Chapter 4 - Uncharted Waters

Story by The Copilot on SoFurry

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#4 of Seeing Spots


Chapter 4 - Uncharted Waters


"Nice length," Aaron murmured. Harley slid a hand between them and gave Aaron a stroke from base to tip.

"Not to bad yourself, spots," he replied with a smirk.

The locked lips repeatedly, hands once again roaming bodies. Aaron's paws skimming over the doberman's short fur that shimmered in the light of the the alarm clock, paw pads searching every valley of the doberman's chest, his ripped abs, up across his perfect shoulders, and then down over his back. Muscles shivered beneath the welcome touch. Harley's paws were doing much the same, feeling over the much softer curves of the dalmatian beneath him. Tracing over his delicate chest, down his flat stomach, out over his hips before settling on his pert backside. He gave both cheeks a squeeze and watched the groan and blush of the dalmatian as he arched up and ground his package against the doberman's.

The room was filled with the sound of short, rapid breaths and the smack of lips as two bodies ground down into each other. The heat between them was beginning to become stifling and Harley pulled away with a gasp and sat back on his paws, reaching for the zipper of his shorts. Aaron followed suit soon after and both fumbled for the buttons for several awkward seconds, trying to be quick about it and failing miserably. Harley succeeded first, leaning back over the dalmatian with his freed arousal as he shimmied his pants down to his ankles. Eventually, he gave up waiting for Aaron and once again laid upon the dalmatian and locked lips with him. Growling into the kiss, he reached down to Aaron's shorts and began to use brute force to force them down low enough to free his arousal.

With a gasp of shock from both, Aaron's arousal was free and searing heat found both of their lengths. Neither of them could resist grinding into the other, slipper flesh sliding against each other. Again and again, their hips rocked sending pleasure shooting through their bodies. Pre fluid began to flow freely between the long unused pricks, knots inflating at a rapid rate. Each rock of their hips brought a new surge of pleasure, another splash of pre onto hot flesh and fur, and a new wave of musk to the room. Aaron was the first one to break the kiss as his breath began to grow shorter and shorter. Harley paid no attention, his mind locked in a feedback loop of longing for pleasure, finding pleasure, and again searching for that pleasure.

When Aaron's hands found his hips, trying to still them, Harley let out a low grown and grabbed both hands, pinning them above their heads. The thrusts between them grew desperate and quick, pre no longer spurting but flowing freely out of both cocks. Aaron suddenly tensed, his body going as rigid as his cock as arched up into Harley. With a whine, burst of white flew from his cock and mingled in the shared fur between them. Harley continued thrusting, not far behind. A few huffs later he followed Aaron down the same path of no return and with a bark, his own essence began to commingle with Aaron's.

The Dalmatian's ears were ringing, his vision gradually returning as he recovered from possibly the best orgasm in his entire life. He'd never felt anything that powerful, or ever lost himself to the drive of pleasure. It was amazing. By the bewildered look in Harley's eyes, he was thinking much the same thing. They just came from nothing more than grinding against each other, and it was epic.

Harley allowed himself to fall to his side, rolling onto his back and rapidly panting. What had he just done? He had sex with a guy and he loved it! All those thoughts he never acted on, that he was too afraid to act on, this all confirmed everything. The mess around his crotch was proof enough. Both of the men laid there, panting heavily and unsure of the next move. The silence began to drag on as their breathing returned to normal.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have--I should go," Aaron began.

"No, don't. I'm not sure what comes now, but I know I liked what we just did," the doberman rumbled, looking over at the Dalmatian. He reached out and pulled the spotted dog to him and gently ran his hand across his muzzle. Again and again, his hand smoothed the fur along his muzzle as the dog snuggled against him. Harley reached down, pulling the covers up over their soiled forms.

"So, where does this leave us?" Aaron mumbled, on the verge of falling asleep.

"I'm not sure, but I know this right here--I really like it."

***** The End?