Take Me Like A Male... to Another One

Story by Gareth Gryphonclaw on SoFurry

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#2 of Friendly Romping

Effeminate guys have their own, different reasons for being cute. Also, taking it from behind doesn't make you any less tough, if nobody's worried about it.

Written for http://nemela.sofurry.com/, as a sequel to my first idea that I decided not to do in favour of this one.

Morning workouts are always more fun if you bring a friend along.

...Though it won't be as fun if the friend you bring only goes along with you because he owes you a favour.

I was only a quarter-way done my route through the park when I started to realize that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Out of respect and embarrassment, I leaned out of the tree I was in to say hi to Nemela when he came gasping forward, instead of leaping out at him like I'd thought of doing first.

Nemela's Vulpine, sort of like me, but other than that, we don't really look like each other: I have blond hair, while his is black; I have a sort of dark stripe down my back that he doesn't; and while I'm tall and athletic, he's skinny and effeminate. He met up with me wearing black short shorts that I thought looked too tight on him and a pink workout top that must have been missing its bottom half. I was ready to keep on going, but the poor guy was almost out of breath already, just from trying to keep up with me.

"Sorry about that! I should've mentioned pacing yourself." Even as I said it, I figured he just naturally wouldn't like the idea of someone getting away from him. "Did you at least have a big breakfast before we got here?"

He gasped out a "Yes," and pretended to faint into my arms. I just held him up until he gave a little giggle and stood back up. "Remember how I said I don't exercise? I'm just here because you asked me to."

"Well, I don't want you to feel bad and leave either. Hmm, okay! How about this?" After making sure to unwind my enthusiasm partway, I helped give him a boost up into the tree. Climbing back up there myself, I made sure to explain a few things, like avoiding globs of fresh tree sap, and how climbing was better than jumping when it came to avoiding twigs in the face. He started off really slowly and awkwardly, but he always tried to be careful and graceful. I offered to stay behind him, staying ready to catch him if he fell, but he let me go first, so he could watch what I did. Climbing was pretty much second nature to me, but I made sure to slow down for him.

Getting far enough off the path, the trees were so close together that you could push off from a sturdy one and grab on to another. I even got to show my friend the really tall one where you could look through the leaves at the place where a bunch of the paths converged. It didn't look as if he cared, though.

"Okay, see over there?" I pointed to a big tall rock that practically counted as a small mountain, the highest non-tree point in the park and added, "how about I just show you that, and we can call it a day?"

Nemela mumbled an "Okay," so I figured that was my last attempt before he got fully tired or bored. Rather than climbing down, I leapt down partway and got ready to catch my friend as he tried to do the same thing. He landed in my arms and gave me a nuzzle with a little laugh, leaving me to worry less about him getting bored. Even though I still felt full of energy, we just walked all the way to the hill.

"Wow, it really is, uh, big!" He giggled again while he looked up at it.

"There's a shallow little cave in the bottom, but you wouldn't be able to stand up in it. Wanna see what how it looks from the top?"

"Well, I'd like that, but... uh," Nemela made a face, as if he'd drank something gross, and said, "sorry Gareth. I know how much you like running and climbing and stuff, but I'm not a fitness guy. I actually bought this outfit just because I thought it was cute on me. Is there a ramp, or a ladder for it?"

"...Awrgh. Awrgh! Sorry, Nemela! Oh no..." I'd been enjoying myself too much to realize that he didn't even want to be here or do any of this in the first place! Encouraging him probably only made him feel worse. "You could've just told me earlier, saying, 'Gareth, let's just walk along the ground' or something."

My grumbling actually cheered him up: he giggled again, but louder, and gave me a hug. "It's okay," he laughed (well, he kept making sure it was too high-pitched to count as a full-on laugh), "you had fun, I liked watching you run around, and after last time, you deserve something you want to do. I just won't be able to climb to the top like you'd want, but we could always fool around in that cave there."

"Hmm, everyone always does that in there... How about this? I've climbed up there so many times that I could do it with you holding on to me. Just hop on and I'll carry you up there!" This time, I got a full-on laugh out of him, so I added, "nobody will be able to see us, unless they're up on a roof, looking with binoculars the whole time... and anyone who does that is too bored and creepy anyway."

He didn't even giggle that time. He just grabbed my shoulders, shouted, "Yay!" and hopped on my back, squeezing his legs around my waist. I could still breathe, though, and he was as light as I expected, so I just leapt up on that big, tall rock formation and started making my way up. Carrying someone else made me feel extra-buff, and Nemela wasn't just holding on tightly, he was snuggling against my back as I climbed. Not just with his face and chest, either, which made me want to get to the top even sooner.

"Rgh. You could, umf! Get used to this, huh?"

"Oh yes, Gareth. Getting carried to a secret spot in the park just feels... romantic," he teased. We'd already been over how I felt, but I was just glad that he was enjoying himself enough to make fun of me.

It was mostly flat at the top, though we could lean against an extra bit that jutted out even higher. The first thing Nemela did after getting off of me was to stand up and turn around, mouthing "Wow," as he took in the morning view. The first thing I did was to pull the really well-folded-up towel from my back pocket and spread it out over the hard ground so we could sit down. He looked really energetic again, and I'd just finished catching my breath again from the climb.

