Cabin Break: Part 20

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#20 of Cabin Break

Silence - that was all Sam could hear; no wind, no rustling of trees, and no sounds of wildlife. It only lasted a moment, but to the young wolf it was like holding his breath while rapidly sinking into deep water. In some small way, he seemed to understand that the world around him didn't want him to leave.

He wanted to believe it was all nonsense, the world and surrounding area couldn't react emotionally to how he moved about the world. He wanted to believe that, but the last few weeks at the cabin had opened his eyes to many things. Perhaps there were mystical forces that lay just beyond the edges of perception; perhaps there was a reason why Sam had fallen in love with his mother and become her mate. Maybe there was a reason he could understand feelings and read things he had felt or knew others had felt about him better than before.

Sam smiled to himself; it may have been something in the surrounding area or maybe it was because he was becoming more mature. Either way he didn't care; he had the love of his mother and another beautiful female; that was good enough for now. The future would hold more for him of that he was certain. He had other loves to bring into the fold; long running loves and desires that had long been behind a veil that was in front of his eyes. Sam could see everything so clearly now, but he knew he could not accomplish his goal to bring those he loved together alone. His smile widened; he wasn't alone.

"Sam, are you done?" His mother called to him from inside the cabin.

The wolf breathed a sigh of relief; the hard part of the day was over. He had risen early with his mother and Cara to finish their packing; Cara had left soon after to return to her daily life. It had been a teary farewell between the collie and his mother, but Sam had stood by them with his love and support. Now the cabin was empty of Sam's and his mother's belongings. He smiled at a small box containing his cameras and sketchbooks as he stepped back towards his mother's truck. So many memories to take and treasure; he thought. "I'm done Mom." He called back. "Just one more thing to do." He said with a whisper.

Leaning on the cabin's doorframe, Sam watched his mother as she finished cleaning off the kitchen counters before they left. His eyes followed her lovingly around the room; she had chosen to wear a pair of blue jean-shorts and a black tank-top with a soft pink star pattern around its neck. The low heels of her soft black pocahontas boots clicked heavily on the floor as she moved around. When she finished, she turned to see her son and gave him a loving smile then pulled her hair back in a loose pony-tail. "All ready Sam?" Sara said happily as she picked up her leather jacket and keys from the dining table.

"Not quite." He said with a smile. "I'd like to show you something before we go."

Sara raised her eyebrow questioningly then checked her watch and smiled. "Alright, we are early; very early in fact. So what do you want to do?"

Sam reached out to his mother and took her paw. "Come with me." He said softly.

* * *

Sunlight pierced the trees and a gentle breeze lifted the scents of earth, grass, and wild flowers. It had been a longer walk than Sara had hoped as Sam led her along one of the trails then off the beaten path and into the woods; all the while moving upwards. Several times Sara had asked where they were going and what was so important, but Sam had simply smiled and urged her onwards.

"Sam, you do realize we need to leave here by ten-thirty at the latest don't you?" Sara said with a soft huff.

Nodding his understanding, he turned around and smiled. "It's not much further, and you'll thank me when you see it." His mother gave a light chuckle and continued to follow her son; careful of where she placed her feet so as not to damage her boots.

For a further ten minutes, Sam led his mother through deep forest. Their surroundings darkened and lightened again randomly; thick foliage or rock formations cast long shadows over the two wolves as they moved. Occasionally a wild animal would come into view; mostly woodland rodents but the occasional deer, badger and hawk made their presence known.

Sara had just about had enough when Sam finally pointed to a thinning of the tree line and break into open ground. "It's just through there and up a little more." He said enthusiastically. Sara rolled her eyes while her head was down so she didn't put her son off their little adventure. As they broke from the tree line Sara could make out the summit of the mountain they had climbed. "Race you." Sam barked then took off running to the cairn at the top of the mountain.

Growling to herself; Sara bolted after her son, her long pony-tail whipping in the breeze behind her as she ran. She quickly caught up with her son and the two wolves found themselves at a level pace for a brief moment before Sam began to slow. Sara laughed as she came into clear sight of the cairn and passed her son.

