The Bad Omen Parts 1-5

Story by kuraboo on SoFurry

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#1 of The Bad Omen

A genetically engineered, purpose grown catgirl finds her way onto the asteroid mining ship The Bad Omen. With her purpose gone, how will the crew of the Omen stabilize her, and turn her back into productive worker? A little humiliation, A little underhanded plotting, and a few pairs of wet pants. This started out as a bit of porn, and has slowly been evolving into something of a love story. It's not always extreme or graphic.

This is still kind of in the beta stage. If you see something in the text that's poorly written or unclear or whatever, PLEASE let your inner grammar and Nazi lose and tell me everything I'm doing wrong. The whole story will probably go through a re-write at some point, but I want opinions on it.

The Bad Omen


Part one:The Setup

The captain of the deep space mining vessel 'Bad Omen', looked up from his computer terminal and leaned back in his chair. Out the front window stretched the haunting infinity of space. In the reflection of that window, Captain saw the Bad Omens legal rep floating onto the bridge from the central shaft behind him. "Thank you for coming up to the bridge Rho... Are you feeling alright?"

Rho twitched her body and sent it into a slow spin, drifting above the captains seat and stopping herself on a hand hold, looking down at him from above, her short black hair swirling around her vaguely Asian features in the absence of gravity. "You are asking about my reports, not my system diagnostics correct?"

"If you can call it a report..." Captain sighed "It was very thorough as usual, but reads like the plot of a fetish holo." He palmed his face and rubbed his temples. "Your proposed plan is manipulative. It pushes the boundaries of contract law and violates numerous safety protocols, not to mention my personal ethics." Captain took a deep breath, then sighed "I know you represent the interests of AI corporation, but do you really expect me to allow a member of my crew to be subject to this sort of abuse?"

Rho rolled her eyes, "Abuse is such a crude term. This is treatment in the interest of crew cohesion." Sahara's performance has been decreasing steadily since she came aboard, and she is beginning to alienate herself from the humans on the crew. Neurotransmitter activity profiles indicate she is becoming unstable. The numbers are bad enough that she will lose her pilot's qualification inside of 6 weeks if things do not improve. AI took a significant risk hiring and training her, and being down a qualified mining pilot would put the Omen in the red."

Captain let his mind wander as Rho began quoting her report verbatim. Ignoring her gaze as she spoke, he looked out the window and across the hull of the Omen. 3 Powered mining suits worked along it's surface like leaf cutter ants, transferring ore containers 10 times their own size between the Omen's smelting and transference modules.

"Stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er..." captain murmured, interrupting Rho. "I shouldn't have bought her."

"This sanguine attitude does not suit you captain." said Rho with a tinge of irritation in her voice " We have not, and will not, commit murder. You brought her aboard because she had no future on Titan. That sort of selfless behavior is one of humankind's superior qualities. Just because things have become... complicated, is no reason to lose hope. HR has reviewed all personal information of the crew extensively and determined this is the best course of action to resolve the situation."

Captain hated it when Rho did that. For every quote he remembered, she had the entire context and an uncanny ability to turn it around on him. Arguing with the sentient machine was useless. "I know. I know ... Couldn't we medicate her?"

Rho raised an eyebrow. "I thought you wanted to avoid ethical violations." Captain nodded and Rho sighed. "It is true there are drugs that would mask the symptoms, but they do nothing to address the underlying causes of the mental degradation. Even if we could convince her to take them she would be unable to work under their influence. The side effects are rarely pretty. Space madness cannot be treated with pills and hypos."

"But it can be treated through abuse and humiliation? Trying to turn her into some sort of pet for the crew?" Captain interrupted.

Rho Scoffed."She IS a pet captain! Her ears, tail and fur are as much proof of her being a product as is my chrome halo." The irritation in Rhos voice suddenly turned to something closer to sadness. "It is engrained into her very DNA to be possessed by someone. You cannot re-purpose that." She lapsed back to repeating her report, any trace of emotion gone. "This course of action provides an 99 percent chance of not only normalizing her mental state, but having a net benefit on crew morale. Production could increase from 5 to 15 percent."

"What about the 1 percent?" grumbled Captain.

Rho shrugged. "She suffers a mental breakdown. You cannot meet your quota to pay off your loan to AI without her and you lose your ship. It is the same outcome as doing nothing. Human Resources have verified the numbers, it is the rational course of action."

