The Birthday Girl

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#4 of Emily's Escapades

This is a sequel to the 'Lunch Break' stories, featuring the return of all four characters from last time, plus a cute new addition. This story is about the hyena girl's very very kinky birthday party. Hope you all like it ^^

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you," the chorus rang out as the little hyena girl sat happily in her chair at the dining table, a little party hat atop her head as she watched the cake get closer to the table, "Happy birthday dear Emily, happy birthday to you!" The other four in the room clapped as her mother set the cake carefully down in front of her, the nine candles still burning. It was a special party that Emily had asked for, and only her parents, one of her classmates and her father's co-worker were invited.

"Make a wish sweetie!" her mother said with a grin and the others let out a second round of claps as she blew out all the candles. The hyena made quick work of cutting the cake, the dessert just small enough to allow them each one slice. The girl's father beamed proudly as he was handed his piece. "Your mother worked all day on this cake," he said cheerfully, "I can't wait to see how good it tastes!" His daughter chuckled as she dug her fork into her own slice, happily putting the first bite into her mouth.

Emily shivered in reaction to the first bite of her cake, a strong overpowering mix of bitter shit, salty urine, and the stale cooked overtones of pussy juice and sweat filling her mouth. There was only the faintest hint of chocolate cake still left in the flavour, but even that disappeared every time her teeth sunk into pepper or corn, or anything else her mother had eaten. She looked over with a blush to the three adults, seeing each of them also chewing away, with a look of sick satisfaction washing over them.

Her father hadn't wasted any time, his piece nearly finished and his paw already holding his stiff length that he had slipped out of his pants. He always had such an untamed libido, and seemed to be the first one to 'rise' for the occasion. His friend from work was there too, the slightly younger otter groaning out in sickening pleasure as he chewed away at his piece.

Next to Emily sat an adorable young mouse, his white fur standing on end as he chewed his piece slowly, occasionally gagging at the taste. He managed to finish the whole piece eventually though, sheer perversion guiding him through. Emily's mother seemed the calmest of the five, grinning as she swallowed down her forkfuls quite calmly.


Earlier the girl's mother had been working away in the kitchen, the stunningly beautiful hyena preparing the ingredients for her daughter's special birthday cake. "How's the cake coming April?" her husband asked eagerly as he watched her lift her tail, grunting out as she strained herself. "Very, ahh, well," she sighed, "Just putting a few extra ingredients in, care to make a donation?" The hyena chuckled as he watched his wife work, his cock growing stiff as he watched the pale brown coil of shit curl out from his wife's pucker into the mixing bowl.

He stepped towards her, reaching his paw out to fondle her soft folds. She sighed out as she felt him touch her, folds growing wet as he slipped his fingers in and out of them. He smiled as he kissed her long and lovingly, her shit still spilling out into the cake batter below. "Let's make this cake extra special" he said in an almost romantic tone, kissing her again as he unzipped the front of his jeans, letting his cock slip out.

He sighed in mid-kiss as he began to relieve himself, his semi-hard shaft hanging over the bowl as it rained down a long acrid stream of urine. The couple continued to make out as they finished their business, the concoction below barely recognizable as cake mix anymore. The hyena smiled as he broke the kiss with his wife, turning her around to face the bowl. "Hold it low," he whispered into her ear, rubbing her pucker with his fingers before bringing them up to his lips, sampling the bitter muck.

She followed her husband's instructions, holding the bowl carefully below her waist. Quite suddenly her husband grabbed her hips, thrusting his cock hard into her pussy. "Jack, ahh, that's good!" she moaned out as he buried himself into her, not slowing for a second as he worked her aching lips. He kept his thrusts hard and fast, fingers reaching over her clitoris to give it a smooth rub. He kept up his frenzied pace until she reached closer to orgasm, squirt after squirt spraying into the dirty bowl.

As she held onto the counter, limp from orgasm, he kept thrusting into her, keeping his shaft buried deep into her sex until he reached a climax himself. He quickly pulled out when he was ready, groaning out as he splattered a long cum shot into the bowl. "Wooo, damn," he said as he caught his breath, "Our daughter's gonna have one hell of a birthday cake!"

April nodded, but looked a little clouded. "What's wrong babe?" Jack asked, clutching his wife tightly. She grinned, trying to not seem completely down as she voiced her concerns, "Oh it's just her school friend, we could get in a lot of trou-" she stopped as her husband put his finger over her lips, shushing her calmly.

