Captain's Chair

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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This story is pretty much a spin-off/fanfic/something of Field's Luminous reboot, found here. I pitched the idea of doing something like that to him since he was winding down the series and spinning it off into Redwing. I forget who thought of it first, but the idea is basically two characters doin' it in the captain's chair. I think the results are pretty nice.

Captain's Chair - A story of Luminous by pyro wolf

"You wanna do what?"

"Okay, so maybe not skydiving, but come on!" came the reply. "I wanna do something exciting! Something we haven't done before!"

Samson blinked, his tail staying stiff for a moment. "Okay, fine. I'll go see when the holo-suite's free."

"No no no no no!" protested Lee. "Something real!"

"What's wrong with the holo-suite?"

"It's not--" The rabbit sighed, then pointed out at the image of the snow rabbit homeworld looming over the horizon. "There's an entire world out there and you're saying you don't want to do something in it?"

"Anything we can do out there, we can do in the holo-suite."

"Yeah, but out there you're doing it for real!"

"I'm up for some relaxing unreality at the moment."

"What's wrong about doing things for real? We could explore caves, go bungee jumping--"

"Real can get you killed."

"Real makes you feel alive!"

That earned a stare from the cougar. "We just got done facing death in the form of wasps, and you wanna go bungee jumping?"

"Well, yeah."

Samson's muzzle twitched, and after a moment poured a lot of pent-up anger into one word. "Why?"

"Because it'd be exciting! And different! I mean... have you ever gone bungee jumping before?"

"Again, we just survived this big space battle? That was plenty exciting, don't you think?"

Lee went on, oblivious to the sarcasm. "Okay, yeah, but this is something else that we can do! To, you know, celebrate the fact that we're still alive!"

"By putting ourselves in more danger."

"Not really, no. There'd be safety harnesses and stuff. And it'd be fun!"

Another blank stare from the cat before he returned to his meal. "You have a wierd definition of fun. Count me out."

"But I wanted to do something with you!"

"Look, you can do whatever you want. When it's something that doesn't involve safety harnesses, talk to me about it."

"We could do something else together," Lee said after a moment.

"Like?" Putting his tray aside, Samson immediately found his lap filled by rabbit. Said rabbit had a certain look in his eye, one that the cougar had learned quickly to recognize. "No, not here. You know how I feel about that."

"Wasn't gonna do anything," the rabbit lied, grinning. Turning, he pushed back into Samson's chest, nuzzling to his jaw while he slowly ground his rump into the cougar's lap. It drew a strangled sort of growl, the kind where Samson would have otherwise loved what he was doing. "Just wanna talk."

"Talk?" The cougar huffed, trying to control himself. "About what?"

Lee grinned, leaning back and nuzzling to the cougar's neck. "Doin' something exciting."

Samson balked. "This isn't fair!"

"You said you'd talk if it was about something less crazy..."

"Okay, fine, but I already told you--"

"You've never tried it." Lee looked up and kissed the cougar's jaw, making him squirm. "So how can you say you like it or not when you haven't tried it?"

Samson's ears went back. "But what if somefur catches us?"

"You forget the numerous times we've walked into other couples?" Lee giggled softly. "I'm sure we can be more discreet than them."

"Okay... but... they're all... you know."


"...Guy-and-girl-pairings." It was a lame objection, and Samson knew it.

So did Lee. "You do remember that the captain was involved with the doc and the first mate once."

The cougar frowned. "Wasn't that just a rumor?"

Lee shook his head. "I asked Dr. Kody about it once. He didn't answer for a bit, but eventually said yeah, he used to be. Sounded wistful, too."

"Okay, fine, but... but they used to, they're not now!"

Instead of responding to this, Lee rolled his eyes and pulled the big cat in for a kiss. This had an effect of startling him, and shutting him up. "Didn't you enroll in the academy to get away from your backwards-ass small town?" he said at the end of it. In the face of the inevitable stumbling words, the rabbit chuckled. "'Kay... you know rabbits have high sex drives, mm? Just... indulge me a little. Just once, to see if you like it. Please?"


"At a place and time of my choosing."

"What? Absolutely--"

"If you pick, then we're never going to do it!" replied the rabbit, talking over the cougar. "So, I'll pick, and you won't know before."


Lee placed a finger on the cougar's lips. "That way, you won't be nervous. You'll enjoy it. And if you don't, then we don't have to do it again. Okay?"

The rabbit didn't have to hear Samson's reply, because he knew the wavering look in his lover's eyes. Still, he tried to keep the grin from his face until the cougar's gaze fell. "Can't believe I'm agreeing to do this."

"Easy," Lee said, turning Samson's face and placing a soft kiss to his nose. "It's 'cuz you love me."


"Is it just you two tonight?" asked Ketchy, tilting her head.