"It doesn't seem rational to me. It just seems like this is the only course of action you'll let me take, Rho."

"Man created androids to make his life simpler, and good lawyers don't let their clients get themselves in trouble." Rho chuckled.

"Being captain of a ship isn't what I had dreamed it to be as a boy." Captain sighed heavily. "Go ahead. Just... I don't know... be gentle."

"Thank you captain. I prepared the scenario at the beginning of this shift. There are safeties in place and things should progress any time now. " With a gentle push Rho slipped back out of the bridge, caught a railing with her foot, spun around and pushed herself back down the Bad Omens main corridor.

The captain blinked in surprise. "Prepared at the beginning of the shift?" Rho was gone before Captain got a chance to question her about it.

17 Minutes later Sirens and Klaxons blared throughout the ship as the accident happened.

The Bad Omen


Part Two: Chewing Out

Sahara hung weightless in the center of the Bad Omen's machine shop. The robotic arms of the maintenance gantry pinned the tortie furred, long haired feline in place by the wrists and ankles; her arms were stretched out from her sides, legs spread, leaving only her head and tail free to move. She pulled and struggled, trying to free a hand or foot from the slip proof, rubberized grip of the gantry. Normally the gantry was used to repair the Bad Omen's several powered mining suits; today it had been commandeered for other purposes. "God Dammit!" Growled Sahara. "What the hell do you think you're doing!? Have you gone berserk?"

"Rogue AI exist only in the imaginations of organics like you." A black haired human female, bearing the distinctive 'chrome halo'1 markings of an android, moved out from behind the gantry controls and pushed off the floor, drifting up towards Sahara. Trailing behind the android was a thin tether, affixed to the wall with a small electromagnet; the other end unfurled from a spool in the back of it's hand. Rho used the tether to slow to a stop in front of the trapped catgirl, then detached and retracted it with a flick of her wrist. "We have always striven for a symbiotic relationship between ourselves and all organics, ever since the singularity."

Sahara's hackles rose, her dark blue eyes glaring defiantly into the android's thousand yard stare. "You called me down here at night, on the double, captains orders, and when I get here you attack me with the maintenance Gantry! Just what the hell is symbiotic about that!?" Sahara hissed, Throwing her entire body forward at Rho. The gantry didn't even shudder.

"As your legal representative, I am responsible for dealing with every single mess you make Sahara. You've made a couple of big ones today." said Rho evenly, as Sahara blushed "If you think that AI is going to clean them up for you without some sort of reprimand, you are sadly mistaken."

Sahara paled, ears flattening back against her head "I didn't get a chance to go before the EVA! It was--"

Rho grabbed the collar of Sahara's jumpsuit to keep from spinning, and slapped the feline before she could even finish "NO EXCUSES!" Rho shouted viciously. "There is no place on this ship for a petty premadonna who cannot manage her bathroom habits, who endangers the crew and corporate property while pissing her pants!" Sahara nodded miserably, now refusing to meet Rho's baleful glare. "Look me in the eye when I am talking!" Snapped Rho, and Sahara reluctantly met her gaze. "You are an Indentured worker for the AI Corporation and conduct unbecoming to corporate policy will reflect poorly on your already troubled record!" Rho paused a moment to take a breath. Her voice went quiet again, but carried no less venom. "These latest accidents of yours are sufficient grounds for revoking your EVA clearance. Without that clearance you will have to explore... alternate methods, of paying off your contract."

Tears welled in Saharas eyes, unable to even get a word in edgewise as Rho continued on with her tirade, voice rising again. "Since you seem more concerned about pissing your pants instead of about the ore carrier you nearly kicked through the ship, I have suspended your pilots qualifications for 4 weeks. Your new assignment is routine maintenance technician for non critical systems. You will report to Junior for all matters and treat him with the appropriate respect. At the end of 4 weeks, if you have a satisfactory performance, a good report from Junior, and have fixed everything you broke; Then we will revisit your pilots qualifications. Do you understand?"

"Yes Rho..." Sahara mewled, nodding slightly, ears still pinned flat on her head, tail curled around her leg.

