Dinner Date

Story by Spiral_Ink on SoFurry

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A short little vore story I wrote on a random thought. ^^; Spiral belongs to me at http://www.furaffinity.net/user/clericilis/ And Karu belongs to Karu at http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kiharu/ Enjoy!! ‾<3

On a small street in a city sat a restaurant named "The Coil," a small Asian looking building with curtain for a door and a cool, dark interior filled with tables and chairs at which many customers sat, talked, and dined. But past all that--the tables and chairs and patrons, the cooks in the kitchen and food they prepared-were the private rooms, only which of which was in use. Inside the windowless room was a small table and two wicker mats, on each sat a male. One, a grey and blue feline, his feminine body naked and lazing in quite a suggestive position across from his partner. A slightly smaller avian, a penguin to be exact, his plumage in full winter form, making him look quite large and more than a bit tubby.

"Mmmmm, So then hun, what do you think of the dinner arrangements?" The grey feline says, winking at his companion and gently sipping from the glass in front of him.

"It's...alright I guess," responds the bird, looking about with interest. "But why haven't we been given any menus? I am rather hungry, and you said this place has something I would love."

The feline smirks and slowly sits up, lowering his glass and pushing the little table out of the way, crawling towards the bird with a sway to his hips, his tail lashing behind him. The floofy blue and white bird blinks in confusion as his partner approaches him.

"S-spiral, what are you doing? I hardly think this is the place for-" He's cut off by the grey and blue feline placing a single finger to his beak, bringing his other paw up to his shoulder and gently resting it there.

"Shhh, quiet hun. I told you you'd love this dinner, and it's right here." He says, leaning in to whisper in the penguin's ear, slipping his body close to his friend's with practiced ease.

"M-meal? You, you mean? B-but I can't just-" Karu starts to Protest, gently trying to push his friend away from him, only to once again be cut off by the feline.

"Mmmmm, yes me, you can't tell me you don't want to wrap your beak around this little kitty, slooowly slurp down every inch of his body..." The feline teases, one of his arms wrapping around behind the avian to gently rub down his back. The other paw slips down his front, running through the thick plumage to press into his warm, soft belly. "Mmmmm, Can't you just imagine sliding this little kitty into your throat, slipping him down into your warm, slippery belly?"

"S-stop it, Spiral." The bird says, blushing deeply as he attempts, without much success, to pry the feline's paws from his soft, downy form.

"C'mon, you know you want to feel me packed away in that tight, slick little belly of yours after the long, slow slide." The feline continues, unabated by the ice bird's protests. His slick, feline tongue slipping out to gently lick up the side of the side of Karu's beak. "Mmmmm, you know you love the Idea of just slurping this little kitty right up. Gobble him right up and just pack him away like the meal he is." The kitty says, winking to his partner as he gently massages his growling belly.

Inside Karu's mind the internal debate rages, though it's quickly coming to an end. A little spark alights in the penguins eyes as he blushes down at his friend practically begging to be eaten, his little tongue slurping along the edge of his beak, his tummy letting out a rumble of anticipation.

The grey feline smiles deviously as he looks up at his friend. "Mmmmm, That's it Karu, I'm your dinner for tonight, and dinner belongs on a slow, slippery trip to you warm, tight tummy." The feline continues, squeezing his friend close and slowly rubbing up his body, "Now c'mon, your dinner's ready and waiting."

"Y-you sure know how to make my tummy grumble hun, teasing like that. No way I'm going to pass up this meal now," the penguin says hungrily, puffing out his chest and wrapping his arms around the feline slim waist. Drool gathers in his mouth as he pictures slurping the kitty down and away to his belly.

With a little growl of anticipation his beak opens wide, displaying the glistening blue insides to waiting feline. He stares strait into them, his eyes widening with wonder as he looks into the glistening depths of Karu's gullet, shivering as he slowly noses closer to the opening, licking his lips slowly.

"Mmmmm. That's it hun, stuff this naughty little kitty away. Stuff him into that tight, hungry belly of yours," he says as the wide beak closes in, filling his vision with warm, slippery flesh. Hot breath washes over him as the bird prepares to feed.

