It Came From The Deep

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Just a quick little something. Half based on a dream I had a couple nights ago, and half a venting piece. I needed to do something dark to get some anger out, and this one helped a bit.

Cindy yelped and slid back a bit as the beer foamed up. Her friends around the circle laughed for just a moment before returning the attention to their drinks. The reptilian female giggled before sipping at the foam. They were all a bit giddy from the combination of the alcohol and their vacation. They'd all managed to survive another year at college and decided they needed a little break. So they pooled their money together and rented a nice little beach house for a few weeks. It was a nice enough little place, but it was in a row of nearly identical homes. Each with their own little slice of breakfront property. And so many rules and things that it pretty much ruined any fun they might have planned.

After a few nights of having to wrap up any parties early, they decided to take this one on the road. It took some doing, but they finally located this nice little beach. It was near enough to the boardwalks that they were easily able to march their stuff over, but a wall of rocks shielded them from prying eyes. Well, unless someone decided to take a hike down the beach or something. For now, though, the cove was all theirs.

They had a nice bonfire going, using some driftwood and trash that had been scattered around. The moon was lifting high into the night's sky, casting its silvery glow over everything. Someone had brought some speakers down and were blasting some type of music. There were some people that were dancing. Others were making out with their partners. Some where... well, they were doing a different kind of dancing. Cindy sipped her beer and swayed with the music, feeling more than a little tipsy herself. Her eyes swept the gathering to take in everything. Her gaze fell on a tiger and a vixen, both of whom were getting rather frisky. If things kept going at that rate, they wouldn't even get clear of the firelight before she would be riding him.

As her eyes swept the area, she locked gaze with Johnny. The wolf, a well-built example of studliness, was sitting on a cooler nearby. He flashed a smile at her and nodded his head away from the fire. Her brows lifted as she lowered the can and tilted her head. His grin widened as he nodded and licked his lips. She couldn't help but return the smile as she sank the can down into the sand and stood. She took a few steps away from her seat before glancing back. He was already up and following behind her, tail swaying behind with each step.

Silence reigned over them for a moment as they left the party behind. As the firelight faded, Johnny easily strolled up alongside her and put an arm around her. Cindy jumped as one of his large hands clamped onto her rear and gave it a squeeze, but giggled and pushed back against it. "Surprised you aren't already taken by someone." She had to look up to actually see his face, since the wolf was head and shoulders taller than her. This close to her, she could easily smell his musk. That scent and the warmth rolling off him was enough to make her shiver and coo.

Alcohol-laden breath washed over her as he murmured, "Could say the same about you. Sweet thing that you are." His hand moved, tracing along the edge of her one piece swimsuit before slipping across to her belly. "Gotta say, been wanting to get a piece of your tail for a while now."

Cindy's coo grew louder as warmth flashed through her body. Stepping in front of him, she stood on tip toes and put her arms around his neck, smiling up at him. "You have been, huh?

Johnny's tongue flashed out to lick her lips, "Uh huh."

"Well, what's stopping you?"

Moonlight made his teeth shine as he leaned in to kiss. Cindy moaned into it and pulled herself up, angling her head so they could lock muzzles. Her forked tongue slid across his wider muscle. Strong hands gripped her rear and lifted her up. She gasped into the kiss as her legs automatically wrapped around his waist, pressing against him. The pair began to grind against each other as they sank down onto the soft sand. Johnny growled into the kiss, hands sliding down to her hips. He rocked against her, the motions pushing his trunks down to reveal his heavy sheath. She whimpered into his mouth, reaching down to push the shorts out of the way to fully expose his length. Hands fumbled with her suit, pushing it out of the way hurriedly to expose her waiting pussy.

Before Johnny could do more than tap his burning tip against her body, a hiss made both them turn and look.

A figure was plodding towards them. Dark skin hide glistened in the moonlight. Massive eyes seemed to shine with an inner light Gills flapped against its neck and it wheezed with each breath. It looked to be about as tall as she was, but was wider and more powerfully built. It might be the light, but it looked like the person's fingers were also webbed. The wind shifted, bringing the thing's scent to the pair. Cindy wrinkled her nose against that salted fish scent that came off the person.

Johnny lifted a little, making her bite her lip as his tip slipped into her body. "Hey, buddy. Party's back there. If you don't mind, we'd like some privacy." She peered past the wolf at the stranger, who kept walking towards them. "You drunk or something? Get lost?" Still, the stranger walked towards them with that slow, loping gait. The wolf growled and tugged his trunks up. "Just a moment, Babe." Cindy quickly slipped her bottom back into place and sat up as the wolf stalked towards the person. Johnny's stiff-legged walk quickly closed the distance. His voice trembled with a his growl, "Look Pal, I tried to be nice, but if you don't leave us alone I'm gonna kick your stubby tail."