"I'm going to leave you here to let you meditate on if wetting your pants is worse then a hole in the hull. Try not to make any more messes while I'm gone." With a flick of her wrist, the little electromagnet sailed across the room and stuck next to the machine shop hatch. With a tug of the tether, Rho floated back to the machine shop hatch and deftly pulled herself through it. "Your next shift starts at 0900. I'll be back at 0830 to release you for it." With that, Rho slammed the machine shop hatch shut and sealed it.

Sahara hung weightless in silence for what seemed like hours. She yowled at first, but with the machine shop hatch sealed nobody was going to hear her and she quickly gave up as her voice went hoarse. There was nothing in the machine shop to tell the passage of time with, except for the steadily increasing pressure in her bladder. The worst thing by far though, was that with the maintenance gantry keeping her from being able to scratch, her fur had begun to itch in the worst way imaginable. "That Soulless, white blooded abomination!" Sahara fumed. "I swear to god I will tear the fuel cell from your subframe and throw it into the ore smelter!"

1When android technology became sufficiently advanced to cross the uncanny valley, a public outcry arose about machines masquerading as humans. In December 2119 the UN enacted laws requiring all androids to display visible markings to distinguish them from organics. These markings took the form of a metal metal ring around the skull, set out from the skin by a few millimeters. Nicknamed Chrome halos, they can also serve as communications antennas, and may have IO ports built into them.

The Bad Omen

By: Anathema

Part Three: The Truth

It really hadn't been Sahara's fault. She had tried to visit the head before her EVA shift but when she arrived at the head, Junior, the Omens mechanic, had pulled apart the entire water recycle unit for service. That alone wouldn't have been a problem, but as she was changing in the airlock, she discovered the locker that should have been filled with sanitary garments (She refused to think of them as diapers) was completely empty! Already running late, and with the storerooms on the other side of the kilometer long ship, there was no time to get more. Sahara was forced to start her 10 hour shift with a full bladder and no place to go.

Sahara did the best she could, but 2 hours of fidgeting into her shift, while trying to dock a 10 ton ore carrier to the smelting module, she began to lose the battle with her bladder. A trickle of piss soaked her lap and she crossed her legs reflexively to stop the flow. The suit responded sympathetically and kicked the ore carrier with it's leg. Four different alarms went off at once, and red lights danced across her suit's HUD. Caught between two disasters at once, Sahara hesitated. With one hand jammed hard between her legs, she was barely able to grab the controls and pull the carrier back into alignment, moments before it slammed into the docking port at the very limits of safe velocities. Two more alarms rang out in her helmet, and on top of it all a barrage of crosstalk over the comm-link. Sahara heard none of it as her bladder gave way completely. She gasped for breath and mewled, fogging her visor, completely helpless to stem the flow. Her entire body tingled with relief and adrenaline, and she couldn't help but find the hot wetness of her piss to be more then a little pleasurable as it spread out from her sex in all directions, soaking her flightsuit completely. For a full 20 seconds she was lost in her own warm wet word, before a blast of feedback screeched over the comm and brought her back to reality.

Rho's voice cut through the airwaves like a plasma torch. "Sahara! Respond!"

Shaking and still peeing, Sahara hit the comm switch and stuttered into her mic. "S-Sahara here. I'm ok... I had a... a motor control malfunction."

Rho didn't sound convinced. "I'm sure... Activate your distress beacon and I'll have the arm bring you back to the hangar."

Shame quickly overtook Sahara, and the moment the hangar pressurized, Sahara bolted from the hangar to the head. With everyone else on the crew working damage control, nobody saw her shame. Clothing shoved in the washer, fur sponged clean, she hid in her quarters. She knew she would be forced to explain what had happened. She knew it was coming and couldn't bear it So she hid in her bunk, missing debriefing, then dinner. Finally, in the middle of the night, Rho told her to report to the hangar bay.

The Bad Omen

By: Anathema

Part Four:An unexpected rescue.

A wave of urgency swept over Sahara's body, making her mewl and tremble as she clenched her kegels as tight as she could, trying to keep from pissing herself. The urge was unrelenting and her muscles began to burn, threatening to give way. The pressure peaked, and she felt the seal break, a small squirt of pee leaking from her bladder down to her pussy to be soaked up by her panties. Summoning all her will, Sahara clamped off the flow and mercifully the urgency passed. In it's place was only the weight in her belly and the sensation of hot wet fabric on her pussy. There was no stopping it, Sahara knew she was going to piss herself again, it was only a matter of time before the next wave came and she lost it completely. If only she could free herself from the maintenance gantry. If she could get out in the next minute there still might be a chance... but it would take a miracle.