Her run came to an abrupt halt as the view from the top of the mountain suddenly seized her vision. Catching her breath for a moment; Sara gazed out over the great wilderness that she and her son found themselves in. The peaks of other near by mountains stood out clearly against the cool blue skyline; the forest and meadows below rolled on for miles in every direction, it was a sight that felt more like a gift than a simple observance. Dotted randomly here and there, Sara could make out several cabins that occupied the site that until now Sara had never truly appreciated the full size of.

Gentle paws rested on her shoulders as Sam pressed his warm body to his mother's back. Still breathing heavily, Sara spoke softly to her son as his head came to rest on her shoulder. "I'm sorry if I doubted you Sam."

Kissing her cheek softly and slowly wrapping his arms around the white wolfess; Sam whispered lovingly into her ear. "All this is ours soon."

Turning slowly in her son's arms; Sara raised her paws and cupped his cheeks lovingly. "You're the only male I want to share this with." Sara said with a tear in her eye.

"Don't cry." Sam said with a loving growl.

Sara gave a choked laugh. "They're happy tears Sam. I'm just so pleased with how everything has turned out between us and everything we have to look forward to." As her tears began to run down her cheeks, she leaned in close and kissed her son slowly and passionately. The two wolves lost themselves for a long moment as their paws slipped under clothing and teased each others bodies with gentle caresses and firm grasps.

As they gradually pulled apart, their eyes locked; azure blue and dark forest green gazed back at each other for a long moment. There was a tremble on both of their lips that Sam broke through first with a low loving growl that left his mouth no louder than a whisper. "Make love to me here; on top of our new world?"

Not even stopping to dry her eyes; Sara pulled her son back into her arms and kissed him tenderly before she answered. "Yes..."

Slowly, Sam began to peel his mother's leather jacket off her shoulders as she continued to kiss and kneed on his chest and shoulders. He dropped the heavy garment to the ground and tugged at her tank-top; a wide grin drew across his muzzle as he noticed his mother wearing her black bikini top rather than a bra. A swift pull and well timed raising of Sara's arms, saw her tank top removed and dropped onto the slowly growing pile of clothes.

Feeling the rush of the moment; Sara gripped at the waist of her son's dark green t-shirt and pulled upwards. The motion was somewhat less graceful than the removal of her own tank-top; a slight catch on Sam's paw and muzzle making them both laugh for a moment before they stepped back together and let their claws gently rake through each others fur while they began passionately kissing once again.

Loving growls and heated moans from the lovers mingled with the light wisp of the breeze as they licked and nibbled tenderly at each other's bodies. Sam was beginning to enjoy the physical teasing when he felt his mother's paws slip to his belt and begin to unfasten it. With a chuckle of amusement he hooked his fingers into the belt loops of his mother's jean-shorts and pulled her close. Sara gave a shocked gasp as their groins gently collided but continued to unfasten her son's belt as she gazed seductively into his eyes.

Before long Sam found himself stepping out of his boots, jeans and boxer shorts; likewise Sara found her bikini top, jean-shorts and black panties on the pile of clothes. Stepping back, wearing only her knee high boots; Sara pulled the hair tie from her pony-tail, letting her long black hair blow gently in the wind. Sam smiled and stepped back to his mother; as his paws brushed over her hips and slid to her backside, Sara leapt into his embrace. Brushing a little of his hair aside; Sara gently smoothed her fingers over her son's face, "My handsome wolf." She said in a breathy voice. "I love you so much."

Staring back into her eyes, Sam tightened his grip on his mother's backside while she wrapped her legs around his waist. "My beautiful Mother; I love you with all my heart." He growled soothingly. The wolves stared at each other for a long moment as they held each other in firm grips. With slow and precise steps, Sam carried his mother to a more level area of ground, then lay her down on the soft grass; moving over her body as he did.

"Come on Merlin." Sara panted softly; her body already prepared for what was to come. "Show me your magic."

Gently brushing the tip of his shaft against his mother's moist slit; Sam nodded. "Anything for you, my Lady of theLake; my Angel." Slowly sliding into his mother's warm wet pussy; Sam let out a soft growl of love. Sara gave a husky moan of delight as she felt her son's member slide deep inside her; every inch made her senses tingle and her muscles ripple around his warm flesh.