"Babe, relax," he snuggled into her, "Bo checks out, we've met him several times...and lord knows we won't be doing anything Emily hasn't done to him already." She looked at her husband with slight tension, "Yeah that's what I'm worried about." Jack looked puzzled for a moment as he thought over her words, "What the heck is that supposed to mean?" His wife laughed, thinking about the stories her daughter had told her, "She's turning into you!"


A few months earlier, Bota continued to stare over at Emily shyly as he drank from the water fountain. He was still in his gym clothes, the class just finishing. He had somewhat of a mild crush on her, and always caught himself staring at her after gym class. Something about the way she ran during class always caused inappropriate thoughts to pop up into his mind. He played fantasy after fantasy over in his head as he watched her walk by, nearly wetting himself with the fountain when she suddenly turned to smile at him.

"Hiya Bo!" she cooed out cheerfully, soon giggling as Bota looked up in shock, the water spouting out from the fountain soaking the front of his shirt. He moved back for a second, blushing in embarrassment as he wiped the damp clothing anxiously with his paws, "H-hi Emily, h-how are you?" She smirked as she watched the damp pool of water trail down the mouse's shirt, winking as she looked him straight in his adorable pink eyes, "Looks like you got a bit messy!"

He half looked away, feeling totally stupid at what he had done. She held her paw to his though, pulling him forward to give him a short hug, "It's ok...I've seen messier." Bo stared blankly as she walked away, gulping nervously as he tried to understand what she meant. The front of his pants started to tent as his thoughts only got worse, and he crossed he legs, quickly rushing to the change room.


When the bell rang at the end of the day, Bo rushed straight to the bathroom, he had held it in for the whole last period, and was barely able to hold it any longer. Everyone else rushed the other way, each student anxious to get home and away from their daily captivity. The young mouse sighed in relief as he made it to the nearest stall in the boy's room, dropping his pants and undies quickly to the floor as his rump hit the toilet seat on the last possible second.

He shuddered and cringed as a thick log forced his pucker to stretch open, his bowels stinging as it slowly coiled out. He heard the door to the boy's room open shortly after, but disregarded it, focused solely on finishing his own business. He continued to grunt and sigh as he relieved himself, his ears perking up in surprise as he heard someone shuffle under the open space at the bottom of his stall door.

He looked down, face turning scarlet as he saw the cute little hyena curl up around the front of the toilet. "Em-em-em-emily, w-h-wha-?!" Bo whined out, heart beat racing as she got closer. "Shh, quiet mousey," she whispered, paws slipping into the toilet bowl, firmly holding the thick log that curled out of Bo's pucker, "Don't want anyone outside to hear us!" The mouse's mind raced as he tried to share his thoughts, shocked at where her paws were going until suddenly he felt the warmth of her lips slip over his flaccid shaft.

His paws reached forward, instinctually gripping the girl's shoulders as she began to lap and slurp at his cock. Within seconds it had raised up, growing hard as the girl's tongue pushed in and out of its foreskin. He had imagined this moment for months, not exactly like this, but being alone with her, the two giving in to some sort of carnal pleasure. He didn't understand why she was reaching for his crap, he had read online that some people were into that sort of thing but had never given it much thought.

Right now even that dirty little fact was unable to hold him back, the damp warmth of the girl's lips causing constant pleasure to fill his senses. He finally came to when she had stopped, not even realizing he had finished pushing out his shit mid-blow. The hyena grinned as she stood up, now standing eye level to the mouse as she held the firm log in front of her. It was thick, evenly gooey and firm, and a rich dark brown, even bits and chunks cracking the surface along the heavy turd.

Drool filled the cub's lips as she sniffed at it, the look on her face like she had just smelt the best meal ever made for her. She smiled to the mouse, enjoying the unsure expression on his face, and knelt closer, whispering in as cute a tone as she could muster, "Mom and dad always tell me to try something before I say I don't like it, what do yours say?" The mouse's lips quivered as they tried to respond, but he instead exhaled anxiously as he saw the girl fill her muzzle with a good half of the thick log.

The mouse squirmed in on the toilet seat for a moment uncomfortably, he had strangely never felt nauseated by the appearance or scent of feces, but the thought of eating it still gave him the obvious caution. He had never really thought about the act himself but in his current situation, he was near willing to do anything to please the girl he had such a crush on. 'It can't be that bad' Bo's thoughts anxiously tried to reassure him, followed by a continual conscious 'This is crazy, this is crazy!'