"Thank you, Gareth," he almost whispered, looking me in the eye as he sat down beside me. "This really was a lot of fun." When he leaned toward me, I gave him a hug, which he returned. Instead of just enjoying it like I'd hoped he would, though, at some point through it, my skinny, cue Vupline friend kissed me on the cheek.

I sighed. He started to say, "I'm sorry," but I ended up interrupting him.

"I already told you how I feel. Last time, remember?"

"I know, but... I didn't mean it the same way as then. I thought, if you couldn't kiss me, then at least I could kiss you?"

I thought about it for a bit, but letting him shower me with smooches was a bad idea. I didn't want him holding out for love I couldn't return, so I figured out a compromise we could both like: "Well, you know that I prefer big, strong guys, and actually love femmes, right?"

He shrugged as if I'd misunderstood something he'd said. "I know. I'm happy being male, but I like being silly and funny!"

"Ooohh, gotcha. It's just that different guys have different reasons for - hmm. Okay, I won't kiss you, but how about this?" Then I yanked his tight little sports top up and off of him before starting up the hug again. Even though he gave a surprised little yip, as soon as I pulled him to me, I felt his arm try to push his way up between us; I expected it, so I left him enough room to reach up and grab the zipper to my vest. We slipped it off, then got right down to bare-chested affection, nuzzling each other and drinking in deep breaths of another Fox's growing lust.

When I was lying on my back with Nemela running his cheek down my chest, I asked him, "Hey, why don't you slip off that last thing?" He smiled and got up, turning around, but I told him I wanted to see him from the front side. Sure enough, I could see the outline in his short shorts until he stripped them off (though since I've always liked sexy male-designed undergarments on guys, that sort of thing always looked uncomfortable to me). I nodded as he crouched back down and unbuttoned my roomier shorts, and couldn't help but give a laugh of my own as I sprang up at him. He was going to slide back up next to me when I asked him if he'd ever mounted anyone before.

"I was thinking, since we did what you wanted last time..."

He grinned. I could smell it off of him, but his fur wasn't light enough for me to see him blush. "Normally, I don't. I thought you'd normally want to be the one-"

"I like all kinds of positions, and besides, I'm not all caught up on looking tough. I actually made sure that I was all clean before we met up, and I've got lube and pocket towelettes you can use." I had to look through all the notebooks, pencils, sharpeners and other stuff I usually carried around, and also got to give him a good look at the rear he'd hopefully be taking soon. "Oh, and I can climax hands-free too! It'll be really hot for both of us." He had to think it over for a bit, but Nemela thanked me as he took the lube. I might not have been able to return any love of his, but at least we could settle for a hot, fun romp between close friends.

...It was actually the most pleasant butt sex I'd ever had. He was really slow and careful on his way in, he could rub me in all the right places, and as soon as he got as far in as he could, he tried to pull me back up from all fours. We just knelt there for a while, me squeezing at him while he rubbed his hands up and down my chest. I knew he was taking his time, enjoying himself, but it actually felt too gentle for me.

"Hey, Nemela?"


"Enjoying yourself? You don't have to worry about hurting me or anything."

"Oh, hehe, okay..."

His hands slipped down to grab my butt, letting me get back to all fours. It also let me tickle his chest with my tail as he slowly started to thrust. He did a lot of gasping and yipping as he went, but he always went at his own pace. Each time he hit home, it felt good. It was actually a lot of fun, getting mounted by a smaller male: instead of grunting about how much I must've liked it, he ended up gasping about how amazing it felt for him. I was just relaxing, enjoying it all, dripping pre all over the towel, and I think my tongue might've been hanging out at some point.

Then, when I was getting close, Nemela took a deep breath and started pounding deep and hard. I was about to ask him to keep it up, until I felt that powerful shudder surge through him. He grabbed on to me tightly, filling me up inside with that warm, sticky feeling. I just yelped out, "Rrnh, keep it up! Grab my tail!" and he did his best to comply. I squeezed tightly around him, and probably sent him right from his first climax into a second one. The grip on my tail and the feeling of multiple orgasms were just what I needed. It wasn't big and powerful, but it was long and gentle, like I'd been covered in vibrating marshmallows. Instead of long spurts, my seed just spilt all over the towel, probably soaking right through. I hoped that my climax would give Nemela a third, but I don't know if it did; just that it took a while for both of us to finish, and when we did, we slumped to one side and cuddled, waiting for my cute friend to fully subside.

"Rrrmrmrmrm... Thanks, handsome," he whispered in my ear, tilting his head away for the giggle. As I replied, asking him if I'd given him a taste for being the one doing the humping, a gust of wind blew by, trying to yank the towel out from under us and knocking over the small pile of clothes beside it. That was when I almost smacked myself over the head: sure, nobody could see us, but it was still a bit after breakfast time. Lots of Canines liked to tear through the park or play ultimate Frisbee in it, and now we'd had the scent of all-male Vulpine lust blown through the air.

"Uh, yeah, that was great! Here," I reached over and tossed a couple of towelettes to Nemela. While he was still stuck against me, I pulled the towel out from under us, wiped it over the rock and started balling it up. "Say, uh, just asking, but have you ever been approached by a pack of horny Wolves, asking if they could give you a collar and make you their 'Subbie Foxie' or something?"

I got another full-on laugh out of him. "No, silly! Why, have you?"

"...Yeah, and when you refuse, they either get really mopey or mad, like you've insulted them. You probably won't have to be fast, but you can be sneaky, right? Downwind's that way."