Within the Shadows - Intro

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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Artemis is a young Argonian/ Werewolf who travels the lands of Skyrim bringing pleasure to men who seek him, these are his stories and his erotic adventures.

Artemis was a traveler, an Argonian from the swamps, however he never saw the swamps in his entire life, for he wasn't raised by his own kind, he in fact was adopted. He had lived in a small town that didn't contain enough people to be located on the maps of Skyrim; the town was called Whispering Mountains because it was created near an old chain of mountains that were believed to whisper. However tragedy struck the small village during the awakening of the Dragons....

A dragon by the name of Thyius had took wing into the skies of his village, casting it in a shadow, suddenly the ruff tops of the buildings were aflame, as well as the fields of wheat, the people screaming with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. So with nothing further to lose, Artemis set forth for a new home, and a new family....through his adventures through the land, Artemis has found a guilty pleasure of tracking down men and cornering them in dark places, asking them to take him to satisfy their basic pleasure needs, and from time to time rumors spread throughout the land of the Argonian who'd bend over for any male to take him, and this is where his story begins.