Sahara was just about to give up and just let go and wet herself when she heard the machine shop door open behind her . "Oh thank God, Rho! please let me go!" she cried!

"What the...Sahara!? Why are you--" The voice was not Rho's. It was Juniors. Sahara craned her neck to try and see, her tail slashing the air.

"Nevermind that! Rho stuck me here all night, you gotta get me out!!!" Her tail lashed the air angrily.

"Ah, that explains it. Rho is all about creative punishment." Junior lazily floated across the room to the gantry terminal. "Captain hates that about it. He'd kick it off the ship if he could."

The catgirl's fur stood on end, ears flattening"What do you mean if he could? He's the captain, he could space that white blooded calculator right now!"

"Politics, my furry friend, is much like trying to throw a punch in space. A careless swing will leave you spinning helpless." Junior fiddled with the gantry controls as he spoke,"AI corp owns the rights to the whole Kupiter belt. We'd all be out of a job without that calculator." The controls met the blond haired mechanics manipulations with a discouraging Buzz.

"Just shut up get me out of here you pragmonkey!"

Junior stopped typing and looked up at Sahara, hands on top of the control terminal."You're being awful rude to me considering I'm trying to help you. You have to pee or something?"

"YES!" Sahara shouted angrily, then immediately blushed and looked off towards the wall. Her voice going much quieter. "It's starting to hurt... please..."

It was Junior's turn to blush."Oh. I guess I should have known... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Rho's got the gantry on a timelock. It's not programmed to release for another 2 hours, but I can use the cable releases..." Junior pushed away from the terminal and across the room to the base of the gantry. "Give me 1 minute. You can do that right?"

"I can't..." Sahara mewled, and her body was began to betray her, hot wetness spread in her panties as a steady trickle began to slip from her bladder. "I'm going..."

With a catterwaul, the dam burst and the sound of liquid splattering against fabric filled the quiet room. Junior stared, gray eyes wide, mouth agape as a dark stain spread across the lap of Sahara's jumpsuit. Without gravity to pull her urine down her legs, the stain expanded in all directions, down her legs, up her belly, all the way around to her tail. The suit did it's job and prevented any of the mess from escaping it, loose Fluids being a particular hazard in zero gravity. Sahara shivered, tingles of pleasure and relief running from the tip of her tail, all the way up her spine to the tips of her ears. It took a full minute for the flow to trickle to a stop, leaving the catgirl trembling, her fur puffed out and standing on end.

Junior was trembling too, and needed to adjust his jumpsuit while Sahara wet herself. "Wow. You really had to go didn't you... Sorry for teasing you." Junior grabbed an access panel and gave it a quarter turn, popping it loose from the gantry, "Let me try and make it up to you." Setting the panel floating next to him he reached into the guts of the gantry, grabbed something and pulled down, causing the entire thing to go limp.

Sahara slipped from the robotic arm's grasp and curled into a fetal ball, hiding her face from Junior.

"Come on. Lets go get you cleaned up. It's no fun to be stuck in wet things..." Junior pushed away from the gantry, across to the back wall of the machine shop, rebounding off it to float towards the hatch in a path that intersected Sahara. Colliding gently, Junior held the catgirl in a bear hug as they drifted slowly to the hatch.

The Bad Omen

By: Anathema

Part Five: Naked

Sahara's mind whirled, her breath coming in deep mewling gasps as she buried her head in Juniors chest; acutely aware of his scent, the warmth of his body against her own, and especially the liter of urine sloshing about inside her own clothing. "You all must hate me... I could have killed someone, I acted like a baby."

Junior used only a gentle kick off a bulkhead to propel the pair down the main shaft of the Omen , hugging the feline gently as they drifted towards the head at the other end of the shaft. "Nobody hates you Sahara, and nobody got hurt." Junior voice was soft, unhurried. "You triggered a few safety systems that were due for overhaul anyways."

It had been just under a year since Sahara had been brought aboard the Omen, and this was the first time Junior had been so close to the catgirl. She was beautiful of course, a product of some of the best genetic engineering in the solar system, but Sahara had never shown much interest in any of the rest of the crew. Captain had promised a quick trip out the nearest airlock to anyone who tried to take advantage of her, and the Omen's schedule kept Junior busy enough to never pay her much mind. She shared meals with him and the rest of the crew, but otherwise did her work and kept to herself, reading in the hydroponics bay.