Samson shrugged. "I don't know what's going on with the schedule, either, but I guess with the end of the war and all, things are pretty relaxed and furs are taking built up shore leave."

The squirrel nodded and then looked distant. "Maybe I should take some of my own."

Smiling, he clapped the squirrel on the shoulder. "Why don't you and Kody take some time off, lieutenant? It's not like the ship won't be in capable paws."

Predictably, Ketchy blushed. "I... could ask him."

"Think about it off-duty!" Lee yelled from across the room.

She giggled, surprising Samson. "I'll do that then. We could all use a break." Getting up, she nodded to the cougar and rabbit. "Well, gentlefurs, the bridge is yours. Have a good evening."

"That is kinda weird, though, that we were scheduled by ourselves," the cougar said when Ketchy left. "I mean, there's usually Remmy here, at least."

"Well it's not like we can't operate anything we need to," Lee returned. "I mean, what's night shift for, anyway, besides monitoring stuff?"

"If you're bored already, then I bet I could find a few things for you to do," said Samson.

"Oh c'mon, we're the same rank!"

"Yes, but we still have work to do. Mid-shift left some specific instructions, so why don't you start with mapping out possible routes we can take to future destinations, huh?"

"Yes, sir," Lee replied, rolling his eyes. He did get to work, though, settling into a companionable silence broken only when they had to transfer things from console to console.

An hour or two passed before Samson heard much more than the occasional "Sending something to you," from Lee, so it made him jump when the rabbit's arms suddenly curled around him, paws stroking at his chest. "Lee?" he asked, looking up. "What happened to your work?"

"Finished a big chunk of it. Really only have to finish plotting to the Gamma Quadrant." The rabbit's voice held a particular note in it, which set off Samson's alarm bells.

"Well, get on that, then. No time to mess around." The cougar tried to shrug off Lee.

"I'm thinkin' more break time." And then Lee's paws went lower.

"Lee!" said Samson sharply.


The rabbit's nonchalance baffled Samson. "I--buh--we are on the bridge and on shift!"

"It's just the two of us. Nobody's gonna know if you don't tell them."

"Cameras!" gasped the cougar.

Lee tucked his head right into his lover's neck, nibbling softly on him. "Made a recording of us earlier, and right now all the cameras on the bridge are looping it."


"Timestamps and all." There was a small little chirr from the rabbit. "I know how to cover my tracks." By now, his scent was thick with his arousal, making Samson squirm further. "'sides," he went on over the cougar's protests, "you promised."

Samson spent several moments trying to recall what he promised. "I thought you meant, like, a closet or something!"

Lee giggled softly, his paw sneaking up the cougar's shirt. "You really wanna fuck in a closet?"

"Uh... well..."

"Don't answer that." Between one breath and the next, Lee pulled Samson into a kiss, his tongue pushing against his lover's lips. They remained stubbornly closed until the rabbit squeezed Samson's filling sheathe, making him moan in surprise. After that, it was short work before they were kissing each other in earnest. Lee used the distraction to bring the cougar's shaft to the open air. "How ya feelin', kitty?" the rabbit asked, tugging lightly on Samson's lower lip.

"I don't think this is a good idea," he gasped.

"Makes ya hot, though, doesn't it?"


Lee guessed that the cougar was lying, though. It didn't help his case that the rabbit had the other's cock in his grasp, squeezing the gently twitching spire. Moving from behind the chair, the rabbit went to his knees and started lapping on it, squirming himself in between legs that reluctantly opened. More confirmation that Samson was enjoying it came when he completely failed to pull the rabbit away. Instead, those big paws fell on his shoulders, but simply gripped them as he took the tip of the length into his mouth, tongue swirling around it. Glancing up at the cougar, Lee saw the duelling emotions of arousal and embarrassment cross his lover's face, more so as he progressively took more of the cat's shaft into his muzzle. Finally, a little moan sounded; music to Lee's ears. He chuckled softly, tilting his lips to one side and getting just a bit deeper, holding the motion while the cat squirmed above him. Pulling off with a gasp, the rabbit wrapped his lips around the now-leaking tip, running his tongue against that small portion on his mouth. Then, after another, louder moan, Lee relented and pulled Samson into yet another kiss, with both of them a little breathless.

"C'mere," Lee said, gently tugging on Samson's shaft as he got up. He led the timid cat by his cock over to the captain's chair, then bent over it. "Back pocket," he said, his rump shaking.

"That's... the captain's chair," Samson stammered.

"I know," grinned the rabbit. He reached into his own back pocket and pulled out the lubricant he'd replicated earlier, gesturing with it to Samson. After some hesitation, the cougar took it, tearing it open while being treated to the slow descent of the rabbit's pants. And if that wasn't enough, the little spade tail flicked for his attention as the fabric was drawn low enough. "Need help, kitty?"

