Koszmar Lore

Story by VeauxKoszmar on SoFurry

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Cover Art was original drawn by Megagrin. Edited by me to use as cover art.

Original - http://www.sofurry.com/view/475704

I originally uploaded these 'Lore Stories' to Furaffinity as separate pieces, as a way to answer alot of questions that floated around my fursona 'Koszmar'.

On that site he has a tiny little fan following, so ya.

Since a few people here are becoming fond of my short stories, I thought it'd be nice to share the Lore Stories here aswell.

Hope you enjoy these little "facts" based around my character, Koszmar.

Thank you!

LORE #1 - Undying  The being never really dies and is near impossible to kill, usually requiring more than 70% bodily destruction or it'll simply reform within a certain amount of time. That time usually depends on the severity of damage dealt to the demon.The moment it's life is extinguished the creature simply stops existing. In most cases all that were involved in the sequence leading to it's death 'forget' anything to do with the creature. Koszmar usually always returns into our realm, and it can take anywhere from days, to weeks, months or even years for the being to reappear. Supposedly it has no power over where it goes, or what time or space it falls into.When the beast re-enters this plain of existence, all involved in it's death fall into an incredibly unstable emotional state. Signs of extreme paranoia, distress, dread and fear are common, as if their brain is trying to remember.Although it appears to have the mentality of a child, it's memory is nearly infinite.In the end, Koszmar always succeeds in hunting down the one's responsible for it's pain. Always dealing the exact amount of damage it sustained the day of it's death.

LORE #2 - Symbiotic  The origins of the beast aren't entirely known. It is believed that it began as an idea, a concept, a lost consciousness that was given a face within the dreams of a young boy. As the consciousness came to realize whats become of it, and become self-aware, it manifested into reality. The boy was left facing down his own nightmare...  What become of the relationship between this beast and it's host was vague. Though so long as this child lived, it had a guardian floating around. For Koszmar's reality depended on that boy, who slowly grew into a man, and inevitably faded from existence. Once again the demon was lost, involuntarily falling through space and time, and after having felt the bond between him and another soul, a sense of loneliness grew. Many uncounted years this cycle continues to repeat, some lonely soul would discover the lore of this lost Demon, and that Demon would soon discover the lonely soul.A pact would eventually be formed, and Koszmar could walk in a physical form again until his or the host's death might occur. There seem to be no requirements or bias towards what can bond with the Symbiotic Demon, having been noted that Koszmar was once guarding a tiny Lady Bug.   LORE #3 - Serpentine  The creature has an insatiable attraction to serpents and serpent-like creatures. This is assumed because of his body-like relation to them.   Koszmar is capable of bending and contorting his body in all manners unnatural. It was initially assumed this ability was an adaption to it's original habitat, though after learning his birth was one from nightmares.... its left to believe that this ability is more for the purpose of amusement or display. He himself finds attraction in the twisted body's of snakes, so it's a matter of monkey-see monkey-do. But it's not without it's uses. Those cursed from committing the act that brings upon Koszmar's destruction, find their growing delusions and paranoia often lead them to barricade themselves away. The creature's talent lies in how it would weave itself into the tightest of fortresses without making a sound. His ominous glowing red eyes could greet you from any dark crack or crevice, and will often be the last thing witnessed.