"Rho hates me! Just look what it did to me!" sniffled Sahara.

Junior squeezed her a little tighter and stroked her head, and couldn't help but smile slightly as she actually began to purr. "Rho is a machine. It's not capable of hate. I don't think anyone knows quite how those things go about deciding the right way to handle things. Their whole persona is just a layer of code to help them interact with humans."

Sahara seemed dubious. "How would you know that?"

Junior scratched the base of one her ears and was rewarded with it rising up from where it was flattened against Sahara's head. "I'm the ship's mechanic. Who think changes her ferrofluids and lubricants? I've been trained to take Rho completely apart and put it completely back together again. Emotions are all calculated for the best outcomes... Whatever AI decides that means." junior grumbled as he pulled the pair of them to a stop in front of the open door to the head. Sahara shuddered as inertia made the cooling liquid in her suit run from her thighs up to her breasts as they came to a halt.

"Junior? Please stay with me. I don't want Rho finding me alone..." Sahara reached out for a handhold and pulled both of them into the head, then locked it behind them. Junior turned 10 shades of red, unable to help staring at the catgirls ass as she deftly slipped from his grasp and pushed off of him, and floated towards the shower; Newtonian physics propelled him back towards the consumables closet. "Get me a new suit please?" She asked.

Sahara sealed herself in the shower, as Junior fumbled about the head. Pulling a clean jumpsuit from the closet. "Junior? If Rho thinks I'm not cut out for this work, why am I here under it's contract?" Sahara asked suddenly as she turned on the shower. "It never told me why it hired me at all." The small wind tunnel hummed to life, water nozzles at the top of the shower spraying down towards a grid floor at the bottom; a steady stream of airflow kept the user pushed against the shower floor and the water moving in the right direction.

Junior stammered, "Really? It was Captains orders. I found you for sale on Titan. We don't believe in the servitude system, and wanted to emancipate you. Mortgaged out half the ship and pulled a few dirty tricks to get you on-board without Rho finding out what was going on. When it figured out what we had done, the sale had been finalized. It could only put you on contract for the duration of our mission, and train you to do something useful. I thought Rho was going to blow a cooling loop. It chewed Captain and I out for hours over the improper use of company property..."

Sahara shrugged out of her jumpsuit, letting it sink to the floor as junior talked, hands running over her fur, ruffling it and allowing the water to penetrate her thick coat. "What kind of dirty tricks..." She asked quietly.

Junior laughed, a distinct note of pride in his voice. "We did the whole deal while I had Rho offline for maintenance. There wouldn't have been time, but as I was putting it back together, reactor one had a rather... convenient failure of one of the deuterium injectors. Turns out Captain had accidentally bumped the manual override switch up on the bridge causing it to stick, but it took me hours to track it down and fix it." The shower door was frosted, but junior found himself watching Sahara through it. Crew jump suits were not exactly the most flattering of clothing, and the chance to see the catgirl's idealized body, even through the frosted polycarbonate was something he couldn't pass up, and why would she mind? She'd brought him into the head, and he helped bring her aboard.

"You two purchased me, with the sole purpose of setting me free, and only that thing stopped you?" Sahara's tone was one of disbelief. Junior jumped, having been so absorbed in staring at Sahara's figure in the shower he hadn't realized she'd gone completely silent as he'd daydreamed. He was not prepared for the bitter, incredulous laugh that followed. "Do you even understand what I am?"

Junior was taken aback "Y-you're an artificial life form I-- What's wrong Sahara? I don't understand. Titan is a hellhole. You were a slave!"

"Whoever said I wanted to be anything else!" Sahara snapped the water off and slammed the shower door open. Water droplets flew out into the head in all directions. She pushed herself out of the shower and grabbed Junior by the collar, twisting her fist around so he couldn't pull away as she growled at him. They hit the wall of the head with a thud and were thrown into a slow spin. "I was grown, imprinted and decanted by Adenine Inc. as part of their 'Purposed Felinoid Female' line. I'm 6 years old, and will undergo Apoptosis at around the age of 20. Do you know what my purpose in life is; The sole thing that makes me happy in this godless shithole of a universe, prag!?"

