Playing the part

Story by amber_bunny on SoFurry

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The character of Amber (c) myself, and is not to be used without my permission. Thanks =^.^= Also, please note that I'm not always very bright, and if this wasn't actually the movie Maleficent was in, or I messed up the name of the song and band below, please bear with me ^.^;

  • * * It was the day of the auditions for the first school play of the year at Valley High, and chatter and speculation was abound. Who would play this part? How would the play go? Who would be the next person to bomb or pass out on-stage? And in the middle of it all, Amber, a sophomore this year and the, or at least a, star of last year's final play had plans to audition, even though the choice in play was rather strange. Snow White. A Disney classic. You know, the kind of classic that girls liked until they were about ten, after which they'd still watch it but deny any possibility of this. She herself was one of these girls, spending Saturday night watching some movie or other that she'd liked as a kid, though, unlike most others, she still admitted to liking them, and could tell when someone was lying about disliking them. As the last bell of the school day rang that Friday, the dark blue-eyed pink bunny went straight to the theater after putting her books that she didn't need for weekend homework into her locker. She'd already decided on the role she wanted to, even though it wasn't much. The role of Snow White, suited her a lot better than the villainous witch Maleficent. An added bonus was that the role of the Prince would likely be taken by some hot boy of the school, hopefully a fox. Maybe even a dragon. Auditions for Snow White, the heroine of the play, took place first, followed by the role of Maleficent, then the dwarves, then even the forest animals, which, in a school of mostly anthropomorphic versions of the same, was essentially first of a species to come out would be granted the role, provided they weren't obnoxious stage hogs, which actually happened with one of the does. There weren't any other does in the school, however, and it was a rather necessary animal, so she got the part anyway. Then, finally, came the auditions for the Prince. Amber, having secured the role of Snow White, little surprise for those watching after her performance last school year and the fact that most of the other actors/resses had been seniors, was watching eagerly from one of the open seats remaining in the theater, planning to review in her own head those auditioning and perhaps select from among them which one she'd prefer. First up was a fox. Not bad looking, but he clearly couldn't remember a line to save his life. Next was a buck, who Amber thought she recognized as one of the two that had come in late to fill the spot of the forest animal version. Strong-looking, and a fairly good actor. Not a race she'd considered, but it could work. Then was another fox, more hopeful an actor than the first, but kind of nerdy in appearance. The audition for Prince spanned more of the animal kingdom, including a dragon or two and even a platypus of all creatures, before the final auditioner stepped out onto the stage. The first thing Amber could think was that they looked perfect for the role. Dressed in a regal blue uniform, even sporting a fake sword sheathed at their side, it was clear that this was a boy that would get into their part. A skunk, also, wasn't exactly something she'd considered, but he was rather good-looking, in an almost cute sort of way. There was still the actual acting part to get through, however. If he could do that, he was in in her book. And act he could, remembering every line he needed to and speaking out in a slightly low voice, fitting enough for his somewhat thin form. All the audience, Amber and the drama teacher included, gave him a standing ovation as he bowed after it was confirmed that he got the role. "Hey!" Amber called out afterwards, running across the sidewalk just outside of the school. "Hey, wait up!" The one that she'd called out to turned around, smiling faintly as he saw her. "Well, if it isn't Snow White," the skunk said. "So, what do you need?" "Well, I was wondering..." she said as she caught up to him, blushing faintly. "The play's been moved up to a week from now, since most of the props and backgrounds can be taken from older plays...maybe you'd like to get together tomorrow night know...rehearse?" she asked timidly, only glancing up into those deep, light blue eyes. Oh, of all the eyes she could lose herself in... "Why not tonight?" he offered. "My parents are out 'til tomorrow, so I've got the place to myself. Might be nice to have a little company." "T...yeah, sure!" Amber said, maybe a bit too excitedly. "I'll just call my parents and we can go." After calling her parents and promising them she'd be back by 9, Amber walked alongside the skunk to the path that led to his house, which he said wasn't very far from the school, remembering something on the way. "Oh yeah, I never got your name," she said, glancing over to the skunk that she was walking home from school with. The first boy she ever had. But then she'd be getting ahead of's not like they were going to be dating or anything, they were just in the play together. "Noel Black," he said. "And yours?" "Amber Bunny," Amber responded, and both of them shared a laugh at her last name. Something simple that her great- however many times grandfather had come up with, she'd always figured. They spent the first part of the night 'reviewing the material,' which was just a fancy way of saying that they watched the movie this play was going to be based off of. They shared a bag of popcorn while watching just for the sake of it. Once it was over, they went about rehearsing their lines, although this was fairly one-sided. For about two hours, Amber rehearsed while Noel went over it and put in any criticisms or compliments that he may have had. After that, Amber spent time acting unconscious while Noel rehearsed his lines, which wasn't exactly hard. All she had to do was lay