Julia's Discovery

Story by builder214 on SoFurry

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#1 of Popping the Pill

*This is my first story here, so tell me what you think! All the characters are MINE.* Julia was your ordinary fur. She was a Siberian Husky, with white fur from her perfect DD boobs to her groin. She was really frisky and enjoyed showing off to the boys at school. Right now she wore tight jeans that barely made it below her knees(on weekends, only up to midthigh) and a tight fitting tank top and bra. She was in high school with her brother, Albert. Albert was basically the same as Julia, except he had white fur going all the way down the insides of his knees. Both loved having sex anywhere, anytime. Except with each other. Yet. As Julia walked home from school, her head started pounding. "Argh, I should never have gone swimming in PE, my head hurts like crazy!" As she walked up to the door of her house, she noticed a note on the doormat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Julia, Your mother and I are going out on vacation together, so you will be at home alone. Albert is going on a band trip and will be back in 3 days. Stay safe, and don't stay up all night with your friends. We'll call. -Your parents. PS-When Al gets back, please don't beat him up...-Mom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Julia sighed. What did her parents know? They never listened and always seemed to leave her with her idiot brother every month or so. Jeez, parents. She walked inside, dropped off her books on the table, and immediately searched the house for asprin. There was none in the kitchen or anywhere in the house's two bathrooms. Then she searched Al's stuff. He always had some meds hidden under his bed for his secret visits to the doctor. Julia tilted the bed up, bracing it on her back and read the labels of the tubes of medicine until she noticed the word ASPRIN, 15 doses. She popped the cap open and immediately noticed something. There were 12 pills left, 5 blue, 3 red, and 4 half red, half blue. She shrugged off the feeling something was wrong, and popped the blue pill. She giggled to herself as she imagined her brother deciding red pill or blue pill, like the matrix. She headed back downstairs and immediately noticed that her jeans were tighter than they were normally. She headed into her room and stood in front of her full-length mirror and stared. She noticed she was slightly taller than she was, but that was compared to last month. Then she heard a slight tearing sound coming from her jeans. They were coming apart at the seams! She was shocked and when she sat on her bed, the jeans couldn't take it anymore and split. She noticed her thighs and legs were more muscular and her tank top didn't cover her stomach anymore. She had a distinct 6-pack now and her arms were slightly more buff. Her hair got shorter and she squeaked, and noticed that her voice was slightly deeper now. "What's happening to me?!?" Julia thought to herself. She pulled off her tank top, afraid it might rip as well, and took another look at herself in the mirror. She was now taller, more muscular, and her hair was shorter. Then she fell back on the bed and moaned as strange feelings coursed through her body. She felt her DDs shrink and she grabbed them, unwilling to lose what made her popular with the boys. They shrunk down into rock hard pecs. She whimpered as she didn't feel the familiar sensation of fondling a breast and almost cried. Then she cried out as her pussy started to shiver and twitch. She shrugged off her now useless bra and looked at her panties. They were soaking wet and as soon as she touched her pussy, the most powerful orgasm in her life hit her. She squirmed on the bed, relishing the feelings, then it subsided and disappeared. She looked at her pussy, and instead noticed a small lump forming above her pussy. She rubbed it and it started getting longer and bigger, and her pussy closed up and disappeared. She whined, wanting to cum again, but the bulge was pushing the entire front of her panties forward. It stopped at 5 inches and Julia stared at it, scared of what she could now feel inside her panties. She moved the front of her panties and saw a 5 1/2 inch cock standing at attention, with proportional balls behind it. She gasped, then reached out for it. It felt strange not having her fingers inside her, but she knew how to get off, thanks to watching Al through a secret webcam she planted in his room years ago. She moaned as she stroked her cock, feeling the new sensations of jacking off. She started breathing faster and started started thrusting her hips and then suddenly, her(his?) cock shot cum all over the ceiling and it showered onto him. He sighed as he wound down from his first male orgasm of his life, and promptly fell asleep. Julia woke up to a still-pounding headache and covered in cum. It had dried up by now, and stuck to her fur. She reached down and felt her pussy again, and sighed in relief. She looked down and saw her DDs again. She got up and noticed that she was still dressed in only panties, and blushed when she noticed that her window was open. Thankfully, it opened into the backyard, and hopefully nobody had heard. Then she decided to take a shower and wash all of the cum off of her body. In the shower, she thought about what had recently happened. As she played with herself in the corner of the shower, she didn't hear the phone ring and someone say"Julia, it's W. I'm coming over in a few minutes to work on that science project. Call me if you're not home!" *This is my first story, so tell me what you think! Keep waiting for part 2!*