Cindy's eyes went wide with shock as the stranger lashed out shockingly fast. The backhand blow caught Johnny on the cheek, twisting his head around sharply. As she watched, the wolf staggered for a moment before starting to fall. The stranger lunged with a hiss and lashed out a second time. Johnny's organs fell to the sand with sick, wet plops as he was gutted. She screamed and hurried to her feet as the lupine crashed to the ground, eyes already glazing over. Her scream grabbed its attention. Those massive, lamp-like eyes locked onto her as it hissed again. A mouth full of jagged teeth split open into a grin as it leapt at her.

Terror gripped the lizard, making her body spring into action even as her mind tried to cope with the reality of what she just say. Her feet pounded against the sand as she sprinted from the hulking stranger. It lashed out, scratching her thigh as she darted away. Cindy caught herself with only a stagger before taking off. Fear lent her the speed of an Olympian. She crossed the beach in record time, making right for the wall that shielded the area from the rest. More screams made her look back as she neared the natural shield. She could make out more of the creatures at the fire amongst her friends. Worst of all, her attacker was right on her heels. Looking ahead, her eyes locked onto the wall.

The lizardess was nearly able to vault the ten feet of rock in a single, fright-fueled leap. Her claws scrabbled at the worn surfaces and propelled her up and over. She hit the sand with a solid thud and immediately clawed at the sand. Cindy pulled herself up onto all fours, then upright, all without stopping. Already, her body was starting to ache and burn. She jogged nearly every morning, but always at a leisurely pace. Nothing like this full on flight for survival. The lizardess staggered, feet slipping in the sand, and nearly went down. All that kept her up was the heavy thud of something landing behind her. She sucked in air and screamed again, only just realizing that she hadn't stopped since Johnny... Oh fuck, Johnny!

Her eyes burned with tears and sand as she scrambled for safety. The sand ate at her strength, shifting with every step and making her give up valuable speed. Her chest heaved, fighting between sobbing and panting for breath, yet somehow managing both. Adrenaline burned through her body, dulling the pain of broken nails and tired muscles.

All the while, she could feel that beast breathing down her neck.

The run from beach to boardwalk couldn't have been more than a couple hundred yards. Her flight led her to that, hoping to either lose the thing, or find some shelter she could claim until it left. It couldn't have taken more than a moment to cross the beach and vault up the stairs, but it seemed like an eternity passed before her bare feet pounded against weathered wood. With her mind still locked into a panicked state, she dove for the first alley she found and charged down it.

Buildings whipped past. The road twisted and turned. Still she ran and ran until her body simple gave out. Cindy staggered and fell against a heap of cardboard boxes. Her legs refused to work properly, wobbling like jelly the instant she tried to put any weight on them. Having finally slowed down, her mind was finally able to catch up and process what had happened back at the bonfire. Her body screamed at her as she lay in the garbage, the whole world spinning around her. She closed her eyes tight and tried to will it away. Johnny was there, the image of his guts spilling onto the sand burned into her mind. Cindy heaved herself over and let the contents of her stomach spill out. Her gut bucked and heaved, as if it were trying to expel the memory.

She'd only just finished vomiting when a sound echoed down the alley that made her freeze. A steady, deep thudding came down towards her. A sound akin to someone walking down the boardwalk with flippers on. No, no it couldn't be. It just couldn't! She tried to hide amongst the garbage, willing herself invisible as she flung refuse over her form.

No such luck.

A hand grabbed her arm and wrenched her out of the garbage. Cindy screamed and twisted as she was hauled into the center of the alley. The thing's claws bit at her flesh as she tried to beat it off. It barely acknowledged her blows, just hissing and shaking her. She tried to kick at it, but her legs weren't responding! It was only then that she felt an icy cold creeping across her body. A numbness that spread from the scratches and ate through any fight she might have left. In seconds, she couldn't do more than just whimper at it.

A breath later, she couldn't even do that.

Her attacker lowered her to the ground, almost tenderly. She watched, helpless, as it easily shredded her bathing suit. Its hiss turned into a gurgling purr as it spread her legs and probed at her vent. She was still a little damp from what Johnny... oh God, Johnny...

