tails and me part 4
part 4 enjoy
Tails pulled me by the shirt and kissed me again tenderly I was starting to feel hot and sweaty and started thinking of a millions things I wanted to be the best boyfreind Tails could have
"Tails you're the one I care about nobody else matters to me" I said pinning him to the wall and started kissing his furry mane
"Same for me I never tought I'd fall in love with you Brandy but I'm glad I did c'mere hansome" He said kissing my neck After 10 minuts of kissing we decided to go for a stroll on the beach when we got there Tails and I took off our sandales and walked towards the sea Tails loved the beach told me that he would go evry day before coming home at his village we sat down on the sand hand in hand and looked at the water
"You know Brandy I was thinking of somthing" Tails said
"Yes" I said
" I always wanted to fond a family of my own how's adopting a kid sound to you?"
"Ummmmm....... I dunno Tails I mean don't you think it's a bit early for us having a kid ?" I said
"You don't hafta answer right away you can think about it OK ? Tails said
On the way back we stop to get some shushi and spring rolls for dinner cus Tails had never tried it as I park the car in the garage we see Louis at the front door
"what you doing here Louis ?" I ask
"wanna talk to you alone" He said giving tails a cold look
so Tails went to get dinner ready leaving Louis and me alone to talk
"Brandy I say you're making a big mistake in making Tails you're boyfreind you've known eachother for 2 months and you fall in love with him unlike me who've you've know for 6 years i'm sure i'd make a better lover" Louis said
"I'm sorry Louis but you and me live in seperate worlds plus you're parents don't like me much I still haven't gotten over you're dad's lecturing about me beeing a waste of time beeing you're freind" I said
"B...b...but Brandy I love you more than I'v ever loved anyone give me a chance pleeeeeeeeeeease"Louis said tears rolling down his cheeks
"Brandon dinner's ready" Tails said
I walk towards the house and say
"I'm sorry Louis but Tails is my lover you won't make me come to you but i'll remain you're freind" and I leave
"well I won't give up untill you and I get togeather from now on Tails you're my rival" Louis said to himself
and headed home