For a second, Karu hesitates, starting to think it over before those thoughts are crushed by another rumble of his stomach, the bird pushing his beak forward. Spiral's muzzle pushes into the slick opening of his throat with the soft squelch of spreading flesh. The grey feline hips sway as he presses close to Karu's fluffy body, pressing his exposed, swelling sheath into those downy feathers.

With a little gulp Karu presses further, pushing his beak down over more of the kitty's body. His cheeks spread to take in his shoulders as his tongue slurps across his neck and chest. The bird's belly grumbles as the feline's sweet taste plays across his tongue. The penguin's tight blue inner flesh squeezes around the feline as he gulps and swallows, pushing him deeper and deeper into his slick throat.

Inside, the little feline starts to purr gently, vibrating against the soft, slippery walls around him, wriggling his hips against those downy feathers as his upper half is slowly slurped down into that warm, drooly embrace of the bird's gullet. The little feline barely puts up any kind of resistance as his friend slowly but inevitably gulps him down towards his rumbling belly.

Karu murrs happily around his meal, sliding more of the sweet kitty treat down into his gullet, every gulp punctuated with a long, slick sounding swallow. His chest, neck, and beak stretches wide as he starts to take in the feline's trim stomach. His tongue slurps through that soft, sweet fur, slickening it as best he can before every solid gulp. Drool literally drips down the kitty's exposed body from Karu's beak as he drags in more of his dinner's tasty form.

The hungry avian slips his wings under Spiral's knees, hefting him up as he gulps again, pushing him deeper into his slick throat easily. The grey feline's hard blue arousal pokes the bird's chest as he slowly slurps down along his belly, his tongue gently starting to tease at the musky length that his meal sports. A muffled moan comes from inside his slowly expanding belly as he leans back, opening his beak wide and making several quick, bird-like gulps, dragging the feline's hips down into his maw before closing it around him again. The kitty's grey and blue toes curl, his tail lashing as another deeper, more drawn out groan echoes from inside the penguins slick stomach.

Inside those tight walls, the kitty was enjoying himself greatly, wriggling and moaning as he feels Karu's slick tongue work over his length, adding a deep, musky flavor to his meal's already sweet taste. Every lick and slurp makes the little feline squirm and press out at the hot, tight confines of his captor's belly, making slight bulges appear through the soft down of his friend's body.

With a little gulp the avian pulls the feline's hips past his maw, dragging them down into his slick, slippery throat. A whine of protest comes from the penguin's meal as his arousal slips past that pleasurable beak and away, the feline grinding and thrusting his hips as best he can against the bird's slick walls as it starts its descent as well, the soft barbs ticking at the walls of Karu's throat as he gulps again.

With the majority of the little feline starting to curl up in his belly, and only his slim legs and tail left outside that ravenous beak, it was easy going. The downy bird leans back on his wings and tilts his head upwards, letting gravity and several solid gulps slide the rest of the feline into his hot, slippery gullet. He only stops when just the feline's feet and the tip of his tail still hang from his beak. The grey feline's toes curl, his tail twitching as he wriggles about in his slippery confinement.

Slowly Karu slurps his tongue over the feline's foot paws, slurping up the last of his taste. He Rests his wing gently on his filled stomach for a moment before opening wide and throwing his head forward, closing his beak with a solid click around the last of his friend. A single gulp later, the last of the little feline is squished down his slick throat. The feathered male lays back on the floor and gently rubs at his expansive belly.

"Mmmmm, Ooh Spiral you didn't lie. I Think I am going to love this place," he says, smirking as he rubs at his wriggling gut.

"I knew you would. They serve excellent food," the feline giggles muffledly from inside the penguin's filled stomach. "Mmmmph, tight in here..." he says, pushing out at the slick walls as he gets comfy, curled up tightly in the bird's warm, slippery stomach.

The penguin giggles, patting his belly as his meal squirms about inside. "Shhh, quiet in there. Food doesn't talk, especially after begging to slip right on in," he teases, looking at the clock. They rented the room for a while and he had more than an hour left.

"Mmmmm, now calm down and get comfy, you're not going anywhere soon, dinner," he teases, laying back and letting his stomach start to work over its large meal.

"Definitely going to have to come here more often..."