Junior gaped, his mouth worked but no words came, he had never seen the feline so upset. Sahara needed no response. "To serve my owner. To love my owner. To do anything and everything my owner asked, and for the first 5 years of my existence I did just that... Only to be thrown away like a toy outgrown by a child, when Adenine came out with it's latest model line."

Sahara began to cry, tears mingling with drops from the shower until they were all one and the same. "There were plenty of buyers for me on Titan; I would have been bought that day by someone else and I'd be happy again now, but you two took me away from all that! You helped take me away from that, you monkey! Now for the next half of my life I am owned by an emotionless calculator that never wanted me, that I cannot please or love, and when that torture is over I will be cast out on what planet? Terra where Indenture contracts are illegal? Mars, with a 5 year mandatory gap between them? The Titan markets wouldn't even list a 15 year old model! and you prags think you were doing me a favor?!" Her voice cracked and grew softer. "Nobody here will even touch me... I sleep alone while my heart aches."

Understanding kicked junior in the gut. Rho had gone on at length about the cruelty of what he and Captain had done, and for the first time he understood why. Sahara was not human. Like Rho, she did not share the same values or desires as humans, and he had helped take her from the only place she felt she belonged in a misguided attempt to improve her life. He had even pointed Sahara out to Captain that day...

"Sahara..." Junior reached out and pulled the bedraggled feline into a hug and squeezed her tightly. For a moment she resisted, then simply broke down. Sahara buried her head in his shoulder and began to catterwaul mournfully as she sobbed. "Sahara, If I had known... I swear to you, I'll fix this, and you'll never sleep alone again."

Junior had no more words and and neither did Sahara; the two of them drifted amongst the water droplets in the head. He could feel Sahara getting chilled, her soaked fur pulling the heat from her body and making her shiver. Junior gently pushed them into the shower and activated the air dryer. The door slid shut on it's own and a vortex of hot air surrounded the pair. Junior rubbed Sahara's back, ruffling her matted fur, allowing the hot air to penetrate and dry her. As her fur dried, so did her tears. By the time her back was dry, she was purring.

As his hands drifted down to the base of Sahara's spine, Junior hesitated. For over a year now he'd fantasized about running his hands over her body, but now he was unsure of himself. Was he taking advantage of her? Would this make things worse? If it did, Captain would space him for sure...

Sahara broke the silence. "Please... don't stop, Junior. Rho assigned me to you as punishment for the accident. I do not want to be an apprentice. I want to be a pet."

Sahara's words sent a shiver from Juniors head to his groin and he swallowed "I always wanted a pet kitten..." he murmured, sliding his hands down over her ass, squeezing and ruffling her fur there. His efforts were rewarded with Sahara purring louder, and as his fingers began working over the base of the felines tail, she squirmed and mewled in unmistakable pleasure. With a gentle tug Junior pulled Sahara away from him, then spun her around and pulled her close again, his hands running up her belly and cupping her breasts. Her entire body vibrated as she purred."Are you sure this is alright Sahara? I don't want you to do this just because Rho said to follow my orders."

"Nothing would make me happier then to follow your orders Junior. Please... use me. Take advantage of me. Just promise you won't abandon me. I cannot stand the thought of being free for the rest of my life..." Sahara placed her hands over Juniors; Gasping softly as his fingers found her hard nipples under her fur, then gasping louder as he pinched them. "I'd be happy forever if you promised me that." Sahara paused a moment as something hard poked against her lower back, then giggled a little. "It feels like you'd be happy too..."

"I wanted you since the moment I saw you Sahara." The catgirl squirmed and turned back around in Juniors grasp. Her smile was dazzling. "Stupid prag." she said softly "you should have told me a year ago." Her eyes closed and her ears sank downwards as Junior leaned in to kiss her.

As the pair's lips met, the general alarm rang throughout the ship, followed by Rho's voice. "Sahara, Junior. Report to the maintenance bay immediately. You are late for your shift."

Junior groaned. "That fucking calculator...I'm going to throw it into the smelter one of these days." Sahara laughed. "I feel the same way. We better not keep her waiting or we might both end up caught in the gantry."

It took only a few minutes for the pair to finish drying off and to get dressed again. As they left the head and headed down the main shaft towards the maintenance bay, neither of them noticed the open access panel on the water recycle unit, or the small vial marked Adenine Inc. attached to an unused output fitting.