there with her eyes closed, although once he got to the lines where the witch was defeated, she opened them, sitting back up fully and blushing faintly again, hardly noticeable through her pink fur. "I guess...this part we can probably fake..." Noel said somewhat timidly, referring to the fact that this was about the point where the Prince kissed Snow White to wake her. "Yeah, you're right...faking it would probably be good..." Amber said, a bit disappointed, though this didn't show through. "After all, it's not like we're dating or anything...though...well...oh, sorry, never mind," she said, stopping herself from complete embarassment. Not that it stopped her from doing what she did next. She kissed him. Granted, in the play, it was supposed to go the other way around, but she couldn't help herself. The perfect boy, and now it felt like the perfect kiss. And she'd probably just ruined her chance at keeping them. With that unexpected moment, the night ended, as she had to get home. She didn't see Noel in school over the next week, but knew she'd see him as Friday, the day of the play, came, and hopefully get a chance to apologize. Gossip had once again blossomed throughout the school about the play, this time, naturally, centering around the big parts: Snow White, the Prince, and Maleficent, the latter of whom was being played by a human, the only one in the play, who could be a real...well, suffice it to say, she was perfect for the role. There was, however, some interesting gossip Amber caught about the Prince, Noel, that she couldn't help but think on. A small group was commenting proudly on how the star of their class, Noel Black, had gotten the role of the Prince. And they were saying 'she' a lot. Which, naturally, made Amber uncomfortable. Was Noel really...? She tried to keep this out of her head, but it kept popping back up throughout the day, and when she finally went to the dressing room after the final bell rang for school, her fears were confirmed as she found Noel in the girls' dressing room. "You're...but...I..." she stammered, Noel intently putting on her outfit, the same that she'd used for the audition which she'd apparently stored in the dressing room, probably earlier in the day, not looking at Amber. "Yeah, sorry about that..." she said in her normal voice, lighter than the one Amber had heard her use earlier. "I probably should've let you know I was a girl on the way home, but I wanted to stay in character, and I didn't think you'd...well..." "I'm...I'm sorry about luck in the play, I'm sure you'll do great..." Amber said, walking over to where Snow White's dress was hanging, far enough away from Noel for her not to feel too awkward. " too..." Noel replied, starting to go into her more male voice. Pushing her thoughts away from Noel, Amber managed to get through the play quite well, not even her eyes showing the slightest hint of distraction. After the scene where she fell asleep from the poison apple, things seemed to move in slow motion, her worry about what would happen for the scene where the Prince was supposed to kiss Snow White seeming to extend time. Finally, that moment inevitably arrived. Amber could feel Noel kneeling by the dwarf-sized beds shoved together, could hear her lines, could even slightly feel her breath across her face, her lips, could feel her own breath quicken slightly. Then the kiss came. Not a fake kiss, but an actual one, followed immediately by a pleased whistle from some boy in the crowd, who was quickly hushed. Amber found herself thinking what pleasant kisses this and the last one were, what soft lips Noel had, how she'd wanted to lose herself in those eyes...and whispered under her breath while they were still close, so that the microphone pinned on the inside of her dress wouldn't pick it up. "Meet me later?" Noel, surprised, nodded very faintly, blushing slightly, and the play concluded as normal, the actors standing together on-stage after the final scene and bowing to an applauding audience. After the play found Noel and Amber taking the path to Noel's house once more, her parents apparently out every Friday until midday Saturday. "So you're...I mean..." Noel said timidly as they sat down on the same couch in the living room, stopped from saying whatever else she may have had on her mind by Amber's lips, Amber's arms placing themselves lightly around her neck, her body pressing into Noel's until they were laying down on the couch, Noel on the bottom and Amber on top. Slowly Noel began to return the kiss, both girls closing their eyes. Feeling a bit bold, perhaps even almost like the Prince, Noel ran her hands down Amber's sides, receiving a murr of pleasure in response, slipping her fingers under the bottom of Amber's tight tank top and sliding it up her body. Amber, breaking the kiss, untwined her arms from around Noel's neck, raising them up so that the tank top could be removed, freeing her bra-less breasts, which were even slightly more developed than most her age. "You can...feel them, if you want..." Amber offered, somewhat timidly, Noel reaching out to lightly stroke them, causing Amber's breathing to quicken a pace from the gentle touch on such a sensitive area. Untwining her arms from Noel's neck, Amber reached down the girl's body, sliding them back up after hooking the blue shirt Noel had changed back into after the play, Noel herself detaching her hand from Amber's furred breast so that her shirt could be removed, followed quickly enough by her bra, teal blue with a lace pattern. Both girls by now were breathing slightly harder, the heat in the room seeming to be building, as Noel reached up and kissed Amber deeply, lightly pulling her head down with one of her hands so that she could part her lips just a sliver, Amber's parting with them, sliding her tongue into the bunny's mouth to meet with hers and explore. She'd always imagined being in this sort of situation with a boy, but it felt better having Amber's soft, light body on top of her, her gentle touch, than she'd ever fantasized feeling with any boy. Amber herself had initially imagined being with a boy as well, and