He watched the hyena as she ate though, a sick curiosity instilled in him as he saw each slow chew and intense shiver she lovingly made. He gulped nervously as he shook reason out of his head, leaning forward and opening his maw to swallow the other half, meeting the girl's lips in a very dirty kiss.


Back in the present, the five party guests each finished off their slices in their own way, but all shared a similar outcome. As each set down an empty plate they seemed to share the same train of thought, each female soaking wet between the legs and each male showing off a hard lump. As they all watched each other in excited silence, the girl's mother broke the ice, grinning as she gave a wonderful suggestion, "So, who's up for a 'swim'?"


Emily and Bo cuddle up together as they sat in the small plastic pool, just big enough to fit four seated adults, but clearly meant for cubs. It was set in the middle of the living room and the two sat curled up together naked, watching the three adults around them begin to strip down themselves. Emily had the deepest grin on her face as she prepared for the coming activity, but Bo couldn't help but shiver a little anxiously still shy to be naked in front of three complete strangers. He trusted Emily whole-heartedly but had never met her family until now.

"How long is it supposed to take?" Jack asked as he poked at his stomach a little. "Not long," April replied, reaching down to spread out her damp folds, "Bottle says 'Fast Acting' for a reason!" She set the bottle of laxatives down on the nearby table, waiting patiently with her husband for their bodies to react.

The otter's stomach was already beginning to rumble and he sighed as he began to let out a small stream of urine from his flaccid shaft. "We might as well add some water to this pool huh kids?" the otter chimed out, smiling as he watched his piss rain down over the two anxious cubs. They cuddles close together as the jet of yellow poured down over them, Bo squinting as Emily opened her mouth to catch as much as she could.

The two hyenas grinned as they watched the look of excitement in their daughter's eyes, leaning themselves over the small pool themselves. "Not a bad idea!" her mother said as she spread her folds out, reaching her free paw out to hold her husband's cock. Emily was forced to squint as the raining jets of urine now came from all three sides, both cubs shivering as they were completely soaked in a shower of sour piss.

"Open your mouth Bo" Emily whispered as she nipped her friend's ear, the mouse sighing out as he obeyed her, enjoying a long salty drink. April looked down happily at the two as their fur was now soaked and matted, her husband still going long after she had finished. "What?" he asked as she gave him an odd look, "I haven't gone all day." His wife sniffed the air as the hyena continued to let out his long dark stream, "Yeah, I can certainly smell that!"

The two cubs swallowed uncomfortably as the dark piss pooled in their muzzles, the hyena's urine more bitter than they were both used to. The otter clutched his stomach as his pucker began to let out a low rasp, "Ok guys, looks like I'm gonna be first!" He seemed a little uncomfortable as his stomach groaned, his body ready to let loose all of its stored contents.

"C'mere birthday girl," he groaned out as he turned around, resting his rump gently over the girl's face as he let another fart out. She gasped as the bitter warmth filled her mouth, her piss soaked eyes watering as she struggled to keep from gagging. The otter sighed as his pucker finally stretched open, the tip of a hard log poking out just for enough for Emily to reach with her tongue.

She dragged her tongue smoothly along the edge of it, her stomach groaning uncomfortably as a rich stench hit her. Bo watched his friend as she began to feed from the otter's pucker, laying back in the piss soaked pool, his little shaft growing harder. Emily gagged a little as the thick log dropped out, half of it clogging her muzzle as she leaned back to chew it down.

The otter kept going even as she moved away, unable to hold the next log back any longer. It dropped with a thud onto the girl's chest, sticking to the fur of her chest. She looked down at the log lovingly, reaching down with her paws to spread it in as she slowly mashed her mouthful down with her teeth. As she played with the bit on her already, her father backed up beside the otter, leaning his rear down overtop of his daughter's head.

He grunted out uncomfortably at first, but his struggle eventually eased up, the hyena sighing out as a long sludgy pile of muck rasped out over his daughter's head. "There you go sweetie" he said quite softly, his pucker still spread open as it farted out the runny pile of waste. Emily moaned as she moved up and down, letting the rain of sludge hit every inch of her body. It wasn't nearly as strong smelling as the otter's but it got absolutely everywhere.

