Reynard Vier

Story by raska4042 on SoFurry

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#4 of Reynard Series

Fourth, and last part completed of Reynard.

Reynard Part Four By Raska Kannagami

"Hello, Mrs. Hiro? My name is Officer Cortez. No, no...Reynard is alright. Your son is here with me. No, not like that, ma'am, not at all. My son goes to his school now, and he asked your son to come over to our house after school and well, you know..." Looking up to wink at the two boys, he continued, "...boys will be boys."

There was a few moments of quiet as Ren's mother said something on the other end of the line, "Oh, that's quite alright, ma'am, my wife and I would be more than happy to have Reynard over for dinner. How late did you say you'd be?...well, if you don't object, we wouldn't mind letting Ren stay the night, and I'm sure my Benji would love to have his friend sleep over."

Another silence, "...There's no need for that, ma'am, I'll come and pick up Reynard's things myself. If you've been working all day there's no need for you to do more driving than you have to...of course, it wouldn't be an imposition, you deserve a nice quiet night to yourself. Just to be doubly sure, you said your address was Sixteen Thirty-seven Ferrum Lane? Alright, I'll see you then...Goodbye."

Ben's father hung up the phone and glanced at his watch, "Sam should be home soon, you boys ought to get dressed."

While they were still in the process of getting dressed, the phone rang again. Checking the caller ID, Mr. Cortez saw that it was his wife, "Is everything alright?" He asked as soon as he picked up the phone. Like Reynard's mother, he had immediately assumed the worst.

There was a brief pause on the line, "Oh...I don't know, I guess I'm still keyed up from today. Yeah, you heard about that? What they showed on the news isn't the half of it...good thing the Captain was able to negotiate with the guy to release 'em. It was pretty tense there, for awhile, we thought he was gonna start shooting people.'re almost out of milk, and I was thinking spaghetti I suppose we'd need pasta and stuff. Ben brought a friend over, and I said it'd be okay if he spends the night here. He's from Ben's school, they both walk, so...yeah, his mother said that she'd be running late, and I offered to go pick up some clothes and stuff for him, she sounded like she'd had a hard day at work, and yanno we both know what that's like...yeah, if I time it right, I'll be back before you are. Alright, love, take care - it's supposed to rain, and some of these roads get real slippery. I love you, too, Sam. Bye."

Cortez let out a long sigh as he stared at the two half-naked boys in his living room, "You two really ought put your clothes back on." When the boys had done this, he nodded.

"Okay. Now, wait here a moment..." He went into his bedroom, and the boys could hear him rummaging through a drawer for a few moments before he returned. He tossed something to Ben, who caught it deftly. It was a small tube - similar to that which toothpaste came in - labeled KY.

Ben's ears turned bright pink, "Dad..." "You're both virgin, so whichever of you ends up on the bottom - considering the conversation I heard as I walked in, probably both of you at one point - will be thanking me for my contribution. I may not look it, but I know from experience that getting fucked up the ass the first time hurts, the lube will help that, a little."

Ben's ears only turned a brighter shade of pink at this revelation. His father chuckled. "Now," he said, stretching, "I'm going to change out of my uniform...It'll take me a grand total of five minutes to get to your house - Reynard - and pick up your things, so I think I got time to kill." With that, he suited his words by going into his bedroom and shutting the door.

Ben sighed, "I love my dad... but that was weird."

Ren laughed, "I like him. At least he didn't flip out on us. I wish I had a dad like that."

Ben frowned a little, "What's your dad like?"

"I dunno...I never met him. Him and my mom broke up when I was real little...I don't even have any memories of him."

"Oh..." Ben replied. What really could he say?

"C' said there was pop in the fridge? Let's get some and get started on our 'homework' ..." Reynard nuzzled close to Ben. He couldn't help it, he loved having contact with the young Wolf.

"Does...does this make us boyfriends, now?" Ben asked, for once unsure of himself.

"No...I think it makes us Mates."

** ** **

After he'd changed into more comfortable clothing, he went to check on the boys before he left to get Reynard's things. He found them in Ben's room, finishing their homework.