As they reached the depths of their connection, they stopped for a moment; Sara looked at her son and smiled innocently at him. It was a look of unspoiled happiness that Sam hadn't seen for years. He smiled back and gently stroked her cheek before letting his paw trail lightly down her body. Sara gasped and shivered as his claws ran over a ticklish spot on her side. They giggled playfully at each other for a moment before Sam gently pinned his mother's paws above her head; interlocking his fingers with hers. "Are you ready Sara?" He asked with a loving growl.

Sara's chest heaved, her breasts brushing heavily against her son's chest. "Take me." Without pause for thought, Sam began slowly thrusting in and out of his mother; his hard shaft throbbing as he moved. Giving a soft cry as she was penetrated; Sara looped one arm around her son's shoulders, while her other paw lightly brushed the fur on his chest and torso up and down. Their tails gently brushed each other, occasionally wrapping up with the other in a sign of deep affection.

Everything was calm as they made love; though their feelings ran high, their bodies sang together in harmony. Every thrust gradually deepened Sam's penetration, and each flex from Sara as she slowly writhed beneath him squeezed his shaft tenderly. They murmured and softly whispered to each other; Sam offering his body and soul as Sara begged for more and offered her eternal love.

Wrapping her legs around Sam's waist; Sara heaved herself off the ground as she arched her back. Sam quickly released his mother's paws then drew his own paws down her arms and scooped up his mother entirely in his arms. Their hips rolled together for a short while; moans and growls of lust filling their ears as they moved as one.

Together the lovers pulled themselves upright. Sam sat cross legged with his mother in his lap; while Sara crossed her legs behind her son's back. They sat there for a moment drinking in the sight and scent of each other; all the while they tensed and released the muscles in their groins, in a rippling massage of their united genitals. Sara gently rubbed Sam's chest and playfully bit as his nipples; the young wolf growled lovingly at his mother's attention and firmly massaged her thigh muscles in return; the shiver of excitement and sharp gasps she made as his thumbs firmly pressed along her tendons, made him smile.

Sam drew in a deep breath as he felt his mother squeeze her thighs tighter; Sara giggled softly and sat up straight, lightly grabbing her son's head and holding it to her chest. Taking her lead, Sam nuzzled and licked as his mother's breasts; he quickly brought a paw to her soft but firm orbs of flesh and lovingly massaged them, teasing the soft exposed skin of her nipples with his claws. His other paw firmly grasped her rear and squeezed, making the fur on the back of Sara's neck rise with an excited chill.

Feeling her grip around his waist loosen; Sam leaned back a little, resting his paws on the ground behind him. Sara reached forward and was about to pull him into her embrace again when Sam stretched his legs out, and placed his feet firmly on the ground. A second later he began rolling and grinding his groin into hers; their sensitive flesh rubbing heavily against each other as they moved. Sara gave several soft breathy moans as Sam's shaft burrowed deeper into her, teasing at her most sensitive and excitable areas.

Uncrossing her legs from behind Sam's back; Sara brought herself to her knees and sat straddling her son. Writhing like a belly-dancer as she rose and lowered herself on Sam's hard cock; reaching down one paw at a time and drawing them through his fur as if she were prowling over his body. With a fast shake of her head, Sara whipped her long raven black hair over her right shoulder and let it trail down the side of her son's body. Between the moans Sara gave a voice to a humorous thought. "Think I should get my hair cut when we get home?"

Sam growled disapprovingly. "No way; I love your hair when it's this long." Sara giggled to herself, knowing full well that Sam loved her long hair. Slowing her pace; Sara leaned into her son's chest, nuzzling him lovingly and blessing him with tender kisses. Enjoying the closeness; Sam reached up with a paw and lightly teased his mothers flank. As his claws traced near invisible lines through her white fur, he felt her muscles quickly tense.

"Hey! No tickling." Sara whined.

Sam chuckled and lay back on the grass. "Sorry; but you're too good not to touch."

Sara giggled and batted her eyelashes at the young wolf beneath her. With a deep satisfying murr of pleasure, Sara reached down with her paw and gently rubbed at the base of Sam's shaft. "Your knot's starting to swell Baby, I can feel it."

Sliding his paws up his mother's thighs; Sam gripped her firmly and locked his eyes to hers. "How do you want to finish this?" He panted.