"Ah, uh... no." Samson swallowed, finally smearing half the clear and odorless substance over his shaft, the rest to the bunny's rump. "I... I got this."

The rabbit giggled, shimmying the rest of the way out of his pants before putting his knees onto the chair. "Mmm... c'mon, hurry-- ah..." Lee started cooing when a thick finger pushed into his rump. "Finger's nice, hun, but dick is better. Fuck me already!" he said.

Finally, Samson gave him what he wanted. After a moment of teasing him, the cougar started pushing, making Lee clutch onto the back of the chair and hold on. In hindsight, maybe some more fingerplay would have made him looser, quicker, but sometimes Lee enjoyed it when the cougar had to stretch him forcefully. And going by his scent, Samson was rapidly getting to that point.

He advanced by fits and starts, finding himself stymied by the rabbit clenching on him. The tawny cat simply withdrew and thrust anew, until finally they were flush together. Again Lee's tail wiggled, responding to the cat shaft deep within, coupled with the bunny's body shaking just a touch. Samson gathered his lover to him by his chest, mouth closing around the ear, gnawing while Lee's body began to calm down from the intrusion. Lee's head lolled backward, panting softly and rolling his hips against the cougar's. "Nff. C'mon, Sammy, fuck me on the captain's chair..."

"We're gonna get in trouble."

"No if he doesn't find out," replied the rabbit with a grin. "Now hurry up before we get caught."

That was enough to convince Samson to quit stalling. Finally, he slotted his cock into place at the rabbit's rump, sucking in a breath. They'd hadn't been together as long as some of the couples onboard, but even so it was rapidly feeling comfortable to be surrounded by the rabbit's warmth. He whispered a minor curse, slowly sliding in until his hips met rabbit rump. Lee decided to celebrate the occasion with a squeeze. "Oh yeah... big kitty," muttered Lee.

"Shut up," the cougar replied, gritting his teeth as he moved back a short way, pushing in again.

"Make me." Lee looked back, raising his chest from the chair. "You know how."

Samson answered with a growl, grabbing the rabbit's ears and yanking back. Lee yelped, especially when the cougar's hips went from timid to aggressive in the space of a breath. Now, his ears were being used as a handle, levering against the suddenly bruising pace, and Lee was set to gasping as his nails dug into the chair. Then, the paw pulling his ears tugged again, and he fell against the cougar's chest, the pace never missing a beat. It was a little intense when he finally managed a "Wait!"

Samson obeyed just as quickly as he ratcheted things up. The last thrust made Lee shiver once more, but he gently pushed the cougar, then squirmed around until he slouched on the chair, leaning against it. "Less mess this way... don't wanna be cleaning that up, do ya?"

Lee yelped when he was once again skewered on the cougar's cock. "I wouldn't be cleaning it up anyway," Samson growled. "You would. With your tongue."

The rabbit locked his legs around the pounding torso, tugging his lover in and clawing his way up his arms. "Oh yeah, kitty?" he purred, grinding back into the pace.

There was nothing said in response. Instead, just bared teeth from Samson, pushing the rabbit's legs up and against the chair's sides. It was enough to drive that primal part in Lee's mind wild, the secret knowledge that this was a predator, and he may mean harm. Both heart rate and cock surged as the cougar lunged, biting down on Lee's neck but only holding as those strong hips assumed a rapid, crushing pace. And as scary as it was, the rabbit would admit that it was also hot since he knew that Samson wouldn't actually harm him.

Very little stopped the cougar from half-climbing into the chair to drop his shaft into the rabbit, especially since Lee's claws dug into Samson's lower back as if to aid the cat in his lusty rutting. Finally, Lee couldn't wait much longer and started to stroke himself, barely able to keep coordinated with the cat's increasingly haphazard pace. Legs locked around the thrusting hips to steady him, but to little avail. Though in truth, it mattered a little less as Samson's growling got very loud very quick, rolling up and down while the cougar's seed flooded the rabbit's backside. The warmth spread quickly, Lee's eyes losing focus. He floated for a short time, buoyed by that feeling of closeness before the desire to blow overwhelmed the sea of contentment, squeezing down on the still-hard cock inside him. Riding the tail end of that wave, the rabbit bit his lower lip while his own climax shot over his chest, and at least once on his face. "Oh god," he said, laying back and languishing.

Samson's head lowered so that their foreheads touched, and the two spent a moment just enjoying that warm sea of afterglow. "Don't think I've cum that hard in a while," the rabbit went on, giggling a little bit. It was such an effervescent sound that the cat smiled a little in response, pressing his lover into a kiss. "Mm... love you," he said when the kiss broke.

"Love you, too." Samson nuzzled the rabbit before looking up and bristling.

