been delivered at last for those who have suffered at the hands of Harandoom and his circle. The celebrations are cut short however as a voice rises above all others. The voice comes from Harandoom, but it is not the voice he had when I fought him. This voice is much darker and smoother. It reminds me of black oil on water.

As the crowd quiets Harandoom says, "So the last son of Atlantis has cast his verdict on the damned. He seeks to end the lives of those who have wronged so many. I say that he will not get the privilege of seeing those he condemns hang from a rope." With that Harandoom looks up causing me take a step back at what I see.

Instead of his one red eye looking at me he now has two eyes that are both solid black. How his other eye was restored I don't know but as soon as I see them I know something is seriously wrong and I realize that the voice coming from him is not that of Harandoom but of something speaking through him.

I steel my nerves and speak up, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The voice lets out a disturbing laugh before responding, "I am the one who is responsible for the death of Atlantis and will be responsible for your death, Seeker son of Anil." With that Harandoom throws his head back and opens his mouth in a soundless scream as a cloud of black smoke pours from his eyes and mouth forming a shapeless mass, much like the one from my nightmare the night before.

In horror I watch as the form grows in size. As it grows it sends out spears of itself and pierces each of Harandoom's circle in the chest killing them instantly. Then the voice speaks out again, "These fools have served their purpose and are of no more use to me." Once the last of the circle is dead the cloud draws the spears back into itself causing the bodies of the wolves to fall to the ground where their blood spreads beneath them into a pool of crimson death, staining the ground.

I summon my trident as wolves and villagers all around draw out weapons of their own. Shadow is by my side in an instant summoning his own sword in a burst of flames. When he does the cloud lets out a shriek so loud it forces everyone to cover their ears. Then in a voice laced with fear and panic says, "THIS CANNOT BE! THERE CAN'T BE A FIRE GUARDIAN HERE!" With that the cloud folds in on itself forming into a much larger version of the creature that Harandoom summoned during our fight two days before.

In a flash the creature flings out an arm knocking over three villagers and two wolves that had their weapons drawn to defend themselves from this unknown foe. In the same panicked voice the creature says, "You may have found away to make another of your kind, but he will be the last you ever make. You will all die just as your father died. At my hands."

With that the creature turns and lifts into the air to flee but as it does there is a flash of silver from it. Less than a heart beat later I feel an impact to my chest and cold pain. I look down to see the hilt of a dagger protruding from my chest with my blood quickly spreading out around it turning my shirt a deep wet red.

A cold numbness spreads from chest and I lose my balance and begin to fall backwards dropping my trident as I do. I hear Shadow yell from beside me, "SEEKER, NO!" He manages to catch me before I hit the ground and he lowers me down holding me close in his arms.

I cough feeling something wet and coppery tasting rise up in my mouth with each spasm. I try to take hold of Shadow's hand but I have a hard time making my arm respond to my will. Looking up at Shadow I manage to whisper to him, "Be strong Shadow, the others are going to need you. Just as you will need them, I love you."

Through tears he responds, "Don't talk like that, you're going to be ok. We will get through this. I need you to stay. We are supposed to be together forever now." I force a smile as best as I can, "Just because we are immortal love, doesn't mean we can't be killed." With my last bit of strength as my eyes begins to go dark I finally manage to get my hand to grab his.

My last vision before the darkness takes over completely is Shadow holding my hand in both of his though I can't feel it. Then the darkness takes away all sight and sound except for a single quite voice that seems to be coming from a great distance, "You must fight Seeker. Your battle is not yet over." After that voice the void becomes all that I know.