Looking thoughtful as she continued to slowly grind her hip against her son; Sara gave a soft smile and lightly drummed her finger tips on Sam's chest. "Take me from behind." She purred lovingly. "Wrap yourself over me and make me feel safe; let me know that you're the only male who'll ever satisfy me again."

Wondering if there were deeper meanings in her words, Sam locked a question away for later; now wasn't the time to ask. "Turn around." He growled. Sara's eyes went wide; for the briefest moment Sam had sounded almost like his father. Almost, but not quite; his voice seemed deeper and more sure of itself that it had before. Her husband's had been deep and a little gravelly in tone, but Sam's had a lower rumble to it that seemed to command a certain level of respect and authority. Sara grinned; if it were a taste of things to come, she'd truly enjoy seeing her son reach full maturity.

Raising herself from her son's shaft, she stood and took a moment to stretch before turning her back on her son and straddling his waist once more. Carefully dropping to her knees once more, Sara lined up Sam's tip with her wet slit and lowered herself back on to his throbbing and gently swelling flesh.

Still lying on his back; Sam moved his paws to his mother's backside and helped her find a new rhythm to their love making. Sara rode his shaft skilfully; rising up until she held just his tip in her moist pussy lips, before teasing herself back down his member. The lovers moaned as their bodies gently bucked together again and again.

Shortly after his mother had turned herself, Sam sat up and growled suggestively at his mother. She smiled, understanding his meaning and crawled forward a little, allowing her son to pull his legs from beneath her. A moment later Sara felt her tail being gently moved aside as Sam gradually slipped his cock back inside her again.

The incestuous couple growled lovingly at each other as Sam slowly pressed his chest to his mother's back. "I love you." He whispered as his paws closed over his mother's.

Pushing back against her son's gentle thrust; Sara felt the growing swell of his knot slip in and out of her several times before it locked them together. "I love you too Sweetheart." She purred huskily to her mate.

As his shaft sank deeper and his tip gently pressed against her cervix; Sara had a sudden flash in her mind. A pair of eyes; blue like her own, but flecked with dark green like her son's. The lovers rocked together in their passion and again as the tip of Sam's shaft rubbed Sara's cervix; another flash appeared in her mind. Long raven black hair, like her own. Again as they moved the visions became the form of a bigger picture; each deep touch pulling a little more into her mind. Two different shades of blue fur followed; then the sound of a soft voice, and the silhouette of a young female wolf in her early twenties.

Sara moaned and growled lovingly as each thrust brought her closer to orgasm; the sensation and the images seeming to speed her along and yet slowed time. Sam huffed and growled lovingly over her shoulder occasionally licking or biting at his mother's shoulder. A low whine and sudden tremble from the wolfess in his arms let him know she was ready. With one last thrust he felt a lurch from his balls and something else.

As her orgasm hit Sara felt suddenly disconnected from the world. As she looked around she found herself standing in the middle of the lake on the surface of the water. It was dark; though the stars were shining brightly and the moon was high. More apparent to her was the fact she was completely naked. She turned around and saw the blue wolfess from her sudden visions standing a short distance from her on the water as naked as she was. For a moment Sara felt unsettled, but as she gazed at the young wolfess, everything felt natural. The blue wolfess slowly strode towards her, and Sara opened her arms lovingly. With each step the wolfess took she became younger and younger until she was only a few years old when she reached Sara's open arms. With the sweetest voice the blue wolf cub spoke. "Mommy..."

As he released his seed into his mother Sam felt as if he were suddenly displaced. He stood in the forest looking up at a great waterfall as a blue wolf cub slowly walked towards him, growing older with each step. As she reached him she looked to be in her late twenties. Her body was wonderfully sculpted from what he guessed had been a life in the forest; she had a generous bust and well curved and muscled frame, toned but not over bearing. He saw something familiar in her blue-green eyes and long midnight black hair. As she reached him he felt himself step forward and embrace the female though he did not know who she was. With a honeyed whisper she spoke softly into his ear. "Hello Daddy..."

As their bodies trembled at their release the two lovers gave a soft cry that carried on the wind. The cry carried the name of their daughter to be... Amanda.