"What is it?"

"You shot the chair."

"Really?" the rabbit said, giggling again.

"Yeah. We should clean up." The old apprehension started to sink into Samson's words again.

"No no... not yet." Lee grabbed onto the cat with legs and hands, keeping him close. "Just... gimme a little bit, okay?"

Samson's ears went back. "You're sticky. And we both probably smell like sex."

"Oh, don't worry, Sammy. Other furs aren't gonna catch us."

"They will if your uniform has cum on it."

Lee looked down at his uniform. "Okay, point."

Despite Samson's trepidation, they still had plenty of time to clean up and air out the place before any others came on. And aside from a few raised eyebrows at Lee based on scent, none said anything to the others. Even the captain gave them nothing more than a cordial 'good morning' before sitting down. But as their relief arrived, Captain Wren did call out "Oh, before you two leave, could I ask you to see me in my ready room, please?"

Instantly, Samson's guard was up. He cast an eye toward Chief Security Officer Rella, but she was engrossed in her own station. Taking a breath, he followed a mildly calmer Lee and the captain from the bridge.

In the ready room, Wren took a seat behind his desk. "At ease, gentlefurs. I invited you in here to thank you. Generally we have at minimum 3 to 4 crewfurs to staff the bridge overnight, and the fact that you two did it with just about all the others out deserves some gratitude. Aside of just thanking you, I'm going to put this in your file and recommend you each for a commendation." The squirrel leaned his chin on folded paws. "Within the Federation, it'd be 'Meritorious Service' but we're still fuzzy on how High Command does things."

"Thank you, sir!" said Samson, feeling immensely relieved. Lee echoed him barely a moment later.

Captain Wren waved a paw. "Good service deserves to be acknowledged, regardless of rank or station. I believe I said as much when we started off on this trip. But that's really all I have to say, so... dismissed."

The two rose and moved toward the door. "Oh, and uh, one more thing."

The cougar had to suppress the urge to cringe, ears flat on his head and tail curling under himself. He turned with Lee to look back at the captain, who was going through some files on his pad. "Really sorry about that, but I'm pretty busy, as you no doubt know. Anyway, while I doubt this will happen again barring another war and massive amounts of accrued shore leave, next time you two are alone I would really advise against messing with the camera system. Not only is it one of the oldest tricks in the book, but with the integration of snow rabbit technology into Luminous, the ship is better able to discern when important camera feeds -- such as those on the bridge -- have been tampered with. As soon as the error is discovered, the system will correct itself if it can, and send an alert to the Chief Security Officer. Said chief security officer can also tap into the affected feed to observe what is really going on." Finishing his work, the squirrel put the pad down and looked at a mortified Samson and slightly grinning Lee. "Incidentally, Rella and I did enjoy the footage I've just isolated."

"A good night, sir?" asked the incorrigible rabbit.


"A very good one," replied the captain, nodding at the two. "Dismissed."

"B-but sir!"

"Yes, Ensign Samson?"

"What... what are you--"

"Going to do with the footage?" Wren shrugged. "I honestly haven't decided yet. Perhaps it has to do with whether or not you two are late for your shift or misfile your reports or mate in my chair again."

"Right. Understood, sir."

"Good." Then the squirrel made a shooing gesture. Samson left as fast as he could without running.

"What are you so nervous about?" Lee asked as soon as he caught up, tugging on the cougar's arm to slow him. "He's not going to tell anybody."

"So long as we don't fuck up again! So we need to make sure that we are early for our shifts all the time, and--"

"Or, we could just not be so afraid of being seen together."

The cougar blanched. "But--!"

Immediately, Lee pushed the cougar against the wall to startle him, placing a finger on his lips. "Sammy, hun, I love you. You've made me the happiest I've ever been since we've been on this ship, and it's starting to become hard for me to imagine life without you. But if I have to fend off Rikard's advances for one more day without mentioning specifically who my boyfriend is, then I'm going to have to start withholding sex. Understand?"

Blinking, Samson eventually nodded. Lee grinned, then pressed the cat into a deep kiss which he eventually responded to. "Now. Why don't we go and catch breakfast, and maybe we'll talk about the next time we play around in public."

"Are you serious? We just got in trouble for that!"

Lee rolled his eyes. "We just got in trouble for tampering with the bridge cameras and screwing in the captain's chair. And if you really wanted to, you could pin both on me. So if we do that elsewhere, then we won't be doing either of those, now will we?"

"Ah, well... no, I guess not."

The rabbit grinned. "So it wasn't so bad?"

Samson said nothing, though his ears went flat against his head.

Chuckling, Lee went on. "So I was thinking maybe we should try going down to engineering next time."

"Why engineering?" the cat said, still sulking.

"I heard that if you press against it just right, the warp core vibrates in a really nice way..."