had thus found Noel, who she thought was a boy, the most attractive she thought she'd ever seen. Finding out Noel was a girl was a shock, but she'd fallen for her as a boy; what difference should it make that it turned out she wasn't a boy if those feelings still remained? Wrapping her bushy tail around one of Amber's legs, Noel resumed gently stroking one of the girl's breasts, playing with the hardened nipple in her fingers when her hand crossed it, smiling as she heard the gasp of pleasure, her tail stroking up and down the leg, occasionally across Amber's little puffball of a tail. Wanting to proceed a little further, feeling herself begin to grow wet, Amber slowly broke the kiss, sliding her tongue across Noel's as it exited her mouth. Lowering herself a little ways down the skunkette's body, she placed kisses and licks down her neck, hearing Noel's murrs of pleasure, going further with them to one of her breasts, kissing down it until she reached the nipple, which she kissed lightly before sliding her tongue across the tip. Blushing faintly, she lifted her face up, once more meeting those blue eyes that she wanted to lose herself in, only going this far by her imagination, and maybe a movie or two that she'd seen. "Should I...keep going?" she asked, the answer perhaps already clear by the hint of desire in those blue eyes. "I don't really get this...we're both girls...shouldn't we be doing this with boys or something?" Noel asked, and Amber lifted herself back up the skunkette's body until their faces were a few inches apart, eyes locked on each other. "Probably," Amber giggled. "Kinda surprised to hear you saying that since you're the one that kissed me when we both knew we were each girls." "Yeah, yeah," Noel giggled as well, staring into those beautiful, dark blue eyes, owned by the beautiful pink bunny she'd found, female or not. "Let's not forget you're the one that kissed me when you thought I was a boy. Would you prefer I actually was?" ", I wouldn't," Amber smiled, placing a soft lick on Noel's lips. "Actually thinking about it, most boys would just be in it for our bodies anyway, and be complete pigs." "Wish I would have known that before I got involved with my first boyfriend, who never got anywhere near this far with me," Noel commented. Both girls shared a laugh, contentedly laying there together for a short while longer. "...shouldn't we at least turn on the TV or radio or something?" Noel asked, perfectly fine with just laying there, holding Amber close, but feeling a little awkward with the silence ringing throughout the house, save for their breathing, which had slowed back down a little. " there one in your room?" Amber asked somewhat timidly, lifting her head from where it had been resting against Noel's neck. "Radio, or TV? I've got both up there." "Radio, as long as you're not one of those people that plays that heavy metal, or 'hip-hop', or whatever. I'm more into softer music, maybe a little Pop Rock." "You mean those candies?" Noel joked, and both girls shared another giggle. "Don't worry, I'm more into soft rock, myself." "Good," Amber smiled. "So...shall we go up?" she asked, a light blush returning to her features. "Yeah, sure," Noel agreed, and the girls got up, still half-naked, ignoring the clothes that had been discarded beside the couch. Noel's room was decorated mostly in light blue: a cabinet, a twin-sized bed, even a light blue desk complete with iMac that almost matched the color. On a TV stand across from the foot of the bed was a relatively big TV, 28", and a stereo with CD player, which Noel walked over to turn on, the first song arriving from the speakers the final few lines of 'Bring me to life' from Evanescence. (if I spelled the band name wrong, or that's not the song name, know that I don't pay much attention to that sort of thing, I usually just listen to the songs ^.^; ) The next song had hardly started before the girls removed their last remains of clothing, Amber's more timid side coming back out from behind the bravery she'd been showing earlier. Possibly seeing this, Noel directed her onto the bed, climing up onto it after her and resting her body atop the bunny's, a notable reaction arising from both girls as their lower regions touched, both still slightly wet from earlier. "Mmm...that feels good..." Amber moaned lightly, shifting around a little so their pussies were rubbing together, eliciting a moan from both girls and raising the temperature by a few degrees. Stroking both hands across Amber's breasts, her tail giving attention to one of the bunny's legs, Noel kissed Amber deeply, lovingly, sliding her tongue into the bunny's mouth, Amber doing the same as the girl's eyes closed, twining their tongues together through both their mouths. The kiss lasted most of the time through a few more songs, Noel breaking it for about the length of one song to lower herself to one of Amber's breasts, licking the nipple lightly, one hand still stroking the other breast, before taking it into her mouth, suckling lightly on it, sliding her tongue across it in her mouth, as Amber had perhaps been about to do earlier. Afterwards, she kissed lightly back up the breast, up Amber's neck, returning to the passionate kiss, tongues quickly making their way back where they felt they needed to be, in the other's mouth, sliding across the other. It didn't take much longer for the girls to share a climax, most of each girl's juices contained by the other's open pussy. On that seemingly final note, both girls hot and exhausted, Amber lightly shoved Noel over, reversing their positions so she was resting on top. "I love you, Noel..." she said sleepily, closing her eyes as she nuzzled into the skunkette's body, breasts rubbing together, returning some of the pleasure. "I love you too, Amber...good night..." Noel said, just as sleepily, closing her eyes as she wrapped her arms and tail lightly, almost protectively, around the bunny lying atop her, drifting steadily into a contented sleep, all thoughts of how they might explain their new relationship to their parents completely escaping the two female lovers.