It didn't give her any time to mourn. The creature spread her legs wider and moved over her. She saw a dark, fleshy tower that glistened in the street lights. Only a glimpse as he sank over her, covering her body with his. His wide tip jabbed at her lips, spreading slimy precum against her privates. Incredibly strong legs drove it forward, burying his cock right into her to the hilt. Cindy tried to cry out, tried to scream, but she could only lay there as he began to pump against her. Her body refused to respond to anything she tried. Worst of all, it was responding rather eagerly to this male. Each thrust was met with a squeeze of her inner muscles. Her honey coated his length, making it easier for him to pound deep into her form with each brutal slam. Nipples responded to his rough chest by firming up to nice peaks that poked his flesh.

"Kripp?" The male uttered a curious noise as he leaned his head down to lick at those. His thick tongue ran across her breasts. Thick saliva coated her pebbly hide, oozing down her and dripping onto the wood below. She tried to sob, to scream, anything, but her body simply panted as it was pushed to higher places of pleasure. She couldn't even close her eyes as he hunched over her. She could only watch as his thrusts sped up, his wet body slamming against hers hard enough to rattle the boards under them. Leaning forward, he ran his tongue over her eyes then her lips. She wanted to vomit again, but her stomach was empty, even if it could respond.

Her insides did begin to heave, but not in the way she wanted. Terror and shame filled her body as her tunnel twisted around him, gut tensing visibly as she peaked. The male arched his body and drove himself as deep as possible, grinding his tip against her cervix. "Cree! Croope!" he cried out as he peaked, pumping his thick seed into her body. She could feel it oozing past that barrier and into her unprotected womb.


Her assailant twisted around, shifting her as well. Another figure stood in the alley. It was the same type creature as the male that was pumping his seed into her, but was far larger. This new one held the head of the boardwalk's security guard in one of its hands, blood and bits of spine dangling from where it had been ripped right off the unfortunate person.

"Arissh," hissed the male over her, quickly scurrying off. His cock came free with a pop, his thick seed still buried deep inside of her. Hurrying to the side, he watched as the larger male walked over.

Cindy was screaming inside of her head as she was casually lifted into the air. A heavy hand closed around her head, angling it back so the beast could kiss her. He locked muzzles with her and shoved his tongue right into her mouth. She tried to retch, wanted to, was the putrid tongue was forced down her throat. The new male's throat rolled as it heaved and gurgled. Her eyes widened then began to water as it force-fed her some of his last meal. She was only thankful that she couldn't taste anything other than his tongue as half-digested food was stuffed down her throat. Her body worked on autopilot, swallowing down what was offered to keep from choking.

After feeding her what felt like several large meals, the massive creature pulled back. She hung in his grasp as he turned her around. Cindy managed a weak whimper as his thick prick nudged at her body. Tears leaked out of her eyes as she was forced open. He stretched her body to its limits as he pulled her right down over his monumental spire. The other male crouched and watched with hungry, unblinking eyes as she was bounced on that post. She tried to look away as he began to play with himself. The male behind her grunted and drove his hips up as he jerked her down with each thrust. She could feel him stabbing her cervix, forcing it open more and more with each pass.

He would not be denied.

Changing position some, her head rolled forward. Thankfully, it spared her having to watch the male masturbate while watching her being raped. However, her new view included the bulge made in her slender body by both the male, and the meal. Tears trickled down her muzzle as he began to hiss and snarl behind her. Heavy body slammed against her, his battering ram finally bursting through the door and into her keep. She could only hang there as it unleashed a howl that rattled the sodium lamps overhead. Her gut bugled with his flood of cum, growing so large it was almost unbelievable.

The thick spunk clung to her walls, refusing to leak out even as the male pulled out a second later. Tossing her casually over a shoulder, the male hissed something at the smaller one. They spoke in their hissing and spitting language as they carried her off. She could only lay there and stare blankly at the ground, wondering about her fate.

Cindy lay there, staring at a cave wall. How long had she been there. Days? Or was it months now? She lost count of time soon after she was brought to this underwater cavern. It was impossible to tell the passage of time when her only source of light was the glowing moss that covered the walls and ceiling. The lizard hissed as something hit her. Rolling over, she slid a hand down and looked at the gigantic bulge in her gut. As she watched, the child (or was it children?) inside of her twisted around. Her eyes swept the room, looking at the others there. Others that, like her, had been brought here.

She spotted a vixen laying nearby, blank eyes staring at the ceiling. A pair of Magak children, the vixen's brood, feasted on the female's flesh. Cindy felt a shiver run down her spine as she ran her fingers along her gut. She wouldn't die when she gave birth. No, she was strong. Saaa'kre had assured her that she was stronger than the others That is why the massive Magak had bred her the most. Why he fed her himself. Curling up, she lay on the crude bed and sighed softly, a smile gracing her lips. She barely remembered the terror from the bonfire night. Or the countless fucks she'd endured until her mind simply broke. All she remembered was the pride she felt.

She was stronger.