"Alright, boys, I'll be back in about ten minutes. If you need've got my number, right Ben? Good. Okay, then, see you when I get back," He told them, and then closed the door again. Even though he hadn't seen them doing anything, he didn't want to ruin their privacy...not that he wouldn't take the opportunity to embarrass Ben a little. He knew what it was like at that age, and the boys obviously loved each other. Surprising, considering they'd only known each other a day - but then again, he'd only known Samantha a day before he'd known he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and look how that turned out.

As he walked up to the elevators, one of them opened to disgorge a certain Dalmatian of disputable legality, "Nice take, Diego?" He asked nonchalantly, glancing pointedly at the full duffel bag the Dog carried.

The Dalmatian thief started, a panicked look on his face, "¡Señor Cortez, puedo explicar! ¡Por favor, no me arrestar!"

"Smooth, Diego, smooth. Don't worry, I've known that you're a thief since I got here. I'm not gonna arrest you. Just as long as you keep your nose under the radar, we'll be fine. Hasta luego, cachorro," Cortez replied, grinning at the Dog's surprised expression as the elevator doors closed.

Left alone in the hallway, Diego was left with his pounding heart. "Madre de Dios...Creo que casi me da un ataque al corazón...estúpido Lobo. ¡Necesito un trago_!_"

** ** **

Ben and Reynard were in Ben's bedroom, their pants and underwear lying in a pile by the door. Ben's head was between Ren's legs, and his tongue was exploring the Fox's tailhole. Ren had never experienced anything like this before, and so naturally was writhing around in the throes of ultimate pleasure. Ben's tongue was long and quite flexible, and he had some idea of how pleasurable this region could be.

After a few more minutes of french-kissing Ren's tailhole, Ben looked up at his mate. He was panting from exertion and smelled slightly of sweat. Ben leaned forward and nuzzled Reynard's white-furred balls before beginning to gently suckle on them. Ren moaned aloud, quickly stifling himself, "God, Ben, that feels...amazing!"

"How do you think I felt when you did this to me?" Ben asked, briefly allowing one of Ren's testicles to slip out of his mouth.

The delicate application of one of Ben's fangs to the skin of Ren's ball sac caused the young Fox to sit bolt upright, both paws landing on Ben's head. The Wolf didn't stop his gentle yet 'pointed' nibbling at Ren's balls. It felt unbelievably good. If anyone had told Ren that having someone - whether male or female - all but chew on your balls was pleasurable, up until now, he'd have laughed.

Ben kept at it until Ren's moans were no longer being stifled at all, and the Fox was eagerly moving himself to press his groin into Ben's face. Then, he sat back and looked at Ren again. The Fox's fur was now damp with sweat - only partially accountable to Ben's teasing, because Ben's father kept the house quite warm, even in the summer - and his vulpine erection was glistening with pre-ejaculate. Eagerly, Ben took that arousal into his muzzle, slurping at it. He alternated between sucking and using his tongue against the bottom of Ren's shaft.

Either way, Ren immediately began thrusting into Ben's muzzle, his knot slowly engorging. Ben definitely didn't mind. Reynard's erection was pretty good-sized, for a Fox, at nearly six inches. It was as Ren was just about to cum that the boys heard the door open. Fox semen sprayed down Ben's throat as he made muffled attempts to swear with Reynard's cock still in his mouth.

"Boys!? I'm home!" They heard Ben's father as he walked into the apartment. There was a knock on Ben's door. Quickly, Ben swallowed his mouthful of Ren's cum and shouted, "Don't come in, dad we'"

"He's sucking me off, Mr. Cortez!" Reynard replied

There was a slight pause, during which both boys could hear Mr. Cortez suppressing laughter. Then the door opened, and Ben's father peeked his head inside, "How good is it?"

"It was great!" Reynard replied exuberantly.

"That's my boy," Mr. Cortez said, sharing a wink with Ren. Reynard had caught on to the fact that Ben's father loved to embarrass his son. Ben buried his face in Ren's groin and groaned. "You two ought'a get dressed, Sam'll be home soon and dinner won't be far behind her," his father said before closing the door.

Ben groaned again, "I'm never gonna get to fuck you!"

"We can do that later on, love, after dinner. Right now, though, let me see if I can get rid of this for you..." He wrapped his paw around Ben's erection, still rock-hard even after his father's intrusion.

"Mmmm," Ben murred, leaning forward to kiss the Fox as he was fondled, "Let's do that..."