* * *

Lying back against the cairn; Sara lovingly looked down at her son and stroked his cheek while he laid his head in her lap. It had only been ten minutes since Sam's knot had finally shrunk enough to release him from his mother's slit. They had barely said a word to each other; only smiled with a deep understanding of their future together.

Sam gently brushed his paw back and forth through his mother's fur as he gazed into her eyes. "Do you think you're..." Was all Sam managed before Sara lightly touched her fingers to his lips.

"Not yet." She purred lovingly. "I'm not ready yet, and neither are you."

"But we both saw her." Sam said with some confusion.

Sara smiled and gently ran her fingers through her son's hair. "I know Sam, but I she told me a little more."

Sam Sat up and faced his mother. "What did she tell you?"

"Two years."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Was that it?"

With a warm smile Sara stroked down her son's chest. "I could feel what she meant. Before two years have past, she'll be born."

"But what'll happen when I go to college?"

"I'll have Cara near by to help me, and I'm sure we'll have Tanya join us here soon enough." She paused briefly and fixed her son with a sultry smile. "I believe you have someone else in mind too."

Sam looked shocked for a second. "How did you know?"

"I overheard you and Cara talking last night. It's your English teacher right?"

Nodding slowly, Sam gave a soft smile. "You're not mad at me for wanting someone else to join us are you?"

Sara shook her head and tenderly stroked his cheek. "I knew you were going to tell me soon."

Reaching forward; Sam hugged his mother close. "That's it then; we'll have no loose ends so long as Tanya and Miss Rose come with us."

Sara looked off into the distance; a memory from her work and something Tanya had reminded her of on a bi-monthly basis coming to the fore. "Not quite." She said softly. "Sam, I need to do something and I'm asking for your permission."

A heavy look of concern crossed Sam's face. "What is it?"

"Someone at work who's been trying to date me for a long time. He's leaving soon and I'd like to let him go on good terms, knowing that it wouldn't have worked out between me and him."

Sam seemed curious. "Who is he?"

Sara gave a hopeful smile. "His name's Patrick, but he prefers to be called Paddy. He's a Clydesdale from the same office I work in."

Looking thoughtful, Sam gave a nod. "Alright, it is only fair."

Wrapping her son up in her arms; Sara kissed him tenderly. "Thank you Sam. I couldn't ask more from you."

Standing slowly; Sam offered his paws to his mother. She took them graciously and allowed her son to help her to her feet. They hugged for a long moment and looked out over the land they were soon to take care of. Sara felt her hair rise and blow in the wind; change was coming and it would be a good change for their future.

"Let's go." Sara said softly before kissing her son's cheek. "It'll still be here when we get back."

"When we're back for good, I hope we never have to leave for long." Sam said with a warm smile.

Sara lightly rubbed her son's chest as she gazed out over the forest, mountains and lake once more. "Me too Merlin; me too."

* * *

Mike, the old bear stood in the doorway of his office and smiled as he waved Sam and Sara goodbye. He sighed with relief as their truck pulled out of site, knowing that the place would be in the right paws once he was gone. Stepping back into the office and closing the door, he saw his daughter, Vicky clutching an old leather bound tomb. "I found what you were after Dad." She said happily.

"Good girl; bring it here." He said as he moved to his desk.

Laying the massive book on his desk, Vicky spoke up. "So what's this all about?"

Mike smiled. "I'm just making sure I know the way to our new life Vicky. Once we arrive you'll see your mother, sisters again and all those who came before us."

"Tell me about it again Daddy." Vicky said with a dreamy sigh.

The old bear smiled and eased himself back into his chair. "It's a place beyond here, through the waterfall where only those with unbound love can find. There is no conflict, only reason, learning, and love in all its forms. It is the new Camelot; a place where Morgana and Arthur reconciled their differences, and where Merlin, his mother and the nymphs who aided him in his life made their home. It is the beacon that guides those of a kindred spirit and heart to its gates and grants them eternal peace and happiness within its grounds." Mike gave a long pause then smiled lovingly at his daughter. "And we will be there soon."

Vicky smiled then slowly removed her work shirt, dropping it to the floor by her father's chair. "Then we'd better clean this place up for the new care takers; after we've had some fun."

To be continued...