Chapter 3 -Virgin Territory

Story by The Copilot on SoFurry

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#3 of Seeing Spots


Chapter 3 - Virgin Territory


As Aaron followed Harley up the stairs to his apartment, he was suddenly very aware of how little possessions he had. Even the little bit of clothing, fur wash, and toothbrush the Doberman had in the small duffel bag slung over his shoulder was more than Aaron had. He didn't even have any normal clothes, just the hospital issue scrubs they were kind enough to give him.

You know, he's kind of cute. The way his smooth black fur hugs his muscles, the big brown eyes that always seemed to find his gaze, the shy little smile he carries around.

Aaron suddenly tensed as he realized where his mind was going and gave himself a mental slap. These kind of thoughts got him kicked out of home once before. He ended up homeless for a week until a friend found him sleeping on a bus stop bench and took him in. Aaron got a job with her help but she didn't like his lifestyle so he moved out as soon as he could afford to. He had nothing in his apartment then, not even a bed. He made due with few clothes and a blow up mattress. Things gradually got better as gathered things necessary for living. Now all those years of hard work were reduced to ashes. He wasn't about to let thoughts like that leave him homeless again so he slammed down on those thoughts with an iron will.

Harley's apartment turned out to be a three bedroom number that he shared with two other members of the firehouse. There was a small open kitchen, a decent living room with a couch that looked like it had seen betters days, an oversized TV, and a bathroom between the rooms. Harley took off his work boots and with a heavy sigh, began to pad down the hallway.

"Come on spots, lets find you seem decent clothes. My stuff might be a little big on you but its got to be better than those scrubs."

Aaron quietly followed Harley to his room and the doberman straight to his dresser and picked out a pair of loose athletic shorts, a clean pair of boxers, and a t-shirt before handing them to the dalmatian. "These ought to fit alright for now. Bathroom's down the hall, towels are above the toilet. I can get you some real clothes tomorrow. Maybe we can even see about getting you a new ID as well."

"Thanks," Aaron murmured before and padded to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He was startled by his reflection, his eyes bloodshot and red from exhaustion and exposure to smoke, his fur was disheveled and sticking up in every direction. There were still little smears of ash stuck to his fur and he stunk of fire.


Aaron stepped out of the shower fresh and clean and more than exhausted. He could barely stand as he made his way back to Harley's room. The doberman was sprawled out on his bed, wearing only a pair of shorts and an arm over his eyes. It was difficult for the dalmatian to avoid stairing the the dobermans' chest and the way the black fur gave his abs definition. Aaron had to tare his gaze away less he let his arousal slip free as sat on the edge of the bed. He sighed as he put his head in his hands.

"Tired?" Harley mumbled, not moving more than his muzzle.

"I don't think that even covers part of what I'm feeling right now."

"Want to talk about it?"

"No," Aaron said rather flatly. He didn't think he could hold it together if he tried.

"Okay." Harley answered back. Aaron let a minute of silence pass before he spoke again.

"Want to talk about your job?"

"No," Harley chuckled. "Talking won't do much good. All I can do it wait."

Aaron could barely keep his eyes open at this point, his head was starting to bob up and down as he tired to fight off sleep. Finally, he flopped back on his back next to Harley and covered his eyes, same as the doberman.

"Do you mind if I rest my eyes?" Aaron asked.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," Harley replied, looking over at the Dalmatian. He swung his hands up and with two claps the lights in the room turned off.


When Aaron woke, he could hear the TV playing in the living room. The clock beside his bed said it was close to midnight. Looking over, Harley was gone but somehow Aaron ended up under the covers. Throwing off the covers, he climbed out of bed and padded quietly into the next room in his borrowed clothes. Harley looked up from the TV when he heard the click of the claws along the floor and sat up to make room for Aaron on the couch. The Dalmatian yawned and rubbed his eyes. "What are you watching?" Aaron asked.

"It's not really that interesting, just a news special over a controversial television program that aired recently."

"What was it about?"

"I didn't watch it but some of the guys did. The premise of the program was ridiculous but it scared some of them a little," Harley said, pausing with a held breath before he sighed. "It was about gays turning people gay and how homosexuality is spreading. I told them it was ridiculous, you don't just turn gay! You either are gay, play both sides of the field, or just aren't that way. One doesn't turn gay."

After a moments silence, Aaron spoke up. "How--how do you know?"

"I just know, okay?" Harley said with a wary breath. He gave Aaron a tired grin.

There was a long silence between them as they turned to the TV and continued to watch. But Aaron's attention was far from on the Television. His muzzle was pointed in that direction but the entirety of his attention was on the thoughts within his head. Was Harley gay? Was he trying to hint at it to see how he would react? What if he wasn't and Aaron came out to him, would he be thrown out? And most of all, was it worth the risk of being homeless to find out if the dog was gay himself?

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

There was a shaky sigh from the Dalmatian before he spoke up, "You're right, you know. I always knew I never liked girls. I just didn't know what it meant until I got older. It took a long time to figure it out. Even now, I still have trouble using the word."

There Doberman went rigid and there was another pause between them before Harley spoke, his voice barely a whisper. "Are you seriously gay?"

The Doberman couldn't bring himself to meet Aaron's eyes, he was too nervous. Eventually, he couldn't take Aaron's silence and looked over, his muzzle a mixture of terror, excitement, and hope.. Aaron had been hoping with all his might that this handsome dog was of the same orientation, but he'd all but given up hope. It all made sense now. The casual way he held his paw earlier, the shy smiles and the way that stumpy tail wagged, the way that he was being doted on. It was more just beyond what a friend would do for a friend, and well beyond what any normal person would do for a stranger. Everything just kind of clicked in the Dalmatian's head and he laid his hand upon Harley's.

"What's the answer you're looking for?" He asked. Harley's silence was answer enough. He leaned over, bringing his muzzle to within inches of the Doberman's, then centimeters, then millimeters, and sparks flew when contact was made. Aaron shut his eyes and pushed his muzzle into the kiss. Harley's eyes grew wide in shock before they themselves closed and his black paw came up to seize the back of his head. The kiss was sloppy and sudden, ending after only a moment.

"I've never done this before," Harley huffed, the insides of his ears going red.

"Neither have I," Aaron whispered, looking up with a nervous smile.


Harley and Aaron all but burst through the bedroom door, arms tangled around each other. Harley kicked it shut behind them, fumbling behind him with a free searching for the door lock. It engaged with a click and he pulled his muzzle away from Aaron's.

"Don't want anyone interrupting us, never know when the roomy chooses to come home," Harley smiled, quickly sinking his lips back into Aaron and walking the dog backwards towards his head. When the back of Aaron's knees hit the mattress, he toppled back taking Harley down with him. Both of them looked at each other shocked for a moment before breaking out into giggles and kissing again.

As Harley lay on top of Aaron, the Dalmatian slid a hand down over Harley's side and down into one of his pockets, moving slowly, almost teasingly. When Aaron found his prize at the front of Harley's pants, he seized it. The Doberman tensed and groaned a bit as he ground his package down into Aaron's.

"Nice length," Aaron murmured. Harley slid a hand between them and gave Aaron a stroke from base to tip.

"Not to bad yourself, spots," he replied with a smirk.