Bo was blushing deeply as he worked his little shaft, overwhelmed with voyeuristic pleasure as he watched his crush get absolutely coated in filth. April stepped over to the other side of the pool, turning around so the mouse could get a good look at her rump. "Don't be shy Bo," she gently coaxed him over, "Tuck in!" The boy gulped nervously as he moved closer, reaching in to tap his tongue shyly across the hyena's smooth pucker.

She murmured comfortably at the touch of the cub's tongue, relaxing herself until a loud rasp shot into the boy's mouth. Bo coughed a little at the harshness of the hyena's gas, but kept his lips pealed as the tip of something bright brown began to poke out. As it began to drop out, the subtle touch of the mouse's lips were enough to make it break off. Bo quickly swallowed it down and moved back a bit, letting the mushy log instead drop into his mouth at its own pace.

Emily barely had any invisible fur left as her father finished, the otter still clenching as the last remaining log dropped out of his tight ass. She held her paws up so it could fall gently into her palms, and she thanked both men by giving their puckers a smooth loving kiss. She crawled over to Bo when she was done, grinning as she watched him pealed to her mother's ass, swallowing down what sounded like a long heavy load.

She leaned in to hug him from behind, his little body shaking in surprise as she gently lathered the otter's thick shit over his chest. April stood up a little higher when Bo's mouth was completely full, giving him a break as she let the rest drop down into her daughter's muzzle. Emily's entire body was a dirty brown, stinking of a pungent aroma. Her teeth and tongue had deep stains on them, only made worse by the mushy logs her mother now fed her.

She chewed them down slowly, shivering as she had to force them down her throat. Her mother's shit was much stronger than the other two's, whatever she had eaten making them barely tolerable for very long. She moved away as her stomach finally failed her, the last bit of her mother's crap hitting her face as she puked over the mouse. It splashed over Bo's stomach and he moaned out, cringing a little as he began to make his own mess.

Emily's eyes widened as she noticed what the mouse was doing, leaning up just in time to let the small pile of scat pile up into her damp sex. She moaned loudly as they pushed past her tight folds, filling the inside of her pussy with a few solid inches of waste. The three adults smiled down at the little ones as they panted in their pool of muck, carefully slipping into the pool themselves.

The two cubs lay back into the soggy pool of filth, sliding around playfully as they covered themselves in as much shit, piss and vomit as possible. Both their eyes were glazed with tears as their body was forced to endure such tastes and smells, but their hearts raced with the exciting, the two wrapped together sharing a solid piece of shit between their tongues.

April knelt down into the slippery waste, her paws holding the cocks of her husband and his friend as they stood over her, feet soaking in the pool. Jack groaned in pleasure as he held the back of his wife's neck with his paw, guiding her down as she swallowed his entire length. She pawed off the otter as he waited patiently for his turn, both men staring eagerly at the hyena's luscious body.

Emily and Bo cuddled up to April as the pool ran out of room for the group to move around, both clutching her tightly as they rubbed their muck over her fur. April moved her lips over to the otter after her husband's prick was good and lathered, gently wrapping her tongue around the otter's shaft before sucking down. She moved her paws down to her sides, sighing over the otter's waist as one paw began to fondle Bo's cock, the other sliding fingers deep into her daughter's pussy.

She bobbed her head down in a fast pace, the otter moaning out loud, her husband beside him pumping his own shaft. All five of them were so pent up it didn't take them long. Bo was the first to finish, the young mouse tensing up in April's paw, a few shrill squeaks sounding out as his sticky mess spilled out into her palm. She held it up to her daughter's lips as she backed away from the otter, letting the cub lick her fingers clean as the two adults pawed off over top of her.

The two tensed up almost simultaneously, both cocks shaking as a shower of creamy white hit the hyenas face. She caught as much of it in her muzzle as she could, but still her face ended up a sticky mess. As the three males panted and shivered in ecstasy, April turned to her daughter, pulling her into a long passionate kiss. She swirled their tongues together, juggling the pool of cum in her mouth around in her daughter's muzzle.

She thrust her hips up, causing both pairs of dirty folds to grind against each other, the two females rubbing their privates hard against each other until they both whined into each other's muzzles. Long squirts sprayed out over their legs, the mother and daughter still making out as they reached orgasm together.

Every member of the dirty little pack had a bright smile when they had finally caught their breath, and after a single breath each, could tell orgasm had taken away the enjoyment of the room's smells. As April got up to help the cubs clean up, she gave her daughter one last kiss, whispering gently into her ear, "Happy birthday sweetheart!"